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File: 174 KB, 700x990, f3f20e221588cb6e2f2b2c0ee1e43614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6751494 No.6751494 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>??
Current version: v1.10
Wiki: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/Main_Page
External IP: http://whatismyip.com/
Portforwarding: http://portforward.com/

Didn't see this around recently. Surely Seacats didn't kill this game 100% here, especially with the wide gameplay differences between the two. Let's find out.

>> No.6751532


>> No.6751889


>> No.6751933
File: 34 KB, 512x384, 1293993876625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb... getting my info

>> No.6751941

I'd play if I could host, but I can't sadly. I'll wait for someone else to do so.

>> No.6751982
File: 156 KB, 384x512, 1272232079813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using Version 12.3


And I'm using Hamachi.
Network ID: CheezeWhiz
Password: zombiedream

>> No.6752039


>> No.6752072
File: 10 KB, 240x250, 1272354665275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting...

>> No.6752122

I can't play seacats without it disconnecting every ten seconds so I might as well go back to this.
US Midwest

>> No.6752153


Download hamachi... challenge me.


>> No.6752164

I'd play you, Duck, but that always just ends with me swearing at Soku's netplay and attempting to summon eldritch gods to fix it.

>> No.6752193
File: 41 KB, 483x338, VEEEEEEEEEENOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play here

if you need hamachi
go here

>> No.6752382

sorry for the boring games, I haven't play for at least a week, it is strange that a week is enought to make me play so bad but I really don't feel like myself.
any ways, I doubt I can be able to beat you even at my 100%.


>> No.6752385

Good games aside from all the lagspikes. That gimmicky Youmu deck I made the other day was pretty fun. I'm glad I got a chance to try it out on someone.

>> No.6752631

Same problem here, but hosters and players alike for SWR are rare nowadays.

>> No.6752833
File: 62 KB, 413x382, bcbae00358f8527e35c31f6085258e3959c2fb24.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kooos, I am the ghoost of neoo skunk paast~~


>> No.6752884

Tried seacats, but my comp is a bit laggy so I wont be able to practice correctly or netplay (shitty netplay I heard?)

And damn, ofc this isn't the same philosophy, but this game lacks air blocking. (And moves, and projectiles escape mechanism)
And it's kinda a spam fest.

Aaanyway, glad to see some people still play Soku.

>> No.6752984

Who's ready for a battle?

Hosting: port: 64738

West coast United States.

>> No.6753330

Use this and it's almost like you're playing seacats.


>> No.6753350
East Coast

Haven't played this in forever

>> No.6753351

GG Rabbit-box. Pretty wild for my first few matches in a couple of days.

>> No.6753371

Good games Adolf Hitler! Aw, I really wanted to study that corner string of yours, as I don't face many who practice such a difficult one to defend. Most Suwakos I've played just fly around and spam the tree. Your corner string is peculiar since it mixes high low block very rapidly, making it difficult to block correctly and BE quick enough. On top of that its fast enough to stop pokes and flights upwards.

>> No.6753397 [DELETED] 

Oh, you wanted to study it? When i saw you go to the corner at the end I thought you figured it out and was planning something with your spellcards or a particular skill.

>> No.6753402

Oh, you wanted to study it? When I saw you go to the corner at the end I thought you figured it out and was planning something with a spellcard or a particular skill.

>> No.6753448

Haha, yes I was trying to study it in the last few games or so as I can't always rely on having a reversal or hangeki at my disposal.

>> No.6753493

I need a break from Seacats. Who's willing to host?

>> No.6753550

Hosting again.

Info here:

>> No.6753616

Gah, with my low skill and that lag there is no hope to win.

>> No.6753623

Where you at Udongein? That was some serious lag. GG though.

Hosting again for anyone who wants to join.


>> No.6753666


Fun games, I'm done for now though. You're pretty precise, makes it hard to keep any momentum, I must say.

>> No.6753668


Excellente it was fun. Rehosting.

>> No.6753788

I'm out. GG's Hitler. Your corner rape is deadly.

>> No.6753790

GG keikoku.

Still hosting.

>> No.6753861

You OK there, perfect freeze? Getting some ridiculous lag from you at the end there.

>> No.6753866

GGs, well, the few we had anyway. My connection has been choppy for a while now so I'll call it a day here.

>> No.6753889

Mm, yeah. I'll try and catch some games with you the next time you're on.

>> No.6753914

Well, it looks like it's cleared up for a bit, so I guess if you want to rehost I'll try it out.

>> No.6753946

Alright. Hosting again.

>> No.6754002

Nobody came ;_;

Ehh, I'm off for the night. More beatings tomorrow, I guess.

>> No.6754016

Agh, serves me right for waiting only five minutes, and not taking down my message. Sorry about that.

>> No.6754704
EU host
Seacats lacks of BE tier

>> No.6754790

damn. nice job. I definitely need more practice.

>> No.6754794

Thanks for the games and GGs.
Sorry for the lag, don't know what caused it. I tried to fix it but couldn't.

>> No.6755109
East Coast

>> No.6756367 [DELETED] 


>> No.6757924

goddamn seacats

>> No.6757946

I'm waiting for a patch to fix its netplay

>> No.6759373
File: 345 KB, 856x480, 1285736952225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, time to host.



