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6750146 No.6750146 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread about Touhouvania 2?

Well, here is a thread separate from the C79 upload thread to discuss this game.

>> No.6750158

I'd start off, but I don't have many positive things to say, because it seems like I am terrible at the game. It looks beautiful and I'm sure it's an amazing game, but it looks like I'm destined to keep getting killed at the first boss and then respawning with a tiny amount of knives and no way of beating the boss.

Looks like I'm the only one on the planet who has this issue.

>> No.6750168

Just beat Alice thanks to some helpful tips for kind anons. I'm now in the mansion like place, filled with zombies and fairies.

>> No.6750174

Touhouvania 1 was garbage apart from graphics, art, and music. Why would we expect more from the sequel?

>> No.6750177

It's pretty fun, but I wonder why the difficulty drop occurred from Youmu to Marisa. Youmu was kicking my ass, but once I beat her and got to Marisa, she was pathetic, I only lost one life to her because I was already near dead. I liked hearing MASUTAH SUPAKU though.

>> No.6750185


Is it like, a must not to die even once to Alice? Because you respawn with the tiniest amount of knives and once they're gone you're just a punching bag, as opposed to a punching bag with knives.

>> No.6750188

Here's a tip: Your hitbox shrinks when you float.

You're also invincible for a few frames when you do a backstep, use it to dodge through a wave of projectiles.

You're going to have to experiment with them a bit in order to find out exactly how and when to use them, but this should help massively.

Also, If you're familiar with Metroidvanias, the Jump attack > Land >Attack > Backstep combo works and can be used to pull off a ton of damage fairly quickly.

>> No.6750204

I didn't use any ranged attacks at all against Alice. I DID use the Crissargrim attack against her dolls when they spawned, though, just to get rid of them.

>> No.6750211


I appreciate the tips. Better than just being told I suck. Thanks.

>> No.6750220

I just spammed knives until I was out, but Alice had about 1 hit in her left so I just jumped up and slashed her.
Are you playing on normal or hard?

>> No.6750236


I started on Hard. After nearly punching a hole in the wall I decided to switch to Normal. After a while of that I got fed up and switched to Easy. To be honest, for me all of the difficulties are the same. All just as impossible.

>> No.6750242

The touhou elements they choose to add to this game more or less eliminated everything I liked about the metroidvania games. The recycled sprites are a bit weird too. I can't help but feel this is only getting attention because of the insanely talented artist.

>> No.6750243

I just finished it today in normal, tomorrow I'll try hard.

the game is great, scenario design is much better than the first game, and the voicework is priceless... the BGMs are great tho most are re-arranges of the touhouvania 1 ones.

I really like how they've improved the mechanics of the game, if reimu had the limited flight mechanics touhouvania 1 would have been a better game...

also, I just loved the reimu = richter belmont thing (again) in the colloseum.

>> No.6750254

Do you think there'll be like, a cheat program or something made for this eventually so I can have infinite health? I really want to play this but it seems like no matter how much I try I just can't get through it. It's honestly getting to me now.

>> No.6750258

Why does Sakuya have an eating disorder

>> No.6750265

that's the thing... this is not a metroidvania... this is a classic castlevania... go and play them for the NES or SNES.

>> No.6750267

In case you didn't realize, I'll put up the command list.

Jump in midair= Float. Your hitbox shrinks to danmaku levels, makes it much easier to navigate bullet patterns. Drains MP as you use it.

Down + Jump = Dive kick. Useful for getting to the floor quickly to dodge, or to stylishly finish off a weak enemy. Consumes MP.

Up + Attack = Flurry Slash. Similar to the Crissaegrim, It can be used while running, jumping or floating and has a wider hitbox to hit those pesky tiny enemies. Consumes MP based on how many slashes you do.

Down + Jump = Backstep. You're invincible for a few frames during it, so you can use it to dodge through bullets and such.

Attack during Backstep = Throws 2 knives that bounce off the floor. does as much damage as the knife subweapon, but this doesn't use souls. Also lets you regain air control after a backstep.

>> No.6750281

Down + Jump in Midair = Dive kick
Down + Jump on the ground = Backstep

>> No.6750283

Pretty much. The sequel is slightly better though. All this showed me was that no matter how much you polish your game on the exterior (graphics, voice acting, and sound) it really doesn't matter much if the main gameplay part is just average.

Levels design is still whatever. And the bosses generally suck still: I understand they're trying to keep the bullet hell thing in, but it doesn't really work with this type of gameplay. All you do is just duck under a bullet every now and then. Not exciting at all.

>> No.6750296

I thought the bullet hell thing was executed fairly well. I can easily say i was fairly excited seeing some of the harder bullet patterns, even though they're fairly easy to dodge.

I think it's actually easier to dodge Remilia's attacks than it is to dodge Chen's or Alice's.

>> No.6750300

Exactly. Seriously. Have none of these guys played the Touhou fightans? The girls can get physical rather than just floating around and spamming boolets! Hell, even Ys could make bosses that chuck boolets all over and still manage to feel like a fight rather than a floating target that fires danmaku. That's one of the big things that sucked about TV1.

>> No.6750310

I've been having a blast with this game, reminds me of the joy I had while playing Rondo of Blood.
I really wish Konami would have made more Classicvanias after RoB instead of milking SoTN-like games.

>> No.6750315

Chen, Youmu, Reimu and Remilia all have physical attacks. I agree that they should have more, though.

>> No.6750325

After around 30 attempts, it's not unreasonable to assume that if I've not beaten the first boss by now, I never will, is it?

I want to keep going, but it's just, the same level over and over, same boss over and over, on and on...

>> No.6750333

Rondo of Blood was boring garbage to me. Bloodlines is where it was at.

>> No.6750334

Haven't beat Alice yet?

>> No.6750341


Isn't that what I said..? Ugh, I might as well have downloaded the demo and saved myself some disk space.

For me, this game will only ever have one level.

>> No.6750344

Where are you having trouble? I suppose Platformer skills are fairly hard to develop in this day and age. Tell us where you have trouble and we can probably give you some tips.

Also, have a look at Sakuya's Move list to help you maneuver. >>6750267

>> No.6750354

Alice is fairly easy, use the Up+Attack slash to destroy the dolls as they appear and just back slash alice when she's not using the dolls... heck, if you're in trouble, just take distance and use the knives.

>> No.6750361
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Of course the SNES version was horseshit.
However the PC Engine version was the best game in the serie.

>> No.6750364


I appreciate your offer of help. Really. But I feel as though if I have to play through that same sequence one more time I'll kill my family.

I may try again in a week or so.

>> No.6750365

I hate being stuck in that gap where Normal is too easy and Hard rapes me six ways from Sunday.

I particularly loved the final Remilia fight.

>> No.6750372

the remilia final fight was glorious, not rape hard, but not easy... and I just loved how it is a tribute to SotN Dracula.

>> No.6750377

Yeah some are cool. Also I really love the voice acting.

