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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 800x600, flyabletrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6779667 No.6779667 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN editing for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Editing Collaboration!

How do I participate?

A. Edit Images.
Go to http://flyabletrans.pastebin.com/uVqngtMZ
Download any image, edit the text, and upload it when done. Upload the image here or post a list of links.


B. Edit Text.
If you haven't been granted access already, post your IP and role in this thread and wait to be granted access OR post your desired user ID and PGP public key and wait for your encrypted login credentials to be posted.
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be editing
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been edited yet
Write your edited lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics. Try to keep the more amusing lines.

Progress: Translation 100%. Alpha Editing 7200/73560

あ = ah
ああ = ahh
あ[n] = ah[n]
え = eh
ええ = ehh
はあ = haa
はああ = haaa

きゃ = kya (bloody murder for Alpha/Pre-Alpha)
きゃあ = eek (cowabunga for Alpha/Pre-Alpha)

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.6779669


>> No.6779673

The best time of the day is here again!
>Because it's that "to consider a topknot" of Sakurako which won the victory in that cake king championship is edible, it's natural.
>Although the various refreshment stands and exhibitions, and the total number of students of the school should not be so numerous, it rises wonderfully.
>I decided to desire for turning things around at the revelry of the Ryouran Festival.
>To just wash away the pace of Mayuri-san is surely again to skilfully run from place to palce.
>To what extent does the chairman work on plans to be an intrusion to me?
>She's telling to quickly take it out dramatically eloquently.

>> No.6779679

Shouldn't you be posting screencaps without glaring errors? Wouldn't that help your case instead of proving how bad your work is?

>> No.6779735

Go suck your mother's cock, faggot.

>> No.6779751

Speech does not necessarily have to be gramatically correct.

>> No.6779860

This is SUGOI.

>> No.6779869

Text in a visual novel, however, does need to be correct.

>> No.6779877

New day, new thread, new report.

>> No.6779923

Except in this case, the speech IS the text.

Go report the 10 or so NSFW and offtopic threads first, idiots. Here, start with this:
>>6779865 >>6779879 >>6779597 >>6779829 >>6779025 >>6779007 >>6779714 >>6779718 >>6779711 >>6779099 >>6779420 >>6779337 >>6779336

>> No.6779933

Informal sentence fragments to convey casual speaking are fine. Then you go to a second test, is it a sentence that any English speaker would ever say? No? Then there's a problem with it. It's clear what it should be, but synonyms are not equivilent. "Good work" is not an equivilent statement to "righteous duty." Machines cannot apply the context required to choose the correct synonym, thus you have this with mistake instead of issue and work instead of job.

>> No.6779939

I know you mean well and stuff, but you're just getting yourself trolled here.

>> No.6779946

You're breaking the global rules too, champ. Given your persistence, you're even more deserving of being banned than any of them may be.

>Mayuri-san is only one girl, and for existence hugged in my arm completely, I do not want to separate from this person.
>In order to make Yui and the others relieved, every moment I nodded.
>I felt the rising again of the heartbeat noisily since a short while ago was somebody else's problem.
>My heart begins to make the beating sound increasingly noisily.
>Although the happiness is happy, for some reason I'm excessively embarrassed.

>> No.6780038

The same can be said of you, troll.

>> No.6780044

This thread is a fucking eyesore, just keep doing your thing without spamming a thread that serves no purpose.

>> No.6780052

Yeah. It's a good thing we TLWiki shills own the mods, right? Otherwise, how would we get away with these grave injustices against the innocent Flyable Heart project?

>Different from me who continuously didn't calm down since yesterday, Mayuri-san was very much usual.
>The heart still calls bangingly.
>Although it's not only the pain, it's good if I can also brush gently the real meaning of Mayuri-san's tears, if it's possible.
>Either way, I didn't feel the same extent of feelings of rejection in those words that were said.
>"Which may be moved, if it's Mayuri-chan, she understands~? And when there is the help of a boy, it's also easily transported!"