>> No.6759405


>> No.6759444


I'm gonna try for PoFV.

I'll rehost if anyone is interested.

>> No.6759512

I'd love to play, but I'm afraid it might lag to some extend as I live in a country that's part of the EU.

>> No.6759507 [DELETED] 

I'd love to play, but I'm afraid it would lag to some extend as I live in a country that's part of the EU.

>> No.6759521
File: 244 KB, 500x665, 1292015933098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6759539 [DELETED] 

hy Hisoutensouku?

Is nobody playing Phantasmogoria?
Splitscreen Bullet Hell>Doujin fightan game

>> No.6759624

Good games.
I started drifting back to the old me in the later games as there were few matches where I couldn't almost even touch you.
That aside, I think I did better this time compared to the past games we've played.

>> No.6759635

Why don't you guys just do a general doujin fighter netplay thread?

You have been here long enough to know /jp/ enforces condensed threads. There was no rival to Soku's popularity before Ougon, so that was the only reason for the Soku-only threads.

>> No.6759666
File: 671 KB, 900x1273, 1292372400206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Kaali. That damn random select keeps giving me my joke decks. Still, catfishes and weather manipulation do add to the overall amusement factor, for me at least. Typhoons and river mists everywhere.

>That aside, I think I did better this time compared to the past games we've played.
Probably. There were some rather close matches there. Those matches where you couldn't get many hits against me were usually me playing either Youmu or Cirno. I probably have played more matches with them than all the other characters combined.

Well, why not create a thread for PoFV then, if there already isn't one? An attitude like that isn't really going to net you any more opponents to play against.

>Splitscreen Bullet Hell>Doujin fightan game
Normally I'd agree with you, I hate fighting games in general, but Hisoutensoku has a unique gameplay with graze and flight that I find fun, as well as easy, keyboardfriendly inputs, so I keep coming back.

>> No.6759669

People mever mixed them with the MB threads.
And at the dawn of SWR and IAMP, MB was still pretty popular.
And MB has still been played every now and then.

There has also been Vanguard Princess, though it seemed to die down somewhat quickly, but with the upcoming patch I am sure people will be playing it again.

Frankly, if you mix the threads, it all turns into a mess.
And there aren't that many threads either way.

>> No.6759814

Basically, this:

Also, most of the games have different userbases that sometimes act hostile towards each other. It's very unlikely that such threads would work out peacefully.

>> No.6760025
File: 590 KB, 1500x1111, 8174639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6760025 (US Central)

Looking to play US only. Thanks.

>> No.6760163

Good games. Really nice Remilia, didn't see those around often back in the day.

>> No.6760165

I can only deal with that kind of playing for so long before it gets old. Thanks for joining.

>> No.6760178

I play more aggressively with other characters (Marisa, Komachi, Sakuya, etc. etc.) but you closed before I could get to them. Well, maybe some other day.

>> No.6760270


>> No.6760283

>> No.6760311 ec

>> No.6760357

closed, also i suck i know

>> No.6760537


>> No.6761084 [DELETED]
US Midwest

>> No.6761838
Haven't played for over a week and doped up on cold medicine tier.

>> No.6761970


>> No.6761995 US East
Stopped playing for quite since C79, so don't expect too much.

>> No.6762001

IRC sucks. Rehosting for any US.

>> No.6762006
File: 31 KB, 260x257, 1293866348089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped playing for quite a while, I meant.

>> No.6762044

Guess EC to WC sucks. Sorry. GGs.

>> No.6762154

I feel like I'm boring you, with you destroying me each round with more than half a life bar left. But good games, Rabbit-Box.

>> No.6762156

Good games Aegir!

>> No.6762164 ec

>> No.6762172 [DELETED]
North Mexico
Anyone still play this?

>> No.6762457 [DELETED]
US Midwest

>> No.6762474


I enjoy the aya battles more. lol. gg

>> No.6762480

GGs Ario. I'll assume you were rusty because I don't think I've improved that much. What was with all the awful 9 Syllable Stab tries though? Maybe against Aya, but Yuyu can stop that card in most circumstances without even breaking a sweat.

>> No.6762485


I dunno I think you improve. Eh. I like to use spellcards attempts regardless of the outcome. lol

>> No.6762523


Oh yeah the funny thing about this is I've been putting in the wrong ip most of the time...kept thinking and not lol

>> No.6763226


>> No.6763527
North Mexico

>> No.6763573

Game up. Still practicing Aya.

>> No.6763577
File: 843 KB, 1600x1200, 2233423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait no. My IP changed. US Central

>> No.6763837

Good games. I didn't think I'd be playing you again anytime soon. I hope the lag was better for you than it was for me. I wonder if this is what it's like for you when you join one of my games.
Youmu's duplicate card is surprisingly fun to mess around with but she's kind of boring to play without it.

>> No.6763862

Probably. It was pretty much fine on my end for the most part, aside from the usual Aya fuckmuppetry with her crappy confirms in netplay. Yuyu's looser on all that shit anyway. I'm this close to just throwing in the towel on Aya anyway. If I anticipate from lag, I just kick bullets, if I wait to confirm, it get kneed in the face. And it doesn't matter anyway because I'm not going to be able to confirm almost anything into an actual combo anyway. Still dropped every single Yuyu AA2B6C* regardless. Stopped trying eventually.