Order of Ecclesia was an awesome recent one because it was 50% classic and 50% metroidvania. Level design was poop from a butt for the first 1-2 stages though.

>> No.6750380
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For the guy who can't beat Alice on easy, jump at her and attack repeatedly. I made no effort to dodge anything and just kept trying to attack her. I didn't even bother with the knives. I had never realized how easy easy makes boss fights before trying easy myself.

>> No.6750390


Alright, you posted that, but I don't believe you.

Not trying to dodge and just attacking her? No. If that's true, then my copy of the game is bugged.

>> No.6750391

I think it should be pointed out that your melee attack does about six times the damage of your knives. Many bosses can be dispatched more quickly by getting up close and landing a bunch of slashes instead of sitting back and picking away with knives.

>> No.6750397

fella', destroy the dolls, avoid bullets... Alice is rather simple when you take your time instead of trying to beat her quickly, this applies to every boss.

>> No.6750398

Bosses have extremely low health and their bullet patterns have wide enough gaps to walk through on easy. Are you sure you're playing on easy?

>> No.6750427


One of these days i wanna be able to do this on Hard.

>> No.6750434

Well yeah, it's a melee attack. The reason why knives are stressed as important is because it's very difficult getting close to hard mode bosses without getting your healthbar raped.

However come bosses like Remilia don't really give good opportunities for knives while giving good ones for melee attacks. On hard mode I didn't bother with knives at all on Remilia, nor Yukari, nor final boss Remilia. For her final form I just used up my default 50 orbs for a Flandre, slashed out the hand on the right, slashed out the hand on the left then slowly worked on the rest.

Marisa however can be deafeated only using knives. And I found them invaluable on the Reimu fight where her whip would destroy me if she got close.

Remember you have hitstun invulnerability. A very short one, but it will allow you to get a couple more hits in. Also the flurry attack does less damage than a normal strike.

>> No.6750530

Well Yukari on hard could probably be done this way as she doesn't appear to have any differences between normal or hard. However chances for kicking Remilia become much fewer as she shoots more stuff on hard which aren't particularly aimed and shoot above her. Maybe during her Gungnir throws though.

Final form Remilia I haven't fought enough to make real comments on, but I remember the last bit of that battle being me trying to get the last few strikes in while avoiding dying so those last few hits could posibly be replaces with kicks, but I had to get rid of the hands as the screen is way too cluttered if she can shoot those hands while shooting meteors and I don't imagine those hands going down that quickly to kicks.

>> No.6750538

I beat her, with like 2 fucking pixels left in my health bar.

Now for a repeat of this with the next boss, I suppose.

>> No.6750547

Listen up fucktard, you have a set amount of SP for one continue. As you go through the stages you kill enemies and pots and rack it up. Using knives in the air uses up one SP, on the ground you use three. Helpers generally use more and are dependent on which you use.

When you die, you are left with the amount of SP that you had before. If you waste all your SP on one life then die, congratulations you now have barely any left. If you have less the 50 SP when you die, you're brought back with 50.

In other words, dodge things instead of blindly attacking and don't spam your knives carelessly. They don't have infinite range, either.

>> No.6750550

Chen is the next boss. I just got to her, the stage wasn't easy.

>> No.6750583

I was talking the PC Engine version. It sucked.

>> No.6750588

>PCE CD version
>worse then snes
Yeah no

>> No.6750595

Not worse than SNES. It just sucked as a game.

>> No.6750622

>Attack during Backstep

you forgot to mention that it extends the invincible frames for a bit more.

and, I bet most of you noticed that you can kill the sword knights without them attacking you if you get them just in the border your attack range.

>> No.6750624
File: 106 KB, 810x512, ThisIsEasyTooEasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I just did the same thing to Chen. No knives, only melee. Still worked. Easy is far too easy. Only attacks of hers that still does damage are the tackles which I got hit twice by. If you bother to dodge those then Chen should be really, really easy. Really easy.

Also the stage was stupidly easily. I never realized how easy being on easy made them. Nearly everything died in one hit. The only exceptions being the imp, the armors, and swordface.

>> No.6750633

Is there a boss rush mode to skip the shitty levels?

>> No.6750643

you need to clear the game without dying on hard mode, starting from stage 1 to unlock it.

>> No.6750650

>you need to download someone else's save

>> No.6750651

Are there any videos of someone taking on Yuyuko without spamming Flan? I spent 13 lives trying to tackle her the normal way, but then I looked over and saw "x00", so I just spammed Flan for the win.

>> No.6750663


I did that too, with Chen. Very easy. Why the fuck did it take like 35 tries with Alice and suddenly after that the game turns easy? What the fuck?

>> No.6750674

Just downloaded this.




>> No.6750682

What, were you expecting PSX Richter level voice acting? Didn't you read the cast for this game? Bunch of top notch seiyuus in it!

>> No.6750691

Hey the latest castlevainia had awesome voice acting.

>> No.6750702

Wow. Japan is NUTS.

>> No.6750705

I didn't use knives, I just jump+slash'd her in quick breaks, I had to use Meiling constantly on Hard though, only when she was about to do the Master Spark (in Hard she makes an extra barrier that doesn't let you float over her while she fires her Master Spark).

Reimu was quite messy on Hard, I thought she wouldn't change much but just imagine her easy-dodgeable card attacks that were on Normal difficulty except much more aggresive and fast, not to mention she gains 2 extra attacks, you can barely hit her with your slash.

Still, in all difficulties, bosses were made much easier after I got Reimu's orbs (Castlevania's cross). EX-Remilia has gaps in her laser attacks and once you know where they are, she's not that hard.

>> No.6750707

Oh is that so.
Please let me know about this again when another visitor decides to make a thread about this a month later.

>> No.6750715

Ironically while we got the goofiest fucking dracula since bela lugosi, japan got fucking norio wakamoto

>> No.6750725

They weren't that bad. Hammy, yes, but they were working the shitty translation and probably uninterested direction as best they could. Voice acting isn't easy.

>> No.6750732

Chen's voice and Alice's little tsun moments hurt my ears.

Maybe I should play without headphones.

>> No.6750737
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>> No.6750758

He's pretty much bullshitting you. I don't think anybody's managed a no death hard mode run yet, but it's probably possible. Not sure if it actually unlocks anything.

It was easy to do on Alice too. I have no idea how Alice is fucking you up.

My Marisa hard strategy was this. Marisa has a very large window in which you can spam the knives. Right at her first attack you can jump up and hover fairly close to her and spam knives for a long while going through the notable gap in her second wave of danmaku. However at that point you want to land and head over to the stairs for the laser spam which will fuck you up if you're unprepared. The set of lasers will still hit you if you just duck there, but if you jump and hover to avoid the first couple you can dodge the rest simply by ducking at the top of the stairs. I then wait for her to throw her ground lasers and when she preps up her master spark I simply leave the stairs and duck on the floor. After that the process begins again. I can take over a third of her health with each knife burst so she's dead before she finishes three loops.

