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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 179 KB, 370x275, Sheryderpsleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6775354 No.6775354 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6775365
File: 337 KB, 557x2500, nom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6775360
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, [Doremi].HeartCatch.PreCure!.18.[1280x720].[38A935C6].mkv_snapshot_11.35_[2011.01.05_14.35.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6775372
File: 869 KB, 1280x720, 1292701227944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6775366

Useless loli dykes.

>> No.6775373
File: 284 KB, 667x1500, 1292636275213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6775386
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes - 10 [1280x720 H264 OGG] [DD8192C3].mkv_snapshot_10.26_[2010.12.14_19.17.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those potatoes always make me hungry

>> No.6775389

Delicious dirty foreskin

>> No.6775404

Slut detected. Are dicks all you can think about? Haven't you ever eaten baked potatoes in company of fellow little girls? It's one of the greatest joys one can experience. Even better if they're baked under campfire.

>> No.6775414

I'm sorry...I'm just hitting puberty. I probably can't hang out with you sweethearts anymore...

>> No.6775418

>Haven't you ever eaten baked potatoes in company of fellow little girls? It's one of the greatest joys one can experience.
yes because the starchy potato is good for you...

no it's not, almost as bad as grains. that will all turn into glucose in your gut, way more glucose than you need, your body will be pumping itself full of insulin and too much of that will cause insulin resistance, leading to diabetes...

avoid potatos, they are a junk food

>> No.6775420

Wow, what a killjoy. You're definitely not coming to our next slumber party.

>> No.6775435
File: 448 KB, 2358x3353, 6ea0444216cdbe11fc4bd9c8fb8f9847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.

>> No.6775440

Silly Anonymous, we're all little girls here. You're not hitting puberty. Enjoy being unable to age, forever.

What are you talking about, some starch is necessary for the body. How are you going to get enough energy for elegant tea parties if not for carbohydrates?

>> No.6775465

>What are you talking about, some starch is necessary for the body

>How are you going to get enough energy for elegant tea parties if not for carbohydrates?
vegetables and select fruits (be careful which fruits)

on top of that, you body is perfectly capable of living in minimal carbohydrates, even the brain can run with only small amounts.

for most of man's evolution, there were very small amounts of carbohydrates <100g compared to the average of well over 200g today

>> No.6775478

>starch not necessary
>go on to recommend fruit
What are you doing.

I agree with the rest though.

>> No.6775482
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>> No.6775486

/jp/ - Nutrition

>> No.6775489

not all fruits have starch, you don't need starch, simple sugars are fine (in small amounts)

starch is also fine in small amounts, better than simple sugar it's true, but either way a potato has too much

>> No.6775499

>not all fruits have starch
But most do.

>a potato has too much
No it doesn't, especially fire-baked potatoes where you invariably discard a part of the edible potato mass and some of the starch is converted into sugars during the heating.

>> No.6775508

Those Japanese potatoes make you fart. Ojamajo Doremi taught me that.

>> No.6775512

by too much I do not really mean starch, more carbohydrates

in fact, 1 average size potato is pretty much all the carbohydrates you need for the whole day, but people are often eating much more than that, the ones the milky holmes girls are eating are not average sized to my eye, I think nero might develop diabetes in future

>> No.6775514

/jp/ - Potato Culture

>> No.6775523

Jesus fucking christ, eating a potato once in a while is not going to have any serious effect on anybody. What you see in Milky Holmes is just 焼き芋 which most Japanese people don't eat on a daily basis or even all year round. It's a fall/winter food that people eat only once in a while.

>> No.6775540

that may be, but what about rice? japanese people are eating this dangerous grain daily, it is lucky their diets are also very fat and protein dependent

>> No.6775532

I wish I had a potato waifu. I'd tease her small, undeveloped sprouts despite her protests ("Anonymous, d-don't! I-it's poisonous! ) as I run my hand across her delicious, smooth, deep brown-colored tubers. I'd lick the stamens of her flowers while remarking how lewd a girl she is to leave them exposed like that. I'd listen to her sweet gasps as I lightly brush my tongue on her pistil. After the deed, she'd break down crying, saying that she's a triploid and cannot produce seeds with me, but I'd kiss her lightly and tell her it's okay...

