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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 388 KB, 960x640, 503a9b72a8d95fa61c4017ea905e4694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6768729 No.6768729 [Reply] [Original]


Fucking Pinnicle of MMD Right Here.

>> No.6768801

Too bad the song sucks.

>> No.6768815

I find your picture incredibly creepy.

>> No.6768823

It looks okay in the thumbnail though.

>> No.6768828

i came so hard im now a woman thx op

>> No.6768829

No, I meant the subject matter.

>> No.6768833 [DELETED] 

I'd her uncanny valley.

>> No.6768843 [DELETED] 

>Fucking Pinnicle of MMD Right Here.
Sorry, it's this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axn2tpbzBhE

>> No.6768875


You think that is the pinnacle of MMD? Maybe like a year ago.

There are many works in MMD two to three times as amazing as this. Simply searching for "lat" on Nicovideo would let you see most of them. The OP video has some nice backgrounds and that's about it(not to say it doesn't look nice).

Such as http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13207338.. And it's the same fucking song. Seriously, if you thought the OP video was good, if you understand what you are seeing in that video. Even if you don't understand, it looks so much more visually impressive it's amazing.

>> No.6768913

>if you understand what you are seeing in that video, you'll probably be blown out of the water. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's much better.
Is what I meant to write.

Sorry if I came off a little haughty, but MMD is a really incredible general program for freeware and I love seeing things which make the most out of it. It'll never be used outside of Vocaloid/Touhou, unfortunately, due to its name(unless that is changed), and of course the fact that there are professional products that are better(but cost money).

>> No.6768922

Was there a MMD competition for this song or something?

Same dude as OP's, it's cute.

>> No.6768947

Moar impressive miku miku shit? Please?

Knowing jp I expect to be trolled into rickroll or something equally as juvenile, though. Sigh.

>> No.6768954

How many of that video is actually made in MMD though? Wouldn't most of the effects, and basically non "dance" bits be all Adobe AfterEffects or something?

>> No.6768974

That video had like no real dancing/choreography compared to OP's video

>> No.6768979

And how do they make her look so good? That's some im@s quality cell shading there, and miku's model hasn't been updated since the program was made.

>> No.6768993

rather than "better," they're simply more powerful, mmd is very easy to use. the only animation products which even compare require quite a bit of technical knowledge and are not easy to use(or are simply high level 3d modelling programs with animation functionality).

it's not likely to fall behind thanks to it being a mostly open project. people are always creating new methods of data manipulation(such as path creators and batch motion offset programs) and graphical capabilities(either through encoders or MME). i just wish some of the data manipulation functions would be implemented into MMD itself, it's a bit of a pain having to manipulate the files outside of the program and then import them back in.

>> No.6769018

>thinking jp doesn't love miku and mmd
>didn't fucking read the post just saying to search "lat" on nico
...You don't go on /jp/ much, so you don't know /jp/.
Go back to whatever board you came from.

>> No.6769024

No. Look up MikuMiku effect.

Well, not entirely. I imagine there are many 3d underlaid backgrounds, aftereffects, and/or encoding tricks using avisynth, but the OP video appears to be doing the same thing with some of its backgrounds.

MME allows for a lot of visually impressive stuff.

That's true. It's not much of a dancing video.

But that doesn't matter, does it? PVs don't need to be primarily dancing. It blows it away visually as a PV.

>> No.6769033

Ah, I don't have a nico account. And no, jp doesn't love miku, in fact it's unnaceptable.
I know jp well enough to know it's shit. You go back to gaia.

>> No.6769039

can you use this program to make lewd dances like in rap videos?