>> No.6750763

Floating makes your hitbox super small, so that will make it a lot easier to dodge that ring of blue bullets that she shoots so that you can attack the most during that phase.

After that phase is over, just run to whichever ledge is farthest from her and duck to avoid her super lasers. Of course, you want to make sure that the red butterfly is far from you before you do this as well.

So long as you attack fiercely during that first phase, she's pretty easy. Use the Up+A attack on her.

>> No.6750789

I know that safespot, I just meant that before Hard, I didn't need to use any supporters as she was easy enough that I could take her before she did 3 rounds. On hard she sends more crap out in the moments where I used to get behind her and slash away, to which I resorted to just using Meiling at those moments.

I don't have a strategy for Yuyuko, as all I did was spam Reimu's orb while floating between her streams, if you played PCB you should know how she will attack which was an aid to me. I couldn't touch Ran at all with my slash so again I had to resort to Reimu's orbs. Remilia attacks like in TV1 and Yukari's easy, she also has less hp than the bosses. Ex Remilia as I said before has gaps in her screen-covering lasers, if you memorize them she's easy to beat, although it'd be better if you knife down her arms so she doesn't do that annoying shotgun danmaku.

>> No.6750812

I actually got in and attacked Ran a lot with my basic slash. The trick is getting by her orbs for her first few attacks. Her other attacks do very little damage in comparison to them. For the laser circle I just floated in it and tried my best to spam knives at Ran. The strategy works fairly well for me as long as I can do the laser circle correctly as those lasers rape your healthbar.

>> No.6750835

>follow this pic from front page
>mfw touhouvania
This thread pleases me

>> No.6750843

Anybody happen to have the list of seiyuus for this game?
Wikipedia doesn't even have a page for the first one.

>> No.6750877

How exactly do you give yourself more lives in this game. I see people with 19-20 lives.

>> No.6750881
File: 140 KB, 677x700, Youmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Sakuya was the playable character of this game, might Youmu be the playable character in the next game (if there is one)? I can see her being a very fun character to play as with many different possibilities for battle actions.

>> No.6750886

Options menu.

>> No.6750938

Izayoi Sakuya: Sawashiro Miyuki (Shinku from Rozen Maiden, Saeko from Highschool of the Dead, Celty from Durarara!)
Remilia Scarlet:Kitamura Eri (Saya from
Highschool of the Dead, Ami from Toradora)
Patchouli Knowledge: Rikimaru Noriko
Flandre Scarlet: Kanemoto Hisako (Ika Musume from Ika Musume)
Hong Meiling: Satou Satomi (Ritsu from K-ON!)
Hakurei Reimu: Satou Rina (Misaka Mikoto from Railgun,
Kirisame Marisa: Shintani Ryoko
Alice Margatroid, Onozuka Komachi: Tomatsu Haruka (Nagi from Kannagi, the crazy fishgirl from Star Driver)
Yakumo Yukari: Endo Aya (Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier)
Saigyouji Yuyuko: Shiina Hekiru (Hikaru from Rayearth, Maria Renard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
Konpaku Youmu: Hirohashi Ryo (Yamada from Working!!, Kyo from CLANNAD)
Yakumo Ran: Kobayashi Yuu (Mariya from Maria†Holic)
Chen: Shintani Ryoko

>> No.6750941

it was shit

classic castlevania is shit

>> No.6750958

DO WANT the IN characters in this art style. Especially Moco.

>> No.6750976

I honestly doubt Youmu. Reimu and Sakuya were based off Castlevania playstyles that already exist. Whip and sword. Katanas haven't honestly gotten that much focus in the games you could get them.

I could see a magician style character like Marisa being in the next one since that's been a playstyle too. But I'm not too sure on that since those types work best in metroidvanis where you can collect more spells and such.

Maybe Remilia as the protagonist along with a soul steal power like Soma, where you gain certain abilities after beating bosses.

Or since the next one is going to be based off IN quite possibly teams. Or maybe just Sakuya and Remilia pair. It'd be cine if Marisa and Reimu were a team for Charlotte, Jonathon gags.

>> No.6750982

>classic castlevania is shit

This is how I know I can ignore your opinion forever.

>> No.6750984

It's like I'm really enjoyable all the awful platforming of a Castlevania Metroid wannabe!

Also, I love how all the ripped CV enemies are low res, fire big bullets short ranges that can be canceled with the sword and flown over easily. The fairies? In your face, tiny uncancellable boolets.

>> No.6750994

It's got nothing to do with Metroidvanis in the least. It's pure classic Castlevania.

>> No.6751000

>he thinks castlevania enemies are high-res!

>> No.6751018
File: 66 KB, 389x388, 1289981828874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snes was alright. Music was much better, had a funky vibe to it. Everything else the pc dominated in.
see image

>> No.6751029


Nobody cares about your opinion, moron, go make one of your "edgy" threads, kid.

>> No.6751031

Thank you

>> No.6751039


>Nobody cares about your opinion

And yet you respond.

Short bus resident.

>> No.6751050

I just responded to let you know that whatever you say in this board is worth less than shit.

Stop posting.

>> No.6751067

Please don't talk to Scandaroon. He's just a troll. Talking to him only gives him a reason to post more. Just ignore him and he'll go away to another thread which he'll try to troll. His nearly non-existent tiny penis causes him to troll. It's all he can do now. So please just ignore that which cannot be helped.

>> No.6751078

Then pure classic castlevania ALSO is just shitty, boring, uninteresting platforming.

Which means there really isn't a difference between the linear and metroidvania styles of CV.

>> No.6751088


Like you or anyone on /jp/ has a penis that's remotely above 1 inch, don't kid yourself.


Cry more, you whiny faggot. I'llkill your entire family if you don't quit your childish bitching.

>> No.6751102

People need to understand Touhouvania is far from the original. Shit is based more off of today's Castlevania which has abandoned it's previous game play.

>> No.6751108




>> No.6751113

EXACTLY. That's what I'm trying to say. It's not built like a classic CV. It's built like a damn linear Metroidvania.

>> No.6751131

So you just dislike Castlevania. Okay, you're very clearly a troll. Your post indicates you lack intrisnic knowledge of what metroidvania and classis Castlevania even means. You need to research this. It becomes all too easy to discard your opinions when you lack basic knowledge on what you're trying to troll. Try a bit harder next time.

tl;dr 1/10

>> No.6751141


Hey faggot

I could've phrased it "Classic Castlevania is shit but Rondo was pretty good"

but I didn't

be butthurt somewhere else

>> No.6751145

Wait, so you just don't like the fact you can control fluidly and move your direction after you've jumped in the air?

>> No.6751152

No, I'm saying Touhouvania is boring platforming a la Metroidvanias. If you're saying it's Classic Castlevania, then CCV is also boring platforming.

>> No.6751157

Why are talking to me? I responded to somebody else, not you. Are you the guy I responded to?