>> No.6764505 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6765066
File: 564 KB, 988x768, 2d2a3f5350d2a132f994f877ddd9015d41022b28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Too damn early for this

>> No.6765175


>> No.6765176

Good show, wish I could be surprised how it turned out.

>> No.6765923

Anybody want to play this silly game?

>> No.6765990 ec

>> No.6766144


>> No.6766150


will be back up in 3 minutes or so
good aya

>> No.6766162
File: 253 KB, 375x523, 1294191094825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

story mode is superior

>> No.6766172

That card is terrible.

>> No.6766184


>implying a netplay thread would activate my trap card

>> No.6766193
File: 130 KB, 836x1162, 1254959653417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting wc, about mid

>> No.6766197 ec

lol idoll 6000 leagues under the sea?

>> No.6766354

Haha, good games www! Our inability to pressure each other with our Reisens made that match a really funny danmaku fest. Sorry for playing so few matches as I should be getting back to work now. Thanks for the games!

>> No.6766372

>> ec

ggs. it was fun.

>> No.6766374

Good games Ari. And lol, sorry for the first matches, i was trying to play with a Joypad, kinda hard to get used to it if you play too much on keyboard.

>> No.6766384


You did nothing wrong. It's fine.

>> No.6766415


Good ones

>> No.6766538


>> No.6766666

Alright, it's time to host again.


>> No.6766689


>> No.6766803

You have improved.

>> No.6766805

GG profilelp.

Pretty wild for my first matches of the day.

>> No.6766818


>> No.6766822

Hosting again.


>> No.6766853
North Mexico

>> No.6766889

GG thefailtrain.

I'll be back.

>> No.6766894

Blargh. Really need to practice more. Maybe I can break my perpetual failure at fighting games.

>> No.6766941

Once again, I live up to my name.

>> No.6768233

Any news on a new patch?

>> No.6768272

Why would there be a need for a new patch?

>> No.6768303

Hosting; US Central
low mid tier; Remilia Scarlet player

>> No.6768309 [DELETED] 

Hmm...I seem to have forgotten my own tripcode. Le fail

>> No.6768372

Yeah sorry. Tired of the half second input lag.

>> No.6768383
File: 41 KB, 328x400, 1216870037056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get better at fighting games

>> No.6768395

I know, not sure what that was all about but it SUCKED.

>> No.6768412

Still hosting:
US Central
low mid tier; Remilia player

>> No.6768419


You play them more, duh. Practice even against Lunatic computers lets me learn about new combos I didn't know about before. Of course, sometimes you also develop bad habits too, so fight human players too.

>> No.6768447

The input for perfecting the CPU with any character.
It's really little more than a glorified practice mode.

>> No.6768568


I just play against them normally, it helps to find out which makeshift combos work or not. I know they can be defeated by spamming any Dial-A combo because they don't block it all or spamming bullets, but it's still nice practice for when I lack the ability to play online.

>> No.6768619

Good ones!

>he thinks he can perfect lunatic arcade mode by spamming cf

>> No.6768639

You too.

Still hosting

>> No.6768753

You know what I see this game as? One big combo duel. Two people with some amazing combos planned go at it, and one person's combo plan overcomes the other's. So now its the other person's job to figure out how to overcome the first person's, and so on. So the question is, how many different combos does it take to overcome just about anyone?

>> No.6768789

You're completely wrong of course. The game is all about situational combos and the ability to convert pokes, projectile and otherwise, into them. Any twat can spit out Okuu combos for 3,000 damage, but it doesn't mean shit if you can't connect on them.

>> No.6768813

This is why you guys will never be good.

>> No.6768841


I honestly see this game as more movement heavy than combo heavy. Sure, anyone can combo. I've learned tons of combos, but it's superior movement and ability to limit the enemy's movement in a way that benefits you as much as possible that wins the game in the end.

On another note, Sanae seems like an accidental powerhouse to me. Sometimes I get 2500-3000 damage combos I never expected, it's kind of funny. Or maybe that's just Kanako.

>> No.6768869


That makes complete sense, but I guess I haven't found my own system to start connecting these situational combos together. That and I can't seem to get a hang of learning combos that I see in videos. I guess it would be much better for me to develop my own combos that work first.

>> No.6768924

Also, how come it sometimes seems like my moves are sometimes predictable? I mean, I try to start with some simple attacks that shouldn't be punished if I miss, yet it seems like everyone already knows a way around everything I do? Or is it that all us crap-tier players always do the same stunts over and over?

>> No.6768950


I have that syndrome. Essentially, it's because they either use a faster attack to stuff yours or have one that has a longer range than yours, so if you miss you're screwed. It's not easy to tell which moves to use in each situation. Mixing up your game is essential. Otherwise you'll get triple guard crushed like I did before, which is never fun.