>> No.6769055
File: 514 KB, 1024x768, 1276087620451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Extra points cause it's Teto

>> No.6769060

>Ah, I don't have a nico account
>go back to gaia


>> No.6769070

this is actually pretty much what i use for masturbation material... you may not have the same sexual tastes as i do, but if they're similar, then i'll tell you you would be surprised how erotic many pre-made dances become if you put multipliers on hip movement.

i would greentext to show everything in your post which you purposely implanted to make yourself appear to be an idiot, if i was as poor of a poster as yourself. it's clear you're trying to troll and not doing a good job of it, but it's a good attempt for a beginner i suppose.

people who type like that don't really come around here, so it doesn't work as a trolling tactic.

have a good day, miku is my daughter/waifu/goddess.

>> No.6769073

MMD thread? I'll just leave these here then.

>> No.6769079

>how many pre-made dances
i meant "currently made," just so there's no confusion as to whether MMD comes with pre-made dances usable like this.

>> No.6769098

I started to like Teto after listening to this song a week ago.
Does she have other good songs? Because I don;t think she is in any of the vocaloid albums I downloaded.

>> No.6769107


Man that was awesome.

>> No.6769115


It's a cover of a rin song, but I think it suits teto better. She also has a few cute short songs like.


Albums with her are.....not so good.

>> No.6769128
File: 466 KB, 1280x720, [Shimeji] Queen`s Blade OVA - 04 [BD] [720p] [0E741A9D].mkv_000955787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if I wan't lazy and talentless I could use the program to make lap dances and kill john the baptist shit?

>> No.6769151
File: 124 KB, 887x499, mmd_rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I reckon this is better than Lat

>> No.6769190
File: 168 KB, 850x690, bg_1010_teto_t_en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, Teto has her own album called...
Graduation from Lie.

I actually managed to find a download for it, took a while, it's on my other computer let me get it and upload it.

>> No.6769205
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, 1277099090907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teto thread?

>> No.6769212

Why the hell hasn't anybody hooked MMD to a Kinect yet? That would be awesome.

>> No.6769216

I've watched tons of these videos, but I still have to ask... What does MMD stand for?

>> No.6769221

I wish Miku would appear in my room and finger herself.

It would be fairly awesome.

>> No.6769224

Miku Miku Dance.

>> No.6769228

It's been hacked.


>> No.6769233

odd. I've seen the MMD tag on tons of Touhou dance videos as well.

>> No.6769235
File: 358 KB, 992x1403, 9e314d925f6df0127a0d726597961587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you purposely post this as a joke?
It was all over the news, they did it a few weeks ago.

I didn't want to link to sankaku but for speed's sake.

>> No.6769244 [DELETED] 

Here's a better link.

>> No.6769242

another vote for "chaining intention" as best MMD vid.


>> No.6769256

Not sure if serious. It's a program they use to make things dance.

>> No.6769262

News to me. I don't follow the anime gossip sites.

>> No.6769268
File: 800 KB, 1388x1041, 1273529468969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That video was adorable. Thank you anon.

>> No.6769338
File: 577 KB, 1000x1415, 10b85d96f8cd31a378b1cb299e8ea6c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was this really cute video made by MMD or more traditional means?


Recommended if you like HNNNNNNNNNNGs

>> No.6769366


It's made by tomoasks, it's just plain CG.

>> No.6769382
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>> No.6769408
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>> No.6769426
File: 227 KB, 800x800, bdbdb8447e560089790a759243b801d0ad149220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For you Teto Fans. Her first official album.

>> No.6769447
File: 177 KB, 500x500, 14915424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already had it months ago.


>> No.6769450


By masatakaP too, I so did not know this existed...

>> No.6769453
File: 45 KB, 244x273, 1278475725220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6769498


It's IM@S, but really epic...

>> No.6769552

someone link some improper dances I need to see how fappable this cam get

>> No.6769564 [DELETED] 


>> No.6769595

To those of you confused about MMD's nature, it is an animation program. That's all. It's powerful enough that I wouldn't add "dance" to the description; CharColle is a dance program, MMD is a full-blown animation tool.


As you can probably see.

Masataka is really good. I was the one who compared his OP work to the video earlier in the thread, but don't misunderstand: he's a great producer. The other video simply made great use of technology.

