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6760267 No.6760267 [Reply] [Original]

According to canon, Remilia was born in the 1503, along with her sister, who was born the 5 years later.

Since they both appear to be of the same age, can one assume that Remilia was vampirized first (1513~), then her sister(1518~)?

Could they have been born on France, or England? Maybe they were witness to the black death?

>> No.6760382

Remilia sounds like Romilia, which is an italian name.

>> No.6760627

But Flandre can either be German, British or French.

>> No.6760897

or belgian, I believe flanders is an area of french land reclaimed from the belgians.

>> No.6760904


Test it out.

>> No.6760950

that website only gives rough estimations. I could call my child vladimir or hans. Doesn't make him russian or german.

>> No.6760965

Obviously Dutch.

>> No.6760993

I saw this one doujin where it explained how the scarlet sisters became vampires. It involved death, the devil, and maddness

>> No.6761018
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Remilia is clearly Chilean. Special thanks to Google and cosplay.com for making my research possible.

>> No.6761955

1500... nearly 50 after Gilles de Rais murdered and raped hundreds of children.

Interesting. Got a name?


>> No.6761964

... and because of that post I am officially ashamed of being Chilean... goddamit.

>> No.6761993
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I always sort of assumed they were born vampires.

>> No.6761994

Same here.
You should have been on the "OTAKUTON"

>> No.6762014

How can the undead create life anew?

I find it far more likely that some vampire took them in at an early age, then the Belmont family happened.

>> No.6762025

Maybe in Gensokyo, vampires are considered to be more demonic in nature than undead.
My guess.

>> No.6762026


The Touhou fanbase outside of 4chan is very faggy in most countries, sometimes as bad as Narutards.

>> No.6762039

Well, vampires are beyond unholy, so yes, they might be more demonic than your average undead zombie r mummy, but still they are undead.

And the only way to create a vampire is through demonic intervention, a curse from God himself, or through a greater vampire, as far as my lore goes.

>> No.6762040

A lone vampire hunter finds and defeats a powerful and evil vampire after a long desperate struggle. She kills it, and searches the manor at which it lived. In the house she finds two children, already infected with the curse. She is unable to kill two helpless sleeping young girls, and instead decides to protect them from the outside world. Using her powers, she seals the mansion into a compressed pocket of time.

I dunno where I'm going with this, TL/DR Sakuya did it all

>> No.6762041

Any Touhou fanbase worse than the one we have here must really fucking suck.

>> No.6762046

The Scarlets are immigrants, Sakuya's Japanese name notwithstanding.

>> No.6762055

The noble dead are different in physiology than the common undead. This has been examined in lots of fiction.

>> No.6762061
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Wait, what?

>> No.6762072
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>> No.6762073


Last one said Finnish/Turkish?

>> No.6762080
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Swedish Miko.

>> No.6762098

Doujin name is Moonlit Roads, translated by U MAD.

They were born in western Europe and kidnapped and transformed by a Vampire Lord from eastern Europe.

>> No.6762093


That's just for Reimu. Hakurei is obviously Eastern, so it's more fun to just do wacky ZUN first names.

>> No.6762112
File: 83 KB, 499x605, europe-map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's official, Touhou takes place in Europe.

>> No.6762114
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That reminds me, there was some guy mentioned in the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics named Hong Meiling. It was pretty funny.

>> No.6762141
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>there was some guy mentioned in the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics named Hong Meiling
>some guy named Hong Meiling

Well fuck.

>> No.6762143

goddamit, they went again!? for kanako's sake...
that's because I've decided to reject invitations to go to those events (I'm part of a fangroup and I get free passes... that IMHO aren't really worth it if you're saying I'd have to put on with this...)

>> No.6762177

Assuming by the Mansion they live in, I suppose they came from somewhere in Europe.

that's why I don't go to those shitfests, I don't want to become hypertense.

>> No.6762194
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The western Touhou fanbase is just retarded in general.

Not that the entire fanbase isn't retarded, but the Eastern ones tend to be slightly less so.

You usually see the faggiest ones at cons (crossplayers, kyaa look at my kawaii fanart girls, etc.)

>> No.6762214

There are "some" good fans and cosplayers, but they are rare and hard to find.

>> No.6762231

>realize hes going to his first convention in years
>now afraid his entire addiction beyond Monster Hunter and Phantasy Star will be destroyed in seconds upon arrival

>> No.6762246

Hahah Stupid op...

Most of Touhous are from Russia and east europe.
rest are from China, and scarlet sisters are from other side of "ocean" so they are from japan... Even japanese fans refer to lake as sea or ocean.

>> No.6762344

You take cosplay too seriously. Didn't you have fun as a kid wearing funny costumes for carnival ?

>> No.6762496

...not really, my costumes wern't cool by my standard, but im not the intended responder i just wanted to answer for someone else

>> No.6762864


>> No.6762919
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>> No.6762985

just because

>> No.6763288



>> No.6763319

>Black death
No one will call him on his bullshit?

>> No.6763339

[Akairo Banira] Moonlit Roads


credits to U MAD team.

>> No.6763349



>> No.6763376
File: 36 KB, 494x243, reliable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6763388

wait, wait, wait!... that one explains how Remi and Flan became vampires, but it doesn't include neither death, the devil, nor maddness... so he may be talking about other doujin.


>> No.6763398

Yeah, just noticed it was around the 1300. My bad.

Was trying for a grimdark angle.