>> No.6769209

Looking at frame data might help depending on the character. Okuu and Reisen in particular have a lot of attacks whose animations don't quite sync up with where you'd think the 'active' part of the attack is. Sakuya's 2B is another good example of a weird one where her hitbox shifts in a strange way during it which can lead to some counterintuitive properties. It can also help show you which attacks have longer animations than the attacks themselves are active, which is a big issue with many air attacks. Some don't become active until a certain frame of the animation, or deactivate while the animation frame still appears to be attacking.

>> No.6769309


The only thing I dislike is that it seems as if when I'm about to attack, the enemy also does one and I'm only off by one frame, or I'm about to hit and I'm off by a hair and get smacked, even though I know the frame data and hitboxes. Then again, I'm considered a very messy player, as opposed to a precise one. I either need enough momentum to do large damage in a short amount of time or chip away at the enemy without getting hit.

>> No.6769630
File: 121 KB, 600x450, 5722fe7bb46f8ab44aab3ec7d7cfbd75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6769630 US Central

>> No.6769667


>> No.6769695

sorry, I'll be back in a bit.

>> No.6769700

Hosting again.

>> No.6769735


Well played. Those were fun, if rage inducing games. You move so much I can't even hit you.

>> No.6769750

GGs. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.6769775

Good games. That last disconnect made me realize just how long we've been playing. I hope you learned something from those Remi mirrors as well as all the other games.

>> No.6769794

Wait, why is perfect freeze not the one playing Cirno?

>> No.6769819

Sorry about that, I'll be back in a bit if you still want more games.

>> No.6769822

Who knows. I had little idea what I was doing anyway.

Hosting again.

>> No.6769871

I don't know why my connection picks the same time every night to to go shit. If it cuts out one more time I'm out. Sorry for the annoynace.

>> No.6769886

One last try then!

>> No.6769905

Eh, sorry for all the trouble and wasted time. It seems like I have a thoroughly wooden computer. Hopefully we can get some better games some other time when my connection isn't going to pieces.

>> No.6769996

Alright. Time to host.


>> No.6770016

Yea, sorry it took me so long to respond. I seem to be having the same problem a couple others have as well. Internet loves to stop working at about this time...just now got it back up. And yea, good games. Who knows, maybe I will come out of this rather unpleasant experience a better player.

>> No.6770088 [DELETED]

US west/continental divide.

>> No.6770101

US west/central, continental divide.

>> No.6770163

Yeah, that's enough lagmospazz for me.

>> No.6770166

Thanks for the games, Tangential. Sorry if it was being jumpy on your end. Turns out my roommate was in a Skype call the whole time.

>> No.6770399

GG Perfect Freeze, those were some great games.

My internet shut down there at the end for some reason.

>> No.6770414

GGs, Adolf. It's difficult to take games off you now; you've come a hell of a long way since you were getting trolled by 214 knife spam and randomly throwing out that five card a few weeks ago. I had to run at the end there, I don't think it was your internet.

Note that if Okuu runs up to you and charges something, that's a guard crush that has to be low blocked. I got some wins off that which were completely unearned.

>> No.6770424

Well, I guess it could be her high crush, people mix it up, but her high crush is significantly shittier. The animations are different anyway.

>> No.6770885 Finland

>> No.6770895

... I'd play... but I'm on the wrong side of the word... not even a decent conection would grant me a decent match... fucking third world country and it's inherent HUEG ping.

>> No.6771107
File: 71 KB, 690x690, 48d9f9a7g918a81a5cc57&690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6771107 US Central

>> No.6771127

Stopped hosting?

>> No.6771133

Was adding something to my Komachi deck. Hosting again.

>> No.6771162
EU host
COR tier.

>> No.6771200


>> No.6771206


>> No.6771211


>> No.6771214

No. I just want to play someone else.

>> No.6771273

Putting my dick back in my pants for now, you guys can ride it later.

>> No.6771280

Rehosting. Too many babies on /jp/. Looking for actual games.

>> No.6771314

>actual games

>> No.6771428 Eu FI
High tier.

>> No.6771587 US West
Bad keyboard tier

>> No.6771591

GGs Aki.
I'll remember this Aya match.
And my Sakuya is really clumsy, I should work a bit on her.

>> No.6771740

Good games, your Sakuya is still much better than mine. She supposedly has some of the best pressure in the game, but I can't figure out how it works at all.

>> No.6771814

Good games.
Random really liked to give me characters with whom I'm not really good as, that's why I picked the character a few times, but I guess it didn't help much in the end even if I knew very well you'd pick your most played characters too.
I'm not exactly even sure who I could be good with, other than Youmu possibly.

>> No.6771916
File: 143 KB, 498x611, 1257673547893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games. Some amusing moments back there, I wonder how I managed to screw that fourth Grand Patriot's Elixir card with Reisen, I planned it all along and then accidentally used it half a screen away from you.

>Random really liked to give me characters with whom I'm not really good as.
That applies for both of us, with all the Suwako the random select keeps trolling me with.

>I'm not exactly even sure who I could be good with, other than Youmu possibly.
Can't really help you there. I just picked the ones I found most amusing to play.

>> No.6772599
EU host
COR tier

>> No.6772767

What's cor?

>> No.6772824

Don't rely too much on 22B/C and 236B/C with Remi, it's dangerously punishable.
Also don't spam 3A until you land a hit when you have Red Night Castle, it's too predictable.
Well, it worked because I played like deep shit, I'm ashamed of myself.