I've been using Kinect and MMD for around two weeks now.

>> No.6769607

Have you made miku fap with the kinect?

>> No.6769614

yes, you could.

see >>6769595 for a great example.

also, if you can watch this video and not see that you can copy pretty much any human motion, then i don't know what to tell you.
it's too accurate for being such a crazy dance. amazing.

>> No.6769635

>I've been using Kinect and MMD for around two weeks now.
Man, I want to keep seeing more vids of people messing around with that. Are you uploading your stuff to youtube or something?

>> No.6769636

Who knows?

Usually by the time I am done editing the motion it looks completely different from the original, recorded motion. Kinect is great at capturing basic motions and adding humanity/reality to motion(where one movement clearly feels the force of real physics and one body part's movements affects other parts of the body realistically) but until the technology/firmware improves, it's best used as a base for creating animations. It shaves off a ton of time, since now when I animate a movement I don't have to spend tons of time on making the rest of the body not look unnaturally stiff.

>> No.6769650

No. Nothing I create is good enough to show to other people.

This is a bit of a personality complex I have, but it's mostly the truth. Plus, while it is good enough for recording movement, mine is a little bit shaky because(I suspect) I don't have quite enough space in my room.

I can tell you that if you get one, it is very easy to set up, however.

>> No.6769652


Which one is this made from?

>> No.6769659

I don't get why the japs like that type of dance so much. there's lots of arm waving but not much hip and torso movement. that's not ero at all.

>> No.6769677

Also, as I intended to say I think may serve to disinterest you if I uploaded MMD-kinect videos, but there is a lot of interesting stuff on Nicovideo. I don't know if you have already, but try searching for

kinect mikumikudance

Agreed, but with that video I think it's more the poses and stupid content of the song that make it erotically interesting. I wasn't the one who linked you the video, but I do find stupid things effective in simply turning of my mind and fapping(and they're fun, in this case), and I love girls who flaunt their breast size/good proportions(which is what that song is about).

I'm going to be busy soon, but I'll try to find and post a lot of MMD stuff later tonight. There is a belly dance which you might like, although if it were my dance I'd tune a few things(the belly dance video with haku/neru/miku in bunny suits is actually got me to download and start using MMD).

>> No.6769697



>> No.6769699

oh my god what

>> No.6769718

if you want some HIP movement, its this one:

>> No.6769726
File: 161 KB, 500x500, e9f3e8d643091df4d8af527a70338fc4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch as someone tries to look up dress's with kinect and mmd

>> No.6771263


>> No.6771282
File: 5 KB, 193x151, fddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6771360
File: 17 KB, 300x305, HatsuneMiki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, not really. The point of OP's video was to try and how how realistic the movements in MMD have become (including all the eye work they did). You're is more aesthetically pleasing, but is mostly Miku doing stills or simple movements (they got a little complex at the end, but still mostly pictures).

They're just different really...

>> No.6771773

First of all, that video was intended as one example among quite a few which outstrip the OP in several factors, with the intent of stating the bar for MMD videos(the pinnacle) is quite a bit higher than that.

As to the motions, I wouldn't call them stills. She moves more in the OP, but that doesn't mean the movements were more realistic. This is a point I really don't want to argue about since any discussion we would get here about motion realism would just be my word against yours. I will say that I don't really think there was much of a difference in the quality of the actual motions at all, just their nature. You may or may not know this, but even small motions require just as many subtle details to look natural(more? the human eye is easily deceived by quick movement).

To be clear, though, the second video simply has the advantage of using superior technology. How much of it was done using MMD and how much was done using external programs is mostly up for debate, but nobody knows the answer to that besides the original producer(since much of what is in the video is accomplishable with MME), and in the end it's still an MMD video. The same questions could be asked of the OP, as well.

>> No.6771809

For some reason it wouldn't let me post this with the above post... "part of your comment isn't allowed to be posted :(" That's the first time I've ever seen that, and I've been on here for a very long time.

