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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6759692 No.6759692 [Reply] [Original]

So what are you going to do when your parents die /jp/ ?
Are you going to get a job?

>> No.6759700

I'll hopefully be self-sustaining before then.

>> No.6759701

I'm trying to become independent this year. So hopefully I'll be living away from home soon, or something.

>> No.6759698

I'll die before they do, don't worry.

>> No.6759703

I'm already on it. But right now I just want some pills, this fucking headache is killing me.

>> No.6759709

Whattefuck? No, then i'll be wizard enough to teleport to Gensokyo and i'll be immortal. Paradise awaits me.

>> No.6759711

I'll live off life insurance and whatever else they leave me as long as I can before offing myself.

>> No.6759722

I have been planning to kill my self since I was 16 sometime in the mid 30s. I dont plan to taste old age.

>> No.6759723

Keep collecting disability like I already am, or kill myself if I'm tired of living by then.

>> No.6759727

How so?
No one is going to offer you a job on a silver platter, you've got to work for it.

>> No.6759732

Well, can you get away with not working due to depression indefinitely?

>> No.6759733

Oh, I have a job. Just not a particularly well-paying one. And certainly not enough to live off of.

>> No.6759738

You were alive in times of nazi? Go get your meds grandpa, gee...

>> No.6759750

How long do you reckon you can get away with it for?
Like how long have you been receiving disability?
Do you have to do anything to keep on receiving it?

>> No.6759759

Umm, either you win the lottery or become a wage slave and work 60-70 hours a week. I don't really feel like spending my whole life just to pay some bills to be honest, I'd rather be homeless or a gypsy.

>> No.6759781

Been on it for almost a year, now. I can keep receiving it indefinitely, until I no longer want to or until I get a job, if I deem my problems to be gone. I'd get more money if I lived alone than I do now.

>> No.6759792

Hmm, my Mom keeps trying to get me to go to the Doctors because she's "worried about me" but I keep putting it off. What happens if you make the appointment and then go? Do they just ask you a load of questions or do you have to do some medicals and such?
I don't really know if I can be bothered to go and then give some random dude my whole life story but I don't exactly want to get a job either and I feel bad leeching off my Mom all the time. I'm 24 and only ever had like 1 job for 8 months.

>> No.6759798

Are you talking about a general practitioner or a psychiatrist? Either way, they're going to ask you questions (obviously, a psychiatrist would ask a lot more). They'll most likely put you on anti-depressants and/or anti-anxiety medication, as well. I've been on a number of different ones, and none have really helped me much.

>> No.6759799

The benefits of beings a nerd is that we don't have high standards on life, which results in less living costs and expenses.

Also, you have to stay single at all cost because once you betray your lifestyle you will become a slave for other people who and be used to their advantages with no fun allowed tagged onto it.

>> No.6759808

Yeah, initially I'll just go the the General Practitioner and tell him how I feel, I mean is it just talking or do they do any medical tests? Also, how did you apply for the disability benefit, did you have to get approved by some Government Psychiatrist or something first?

>> No.6759817

Are you me? I had a job filling shelves for roughly the same length of time.
I've got a plan for what to do with myself, but in the very near future I'm going to have to get a job and earn my drivers license. My parents are becoming disenchanted with my presence around the house and the way I hemorrhage money for them, and that's quite alarming given they've always loved me very dearly. I overheard my father earlier commenting quite angrily on how I'd rather spend time in front of my computer (see: On /jp/) than with them, but that's the result of my social retardation and the incompatibility of our interests more than anything. Made me feel like shit nonetheless.

Anyway, I'm digressing.
Long story short, this whole 'gaining independence' thing sucks.

>> No.6759836

As far as tests go, they might takes some blood, but that'd be the extent of it. To get on Social Security/SSI you need to have been treated for your problems before, the longer and more doctors the better. I applied online, and the process of getting approved took around six months. They paid for me to see a psychiatrist during that time, and he had me fill out a test, presumably to see if I was faking or not.

>> No.6759841

My Mom gives me the same thing, she's always lecturing me on how I "Should be out with friends having a good time while I'm young" or "looking for nice girl" You know, I don't really want that, I just want to be left alone to rot in my room and die alone. Perhaps that's just due to be having depression or perhaps cause I'm not very good in social situations, I don't know really. I guess she just wants what she thinks is best for me, however I have no ambition, no enthusiasm and no desire for friends/women. Some times, mainly at night I feel like it would be better for everyone if I just killed myself.
Ah well, inb4 "/jp/ isn't your blog fag" ect

>> No.6759848

Hmm, this could take a few years then I guess. I'd have to go and get pilled up and see a bunch of Doctors and then after a while of trying different pills and treatment apply for disability?
Anyway thanks for the info, you're all-right.

>> No.6759861

I understand that sentiment in atoning for one's failures but we're not living in feudal times. Suicide would be tantamount to spitting upon the sacrifices everyone has made to give us the opportunities we have. I know it sounds like an after school special, but ultimately it's true.
All that said, I still have no idea how to remedy the situation and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel exactly the same way. I don't know.

As for the blog comment, it's not as if this isn't already a metathread. Posting a few more comments before it's deletion and airing out some grievances is unlikely to cause much trouble. I will sage though.

>> No.6759862
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Probably I will die first.
But if they do, they do. It doesn't affect me. I don't live with them.

>> No.6759877
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Forgot trip.
CCleaner always clears that field. How bothersome.

>> No.6759897

My mom was basically a female version of myself.
She has a job that requires contact with a couple of people but otherwise is always holed up at home, and feels the same kind of annoyance at being out in society as I do.
So she doesn't really bother me on the fact that I'm always on my pc and never had girlfriends, she just reminds me that having a job, and so money, would be useful for myself.
Having a living guarantee that you can go through life just fine isn't much of an incentive to change myself.

>> No.6760035

Thank goodness you cleared that up for us
