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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6780227 No.6780227 [Reply] [Original]

Blog thread!
How are you doing today anon-sama? Any plans for today?

>> No.6780231

3 am, no plans as usual

>> No.6780232
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saged, reported, hidden, and called the cops

>> No.6780239

Today I will play video games and draw. Same as usual.
I'm not a NEET like most of you but due to special circumstances I have until march to sit on my ass and do nothing, and I will make the most of it.

This is truly living the dream, I wish my government was as generous with money as the US seems to be...

>> No.6780252
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Oh my.. that is late. You should go to bed soon.

It's great that you are enjoying your time! You are doing it right. You can be proud!

>> No.6780260

How are you doing iluvOP?

>> No.6780270

Thinking about way to suicide so tonight I will be in gensokyo ;_; as always...

>> No.6780283

>Blog thread!
anonymoustales2010 . blФgspФt .com

>> No.6780284
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Im am doing good today! Been up all night, but that's because I took a nap last evening. Im probably gonna continue reading all kinds of depressing manga. Looking forward to next week when 999 should arrive in mail!

But we never find the courage to do it in the last minute...SO why not do something tonight? Something fun! Cheer up!

>> No.6780303


but then don't you rember how much your life sucks? how you can't even rely on your parent anymore? nobody to love you now and most likely nobody to love you ever because you how much of a shy person you are?

don't kid yourself man, the message from god is clear

>> No.6780305

Very close to drunk (if not already there), don't even know why the fuck I'm replying to this atm besides the fact that I had /jp/ open in a tab and checked it in between downloading some stuff...

Since Winter season is starting, I figured I might as well catch up with last season's supposedly "good" anime. I never go to /a/ if there's something I'm even mildly interested in, because they will spoil it like all fuck and be dicks about it, but, so far I saw Ika Musume (7/10) and Milky Holmes (8.5/10, entertained me for a bit and I thought I loved it at first, but it got stale and forced by the last few eps).

Marathoning Oreimo tonight and jesus fuck, much to my surprise it's actually pretty good, only a few more eps to go. My one concern though is that there is not nearly enough Kuroneko, and far too much Kirino. Fuck Kirino, her mindset is fucking cancerous (and obnoxious to the max).

>> No.6780314

Yeah I thought it was pretty fucked up how they focused on the titular imouto and not on a side character.

>> No.6780345


You broke my sarcasm meter but whatever, I digress, I can't really complain when Kirino is still somewhat likable in the utterly naive, innocent way. Just reading over the summary before, I stayed miles away from this when it was still just manga, but now I suppose I can see some of its merit.

Nevertheless, it was pretty satisfying to see the anime studio tear Kirino's stupid little story to pieces, and Kuroneko outline why it was spectacularly terrible. I however dislike how Kyou can just constantly go and take the brunt of what Kirino well-deserves to have coming to her, and keep getting away with everything going swell afterward... Unless that backfires in the last eps, then that will be my major nitpick with the series, simply from a "this is fucking boring I can see what happens 10 minutes in the future every episode" kind of way.

>> No.6780354

You are doing yourself a disservice by not watching TWGOK.

>> No.6780358


Putting it on my to-do list. I'll be done with Oreimo in a couple of hours anyway, might as well have something new to start on.

>> No.6780364

you are right ... I still have to decide on method but I have pills ready in case I wont have idea

>> No.6780372

Trying to make a song with friends but he told me to make the drum part first.

>> No.6780376
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You better flush dem pills down the toilet.

What kind of music exactly?
Also time to make some green tea.

>> No.6780385

About an hour ago I came home from an anime convention. There wasn't much to do past 11 so I ended up going into the dance room.