>> No.6780063

No actually I like seeing this thread. W

What I don't like is people bumping it when it doesn't need to be bumped. Anyone interested in this thread can find it.

>> No.6780066

Kill yourself.

>> No.6780158

Will you get word-wrap, or translated images in at some point?

>> No.6780174

It's actually amusing that they haven't implemented wordwrap yet since it's one of the most basic programming exercises imaginable.

>> No.6780208

Reporting in to tell you all how shit this project is.

>> No.6780210

Deciding where to break the lines depends on the available length of each line and the content of the lines themselves. That depends on the font size, which has yet to be decided. Splitting lines may also be needed, depending on how long some of them end up. At the moment, wordwrap is low-prority and RTM-blocking.

Someone posted some translations in a prior thread, but no one has actually edited images yet. It's Beta-blocking.

>> No.6780215

>That depends on the font size, which has yet to be decided.

How does variables work durr.

>> No.6780220

We are not going forward with any cosmetic issues until *after* the text has reached its final form, because they are dependent on that.

>> No.6780230

You're just proving that you have no understanding of what you're doing at all. The implementation isn't going to change later. God help me for saying this, but you're just creating more work for yourself by not dealing with manual newline insertion while editing. I suppose that being retarded is your modus operandi anyway.

>> No.6780241

>but you're just creating more work for yourself by not dealing with manual newline insertion while editing
No. Me and the other editors edit the text. We don't have to care about any of that. Our LTP will put in the linebreaks and perform splitting/merging, once the text will not change and things like font size have been decided.

>> No.6780249

>Me and the other editors edit the text.
>Me and the other
Haha, oh wow.

>> No.6780269

Yeah, I'm tired of trying to make you wrap your head around this concept. The tool should automatically perform linebreaking on script insertion with special allowances easily made if manual breaks need to be inserted, which should be obvious when looking at the script anyway. The most basic string operations are all that's needed to accomplish this. Macros in Microsoft Word are capable of this. If it can't do that, it's a piece of shit. Not surprising at all since it's ReTrans.

>> No.6780285

Go to bed, Flyable Heart.

>While screaming, the chairman sequentially takes out the load.
>"Yes. Then, if your help is available again, take out your visage this way."
>I stop the hand that was eating and turned towards the flowerpot which was there in the room.
>In order to make Sakurako like that relieved as much as possible, I spread a soft smile fully on the face.
>"It's so! Already... and yet you say you're always worryingly worried about me."

>> No.6780286

Are you the same retard who kept complaining about Hatsukoi's fullwidth text? He clearly said that has NOTHING to do with him and will be done at the end. And how you think it should be done is of no consequence since you're just a complaining idiot and not anyone who is actually doing something with the project.

>> No.6780297

Ignore the trolls and the guy who needs to go back to elementary school English.


>> No.6780306

Do you really need to bump the thread every 5 minutes, Cudder?

>It isn't the pretense of gentleness, nor calculation. Hitherto, it's the closest distance with Mayuri-san.........it's close.
>After all, the bewildered Mayuri-san is......is closer than any Mayuri-san until now.
>"I feel it's like you're saying you don't want to approach near anyone."
>"Although I had thought a little since before......the distance Mayuri-san has with others somewhere."
>"---------Variously, you've become stupid."

>> No.6780317
File: 24 KB, 224x411, tcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off and die, autistic cunt

>> No.6780351

Found a patch of untranslated lines. Doing them now.

>> No.6780361

/jp/ - Cudder's Personal Twitter

>Whether it's because Amane is directly next to the floor, Mayuri-san restrained her voice.
>Doing a bow, Amane returned to the depths.
>Indeed wanting to say she was already not interested in me, Mayuri-san looked at the retreating figure of Sakurako indefinitely.
>"Yes, as for Mayuri-san, a chocolate incubation, and for Shou-kun, a cheese tart."
>"Yayifications! Cake!!"

>> No.6780366

>"Yayifications! Cake!!"
Fuck yeah.