(cont from last post)
Maybe I was wrong to say it was absolutely better, but MMD is a program for making visual products, and so if we're going to try to find a "pinnacle," considering its visual complexity seems most approporiate(although there are obviously other factors as well). I'm sure anyone can come up with reasons to like one over the other.

If I was going to make a dramatic statement about the way I look at it, I would say: As someone who's had a bit of experience with MMD, I could see myself making the OP video, but I don't think I could even touch the second Rondo video.

Somewhat tangentially, if we were looking at only motions, I'd say something like >>6769614 would be king(although there are a lot of crazy motion traces out there).

>> No.6771863

I will be shocked if anyone read all of that, but in the end I'll summarize it as saying:

Yes, they are "just different" and I imagine anyone could find reasons to like either one. But I consider the pinnacle of MMD to be fairly high and the OP, while a video with good style, doesn't showcase much of what it can do beyond a background, 2-4 effects, and motion production.

(Also, looking at the OP again I have some specific criticisms of the motions such as abrupt changes in axis movement, but I'll leave that for some other time as they are relatively trivial and I do like the video)

>> No.6771927 [DELETED] 

Finally, because I said I would do something earlier...

I don't think any of these are contain specifically erotic content, but if you like hip swinging as much as I do...
Belly dance motion:
This guy always makes really weird dances that sort of defy human motion, and there are a few things I would change in the motion myself, but the hip/stomach motion is crazy.
Fukkireta(Ochame Kinou)
Koshi Furi Dance(Hip Swing Dance)(there are a lot of versions of the video with... more mature characters on related videos)
Uh... "bunny dance?" Look to be a remake of the above one.

And then you have some true gentlemanly works of art such as
And the one video of Miku bouncing up and down on posted earlier in this thread.

>> No.6771933

Finally, because I said I would do something earlier...

I don't think any of these are contain specifically erotic content, but if you like hip swinging as much as I do...
Belly dance motion:
This guy always makes really weird dances that sort of defy human motion, and there are a few things I would change in the motion myself, but the hip/stomach motion is crazy.
Fukkireta(Ochame Kinou)
Koshi Furi Dance(Hip Swing Dance)(there are a lot of versions of the video with... more mature characters on related videos)
Uh... "bunny dance?" Look to be a remake of the above one.

And then you have some true gentlemanly works of art such as
And the one video of Miku bouncing up and down on posted earlier in this thread.

>> No.6771945

Reported for vocaloid shit

>> No.6771956
File: 150 KB, 676x800, 80f2738f44dda079c7cd68cee2536d68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6771962

Also, to anyone looking for crazy MMD stuff, as I said earlier, simply searching for "Lat"(or Lat式ミク) will get you most of the best stuff(most serious works use the Lat model recently), but there are a lot of cool/interesting/awesome things on the MMD Cup wiki as well.

Or if you just want the year's placings,
^Pages for the top contestants/winners of the MMD Cup years 5 through 1(top to bottom).

>> No.6772004

there are a lot of nice little clips in this thread but this is a fucking masterpiece.

whoever made it is a gentleman of the highest order.

>> No.6772393
File: 936 KB, 3637x3248, b7da2ade3e77b9b9a4b8032f3fd13ab92b2444dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lat式改変テト is the way to go.

>> No.6772427

The Kuri Koshi Dance one.. what miku model is that? I really like it

>> No.6772492

This one is kinda erotic.

>> No.6772670

I was downloading some motion files to play with on MMD, and aside from the .vmds, I found one rar that had an .mmd file, and I can't figure out how to open that.

>> No.6772775

You should get MMDAgent

>> No.6772783


I want this nude model

>> No.6772798


First question everyone asks is what colour is your pantsu

>> No.6773468


>> No.6774493

That's the 1052C-Re Chibi Miku model.