There was a Cirno cosplayer I wanted to dance with but I was too beta ;_;

>> No.6780388


stop procrastinating. at least if you do it you get the chance to make everyone feel guilty for a while
but dont count on it

>> No.6780391

I guess it would be pop-rock

>> No.6780399

Still ridding my computer of virii. I made a final sweep today and everything seems fine. Computer boots up and shuts down without hanging, I'm able to browse the internet without my browser being hijacked, and many different services are reporting that my system is free of anything odd. I swear I can still hear the RAM while the computer is idling. Is it normal for a computer's RAM to randomly make noise like it's loading something very small? It just sounds like a tick or two, never longer than a few seconds at a time. I've become so paranoid over this small thing that I'm not even sure that it's the RAM making the sound. It could be a loose fan for all I know.

What does /jp/ think?

>> No.6780405
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Pop-rock eh. Haven't heard of that stuff before I think... Well good luck with that! Be sure to try your best.

>> No.6780406

1409, gonna visit little brother soon, after that propably get some greasy food to easy this hangover, and then head over to my friend and play MGS4.

>> No.6780407


>jp & blog threads

>> No.6780411

Tripfags and normalfags posting in a shitty blog thread?

Color me surprised.

>> No.6780425

I was supposed to go out to dinner with my mother tonight but when she called me in the afternoon I told her I wasn't feeling well. I was in bed for most of the day because I ate too many donuts before I went to bed. The donut shop opens at 11PM to ready themselves for the morning rush, so when I got them around midnight they were so fresh, slightly crunchy on the outside, warm and moist on the inside.

>> No.6780432
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I went out in the city to buy a CD even though I was sick. It was advertised as 30% off but I don't think they actually gave me any discount, I was too much of a pussy to voice my opinions anyway. I think I have influenza or some other shit, my head's hurting, my nose is running and I can't stop sneezing goo all over my computer. I'm currently trying to ease the pains with tea.

The CD is pretty good though.

>> No.6780435
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I listened to OHC all night last night, so I went to bed at like 6am and got up at like 4pm, so I got behind on some translation cleanup I was gonna do this morning, and got further behind when I remembered I had a bunch of image edits to make. On top of that, I realized I had more Flash recompilation to do, and someone online claims that their Windows has a horrible font that screws everything up, so I'm probably not getting this done this weekend, which kinda sucks. I should at least get the text cleanups and Flash crap out of the way today though work is going to get in the way of that somewhat.

Listening to the 2dx6 soundtrack made me remember how many great song it has. I need to get off my ass and come up with a nice piano arrangement of Five Regrets, among other things. Music has really taken a backseat to code and translation and work god dammit over the past year, though... I need to fix that this year.

>> No.6780449
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Be sure to eat your tummy full and take it easy so you won't feel so bad.

Awww, get better soon! Tea should help a bit as long as you don't drink it too hot. Stay warm and enjoy that music with all your heart. It seems that all of /jp/ is sick at the moment.

You sounds quite busy. Do you have enough time to take it easy?

>> No.6780455

I went on /jp/ to see if it wasn't terrible. I was not pleased with what I saw.

>> No.6780458
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My insides are hurting and I wanted someone to hold me tight but I'm afraid of hurting what few people close enough to me, and every encounter with the non-people who glibly contrive the motions of a human makes it more and more wretched to deal with the few people still truly human. I'm just so afraid of losing them to this inhumanity or breaking them.

>> No.6780472
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I was thinking of going to the farmers market and then reading Satre's Nausea in a bamboo grove at the botanical gardens.

>> No.6780479

13:25 - I've been playing tanks since I got up and made breakfast at 10 (eggs and bread).

Next up is more tanks.

Then at 16:00 I'll be meeting up in the shared kitchen with a girl who lives on the same floor as me, and then we'll decide on whether we go shopping for ingredients to make a layer cake, or something for dinner.
Or both, I don't know. I think there'll be some other guy, at least that was the plan last time the 3 of us talked.

Then we're going to watch a Hitchcock movie of some kind.
That was the plan last Sunday as well, but we ended up playing PS2, and I got my ass handed to me in both Guitar Hero and Tekken 4.