>> No.6751159
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Eugh. This is gonna be a looooong thread.

You know what... yes, that's exactly it. THAT'S the part that I hate. Let's just make this easy for both of us.

>> No.6751162


Yes. I am that guy. I was posting as anonymous.

>> No.6751175

I was saying it was like classic Castlevania in terms of linearity and how it's arcade like. What do you find overly worse about more recent castlevania's platforming mechanics over earlier ones?

>> No.6751178

There are good tripfags and bad tripfags. Scandaroon is a ███ tripfag.

>> No.6751183

The recent CVtroids have just been boring, dull platforming. I can't really explain it, but between the copy paste rooms and enemy reuse, it just feels like the ENTIRE platforming half of the game is just a schlep to pad out time between bosses, the only parts of the game with life or creativity in them.

>> No.6751188

Seems like an odd thing to hate.

>> No.6751198

No, honestly I'd like to know what iffs you about more recent Castlevania's platforming. Do you find the level design bland? The obstacles dull? What bothers you? I'd also like to know what you preferred about the old ones specifically.

>> No.6751200

I think i see what you mean. Recent castlevanias dont have the crazy unforging platforming, like clock tower levels full of medusa heads that knock you all the way back to the bottom of the stage if you mistime one jump or attack, correct?

>> No.6751215

It isn't about AMAZING TOUGH platforming, just platforming where shit happens. Where there's stuff to do. Where the enemies are just more than annoying damage soakers. The classic CVs weren't AMAZING at what they did either but they usually gave you more to do, they made it interesting.

>> No.6751246

Hmm. Do you also not enjoy the exploring aspect? I enjoy the fact I can explore all around the castle and find hidden stuff. I like the fact I can loot Dracula's home. I appreciate being able to go off in some direction I never needed to go and find something nice.

However I guess it's entirely meaningless to you. You want the epic battles, fighting Death, Dracula, and whatever's a boss character in the game. all the fodder in your eyes are just fodder. And overall they bore you. You don't care if you find some nice sword that has ridiculous stats or armor that makes it so everyone does practically no damage since those aren't needed if you have skill.

Recent Castlevanias becoming more explorative have only added to the bitterness you have to get through to get to the meat.

Is that right?

>> No.6751288

Fuck nigger, don't pin the exploration hatred on me. You ain't seen what I do in sandbox games.

I just don't think the platforming is any fun. I want to like it, but I don't. This makes the exploration kinda boring, but of course I'm still gonna make a good faith effort to map out everything (And, hell, to get the good ending, you practically have to.) within reach.

>> No.6751295

So basically you want there to be something interesting about the platforming then there just being enemies around. Not just a background that tells you where you're platforming though. Like how in the clock tower you always needed to jump on constantly moving gears? Or in the lower areas where there's water and moving currents? You enjoy the areas that are full of conveyor belts, spikes and traps yet still having a bunch of enemies that like to knock you into them? Since it's all more interesting and requires more thought than a long room with a line of enemies in it?

>> No.6751314

I don't quite get it. All that stuff is there in modern Castlevania games, it's just not as frustrating. Enemies are there to provide an obstacle, correct?

I remember one areas of Rondo of Blood where you had to make it across a gap, but there was one of those Spear Knights standing there on the other side to knock you into the gap, forcing you to start over and figure out a way to kill him before you take the jump. Is that the kind of design you want?

>> No.6751319

It doesn't HAVE to have conveyor belts and spikes or elaborate traps, but you are correct in mentioning the clock towers. They are always just a cool breeze compared to the rest of the levels, even now in Touhouvania 2.

If it helps, I'd rather be playing SMB1 or NSMB Wii or even Great Giana Sisters DS than a Metroidvania. None of those are particularly challenging games but they engage me a lot better.

>> No.6751356
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>Flandre = Ika Musume

>> No.6751367

Well, Rondo sucked, to be honest. Even the REAL version.

It just feels like CVtroid platforming is just an endless series of dull hallways with enemies smattered everywhere with a kinda sucky combat mechanic layered atop. I don't know how else to describe it, but I snooze through those games and really enjoy other platformers.

>> No.6751378

funny thing about sakuya, Miyuki Sawashiro played Marisa in the 2008's Touhou Musou Kakyou.

From Marisa to Sakuya... downgrade or upgrade?

>> No.6751380

It feels like Castlevania games in general aren't your thing, and you prefer REAL platformers, mario-style, where the platforming is the whole point.

>> No.6751397

So basically you'd like the platforming itself to be more difficult and varied. Mario, since it's primarily a platforming pulls all the stops so it seems far more interesting than what you do in Castlevania which is quite dull in comparison. Jumping across the sky on top of giant flying manta rays. Jumping up a tower full of swinging platforms. Sand that drags you down if you don't jump out of it.

Where as in Castlevania it's all the same tile of a room. No particular things to jump, not really platforming at all. A large part of the trickier parts just require you to have an ability that's in the other direction so again not really platforming.

The only thing that comes close is the clock tower. You'd like it more if each area in Castlevania made use of the enviroment like the clock tower does. Like if in the garden there was a gigantic flower you'd have to climb to the top of to fight a boss and while climbing this flower there were a myriad of flower based obstacles including spores and vines which aren't actually enemies and can't be killed forcing you to navigate under perilous conditions. Would you like something like that?

>> No.6751398

You should try Tomba. It's like Castlevania or Metroid games, except difficult and time consuming.

>> No.6751404

Forgot to mention, Yoshi's Island (Super Mario land X) for SNES is a bastard of a game.

>> No.6751407

wait wait wait.... Yuyuko is Rockman!? HOLY CRAP.

I wonder for how much was this game sold in comiket... because I can't see how the hell did Frontier Aja afforded all these voices.

>> No.6751421
File: 33 KB, 175x129, motherfuckingarcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most annoying part of it.

>> No.6751428

You think VAs make a lot of money?
Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.

>> No.6751474

They're easy when alone. They were only annoying for a couple of parts when climbing up to Yuyuko where there were two with one being positioned above the other so that if you attempted taking out the lower one quickly you'd get hit. If you only go for a quick hit then retreat back before delivering the finishing blow you can get by without taking damage though.

>> No.6751481

I want to play this game but I also dont want to download a huge file of every comiket game and /r/ is being a dick. can anyone give me a download link?

>> No.6751504
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>> No.6751509

ok... maybe is not a ridiculous ammount of money... but it's not cheap either... and some of these voices do have demand right now. (maybe not yuyuko tho... sadly)

>> No.6751535

/r/ isn't good for anything. Also the iso is already on /rs/ already. /rs/ is far more clear in telling you if somebody on 4chan has it or not.

>> No.6751547

The annoying part isn't when they're alone, it's when they're teamed with multiple other enemies (or more archers!) and manage to hit you in the foot or fire their arrows in the short lag tie after you swing or some shit. They aren't hard, but they're definitely run-killers.