You can get a version(with clothes) here: ttp://bytatsu.net/uploader/mikumikudance/src/up1925.zip

I'm not sure if there's one distributed of her in the swimsuit. It's pretty easy to make a young-looking character in PMD editor by reducing the size of the model and increasing the size of its head, which is very easy to do, and I suspect that's what they did. I'll post it if I find it, though.

.mmd files actually have to be opened with an older version of MMD. They're essentially .pmm files(which essentially save a scene; i.e. reference model data, all motion data of all models, camera data, etc.) but only work on older versions of MMD. I personally use MMD v2.02 to open them.

>> No.6774521

>It's pretty easy to make a young-looking character in PMD editor by reducing the size of the model and increasing the size of its head, which is very easy to do, and I suspect that's what they did
I see that wasn't clear now, and what I meant is that I suspect they took an older looking version of the model like this one(ttp://bytatsu.net/uploader/mikumikudance/src/up1546.zip) and made it look loli with PMDEditor.

>> No.6774567

This made me blush, Teto just looks so cute.

>> No.6774592


One MMD video that I always thought was well done. I like how Teto's skirt moves and shows her panties.

>> No.6774598

I like how Miku's skirt moves and shows her panties in this one.

>> No.6774633

That's not classy at all.

>> No.6774653
File: 338 KB, 1024x768, 77ced8c182cbcfbeeeaa4b7e343b0211990c6d06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6774713

Superior version

>> No.6774724
File: 170 KB, 516x729, 5e043d80dfe5b1703af90d87d1bb19e222b1d5f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Real pantsu revealing teto, it's got bear pantsu.

>> No.6774760

you're just not enough of a gentleman to appreciate it yet.

i'll see your class and raise you a gentleman's frame, mmd's greatest technology. how's that for class?

>> No.6774821


>> No.6774866

Poor Teto.

>> No.6774987
File: 1.36 MB, 1352x1000, Konachan.com - 68911 animal_ears flowers kasane_teto panties red_eyes red_hair thighhighs twintails underwear vocaloid yumeno_mikan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6775015

I really fucking hate economy mode. Despise it with all my being. I sleep during the day, so it's even worse; I usually only have a 2-3 hours to take advantage of normal mode while wide awake.

It was disgusting to see a lot of people actually making videos to commemorate the 10,000th person to give this extortionist website money(become a premium member).

>> No.6775033
File: 27 KB, 645x347, 1-8-2011 01 57 40 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I get the vmd of Teto's signature dance?

>> No.6775060 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately, I don't think the dance in that specific video has ever been distributed, but there are a few variations of the base dance as you see in http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10701608 here:

A lot of people make really amazing dances and never distribute them, what a waste.

>> No.6775063

Unfortunately, I don't think the dance in that specific video has ever been distributed, but there are a few variations of the base dance as you see in http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10701608 here:

A lot of people make really amazing animations and never distribute them, what a waste.

>> No.6775994

The artist for OP's picture forgot something. He should have included the darkish specks of crab lice moving on her skin since she is disturbing them by scratching her mons.

>> No.6776001

Your analdiscomfort is tasty.

>> No.6776007

>My mom makes fun of me because I listen to them, she says they sound like Chimpmucks, which pisses me off because she has no idea what they're singing or singing about, they could be singing about their lover dying, and she'd be laughing. <.< Hmph. Vocaloid's and Utaus are beautiful all around. They are made for everyone to like. I think Teto sounds great. And she's such a sweet heart. It's saddens me that she isn't an offical Vocaloid. But..maybe one day.. <3

>> No.6776014

Very nice OP. I nomally dont go for the mmd videos but this one was rather nice. I think ill save it.

>> No.6776033

I would like to masturbate to some of these videos. Can someone please make a post directing me to which ones are erotic in nature?