Choice Overflowing with Romance

>> No.6772885

>Don't rely too much on 22B/C and 236B/C with Remi, it's dangerously punishable.
Yeah, I know. But to be honest, I haven't exactly been playing the game since before the v1.10 patch even.
Have only played around 3 games since then, and that was when the patch was new, and by then I had already not been playing for a while.
So this was my first soku game in I don't know how long exactly.

Figured I could might as well join as you hosted, but I actually sort of panicked as I actually really didn't remember how to play, so yeah, I know it was shit.

>Also don't spam 3A until you land a hit when you have Red Night Castle, it's too predictable.
Yeah.. I know, that is really dumb actually, I would have never done so usually.
>Well, it worked because I played like deep shit, I'm ashamed of myself.
Yes.. I noticed, probably hence why I sort of continued doing it in my semi-panicked state.

>> No.6773190


>> No.6773619 ec

>> No.6773662 ec


>> No.6773667

Seeing that, nah, my Sakuya isn't better than yours, really.
GGs, nice games as always.

And this random... Not a single Alice on ~50 games today.

>> No.6773819
File: 294 KB, 706x800, 6966883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs again, I think we both can agree that my Sakuya is very clumsy too though!
The caster might fix the problems with random select, if you're planning to use it.

>> No.6773927

Well, I might give it a try someday. I'm just too lazy.

>> No.6774332 [DELETED]
US Midwest

>> No.6774340

any host i dont play this game in ages and i want to play again

>> No.6774566


>> No.6774670

can you host again?

>> No.6774793

Was it just me or was the already bad lag getting even worse the longer that went? Bleh.

>> No.6774806

Good games Tangental! I noticed some games you would suddenly stop attacking and defending during some Typhoons but not all of them. Your Yuyuko is starting to get scary as you end up putting me into a lot of graze trap situations that you can capitalize on. Not to mention such odd angle flights that avoid my own Myon traps.

>> No.6774829

I get pissed off at the weather when it flips me a giant fuck you. I prefer to play through typhoons usually (barring Aya), but if they're just going to lol-now-you-lose bullshit, I'm not going to bother dealing with it. The one where every single one of my projectiles whiffed you at point blank while yours took off 6,000 was particularly bullshitty.

>> No.6774850

Anyone hosting?

>> No.6774867

>> No.6774924

good games!
Lady Babababa

>> No.6774927

Sorry for wasting your time, I've been mostly playing Melty Blood and that silly Umineko game and haven't actually played 12.3 in months. Good games though..

>> No.6774945


I don't think you were wasting my time if you were the one asking for games. If not, still not wasting my time.

Rehosting for whoever.

>> No.6774960

Apparently my connection is complete shit tonight. So much for playing.

>> No.6774965


Ara Ara ggs tangenrineal

>> No.6775058

Out of curiosity, what are the major deck themes? Off the top of my head, I can think of the Fantasy Heaven deck for Raymoo and the Potion deck for Reisen, but what are some of the others?

>> No.6775153

I don't know about other people, but I have: Butterfly reversal deck for Yuyuko, assorted Catfish+Ice sandbagging decks, elemental decks for Patchy, Big Suika/Mini Suika, Optic Blast Reisen, Relentless Assault and Reflector Youmu, and a troll Iku full of her spammable and cheap stuff.

>> No.6775357

Not sure if it counts, but Komachi could possibly build around Half-life and Life-swap for spellcards and tele-swap for specials.

>> No.6775503

Youmu's runpast deck, Yukari's Ran and Chen deck, Alice's bomb deck, Alice laser deck, Remilia's scarlet cross, Cirno sword deck, Yuyuko's level 1 wisp and poison bomb deck, Marisa's sparks, Sakuya's time slow and time stop. That's all I can remember of that a lot use in the past days

>> No.6775933


>> No.6776064

Good games.
Feels as if I'm getting only worse the more I play in one sitting as I can't seem to stop making the same mistakes over and over again.

>> No.6776139
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Good games, Kaali. Hopefully you're not getting bored of playing against me all the time.

About that last match, you were often waiting for my initiative instead of pushing more pressure when you had the chance. Youmu has weak projectiles and a rather poor selection of grazing moves so you'll want to make sure your opponent never has the chance to set up any decent bullet cover. Also, that j.2A gets pretty predictable over time.

>> No.6776257

I'm not picky at all about who I play against, as long as there's someone to play with.
So no, I'm not bored of playing losing against you all the time.

>> No.6777452 [DELETED] 


>> No.6778635
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6778635 (US East yo~)


>> No.6778641 US West

Really fucking difficult to beat tier(srsly)

>> No.6778766

Yeah, sorry. Lag's too much for me to play with anybody but easy modo Yuyu.

>> No.6778773

Er, who I know you hate playing against. Too annoyed to think coherantly.

>> No.6778774
File: 48 KB, 367x359, 1282194676172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs tan!