>> No.6751561

You can cancel a normal attack with a backstep, and then throw knives mid-backstep to regain control and attack again.

>> No.6751562
File: 293 KB, 652x1100, 1259532820509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is Medicine!

>> No.6751564

So do you have to install it, then patch it?

you can't just play the .exe file?

>> No.6751570

anyone got a download of just the music?

>> No.6751587

The first got an OST release a bit after initial release. This should get the same treatment.

>> No.6751607


awesome, thanks bro

>> No.6751617

The second day it came out someone ripped the music from the files and provided a dl for it.

>> No.6751619

What makes you think that? Medicine does not have wings, nor dressed like a maid.

>> No.6751626
File: 20 KB, 387x429, 1293212470392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a request for the dl btw

>> No.6751644

Yeah, install then patch it. In some point you'll have to rename the folder to a name more simple, if I remember correctly.

>> No.6751657

>get to Yuyuko
>Death butterfly one-shots me

>Spam 800 hearts worth of Flan

>> No.6751662

There's a download of a prepatched version on /rs/ with no install

>> No.6751665
File: 915 KB, 1200x600, ch005_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon!

>> No.6751668

the folder where the installer is needs to be renamed.

>> No.6751669

Archers can be killed quickly with the Up+A attack. There's a lot more annoying monsters out there like the green skeleton with the halberd or the big winged armor torso knight.

>> No.6751680

Any way to change this to english?

I got an iso, patched it, but it's all in moonspeak ;_;

>> No.6751688

Only Touhouvania 1 had the official english patch.

>> No.6751692

I couldn't get Flan to hit right, I mean sometimes she'd wipe out every enemy on screen and sometimes they'd only get a scratch, maybe they were too close to the middle?

In the end I just quit using flan and resorted to spending all my ''hearts'' on ying yang orbs.

>> No.6751698

Wow, 800 hearts.

I just slashed her to death.

>> No.6751704 [DELETED] 

unofficial, I highly doubt that Frontier Aja allowed a proper patch like that.

>> No.6751705

Wait half a year for the 1.04 patch to come out, just like what happened with TV1.

>> No.6751713

Incorrect, the english THvania 1 translation was done by Frontier Aja themselves. It's fairly engrishy.

>> No.6751720

so you gave yuyu... *sunglasses* some PUDDI

>> No.6751722
File: 181 KB, 640x360, 22h32m48s62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of in shock about people not being able to beat Alice. What games do you normally play that require less skill than that fight?
And if there's anything Castlevania taught me it's that knives are always shitty.
Back on topic, I really liked this game compared to the first one. I only wish all the boss fights were more like Remilia's in appearance, though.

>> No.6751723

Really? Then tell me why it's on THEIR SITE, as a free download. The readme even tells the players that they want to expand their products' accesibility by translating them as much as possible.

>> No.6751735

I tried, but really, she wasn't fun to fight so I just shouted TEAR HER APART FLAN

>> No.6751743

He was only one guy, and he apparently found EASY Alice impossible to beat, then went on to destroy Chen.

>> No.6751765

>mfw these countrols
Ugh, if these guys mad any Touhou games, I'm shocked that the hitboxes are so ridiculous, and the controls are so awkward.

Good for them for making a game... but still.

Let's see how things are after the first boss.

>> No.6751775

The English fandom seems unable to stand that VAing pays shit. The successful and wildly popular VAs do shit like live concerts, radio shows, and junkets constantly. The constant bombardment is what makes them such celebraties for otaku, not whatever shitty show they're hawking.

>> No.6751780


Person in question here. I burst out laughing upon reading that post... heh.

Well, I went on through the game with absolutely no problems. Made it to Reimu, then decided to leave it there and play again tomorrow.

I don't understand it either.

>> No.6751782

... what the heck? awkward controls? what are you playing it on? a friggin' atari controller? D-pad moves, 1 button to attack, 1 to jump, 1 to use your help or equip and one to scroll between those... heck the moveset Sakuya has is also as easy as it gets...

>> No.6751784

Alice = Holy Water
Meiling = Ricochet Rock
Patchouli = Bible
Reimu = Cross

Someone else do the other two. Haven't bothered to play much.

>> No.6751787

Knives = Knives.

>> No.6751788

Time to blow your mind
Dagger = Throwing Knife

>> No.6751789

Flan = HYDRO STORM but rolling and with a red sword.

>> No.6751791

The other two characters I mean.

>> No.6751793

Luna Dial = Stopwatch.

>> No.6751797

Meiling's more like the axe to me.

>> No.6751809


More like Flan = Kill everything

Feels like a bomb button, man. If you want to breeze through everything later in the game, just save up red orbs and she'll do all the work for you.

>> No.6751810

Okay, Final Remi is reaming my ass from SDM to the moon and back. Any tips for dealing with this cunt?

>> No.6751813

You mean Mister Knife and Sir Stopwatch? I thought those were inanimate objects.

>> No.6751817

Actually Meiling = Axe,
Backstep + Attack = Ricochet rock

>> No.6751820
File: 392 KB, 1575x1600, 1290543639832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I ask you not to refer to Ojou-sama in such vulgar fashion.

>> No.6751824

take your time instead of trying to attack her at all times, if you need to dodge, DODGE... and use the few times she's charging or hovering without attacking as oportunities to slash a bit... also I found that Meilin does wonders at the start...

>> No.6751826

well, there are two other empty slots, and since all i'm getting is characters, i assume

>> No.6751832

Dude, your fucking Ojou-sama bitch whore is stabbing her spear up your ass, twisting it around, and pulling out your innards like they were spaghetti. There are more important things to deal with right now than titles.

>> No.6751833

Touhouvania 3 = Metroidvania

>> No.6751839

I've kinda got her down times figured out, but safe spots for her lazar barrages would be helpful.

>> No.6751841


I haven't had problems with them. Stop time when you see them, slash them down, easy pickings.

>> No.6751843


I can't stand the way you talk. Get some fucking culture about you, for christ's sake.

>> No.6751844

Actually she's more like the Red AxeArmor summon from the later DS games, but without the exploit of being able to hit the enemy twice if you're standing at the right spot when activating it.

>> No.6751845

As someone who just hopped into this thread, I would like to say thank you.

>> No.6751846
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>> No.6751848

First kill the hands.

When she does that attack that throws lasers everywhere, the first safe spot is to hover beneath her. Then hover up and left into the next safe spot. If you can get the handle on that and get rid of the hands ASAP, she's easy.

>> No.6751852

i fuked you're ojoosama

>> No.6751855

Learn to dodge the laser patterns without taking damage.
Get used to her attack cycles.
The only other characters I've used are Alice (kills Reimu since she spends time on the ground) and Reimu, and I spam Reimu to get a good chunk of health out of the way.

>> No.6751857

Did someone post the ripped OST to this yet?

>> No.6751862

Eientei's millions of doors (which we never go to see) could serve as an excuse to do that, I doubt they'll make a TV3 though, people will assume they're just milking Banpai Akira's skills.