>> No.6776062

can't tell if you being sarcastic but

contain either good hip movement, skirt movement/upskirts, or actual light eroticism.

for some reason there's not much(if any) explicitly sexual content. but if dances/certain kinds of movement(like the hip swinging in the above videos) turn you on there is stuff available and content creation is relatively easy.

also, kinect at its finest:

>> No.6776099 [DELETED] 

If you can read Japanese you might find this interesting.
Fan-made short VN-style production featuring Miku called "A Winter Day, Miku, [and] Christmas." I say it features Miku, but really, the character could have been replaced with any other and it would be the same. Regardless, it seemed like a nice story from someone who produces stuff like
^(You can tell you're really sick when you find that kind of charming, apparently)

He's apparently planning on doing more with the VN and the response to his video(in comments) was good, so he says he is going to to finish and release it.

>> No.6776133

If you can read Japanese you might find this interesting.
Fan-made short VN-style production featuring Miku called "A Winter Day, Miku, [and] Christmas." I say it features Miku, but really, the character could have been replaced with any other and it would be the same. Regardless, ignoring the fact that you could say the premise is an otaku fantasy(see bottom), it seemed like a nice story from someone who produces less serious stuff like
^(You can tell you're really sick when you find that kind of charming, apparently)

He's apparently planning on doing more with the VN, and the response to his video(in comments) was good, so he says he is going to to finish and release it. If I were to summarize the story, it'd be "weak/bitter protagonist gets android girl(Miku) as a caretaker." Beyond that is spoiler territory, but it's a drama and there are a few seemingly unexplained things, but with any luck that's just because he wanted to make it short for the video or isn't finished with the story yet. I'm not sure if I will read it if he does finish.

>> No.6776138


never read the youtube comments for anything.

It's made my life so much happier since I stopped.

>> No.6776305


>for some reason there's not much(if any) explicitly sexual content

I'm going to venture a guess that it's because trying to use MMD to simulate actual penetration or masturbation, etc. would simply be a nightmare of clipping, and not really worth the effort. The nicovid in >>6769595 is probably the most explicit thing I've seen so far. I want that fucking motion data, lol.

Also, if Yowane Haku is your thing and you find hip movement arousing, might I direct you to

>> No.6776888

I don't think this can be explained just by technical problems like clipping. There's not even much like >>6769595. I don't know if they get deleted off Nico or what(I would assume not given that that one is still around, along with all of those Bakunyuu Ondo ones), but from a country which constantly pumps out so much erotic material I'm more than a little surprised there isn't a constant flow of it no matter how you look at it.

Most ero or ecchi scenes, be it in anime or sex sims, consist largely of repeated short animations(a sex animation in a sex sim contains about 3-5 animations with 2 or so alternating, repeating parts each on average, to my knowledge), so it's not like we're talking about something that's hard to satisfy people with here either on a level of motion complexity.

What's my point? I suppose I'm just marveling at the strangeness of the state of affairs. A creative tool not being used by Japan for sexual purposes is practically incomprehensible to me these days, I'm a little let down but there's hope for the future.

More of this guy's videos, mostly comedy stuff. Kind of pointless to watch if you don't understand Japanese, though.
If that song was ever to have any serious emotional appeal, he ruined it. But it was worth it. Fuhi.

>> No.6777223
File: 34 KB, 512x384, MMD とある夏の日の歌.mp4_snapshot_02.16_[2011.01.08_16.53.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I discovered that guy's videos, I really wished I could read some of it, since it was exactly what I'd like to see more of in VNs.

I checked out his blog, but I cant read japanese. Does he have any release date planned?

>> No.6777394

do 3d japs dance like idolm@ster too? why don't they gyrate their hips like koreans and americans?

>> No.6777963

At the very least, I didn't see a release date when I looked.

Look up that guy's vids. The tag is "みどー"

>> No.6778129

I was thinking more like this

>> No.6779234

Yeah, I haven't seen anything like that. I've never even seen it attempted.

Tangentially, the people who designed those bodies have got to be the same ones that designed the Sexy Beach Zero bodies. They both look like they have an extra bone coming up from their hips.

