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File: 7 KB, 179x281, clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6769110 No.6769110 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6769114

She can axe me anytime if you know what I mean.

>> No.6769121


>> No.6769135
File: 243 KB, 335x600, 1292043598552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So her real name is Clover. What a twist!

>> No.6769146

clover means yotubsa in nihongese

>> No.6769182

How the fuck can she axe seven and he not beat the fuck out of her? Her end made absolutely no sense.

>> No.6769200

This game kinda disappointed me that you had to play through it all to get the whole story without you being able to get clues and figure it out before the end.

>> No.6769218
File: 275 KB, 708x1000, 1293866009756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I figured out Submarine by playing through Knife and by the time I finished Safe the whole story was more or less clear, just waiting for that inevitable happy end in True end.

>> No.6769252

I got the submarine ending before knife. My point is I prefer to be able to get good endings based off of the clues not random guessing.

>> No.6769257

Attacks from behind, how do they work?

>> No.6769320

Okay she attacks and kills seven first and june/santa are you just going to sit there? No doesn't work like that. Shit ending that makes no sense. Also same goes for Junpei. I saw a stick poking out it couldn't have been that axe I just saw could it?

>> No.6769332

I can't remember exactly, but if Ace was around he would have taken out a few before getting axed.

>> No.6769343

The best character in game. Although her appeal to me dropped a bit when I noticed that she was wearing HIGH HEELS. Seriously, what's up with that.

>> No.6769353

>No doesn't work like that.
Real life isn't like your japanese animes. People panic in those sort of situations, they don't run to the attacker and dodge their attacks doing somersaults in the air and disabling the person from behind.

Anyway, it's very likely she waited until she was alone with Seven or Santa, and then went and killed the rest without them knowing.

>> No.6769367

I like Clover, but the axe ending makes no fucking sense.
I was trying to figure out who was the killer "seriously", and then she gets randomly insane.

This game wasn't good at all.

>> No.6769806

Ace wasn't around he said hey lotus I gotta show you something. Which I don't know if it ever said what that something was. Junpei got kinda annoyed at Ace because he wanted to go. You were by yourself when Clover came up from the elevator and axed you.

>> No.6769816

Well first off its a video game and if it was me I'd realize that Clover lagged behind and the game made it apparent she was hiding something. And when she ran in front of you could see the wooden stick the axe was attached to it. I haven't played through all the ends though. I just always get pissed off at bad endings.

>> No.6769833

That was my point here >>6769252. It was totally based off whatever doors you choose which was random. I think it would have made more sense if you could have figured out using deductive reasoning. At best you got side stuff like seven telling you the occult story. .

>> No.6769859

The Axe ending where Ace talked to Lotus privately would be to enter door 9 without the others knowing since he got the 9 bracelet with him. Lotus was his hostage.

>> No.6769872 [DELETED] 

I don't know who kill my bro but i'm gonna axe everyone just in case seem pretty over the top to me.
