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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6766088 No.6766088 [Reply] [Original]

Hello America!

You can call me... Samu (I guess, haha) and I am a 16 year old High-School student living in Roppongi, Tokyo. Now you may be thinking
"Samu, why are you on a random American website at three in the morning?"
Well it's because I can't sleep and I have no school in the morning.

Also if you're wondering how I learned such BEAUTIFUL English (Haha) my father lived in the united states for a little bit before I was born (the 1980's as you would say?) and he had to learn English. So when I was learning Japanese as a child, he also taught me English. (However he has a thick Japanese accent so I sort have inherited it in a way...) But I assure you, I CAN make the L, TH, and V sounds. And can type.

Well this is a Q&A! Ask away questions!

>> No.6766099
File: 16 KB, 263x190, 1281613735900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"look at me I'm japanese" threads, so good

>> No.6766100

It's actually four in the morning though and we don't give a fuck.

>> No.6766102

Do you actually enjoy anime/manga otaku culture?

>> No.6766105

fuck off, equivalent to the "japanese" guy posting his face with the date on a paper

>> No.6766106

You guys need to relax, stop shitting on threads.

Also Samu, you should use a trip now, before people start pretending to be you.

>> No.6766109

Underage, reported.

>> No.6766110

Do you know where I can get a digital copy of Despair by Nabokov?

>> No.6766111

>Hello America!
I guess every other country can get the fuck out.

>> No.6766117

This thread could actually be kind of fun if /jp/ took off the autism mask for a second.

>> No.6766118

damn straight

>> No.6766120

You are virtually in America right now.

>> No.6766121

Samu, Are you excited for the 3DS?

>> No.6766125

Do you ever look at the thousands of people that roam the streets of tokyo, and then think of the nearly 7 billion that live on the earth, and lament at how you aren't unique and that you're just another face in a sea of humans?

I do.

>> No.6766128
File: 96 KB, 256x256, 1244240169540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your waifu?

Pic related it's mine. She is the best!

>> No.6766127

I seriously don't understand why a jap would want to hang around here, lol

>> No.6766126

You are too young to be posting on this website, please refrain from doing so.

>> No.6766124



>> No.6766133

We're not all American here. 4chan has users from all over the world. I'm from England myself.
Just letting you know.

>> No.6766137


>> No.6766131 [DELETED] 


>> No.6766139

Do you find Americans attractive?

>> No.6766140

Samu, go back to being bullied at school and please stop using us as your psychological refuge.

>> No.6766141

Ever masturbate on the train to school?

>> No.6766142


What kinda group to you belong to? A nerd? Jock? Delinquent? Loser?

>> No.6766145


He's from Skyrim? Get out Nord!

>> No.6766149

So you have a secret fetish for 7 year old girls, too?

>> No.6766164

Can you upload all your doujins, VNs, etc... on mediafire or megaupload?

>> No.6766165

Hey Samu! Check-em

>> No.6766173


Nice doubles.

>> No.6766179

ummm... this place is filled with looser nerds, try /b/, they are the most normal folks.
Also Luccut cried;

>> No.6766185




Thank you! You got some nice quads yourself there,

>> No.6766186

Nice doubles.

>> No.6766200

Is Ryukushi 07 raging now?
Like, is he raging a lot?

You are our only hope to know

>> No.6766213

Nice doubles.

>> No.6766223

Them doubles

>> No.6766232

Nice going, you scared him/her away.

>> No.6766238

(S)he's answeing to an identical thread in /a/

>> No.6766239



Nice full house

>> No.6766245

...didn't you do this in /v/?

You should really not try this same stunt in multiple places.

>> No.6766258

Sage for shit-eating Jap. Can't wait til we drop another atom bomb on you. :)

>> No.6766273

Shut up american

>> No.6766277

Fucking japanese.

captcha:ploodgel NUCLEAR

>> No.6766282


>> No.6766287



do you have a druglord in roppongi????

does your house have sliding doors?????

>> No.6766309

The sad thing about this is that /jp/ when talked to properly is by far more reasonable than /a/. Your post is way too arogantly built, though.

I am also somewhat entertained by the fact that you are only going to get four hours of sleep today if any at all, amd would like an explanation.

>> No.6766322

In my home country, this is Nara of Japan, american student

1. steal stuff everything

2. lying to policeman

3. spit to face when talking, mouth smell bad

4. don't have money, many american student, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes

5. raping? jap girl because jap girl say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat

6. very smell of food eating by american

7. very smell of body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?

american=monkey same

>> No.6766326

Well he probally had to use several dictionaries and took at least 1 hour to prepare his post, so yeah

>> No.6766334

Nice copypasta but check out my doubles