>> No.6780392

Trivia: How many TLWiki shills does it take to shit up this translation thread?
Answer: None. OP shits it up himself.

>> No.6780452
File: 3 KB, 203x34, flashl-0700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying, the game engine should wrap the text automatically, which would save humans the effort of having to insert linebreaks and check it to make sure it looks okay. You don't have to wait until you decide on a font, since the OS gives you ways to calculate how much space a bunch of text will take up, which lets the program figure out where line breaks need to go on the fly.

Oh, and by the way, once that's built into the engine, you don't have to worry about it for any future project ever, either. But, it's your time allocation!

>> No.6780473

>which would save humans the effort of having to insert linebreaks and check it to make sure it looks okay
But we don't have to do that. Our LTP will do it at the end. How they do it (probably automatically) is not my responsibility.
>once that's built into the engine, you don't have to worry about it for any future project ever, either
Again, that doesn't matter.

>> No.6780506

You're running out of steam, greentext-san.

These are starting to sound like English now.

>> No.6780518

Nevermind him, he was always just trolling. Despite what he thinks of the superiority of his Japanese knowledge, what he's posting really means what the original lines did.

Maybe his exposure to all the rewritten stuff has clouded his judgement.

>> No.6780547

>bean-shaped pancake stuffed with sweet red fish paste

>> No.6780604

And, for me, it was a short life, ended by this misunderstanding...

I thought she hadn't reached this far.

>> No.6781536


>> No.6782294


>> No.6782766

/jp/ is amazingly trollfree at this hour.

>> No.6782826

Does thread even need to exist? It's not like anyone's joining the project. The constant bumping from cudder is kind of annyoing.

>> No.6782915

good morning samefag

>> No.6782982

Spoke too soon (or too late, depending on how you look at it.)

>> No.6783963

I can't believe that no one has marked this as spam yet, am I the only one using 4watch?

>> No.6784589


>> No.6784612

Isn't it a little early for your daily aneurysm, Cudder?

>"I said. Because it's unpleasant for incompetence like you to loiter around me, I just stopped temporizing expressly."
>"It's annoying, for him to do such a thing. Therefore, although I said to not approach."
>Fired up, I put power in my stomach.
>"It's a naive head that can have such a vivid understanding."
>"I'll also request this. If there is male help, it seems you won't mind even carrying more or less baggage."

>> No.6784635

>calling others samefags
Ironic, isn't it?

>> No.6784657

Posting completely correct lines? Idiot.

>> No.6784692

Yep! I just like showing how amazing your work is!

>"Shou-kun, is minding Mayuri-chan. Are you throbbing? Is it youth?"
>......Although her strange a short while ago was strange as expected, I wonder what the fuck is wrong.
>"Excrement, hehe~ Surely during the time when I'm returning I have no doubt a nice idea will appear!"
>Finishing toiletting, without being especially careful, I safely returned.

>> No.6784730

>is minding Mayuri-chan
Was the verb 気にする?

>> No.6784895

Ignore the trolls; bump.

>> No.6784929

>Finishing toiletting, without being especially careful, I safely returned.
Sir not good idea. Not being especially careful, might you not safely into the toilet you fall. XDXDXDXD

>> No.6785011

Excrement, hehe~

>> No.6785013

Green text poster; you have to have a mental disorder to devote so much time to this. No one even gives a fuck about it.

Keep showing the world you are a total retard while we laugh at you.

>> No.6785037

I suggest all releases be DRM'd such that if it detects you posting text from it, your HDD gets wiped.

>> No.6785488

>I can't believe that no one has marked this as spam yet, am I the only one using 4watch?
I use it too but please don't mark this as spam. I'm always amused at the paranoid manchildren branding each other with names like back in kindergarten. If it really bothers you, I'd recommend adding "Flyable Heart Semi-Open" into the Subject field of the regular 4chan filter. That should take care of it.

>> No.6785519

Will consider for Beta.

>> No.6785534

It's a perfect plan too, because no actual human would ever say anything like the lines in your script!