I'd like to see him do a portrayal of Utsuho though, his pixiv shows he hasn't done her yet.

>> No.6751863

You mean Margatroidvania

Alice confirmed for THVania 3 lead.

>> No.6751865

Awkward controls:

Normal jump lets you turn around, floating jump makes you not.

On the jump-float thing, you have to hit precisely the right time and button amount, or you're screwed. Would've made alot more sense to have a jump button and a float button separate. Then jump on the ground also does back jump, wtf man.

On attacking, you automatically aim downward if you're on the ground, but in the air you aim straight, and if you tap float at the wrong time, instead of doing an attack that kills half the guys on the screen, you do a measly little thing where you'll inevitably be hit.

>> No.6751866


I'd love this. Classic Castlevania games are fun, but only if the enemies are simple and it plays like an action platformer. An open Metroidvania RPG fits the kind of off the wall fights they expect you to take on.

>> No.6751878

I think Youmu is more of a possibility, she could fit into the role of the Soma with multiple adquirable weapons. That would make the game hell of a lot bigger considering the music and graphics, though.

>> No.6751879

sounds like you're playing this on a trackball.
heck...floating was made as a specific dodge measure, adding more features to it would have made the game even easier. (normal dificulty is not that hard once you get to the controls)

and from what you say, you have either huge ugly fingers or terribly bad coordination with your controller because on the ground the attack control is pretty easy to catch on... and while flying is all about dodging like in a smhup game.

>> No.6751892

I agree... it would most likelly even add more game time to the counter... because once you get the hang of this game, you'll finish it within ... what... hours?

anyway, I finished it in normal... any words of an extra mode? cus' I'm playing it in hard tomorrow.

>> No.6751900
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I'd see that too, but with more characters and no fucking potions in your inventory.

>> No.6751917

Extra stage was released with a patch in the following months for TV1, guess we could get one as well for this one, someone with moonspeak abilities check their site for us.

>> No.6751919
File: 118 KB, 900x473, cirnoisagenius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can even see the argument... someone's playing with gensokyo and everything was dimensionally crammed inside koumakan... it is up to Marisa Kirisame to find the solution to this! (with an optional Reimu mode ala Richter mode in SotN and Sakuya mode in boss rush mode)


>> No.6751922


Down + Jump = Backstep. Floating is a no-brainer, when floating your hitbox shrinks too, so you basically need to think danmaku when you float. To attack downward at an angle, hold down when attacking, or use the dive kick (Down + Jump in the air). To hit those pesky tiny enemies, use the flurry slash (Up + Attack)

I posted a move list up here >>6750267, it just sounds like you're really clumsy.>>6750267

>> No.6751939

42 lives lost at Remi 3. I not even mad.

>> No.6751940
File: 20 KB, 510x382, 1262386684830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the most timestop, Meiling and Flandre.
Alice and Patchouli are bad...
Reimu is fine too!

>> No.6751948


>I'd see that too, but with more characters and no fucking potions in your inventory.

Yes, either taking out consumable items altogether or making it so you can only carry 5 Health and 5 Mana potions maximum would make sense. Item spamming always felt cheap as fuck.

>> No.6751955 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.13 MB, 2000x2000, 村井 イラム - ヴァンパイアハンター東風谷.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6751958

I found patchy to be pretty usefull against yuyuko, and yes, I managed to dispose of yuyuko without going PUDDI PUDDI I mean... flandre on her.

>> No.6751972


Better yet, 15 spot inventory. Items don't stack. Equipment fills spots even while equipped. And make them only heal 50, 100, 200 etc. flat HP instead of 50%.

>> No.6751987


It's going to be based on IN, so no Sanae yet. Even in MoF, she's probably going to be an enemy.

>> No.6751996

Probably be like Curse of Darkness then due to rivalry.

>> No.6751997

I use Alice for normal enemies, Reimu for bossfights, stopwatch is in there just in case things get messy (in Hard). Usually I have like 300+ hearts when I get to the bossrooms so I spam away orbs in safespots known to me by my previous run on Normal mode.

>> No.6752004

So the dark powers Yukari gave Remi apparently enable her to fire... MORE bullets and lasers. That's... not really impressive all things considered.

>> No.6752007

Does anyone know how to use a PS2 controller (connected to one of those PS2 to USB things) to play this game? I'd like to know how, I'm pretty terrible at this when I use the keyboard.

>> No.6752011

if your computer recognices the controller as... any controller (meaning you can use it in any other software) you just need to change the input in the options.

>> No.6752012

Connect maybe? I use a cheap gamepad

>> No.6752019


It wasn't Yukari that gave her the power directly, it was the Saigyou Ayakashi. And you can only up the gameplay powerlevel of a boss so much before there stops being anywhere to dodge.

>> No.6752028

Surprise, I can't even set it up because the options are in gookanese.

And is there any indicator exactly _how_ much the hitbox shrinks? Of course not, I'm just supposed to spam it and die a dozen or more times to learn something that's considered "essential"

>> No.6752043

wery well, you suck... I mean, you can't just go to OPTIONS.

>> No.6752044
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I don't know man. Potions always felt out of place. Nobody I knew played Dawn of Sorrow without using pots. I was the only one who did it.

>> No.6752053

Potions cost WAY too much.

Nah, pretty sure it was Yukari.

>> No.6752078


Not if your priority is pots before equips.

>> No.6752081

Yukari told Remilia to use the Sagyouwhatsitcalled in order to regain her glory, besides, she looks like Dracula's bazillion final forms which is a representation of her false claim of being a descendant of Vlad Tepes, sounds cute to the girl.

>> No.6752084

At which point, your priority will quickly become 100% pots, 0% equips.

>> No.6752093


>> No.6752107
File: 75 KB, 650x650, 1282418329388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exactly. "Why buy equips when they drop?"

>> No.6752109

>go to options
>go to gamepad
>hit activate
It's like you're too dumb to see THIS GAME IS IN JAPANESE.

>> No.6752132


Hit "Config Pad"
it says something with "A", presumably it says "Press the button you want to assign to A.
Repeat for B, C, D, and Start

Is it really that hard?

>> No.6752133

Something made for the lulz in order to squeeze as much voice acting as possible, it's a good thing, would of been lame to have only a few lines per boss character.

>> No.6752136

Try pulling out a dictionary and look it up yourself, you fucking baby.

>> No.6752173
File: 97 KB, 869x498, twinusb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I tried that, but it still doesn't detect when I press X or any button when I configure it in options.

I've tried other games (that Suwako Jumping Shooting game and Cirno Ice Climbers) and both of them work pretty well.

>> No.6752195

Well, that's something else entirely. Don't think I can help you there.

>> No.6752225

Thank you very much for trying to help. It detected the thing when I plugged in a second controller to the PS2 to USB thing, and finally configured the stuff.

