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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6760986 No.6760986 [Reply] [Original]

Tea thread!
Go make yourself a cup of tea. What kind of teas have you been drinking lately? Do you use any kind of special cup for tea?

>> No.6761010

Chinese and Japanese Green Tea, Turkish black tea

Complete with a 茶海.

Fucking tea secondaries everywhere

>> No.6761006

i hate OP

>> No.6761040

i'm more of a coffee man but sometimes i drink earl grey without suger,milk,lemon,w/e.

I don't have a special cup for tea but i've got a special mug for the first drink of the day be it coffee or tea

>> No.6761038

I'm using some unspecified black tea but I don't know what variety it is since it was a present, so I don't know much about the water temperature or infusion time it requires.
I'm troubled but so far it turned out pretty good.

>> No.6761042
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I've got several flavors of Zhena's Gypsy Tea here (having some coconut chai right now), most of it is quite good stuff.

>> No.6761048
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Been drinking plenty of white and a little red. No special cups for me since I don't have a tea pot or even a kettle. I just heat my water in the microwave...

>> No.6761049

At work, so no tea until I'm off. I usually drink whatever green tea is on sale at the market. I have some green tea with mint back home.

>> No.6761054

im using tetley tea

>> No.6761057

Gunpowder Tea

>> No.6761060

Chocolate milk.

>> No.6761063
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As long as the taste is good, it's alright! When drinking tea, don't worry about anything. Just relax.

Microwave!? Does the water taste the same as boiled in a kettle or something alike?

What kind of job? Office where you can't drink or..?

>> No.6761070

As far as I can tell, it tastes the same. I'm sure that it depends on the kettle and teapot though, since metal containers give a metallic taste sometimes and so on.

>> No.6761075
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Yunnan this week. Neat.

>> No.6761074

Hmm. I suppose it makes sense. I need to test this out. I will post results later on!

>> No.6761087

Tea sure is otaku culture.

>> No.6761100
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Long Island

>> No.6761101

I love "iluvOP, I hope you had a great start to the year.
Please keep on being the best.

Chrysanthemum tea is the best.

>> No.6761144

iluvOP is pretty much the only tripfag I can stand

>> No.6761149

do you know he also posted as Scandaroon? Mod agreed.

>> No.6761152

He talked about killing himself earlier this year.

>> No.6761163
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No way?

I know once he posted agreeing he didn't want to "wake up anymore cause reality sucks" or something of the like, and I was devastated, cause he is usually so happy.

I hope he isn't having issues. I wish I could be there for him.

>> No.6761165

I usually drink sencha or emperors bride, other than that just whatever I feel like buying to try out. I received some white tea as a christmas present from my mother so I'll have it now, though (its called pai mu tan or something like that). I brew it for about 3 minutes. The temperature of the water is about 80c. I use the same leaves 3 times.
My cup isn't that special, but it has a "hat" that holds the leaves and thus I don't need to use a tea ball.

>> No.6761166

Loose leaf Earl Grey with cognac.

>> No.6761224
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D'awww. I love you too!

Yes, my plans were to kill myself at the end of the year. BUT as usual. I didn't have enough courage to do it. Thus I am very mad at myself. Since I was unable to do it. I decided to have the best end of the year ever!

Classy! You enjoy your tea to the fullest.

cognac...never tried that. Sounds quite adventurous!

>> No.6761237

Tea threads are works of the Devil, because whenever i see them i start craving tea.

And then i can't fall asleep

>> No.6761267

I've been spending the last two days trying to take off viruses from my computer. I did a restore install, and was transferring files to prepare for a reformat but I got an error about a file path being too long. Stupid doujinshi. I should just take it easy and remove everything bit by bit, I have more than one computer anyway.

I haven't had any tea this year so far.

>> No.6761268

Sensitive to caffeine?

>> No.6761266

The main concern with heating water in a microwave is that it won't bubble until well above boiling temperature so you have to be careful of that.

>> No.6761306

some black tea with blackberry tea bags that i picked up from the store, inspired by beatrice. I haven't bought any loose tea leaves in a few months now.

>> No.6761314

Once you get used to chugging down a few mugs of coffee a day you can drink as much tea as you want without consequences.

>> No.6761344

I've already figured out how long to keep the water in so it doesn't get too hot so things generally end up just fine. I'd like to get a proper kettle sometime soon though.

>> No.6761354

Bothers my ulcer. Not as bad as coffee, though, that shit's battery acid.

>> No.6761362

Basically anything as long as it's not blended, that's blasphemy. Though at the moment I'm enjoying myself with some Taiping Hou Kui.

I find myself able to fall asleep much easier after a cup of tea, including black, and I very seldom drink coffee

>> No.6761380

>Basically anything as long as it's not blended, that's blasphemy.
Eh? Care to explain yourself a bit?

>> No.6761416
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I made it just for you~

>> No.6761436

How does it feel to know I'm masturbating to your fingers?

>> No.6761450

The heated metal extracts calcium from the water. If tap water in your region is of particularly high hardness, boiling in a kettle is recommended.

>> No.6761501

Just my own preference I guess, nevermind me, I'm stupid for saying that in the first place.
Though if I remember correctly, blending is a little frowned upon in China.
As if that makes a difference.

>> No.6761515

Nice cup, anon. I just use a coffee cup, microwaved water, and bagged tea. Of the few I've tried, Irish Breakfast is my favorite.

If only "iluvOP didn't post Saten so much. All of the spam /jp/ continuously experiences has caused me to cringe at the sight of Railgun.

>> No.6761531

Just got some Earl Grey Windamere, it's Earl Grey with a few leaves of some sort of white tea.
It's magnificent.

>> No.6761535
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Though this is making my eyes wet! ;_;
Stupid lovely anon! I love you.

>> No.6761536

Yes, there are tea otaku too.

>> No.6761599
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Just for you, hand fetish anon.

>> No.6761620

I have a tankard full of homemade mead. I fucked this batch up its way too dry.

>> No.6761648

green tea with christmas flavour at the moment

>> No.6761702

Hey! That banana is fake...

>> No.6761843

in b4 "Otaku is a term reserved for VNs, Touhou, etc."

>> No.6761848

Isn't mead supposed to be dry, because it ferments so slowly?

>> No.6761962

How pretty are you "iluvOP?

Cause, I imagine you are so dreamy.