>I can't think at all that she's the same as the person gentle and elegant to that extent until a short while ago.
>Didn't I possibly dream...something like that I thought as far as a stupid thing.
>Earlier than I turned around in surprised at that voice, my body rose.
>The result being causing Amane to suffer to here, would it not become so..?
>It's bad, when I'm thinking deeply and excessively dazedly, the hand stops.

>> No.6785552

Might as well download Atlas instead and parse the original scripts to get the same results.

>> No.6785554

You obviously haven't met many humans.

in b4 /jp/, NEET, etc.

>> No.6785573

It's time to play a game again!

Guess that song!
>Above the sky on the other side of the rainbow, like a lullaby appearing, there is a dream country where the wishes of everyone come true

>> No.6785582

So what. The meaning is there. That's all that matters.

>> No.6785588

You are a retard.

Let me guess you want it all localized in perfect English. Fuck off.

>> No.6785600

Are these parts being posted considered completed? Because that's pretty terrible, and I'm not even a native speaker.

>> No.6785607

No they are not "completed"

>> No.6785609

I don't know if you're not a native English speaker, but to be honest what's been posted is full of obvious grammatical mistakes.

Is the translation team made entirely of non-native speakers or something?

>> No.6785616

Does machine translation count as non-native? Because that's what all of it is. I've seen the script before. There are practically no typos or misspellings, but grammatical atrocities and incorrect context are endemic.

>> No.6785619

That would be a reasonable guess I think.

>> No.6785625

Wouldn't they be able to finish the whole project in a week if they were just machine translating the whole thing?

>> No.6785628

Maybe they're aware of their failure at English and just reamed their output through a spellchecker.

>> No.6785634


>> No.6785640

Me and the other anons thinks English are low-prority.

>> No.6785656

That's where ReTrans comes in, adding 3-5 seconds of mandatory wait time for every line modification.

>> No.6785709

The goal isn't perfect English? So... what is it?

>> No.6785722

Something close enough.

>> No.6785729

The goal is something close to English? What?
There's still no excuse for not using the English lyrics to an English song.

>> No.6785739


This is build A20110110051709.101 based on the state of the repository at approximately 2011-01-10 05:17:09 4ST. Contents:

1cf0ee6c96e55dfa96673fb479ff59a1940ae7ef 6539 FHTRANS_README.TXT
7803bd8e8ffd2e0f0af0b29bc8e67dcc7133ad12 4642308 SCRIPT.SRC
32a5b2cb87b5d260dbd61a62e40eed6d629beed0 3046822 TEXT.DAT

This build contains first 8192 edited lines.

>> No.6785757

>This build contains first 8192 edited lines.
First 8192 lines parsed through Google Translate, you mean?

>> No.6785763

Something that renders the original in a form that looks English.
It's a translation, so everything gets translated.

>> No.6785765

Even their names.

>> No.6785773

This project is not just a machine translation.

Quit listening to Mr. Neo-Demerjian.

>> No.6785776

Indeed. It consists of revolutionary translation localization technology, amirite, Cudder?

>> No.6785778

The next thing you'll be claiming is the translators are made of wood screws.

>> No.6785785

why can't you just shut the fuck up
and get the fuck out

>> No.6785795

Silly anon. It takes more than a few wood screws to copy and paste text in babelfish

I'm starting to wonder how many variations of your name you can come up with to bypass my list of filtered faggots and shitposters.

>> No.6785832

you are the shitposter.

>> No.6785867

I normally don't care a bit for you. However you happen to be quite correct in this instance. They just need to get the fuck out.

Maybe they will go back to posting anime and telling us it belongs in /jp/.

>> No.6785881

Resorting to samefagging?

>> No.6785888

To bad you are fucking wrong.

I see you started a new anime thread though.

>> No.6785910

What happened to your name? I can't filter shit like you if you post as anonymous.

>> No.6785961

What a fucking tool. You are simply amazing in your ignorance and assumptions.

>> No.6786487

This thread is full of delicious shill tears.
