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675735 No.675735 [Reply] [Original]

Memorial Day weekend, Saturday.

After a long night of Touhou, fapping, and MMO-gamage, Anonymous you wake up slightly after 10. The weather is cool and pleasant out, but far too chilly.

You go to the bathroom, to take care of your morning wood--and find this.

How does this make you feel? What DO you do?

>> No.675739

*grabs dick*

>> No.675740


All day.

>> No.675742

"That's my toothbrush."

>> No.675744

fuck brains out

>> No.675746

I just rub my dick under the covers and jizz onto a piece of tissue paper while i'm still in bed


>> No.675748

bleu duckies on mah touhou

>> No.675750

Sex. Yes, her dolls join too.

>> No.675752

Wonder what fool set the LHC off early.

>> No.675753

I'm confused, what did I find? Is there a lonely girl with a doll in my bathroom? Am I the lonely girl? Am I the doll? Or did I just find a picture? That would be pretty weird for someone to break into my apartment and leave a picture in my bathroom. Who would do something like that?

>> No.675757

Hugs ensue.

Suggest dickings.

>> No.675758

slap ass

>> No.675760

If I had your address I'd break into your house and leave you a picture.

>> No.675765


..... If you know what I mean.

>> No.675768

Check the floor to see if I stepped in anything.

>> No.675769

"How did you get in here? Thats my tooth brush and thats my cup as well. Wait. You're naked. Why are you naked? It's cold."


>> No.675770


Just now I imagined every anon living in the same house. That would be a good Western reality show.

>> No.675775

>Memorial Day weekend, Saturday.
Just another day for a NEET.

>After a long night of Touhou, fapping, and MMO-gamage,
I'm watching Kara no Kyoukai on loop.

>Anonymous you wake up slightly after 10.
Try noon.

>The weather is cool and pleasant out, but far too chilly.
This will probably be accurate.

>You go to the bathroom, to take care of your morning wood
I do that while still in bed.

>> No.675778
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Inform her that she caught the AIDS from using my toothbrush. Then laugh and laugh.

>> No.675782

I run the fuck away, because any girl that deformed in real life would be fucking scary.

>> No.675790
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Memorial Day weekend, Saturday.

After a long night of Touhou, fapping, and MMO-gamage, Anonymous you wake up slightly after 10. The weather is cool and pleasant out, but far too chilly.

You climb out of bed to take care of your morning wood--and find this.

How does this make you feel? What DO you do?

>> No.675791


I realized that I have caught the AIDS.

>> No.675793

Well that's not very nice, what if she brought her own toothbrush?

>> No.675794

>Try noon

Fuck, try 2 PM.

>> No.675798


>How does this make you feel?


>What DO you do?

Put on rubber gloves and throw her the fuck out, down as much penicillin as I can find, and immediately head out to the free clinic to get tested.

>> No.675803


>> No.675818


rape the crow

>> No.675824

Calm her down and then see how quickly I can get us back to bumping uglies. I bet she's learned some interesting things in her travels.

>> No.675841

Propose on the spot. I love that tengu.

>> No.675843


Apparently I'm the only one who goes to bed at one but manages to be up before ten.

Nine hours is plenty of sleep for me, thanks.

>> No.675860


Who said anything about going to sleep at one? I go to sleep around six.

>> No.675862

what kind of joke is this

>> No.675872
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Memorial Day weekend, Saturday.

After a long night of Touhou, fapping, and MMO-gamage, Anonymous you wake up slightly after 10. The weather is cool and pleasant out, but far too chilly.

You go to the bathroom, to take care of your morning wood--and find this.

How does this make you feel? What DO you do?

>> No.675877


"I wanted Caster..."

>> No.675883

I take a shit while fapping.

>> No.675887


I would be seriously fucking disappointed that I didn't get Rin, or at least Rider or Lancer if I was limited to servants, but then I'd make the best of it and ask her to teach me how to fight. Oh god, I can't afford to feed her, shit. She's gonna wind up in a box outside as soon as she finishes molding me into a badass.

>> No.675890

Same thing I'd do to Alice. Gently caress her.

>> No.675894

I go brush my teeth, then go back to bed and die in my sleep, as my life has been fulfilled.

>> No.675898

I'd reel in shock, and eventually get around to wondering what the hell a female was doing in my bathroom in the morning. Then, >>675890.

>> No.677519


>> No.677529
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You forgot the rape anon

>> No.677535

You can't actually get AIDS like that.

>> No.677569
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>> No.677572


Deep bleeding gums on the person with AIDS, plus a lesion on the inside of your mouth = AIDS.

By the same volition, you can get aids from a French kiss.