If only ;_;

That's because they're yams, which have lower carbohydrate content compared to potatoes.

>> No.6775544

Eating potatoes almost daily, not giving a fuck.
They're awesome, deal with it.

>> No.6775547

And yet Japan has one of the best average life spans in the world.

>> No.6775549


>> No.6775558

mostly due to their heavy fish diets, but do milky holmes girls ever eat fish on the show? as far as I remember, it was these yams, and a lot of bananas. both very bad for insulin tolerance in high qualities

>> No.6775559


Is it not still the top in the world actually?

Last time I checked their population had an obesity rate of like.. 3%. Although considering that many of them are eating Westernized food basically daily now, I'd expect that to change. Or maybe not, since they drink so much goddamn tea and eat a lot of seaweed etc.

>> No.6775565

You do know that humans have had a number of amylase gene duplications, and that cultures that regularly consume starch-rich food have higher numbers of amylase gene copies to cope, right?

Rice-eating master race here, enjoy being genetically inferior.

>> No.6775566

German, actually.
Potatoes are like the most basic and most appreciated side dish for meals here, at least for traditional food.

>> No.6775570
File: 61 KB, 571x592, Okuu_eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How's that race-wide dairy intolerance working out?

>> No.6775578

Jap here

I suspect that proportion also has something to do with our longevity. I live in the US, but I grew up eating Japanese food that my mom cooked at home. The amount of food that people around me consume in one sitting is just crazy compared to what I eat (Double? Triple?). I simply can't stomach a full course at American restaurants, so I end up just taking the rest home if I can and eat it the next day or something.

>> No.6775582

Everybody in my family + extended can drink milk and eat cheese just fine.

>> No.6775589

it's also true that rice isn't so bad, compared to other grains which are so loaded with anti-nutrients, but it is also void of nutrients.

>> No.6775595

What are you guys old women on diets?
I'm happy ass long as I can eat whatever it is, fuck your huurrr it's bad for you bullshit.

>> No.6775606

Diets are important for girls of all ages, anon.
Little girls are no exception.

>> No.6775611

I'm not the healthfreak, but I just don't find greasy and fatty food appetizing. I also don't like beef much either(texture), so I stick to fish, pork, and chicken.(Mostly fish and chicken)

Then again, I also hate most vegetables and fruits with a few exceptions. Most of my green stuff is seaweed and beans.

>> No.6775615


>> No.6775623

Oh shit, he snapped

>> No.6775634

I can't wait until genetically engineering is more common. I'm going to make a daughter who can only eat sweets.

>> No.6775637

Oh look, diabeetus troll is back, I did a search on the archive about Diabetes a couple days ago and he was going on about how a single glass of OJ could fuck up your insulin resistance and all kinds of bullshine.

>> No.6775639

My little sisters have recently gotten fatter. I am so disappointed in them, but I don't know them well enough to feel like I have any right to tell them how treat their bodies. I guess it's not really their fauly. The whole family is fat except for me.

P.S. Is anyone else here too lazy and/or full of guilt to eat properly? My parents make me feel like I'm robbing them when I ask for money for food.

>> No.6775647

Put them on a high hydrocarbon diet and they'll soon start losing weight.

>> No.6775657


I just have oats or toast for breakfast, a cheese sandwich or egg dish for lunch, and my mother makes a relatively healthy dinner for both of us.

>> No.6775667

I sleep through breakfast and lunch.

After dinner, I just eat some toast or yogurt until I go to bed.


>> No.6775671


I can can go a whole day on two bowls of oatmeal and not get hungry at all.

Oatmeal is also pretty awesome because it has so many options for customizing; it takes to having nuts and fruit added to it much better than cream of wheat does (although cream of wheat + nutella is pretty tough to beat).

>> No.6775678

I guess that's settled then. Back to our regularly scheduled tea party.