>> No.6780499

you're making cake with a girl?

get out of /jp/

you've graduated, now leave for greener pastures *sob*

>> No.6780515

I made a new friend today, as well as help an old friend get over his depression. Then I played some TF2 and listened to Boards of Canada. Its been a pretty fun day.

>> No.6780521
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I don't quite understand...

Anyways. Some guy came whining about me listening to music too loud in the night time. God it was awkward. Better be stealthy from now on when going outside so I wont see that guy ever again! HE WAS SCARY! And old...

>> No.6780523

Are you Copenhagen guy?

>> No.6780537

Doesn't make me less of a 23-year-old virgin. She's nice and all, but even if she didn't have a boyfriend, I don't think I'd ever try to go anywhere.
Maybe if I was in better physical shape and felt better about myself, but, yeah..

My shared kitchen is the only social contact I have, apart from when I meet up with my best friend who moved to my city some 5 months ago.

We see each other maybe once or twice each month.

>> No.6780546

Thanks. You are only normal person in this thread.(expect me since I will be youkai soon, not human)

>> No.6780550

Yeah, that's me.

But the girl probably isn't the same as the one you're thinking about.
This one moved in after the summer holidays, where I'd already been living here for 2 years.

She's awfully outgoing, but I suppose that's why I even talk to her. I'm never the one to start a conversation with someone I've just met.

She seems to enjoy all that social stuff, but I suppose that's how she got us all together to paint the hall, and do some other stuff with the whole floor together.

>> No.6780578

This might be unbelievable, but just kill off that troublesome ego--just imagine a world where instead of thinking about yourself you just live without a concept of the immutable "self", but merely a small patch of reality deformable by your human agency, the interconnectedness of which we call humanity.

What I mean is ask her out for coffee or something.

>> No.6780598

>just kill off that troublesome ego
If only it was as simple as you made it up to be.

The worlds we see are different.
My very person is different depending on who looks at it.

>> No.6780646
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I really do think that a lot of otaku have this sort of hyperawareness which stops us in our tracks, prevents us from truly seeing and living in the world around us; we are entrapped in this concept of the self, a grotesque and hateful self which we cannot take our eyes off, a spectacle like a wrecked car.

That's why I think it's so hard to escape from this prison without the eyes of another; maybe, just maybe if we could see something beautiful in ourselves it would be possible to live, but simply the nature of our illness prevents us from seeking help, or a sort of self-defeatism precludes such contact.

So inevitable as it is, you're by yourself and all alone, and if you can't love yourself and forgive your ugliness a bit then no one else can help you. Take care, and although it sounds trite, I really do hope the world for you, and that you might be able to smile and love and feel loved.

>> No.6780666

That was deep bro, deep.

>> No.6780668

I think I'll either wait for Misaki or take it easy until I figure something out by myself.

>> No.6780710


>> No.6780737

Playing some Starcraft II, I got this game a few days ago and I'm loving it.

>> No.6780740
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Well Im off to bed for now. Sucks to go to bed at 4pm.

>> No.6780750

Really really drunk, read some slice of life manga an internet friend linked me and it really hit me in my weak point. I'm used to the nagging depression that comes with being a hikki welfare leech but I thought I'd conquered the memories of college with my life of self centered hedonistic solitude and its much harder to shrug off sadness when theres a reason to pin to it.

Anyone here listen to Japanese post rock/neo classical? I'm really enjoying Hurtbreak Wonderland at the moment and later I'll be listening to Kashiwa Daisuke's Program Music a little later.

>> No.6780794

Doing some programming, reinstalling my storage server, watching some anime, cleaning my house, chating with friends and browsing /jp/ and danbooru.

Pretty much all I'm doing today.

>> No.6780805
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>> No.6780818

Meh, I'm getting ready to go to bed, so that I can wake up in six hours, and spend yet another 12 hour day at work, bored out of my mind. Deployment sucks, yo.