Your Yuyuko still gives me lots of trouble like always~

I see you've picked up a new char too since the last time we played, forgive my scrubbyness and all, I hope you had fun :3

Hosting again~

>> No.6778779

Yeah sorry about that, my internet isn't the best :(

>> No.6778803

Don't sweat it. I'm sure it's part my connection too and ticked at the game/netplay, not you. I like playing people better than me, but not when it takes five tries to even get the moves I'm trying against them to even come out, let alone dropping every other confirm. At least Yuyu has a window for that shit the size of an elephant. Maybe I should just say fuck it and pick up Okuu already.

>> No.6778860

Hey I was trying to post my card in another thread, didn't think anyone else saved it.

>> No.6779244

GGs. You got trigger fingers. You'll graze me when you got no business grazing, as long as I put a gap in there. Also I dunno if you can see it, but when you do graze me, it's always forward. Like a book, yeah?

Pick Okuu, be internet netplay king.

>> No.6779253

Nope, can't do anymore.

That Komachi made me butthurt beyond years. I'm SOOOO jealous of it.

Even still, ggs bo-I mean Terror. You're pretty lucky I didn't get serious and pull out my Yuyuko, but still. I haven't had that much fun in a looong time. Too many highlights to point out, but the 2 that had me off my chair was your komachi crossup punish and pushing me back with that fucking coin off my 2B shards. Fucking hilarious.

Also Okuu.

>> No.6779269

Yeah I know. I'm pretty rusty and figured that out a small bit in. Yukari's 3rd C bullets pretty much told me that.

I knew I was being booked but I was having way too much fun to care. I DID try to at least change it up a bit so you'd notice though~

Thanks for the advice yo~

>> No.6779290
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Jooooiiinn usss

>> No.6779333
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6779333 West Coast

>> No.6779385

I feel sorry for you Freeze. You need to have a certain level of continuous offense or else Bob is gonna troll you all day long.

>> No.6779387

It's not even the screen wiping or Dial-A-To-Win that attracts me the most. It's the command grab. I tried to pick up Cirno just because I missed being able to guard break with throws so much before I quickly grew to detest her tiny tiny limbs and weird mobility.

>> No.6779496
File: 54 KB, 800x600, 1290404718274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lasers, lasers everywhere.

He baited all my reversals, too.

Picture related, it's me tossing shit out while getting completely owned.

Well, good games, Bob.

>> No.6779505

GGs, PF. You gotta work on the fundamentals a bit more, you know? More blocking on wakeup and all that.

I'm not bob and am slightly insulted that you would think I could be nearly as abare, especially when my strength as a player is movement and zoning. ;_;

>> No.6779526

Yeah, I'm not very good. Everything I tried to do got shot down by lasers and whenever I traded bullets (Okuu only) I ate that jack in the box move.

I would almost rather eat a combo than block, get crushed and eat the inevitable combo that's waiting for me when I do get crushed. That's a bad excuse, though.

>I'm not bob and am slightly insulted that you would think I could be nearly as abare, especially when my strength as a player is movement and zoning. ;_;
Well, whoops.

>> No.6779676

You both must be mistaken. I was under the impression that everyone was Bob.

>> No.6779697

What was his profile name?

>> No.6779728

Something really long that included the word Terror

>> No.6780681


>> No.6780706

It was Magister, silly. Has it really been so long since he's last played here?

>> No.6781183

Good games.
I'm afraid I won't be able to play until the 21st of this month again and after that I'm able to get on my computer on some weekends.
You can probably guess the reason why, but I'd rather not say it out loud.

>> No.6781213
File: 246 KB, 500x550, 9ad6e8b003f0a97e46ce81e7272374ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs once again Kaali. I've got to stop eating all those Tengu's Downburst alt.22:s you keep throwing around, I felt like an idiot ofter losing with Okuu.

>You can probably guess the reason why, but I'd rather not say it out loud.
Ah damn, you too. I'm being left all alone with everyone I know going now. Now I kind of regret my choice of going next year instead.

>> No.6781225

Finland has a military?

>> No.6781255



>> No.6781257

I forgot to mention that some of the spell cards I did in the earlier matches were pretty damn fun to do.
Like that Sanae's Sea Opening to counter your Yukari's train, but unfortunately I still managed to lose that round somehow.

>> No.6781334
File: 391 KB, 640x480, th123 2011-01-09 19-27-26-66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a thought in the back of my mind that you'll probably do that, yet I ignored it. I'll need to seriously think more about when to use my spells.

>> No.6781621 ec

>> No.6781627 EU

>> No.6782407
File: 443 KB, 1000x750, 1290957851225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games aki. Your Yukari is pretty damn good, I had a hard time keeping up with Reisen, I was constantly on defense. I'll have to stop running into your parasol spin over and over like an idiot.

I just recently started practising Reisen, but I keep messing up all the combos with her, even the simple stuff like 5AAA 236Cx2. There's many other aspects I'll need to improve with her as well but overall I'm starting to like her.

>> No.6782484

work time.

>> No.6782485

too laggy

>> No.6782492


>> No.6782503

I'd like to play, but the school network is a bitch for hosting. Someone wanna host?

>> No.6782551

>nip text
magister detected

>> No.6782583
File: 279 KB, 700x687, 6193242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs idler, Cirno's backwards walk is too fast, Yukari can't keep up!