>> No.6779575

This is why you don't see those kinds of videos:

>> No.6779638

This is really about as close as it gets.

Made with Kinect, by the way, probably using a good amount of editing.

Motion file here:

Kanna is pretty amazing.

>> No.6779657

I don't understand

>> No.6780144

Have some Dreamy Theater Miku

If you don't understand, it might be better for you to run away from this place while you can.

>> No.6780207
File: 79 KB, 510x381, mmdagenteto - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where i can get this?

>> No.6780465
File: 1.67 MB, 128x256, 92798DFA-8F9B-4C89-9E684AAB8C1A7DC4.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting because of the unique hairstyle.

this was from one of the scene saves in the file on the tim uploader.

>> No.6781214


>> No.6783713


>> No.6785115


>> No.6785146

Another horse machine video.

Since it seems not many people know about it, here's the intro video to MikuMikuEffect.

And another video showing a few more effects

>> No.6785394

why... why would you do this?

>> No.6786576

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I was to make myself out to be a normal MMD producer(i.e. not mention my ethnicity) and then one day reveal that I was a foreigner.

Would probably be funny to watch trolling/views drop.

This is all given that I was actually good, of course.

>> No.6786607

view counts would probably drop, but in order to see some actual trolling you'd have to say you were corean or china. although, i don't know if the japanese response to some people of those nationalities is something i would call trolling. it's probably real outright hostility.

kind of depends on who ended up liking you and how you revealed it.

>> No.6786698

I hate you

>> No.6787567

These are kind of interesting. Crude flight in MMD using Kinect.


>> No.6787569
File: 2.99 MB, 512x144, 1294678080486.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6787607

gotta give my vote to chaining intention

>> No.6789355

I, too, hate you.

>> No.6790316

Yeah, there's really not many MMD's in that league.
masatakaP's attention to detail is crazy.

>> No.6790324
File: 1.96 MB, 200x148, hHIC7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6790525

would it be possible to overclock the kinect to increase its performance(or is it likely in the future)?

i hope it at least improves to where it can detect hip rotation well soon...

>> No.6791048
File: 109 KB, 975x731, 515125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, for the good old days before the Lat model became dominant...

>> No.6791247


Lat Miku gives me a warm sensation in my crotch, though.

>> No.6791388
File: 104 KB, 972x724, 14124214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You wouldn't dare to imply that this doesn't, would you?

>> No.6791396
File: 12 KB, 468x425, 1294338583851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791408
File: 133 KB, 976x730, 14124215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Default Miku is a little sensitive when it comes to the Lat model, you see.

>> No.6791424
File: 222 KB, 770x593, Jake upset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking fuck cut that out

>> No.6791468
File: 145 KB, 971x730, 12421414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not trying to get away, are you?

They all try to get away...

>> No.6791475

I need to get MMD. This is too awesome. I'll have reaction faces coming out of the wazoo.

>> No.6791530
File: 89 KB, 973x726, 45678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you got away... barely.

>> No.6791532
File: 81 KB, 964x724, 4567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you'd better keep running.

>> No.6791533
File: 89 KB, 968x719, 23456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because in case you didn't know...

>> No.6791536
File: 91 KB, 970x727, 4567933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how Shiteyanyo are formed.

>> No.6791540
File: 87 KB, 976x784, 1626125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farewell, friend.

Remember, people: have some manners when a lady shows you her panties.

>> No.6792968

How do you do that?

>> No.6794246

Depends on what you mean, but unless you do some very tricky stuff with .x files those scenes couldn't actually be animated.

I don't know why MMD doesn't allow you to move all bones on the body instead of just Center and IK.

>> No.6794326
File: 413 KB, 1674x856, 1052c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since someone was asking for 1052C miku earlier...

bunny girl 1052C miku(loli)
as seen in http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13252122

>> No.6795787
File: 90 KB, 633x359, 145251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I suspect that /jp/ would find the Nicovideo tag MMDロリ杯 to be relevant to its interests.