>> No.6752243

If it's not detecting your controller you could use xpadder and map your controller to the keyboard, thats what I did.

>> No.6752395

>mfw final stage
This game is pretty easy...

>> No.6752453

What's with all these mfw lately?

>> No.6752522
File: 535 KB, 1280x1083, 1258620400003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ final boss song
That song is really awesome!

>> No.6752536


Also playing in hard because im not a casual.

>> No.6752544

accidentally erased my saved state, so might as well try on hard since normal was to fucking easy.

>> No.6752547

If you're bragging about playing on hard but asking for help because you refuse to figure it out yourself, you are an idiot.

>> No.6752549

This one?

>> No.6752567

When do we get the full art of all the characters? Not just meido, we need cleavage Yukari and rapeface smirk Reimu too.

>> No.6752572

That cat has open windows bigger than the average /jp/ NEET. Don't run when she opens fire, just circle around and then cut her tails off.

>> No.6752600

>mfw I beat a touhou game
On to hard mode then, I suppose.

Anyone notice the difficulty curve was pretty bad? It's like only the last boss, and maybe the girl with the giant lasers are difficult.

>> No.6752603


Wakamoto voices dracula in japan ? how i was not informed of this before ?

>> No.6752606

Because you are not one of the cool kids.

>> No.6752619

What're these people talking about when saying cutting off tails and hands?

I hope I didn't miss how to get the bosses on easy mode...

>> No.6752630
File: 138 KB, 664x791, 1287873334555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
I want this as mp3 or better the complete soundtrack!

>> No.6752666
File: 404 KB, 347x195, PAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a translated script or can translate Touhouvania 2?

>> No.6752684

Final Remilia has multiple parts you can cut off to reduce the amount of bulletspam she throws at you.

>> No.6752914

Flandre sounds exactly like that girl in the Yandere drama CD thing.

>> No.6752997
File: 29 KB, 298x256, 1280358525259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found the thread that had the downloads of the game's rips in easymode. Music:

>> No.6753015 [DELETED] 


Guess it won't hurt to put the others.
Textures and Sprites

Character Portraits - Misc.

>> No.6753025


Guess it won't hurt to put the others.
Textures and Sprites

Character Portraits - Misc.


>> No.6753087


These portraits will do until real char art is released... hopefully.

>> No.6753284



>> No.6753294

When I first heard Remilia speak, my initial guess was that it was Kugyuu. I didn't realize it was Kitaeri until a few lines after.

>> No.6753471

I still can't get over Yukari's getup.

>> No.6753477

The hag is rude, what more could you expect?

>> No.6753478

I love Yukari's getup.

Ran's looks silly, though.

Chen looks positively adorable and I want to pat her head.

>> No.6753482

Nether can I. The Yakumo's design was crap.

>> No.6753537
File: 703 KB, 800x480, ED_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ meetup

>> No.6753553

Everything is better if you add belts, anon.

Or if you add a cross(es). It makes it vampire themed instantly.

>> No.6753562

Youmu looks pretty damn soft in the ED, especially compared to her hard-as-diamond self in the main game.

>> No.6753598

I liked the character designs for the Yakumos... mostly because Yukaritits though.

Actually, that was one thing that stuck with me from Touhouvania 1's ending. Does anyone have THAT ending picture? Had TV Reimu SMILING which looked fucking impossible from the concept art.

>> No.6753603

Final remilia raped my ass hardcore. I finally gave in and gave myself extra lives ;_;

It was just really frustrating to start off and have all those damn bullets and lazers flying, but if i could survive that much, i was able to break apart most of her shit, and live for a while. All in all, game was fun.

>> No.6753614

I wanted to like this game. I really did. The art is beautiful. The game itself has great visuals. The music is acceptably touhou-ish.

HOWEVER. I can't fucking stand the constant save-and-reload-over-and-over-until-I-figure-out-the-exact-sequence-of-moves. Fuck that shit. Now I remember why I never liked platformers.

>> No.6753627

Well, in your defense, this isn't a particularly good platformer. Still better than Touhouvania 1 though.

>> No.6753632

Patchuoli makes the fight much easier. Just save some power for it.

Bro, it isn't THAT difficult. Hell, most of the spells reminds me of the actual Touhou games. You did play them, right? Some of them used the same strategy.

>> No.6753692
File: 631 KB, 1440x1440, 1291612851279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand the official games either. Same shit over and over until you get good at it after sixty hours? Fucking waste of time.

Now I just listen to the music and fap to the pretty pictures.

>> No.6753745
File: 14 KB, 100x100, 1292184915092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, doesn't she look ...Nah, I can't think of any.

>> No.6753778

>sixty hours

You're either an autistic with terrible reflexes or a secondary who's never actually played the games. Either way, you need to get the fuck back to /shrinemaiden/ with the rest of your kind.

>> No.6753795

I'm pretty sure that guy is just a casual from /v/. We've getting a lot of influx from other boards lately due to C79.

>> No.6753867

Get that stick out of your ass, there's people who just plain suck at video games and take months to get better.
I can see why you wouldn't want to waste that much time on that.

>> No.6753906

You can't possibly take more than 3 or 4 hours on normal mode even if you suck at it...

>> No.6753913

I'd ask her to loan me some cash for the month, but she looks like she's pretty much strapped, herself.

>> No.6753917

You can't possibly really believe that.

>> No.6753920

Oh hell fucking no.

>> No.6753931

Who sings Afraid and the final battle theme?

>> No.6753937

I breezed through stages 1-4 with no problems. I had to use continues on 5-7, and only 8 did prove itself to be challenge. The fights look a lot like the ones you see in Touhou games.

And I call myself a goddamn casual because I am.

>> No.6754075

>shrinemaiden, secondaries who don't play the games
You do realize shrinemaiden has a big portion of the western Lunatic players, and the more accomplished ones at that. Yeah we have a bunch of imbeciles in the background, but that's no different from here. You could have said "go back to /jp/" for what it's worth.

Yeah, the dude sucks ass at the game and likes to bitch about it. Don't insult us by grouping him together with us.

>> No.6754104

Don't worry about it too much. /jp/ers who actually believe that stuff are pretty much just newfags. It's just group elitism.

I wonder how many people here actually realize the majority of touhou doujin and fangame translations here actually come from the Shrinemaiden/Pooshlmer/Voile area of the Western Touhou fanbase.

>> No.6754848

It is comforting to know I was not the only one suffering with Easy Alice.

I don't even know why she's so damn hard for me.
I just can't beat her. Even ignoring her bullets and just trying to attack her with plain Jump+Attack kills me before it kills her.

Fucking Alice.

>> No.6755167

Use that Up+Attack multiple hit thing to quickly kill all the dolls, then proceed to normal attack.

Should be pretty easy if you do this.

>> No.6755207

Wait you cant beat Alice?
..EASY Alice?

Good lord, has anybody else here even beaten normal yet? Please tell me its not just me, granted I had to cheese it with 20 lives to beat Hard but still.