I think your pressure is getting better, but you still do some very predictable things that make it easy to BE away. For example f.5a 6a with Cirno, and j2a with Reisen (but the latter was only because you messed up at TK'ing I assume).

>> No.6782666
File: 35 KB, 350x502, 1233581376159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For example f.5a 6a with Cirno
I have no idea why I keep doing that since I know it won't work. Especially not when I do a 5C right after, you could escape without even doing a BE.

>and j2a with Reisen
I'm not quite sure how Reisen's pressure works, but I have a bunch of replays which I probably should seek reference from. It'll take a long time just to get used to her, though.

>> No.6782909


>> No.6783753


>> No.6783819

Anyone else east-coast and not-a-pro playing?

I'm up for a match, post yo' hosting information, hamachi or whatever.

>> No.6783833
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>> No.6783844

Everyone on /jp/ is too good. 1 year of playing and 1 year of quiting and I'm still no good. Please rape my face tier.

>> No.6783854

I am failtier too.

Wanna suck with me?

>> No.6784011 ec

>> No.6786242


>> No.6786580

Alright. Time for another battle.


Also, We have a voice server for Hisoutensoku games, I think it'll make it a little easier to coordinate games and such. You don't need a mic if you don't have one.

Simply google mumble and get 1.2.2

Adress: la.midnightgaming.net

port: 5012

password: herpaderp59

>> No.6786614 [DELETED] 

Anyone up for a game?

>> No.6786625

can't connect

>> No.6786629

sorry, just took it down for a few minutes. I'll put the game back up in a bit.

>> No.6786850

It's back up now. Hosting again.


>> No.6786924

>Didn't see this around recently. Surely Seacats didn't kill this game 100% here, especially with the wide gameplay differences between the two. Let's find out.

Seacats couldn't have killed this game. Contrary to Ougon Musou, Hisouten and Soku are actual games.

>> No.6786938

What is a fake game?

>> No.6786955

Would you call the Bleach Wii thing a game?

Ougon Musou is a lot like that, except it has shoryuken inputs.

>> No.6786974

Well... yes.
What makes it not a game? It's on a disk. You put it in a console. You use a controller. You'd be hard pressed to tell me that someone sitting in front a screen pressing buttons isn't playing a game.

>> No.6787017

oh god dont bring your shitty tank game drama in here for fucks sake

>> No.6787326
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People say it's not a real game because it doesn't have enough depth or whatever. But really, I played GG and BB at a competitive level and I really enjoy this game anyway. It may not have depth, but it's fun, and that's all that really matters. And yes, I'm talking about Ougon, not that Bleach game.

>> No.6787720

Oh. He's trying to say it's a bad game. In which case, he's still retarded because Hisouten is the worst fighting game ever made.

>> No.6788864
US Midwest

>> No.6788940
File: 125 KB, 1199x898, 1286172308535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6788940 (US East yo~)


Only for a bit!

>> No.6788967

i don't remember no black toe hoes get that shit outta here

>> No.6788995 [DELETED] 
File: 374 KB, 681x824, 1281064452118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6788995 wc

rusty, used to be around mid, no idea now
expect lots of char switching

>> No.6789010


>> No.6789013

oh shit renee, gg's you raped my ass so hard LOL

>> No.6789015

GGs calvo, but that was wayyy too laggy. Where are you from? I really think that was my fault though...

>> No.6789032

Theres way more than that, I'd care not to post them in this thread though.

>> No.6789035

west coast US - it was prolly me, i share this shitty connection with my family

>> No.6789040

inb4 brown shops and dat ass

>> No.6789053

Okay, that's enough new character practice/lag abusing me for today. I don't even have any fucking idea how that last thing hit me. I was trying to fly through straight through it and then suddenly, I was dead with almost full spirit.

>> No.6789210

I hope you're sticking with Reisen. I have trouble with good Reisens so if you picked her up I might finally learn how to play against her.

>> No.6789294

I'm trying, but as you can see, I'm still getting used to a lot of her stuff, especially where the open windows are in her blockstrings and how her hitbox disappears during her dash, making me cross myself up for added derp. I'm also having trouble figuring out a good deck for her. I don't like almost any of her spellcards and her alt skills don't excite me either. I think I'll toss the alt-DP back in to cover the melee special issues I was having. I really like the default 22 for its high damage and mixup potential in strings, and if the low level rings didn't suck so much, I'd go with them over the laser sweep. Sweep was a bad choice against Reimu anyway because of the teleport. Maybe I'll just say fuck it and stack it with Grimoires and Fans.

>> No.6789337

As far as spellcards go, you can run just 3card mines and 5card circle lasers and do just fine. Having level 4 default 236 in your deck is also a strong choice, default 22 and disorder eye 22 are pretty good, default 214 is pretty good and 214 rings have their uses, and finally ultraviolet field can be strong, while the 623 eyeblast is decent as a dp and a cross-up gimmick.

If you feel like you have much stronger movement than your opponent, I'd recommend at least running rods and default 236.

>> No.6789659


>> No.6789905
west coast

around mid but quite rustii

>> No.6790046

Good games siscon! You manage your orbs very well, getting some border escapes in when I thought a guard crush was certain. Once you shook off the rust you really started hammering the heck out of me so I opted to stick to my main.

