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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6777029 No.6777029 [Reply] [Original]


Next year or the next, Sony is going to release a proper sized glassless 3DTV.

I'm guessing there'll be other TVs that'll do this as well.

And to think, I was THIS close to getting a sizable 3DTV this year.

/jp/ related as you're all consumerist whores

>> No.6777041

3D is for fucking morons.

>> No.6777043

3D visual novels...

>> No.6777047

>I prefer flat plane to 3D

Kill yourself.

>> No.6777054


>> No.6777060

I do too, but I have glasses and I don't really care about image quality as long as it isn't terrible. I tried one yesterday and saw no notable difference.

>> No.6777063

I tested one out at a Sonystyle and was impressed.

Objectively, depth>

>> No.6777067

none of us can afford something like that idiot,
go blog somewhere else kid.

>> No.6777068

Imagine reading Umineko in 3D

>> No.6777074

underage ban

>> No.6777084

>Okay guys, I know the last twelve times when 3D was the in-thing it died, but this time it's going to totally stay in style!

>> No.6777087

of course, it's far more advanced now

>> No.6777098


>> No.6777101

I don't see how this is irony.

>> No.6777108


"Hurr we r jaypee, we r legium, true NEETs mastah race only."

A lof of people on /jp/ have money, just look at the room threads and all those guys with lots of figures and expensive computers.

I'm not one of them ;_;

>> No.6777110

Probably because you are an underage, OP.

>> No.6777190

OP here, that wasn't me

paranoid underagefag confirmed

>> No.6777241

There's nothing wrong with Sony's shutter glasses though. They don't flicker, aren't too heavy and they properly block out peripheral light.

Also, other methods of watching 3D are worse than active shutter glasses, loss of resolution being the biggest issue. If all these glasses free sets aren't 3840x1080 minimum, you can look forward to low-res 3D images (like you already get with passive glasses).

>> No.6777260
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I don't have one because I'm a poorfag. At least I admit it unlike some people in this thread who try to pretend they don't want one.

>> No.6777355


First of all Sony sucks ass. Secondly, my old 2D Pioneer ELITE KURO PRO-101FD Signature Series will absolutely kick the shit out of any current generation 3DTV LCD panel in color gamut and black level performance.

>> No.6777373

That feel when you reach out and your hand simply passes through air

>> No.6777375

Consider me a part of the 3DTV consumer base when it starts becoming a somewhat popular medium for galge. I seriously expect this to happen in a few years, and when it does it'll be amazing. But until then, I'm not that interested.

>> No.6777382

The technology's too new, if you buy one now it'll be obsolete before you know it.
Wait a while until they're commonplace and then buy one.

>> No.6777378

When that TV is going to come out, I´m going to buy a brand-new CRT for shmupping

>> No.6777388

I like how early adapters are always the winners!

>> No.6777429

How would galce of all games take advantage of 3D? Make the character sprites pop out of the background?

>> No.6777438

You still would not be able to touch them.

>> No.6777497

I'll probably buy a 3DTV, but I'll wait about 2 more years. It's still in the developmental era.

>> No.6777636

I really have to express my gratitude to the people who buy those overpriced 3DTVs that are on the market right now. Thank you for betatesting an unfinished and cumbersome technology, so that I may enjoy glasses-free 3D for a fraction of the price in a couple of years.

>> No.6778093

You're welcome, old friend. Thankfully, I don't pay for my gear so I love being an early adopter.
Oh, and I've been doing just great btw.

>glasses-free 3D for a fraction of the price
And a fraction of the resolution! The TV OP mentions is only going to be 2048x1080... you're not going to want to watch a Blu-ray 3D movie at 1024x1080 or a normal Blu-ray at a non-native res.

>> No.6778113

This thread is a perfect example of American /jp/.

>> No.6778144
File: 8 KB, 645x773, 1294527641001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you can't buy any stuff all the cool kids have because you are too poor.

>> No.6778237
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>> No.6778242

I know that feel

>> No.6778441

Within 10 years they'll have the technology to make anime 3D, how does /jp/ feel about this?

>> No.6778446

I don't like the idea right now but it'd probably look pretty damn good.

>> No.6778458

How can I be a consumerist whore when I'm unemployed and have no money?

Why would you post this on /jp/

>> No.6778761

3d looks great
just the current 3d industry standards are pretty much shit

still low frame rates to save money (motion not fluid)
still low refresh rates to save money (unpleasant flicker)
using only slow lcd panels to save money (ghosting and smearing)

overall the current standard is even worse than 10 years ago
don't support this shit

tech is available right now

>> No.6778771

Why would you buy a TV at any time other than Black Friday?

>> No.6778778

I've tried 3DTVs in retail stores. You just get some stuff popping out 4-5 inches out of the screen. Not really that exciting. It's no thing like movie experiences where it really jumps into your face. I'd rather get ultra high definition TVs than a 3DTV.

>> No.6780871

3DTV's are shit, 3D gaming might be something else though. I reserve my final judgment until I play new generation video games on a glasses-free 3DTV

>> No.6780889

Fuck these almost a holodecks. I want a holodeck.

>> No.6780894

I bought a Sony 3D tv. I don't know how it compares to theaters (I don't go to them), but it is nice enough. Since I was buying a TV anyway, there was no reason not to get a 3D set.

>> No.6780899


>> No.6780901

because black friday is for selling inferior versions of normal models to rubes

e.g. lower contrasts, less outputs, 1080i vs 1080p, etc.