>> No.6790048

ggs rabbit... surprised i beat your ADHD youmu twice on a char i never use. okuu mash powah

>> No.6790065

Thus is the power of unpunishable rocket dives in river mist

>> No.6790072

Hey now, he can't be both single-minded Youmu and ADHD Youmu! Unless Rabbit changed his style at some point.

Vastly preferable to rocket dives in phoon.

>> No.6790096

There were a few of those too. It was painful.

My gameplan is the same as always: Midscreen 2C and reckless charge people into the corner. Low pokes and 3/6[A] -> 623B/C!

>> No.6790349 [DELETED] 

is there some trick to dealing with rabbit's youmu? i really can't help but think that we're on equal terms as far as skill, since the off chance i decide to use a main against him (yeah, defense mechanisms!) we usually trade wins for the first 5-6 games, usually leaning on me as the victor, and then i fold under the pressure and start playing like an idiot. it's sad that i've consistently done better against nameless, magister, ad, guy/viita and other names worth mentioning than rabbit, renee and trey, who all share the same playstyle but are still clearly a step below the above listed. maybe that style is just too effective in this game, but i think it's more likely that i have a mental block against it or maybe i'm just too slow to apply a strategy during a shitstorm. herp derp

>> No.6790411
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6790411 (US East yo~)

6 in the morning, I gots to stay up for another 4 hours somehow....

What better way then hosting at such dead hours~?

>> No.6790829

Oh man Duck, GG. I always tend to forget highlights I want to point out, but one thing I do remember is how good you use Sakuya's 326C. That shit was kicking my ass. That move now has a soft spot in my heart.

Well I actually had to bail as soon as you entered, I totally forgot Soku was open and still hosting~

GGs, and that Raymoo is the bane of my existence.

>> No.6790844

Good games. Normally I wouldn't play when I'm this tired but I also have to try to stay awake for a few more hours. I feel terrible from staying up this long but that double KO made it worthwhile.

>> No.6790987
EU host
COR tier.

>> No.6791436

GGs The Idler. Fun games and interesting for me as well.
But damn the random lag and my input drops.
I tried three times in a row to do 3A 2B with Marisa and failed each time for exemple.
Anyway, whining about this wont get me anywhere.
GGs again.

>> No.6791461
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GGs Recupel. Using BE so often isn't really such a good idea, you know. There's a lot of gaps in my pressure, no need to sacrifice one of those precious orbs every time you're pushed into the corner.

And yeah, the random lag made it pretty much impossible at times to do any proper combos, or anything else for that matter.

>> No.6791494
File: 223 KB, 800x600, f5336b8c6b2f2773b98e1932b2c3cfa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, if you're wondering what happened during the first match, the game started slowing down and freezing my keys, and a moment later I got a message that explorer had crashed.

Be it software or hardware, it seems that my computer hates me.

>> No.6791633

Hosting EU

>> No.6792139

GGs The Idler!
God I am rusty, and I don't have a clue about how to play against Cirno. And is it or just me, or did we get a disproportionate amount of terrible weather in our matches?

>> No.6792209
File: 1.56 MB, 1500x1400, 98575cc2dfe2f47d19d051fb6365c4c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games 6A, long time no see. I can't even remember when the last time we got to fight was. Although I do remember that you used to mop your floor with me.

>God I am rusty
Yet you still won the majority of those matches, if I'm not mistaken.

>I don't have a clue about how to play against Cirno
She has many strange aspects like that alt.623 move which eats through pretty much anything but other than that, she has hard time dealing with enemy bullets, as most of her own bullets are pretty weak and her only graze move is that 66C iceblock slide, unless you sacrifice the incredibly versatile Ice Charge for the much more situational Ice Kick.

>And is it or just me, or did we get a disproportionate amount of terrible weather in our matches?
Maybe, it was partially affected by my weather cards after all.

>> No.6792223

It's ok, my computer hates me too.

>> No.6792920
Late EU host
COR tier

>> No.6792939

>> No.6792960

How good is COR? (of course, I'm new to this)

>> No.6792967

It isn't any good, just random pick.

>> No.6793026


>> No.6793053
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>> No.6793176

Thanks for the games, but I can't spare any more time, sadly. While I enjoyed them, I apologize for being little (if any) challenge. GGs

>> No.6793183

GGs Faek, keep practicing, you're in a good way.
Be careful about your defense, don't stop blocking in the middle of a string.
Also you may want to cancel more of your bullets by highjumping, you will enter graze frames and be in a less vulnerable state.
Don't have anything else to say in mind.

>> No.6793192

And don't apologize for this. Everyone needs an opponent in order to learn.

>> No.6793194

new thread?

>> No.6793201
File: 94 KB, 150x150, 1287690433749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be careful about your defense, don't stop blocking in the middle of a string.
Most of those are accidental, I guess. Sometimes it's just my bad knowledge of the attacking character's move sequence, though. I'll work on it.
>Also you may want to cancel more of your bullets by highjumping, you will enter graze frames and be in a less vulnerable state.
This is sound advice, I barely ever do it.
Thanks for the feedback!

>> No.6793212

Not everyone has the patience to teach, though. It felt courteous at the moment.

>> No.6793471

Bump... Anyone around?