>> No.6755229
File: 35 KB, 805x507, 8easy no death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy mode it's TOO easy, dunno about Normal and Hard I'll see it today

Also Yuyucow was hard at first - but when you see some blind spot in her 2 attacks - she's not that hard

>> No.6755245

... just got to Hard Youmu, and besides making me hard, she's also making me rage! goddamit... and with only Chuugoku and the items is not easy at all...

>> No.6756649

Just started playing through Hard mode. Spent all 20 lives on Chen. There's practically no openings to attack. Do you really have to bank on using knives to take her down?

>> No.6756726

I first went through the first 3 stages on normal, then I switched to hard on Marisa. After getting to final Remilia I accidentally ended up deleting my savefile so I did the whole thing from scratch on hard mode.

Hard mode Chen I found crushing in comparison to normal mode Chen. I didn't even see very good chances to use the knives well. On normal mode I knifespammed her. On hard mode I stuck to melee.

My strategy was a bit complicated and took a very long time. Chen shoots three waves of bullets, then does her pouncing attack, then after that does the Pentagram attack.

Basically the only time I found a real opportunity to hit her without taking damage was this. Dodge through the third wave of bullets of her first attack by backdodging through it. Where you are spaced after this is very important. You want it so that you are in front of her when she hits the ground the first time. Out of the path of the pounce W avoiding it, but ending up being in the middle of the danmaku causes. If you've positioned yourself right you can backstep again to dodge the danmaku created. At about this time she should've hit the ground at the end of her pounce attack and raised up to float. Jump up to slash at her at this precise time. You will kind of graze the shape of the green bullets that shot out when she ended the pounces. And fit through a gap that the blue bullets from earlier make with the green bullets.

I doubt this is actually that easy to actually understand. I should probably get to Chen myself again and take a few screenshots of it.

>> No.6756791
File: 83 KB, 810x512, FirstBackDash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6756726 here.
Here's the first backdash of it. I also backdashed through the first wave to, but that's not really important. For the second wave I just stayed outside of its range which is close to where you need to be standing to backdash through the thirdwave shown in this picture.

As you can see this backdash landed me in the middle of the Wpounce attack.

>> No.6756809
File: 86 KB, 810x512, SecondBackDash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the second backdash which lands me right where Chen was in the middle of the red bullet circles.

It's difficult pausing right when you want to while in the middle of playing and very iffy to resume after typing up these posts so don't be surprised by the life counter which is just from me restarting due to messing up after I unpause or not pausing at the right time.

>> No.6756837
File: 84 KB, 810x512, Jump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the gap I jump through to hit Chen. With this I can hit Chen without taking any damage. Also these bullets are red instead of the blue I labled them in the first post. Guess my memory's not that great.

One thing to note about this strategy is that you can't do it every loop because Chen moves around too much. It can only be done in the center of the stage with you being on one side and Chen on the other.

If Chen goes up the stairs then this strategy can't be used without risk of not backdashing correctly. It's best to wait for her to come down honestly.

Though honestly with this strategy I remember very barely surviving Chen. I'll try to come up with some other safe methods to attack her.

>> No.6756900
File: 111 KB, 810x512, MeilingCanBeUseful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well after a bit of experimenting I discovered two things that could help. If Chen is high up when she does the first of 3 waves then you can run behind her and jump at and slash at her back a few times and since she coreagraphs the second wave very obviously it's not that risky.

Second, Meiling can be used when she's hanging out at the ends of the room past the stairs. Never really used Meiling before honestly, but I can see how she can be useful.

>> No.6756903

Question: Does ending the game in hard unlocks anything besides what is found on the Omake section when you do it in normal?

>> No.6756915

Well I only completed the game on hard and the only things I have unlocked are the 4 omakes so I guess not.

>> No.6756935
File: 158 KB, 280x320, 1293041109010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange... for me is Chen harder than Ran, Reimu and Youmu!!!!!

>> No.6756970

I see.

Wait, there is no extra boss, right? I see the 8 stages on continue, but no extra, unless I am being retarded.

>> No.6757007

Those 8 stages are what I have too. The extra stage for TV1 was added in by a patch so I guess it'll be the same for this one. But maybe there won't be an extra since the extra and phantasm bosses were actually fought in the main story.

Though I could see a real deal Yukari fight being one seeing that her fight in the main game was incredibly easy even on hard.

>> No.6757015

Meiling is pretty boss. She kicked the shit out of Chen and Reimu for me.

>> No.6757026

The yukari fight I think was meant to be that easy because you're supposed to be able to do that boss gauntlet on one life or something I guess.

I dunno, TVania wasn't particularly well polished in either instance.

>> No.6757046
File: 462 KB, 1200x600, ch001_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat rapeface reimu.

>> No.6757069
File: 536 KB, 1200x600, ch014_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757077
File: 793 KB, 1200x600, ch017_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat umbrella

>> No.6757099

Obvious cleavage aside, I love her outfit. Second only to Chen, in my opinion.
And her voice makes me want to curl up at her feet.

>> No.6757112

Hmm. I still prefer Yuyuko's Death Butterfly motif this time around.

She needs more screentime, dammit.

>> No.6757143

The only hard part about Hard Youmu is figuring out how to dodge her special attack. Once that's down, you just need to attack fiercely during her first couple attacks and dodge the rest.

>> No.6757162

I still can´t beat Chen ;_;

>> No.6757213
File: 7 KB, 192x144, 1256410324001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Youmu is easy!
Chen is fucking hard!!!
Chen is harder than Ran and Yukari! WTF?!

>> No.6757229

Watch this.

>> No.6757230

Did you try using the strategy I posted above? If I can go and beat Chen on a whim while repeatedly experimenting then you can to.

The trick to winning is in simply this. Don't die. If you focus on survival instead of damage then victory comes into sight. The backdash strategy may only get you enough time for two safe hits, but those hits are safe. That's the most important part.

And don't forget Meiling.She's useful too.

>> No.6757238

Im playing on hard modo and getting my ass kicked by youmu
any tips for beating her?

>> No.6757250


Try to aim for Myon when you can rather than Youmu. You still do damage, but you don't have to get as close to her. Myon is also not invincible at the very start of the battle unlike Youmu herself and the other bosses. Plus if you hit both at the same time, you do more damage.

>> No.6757272

Be careful when hitting Myon on hard, as hitting it causes it to fire a ring of bullets.

>> No.6757293

At the start of the battle, move to the left a bit while attacking her. The 3 first slashes can be avoided by just staying in front of her. After those attacks, stay very close to her because she'll fire off some rings of bullets. You'll be safe (for the most part) if you stay close her, and keep on attacking.

After this, she'll do a slash across the screen, just back off and avoid this. Go to the far right and wait for her to do her first big slash attack. Then she'll do her second big slash attack in the direction she's facing, so make sure you're farther to the right than she is. This will make her slash into the wall, and you want to backstep to the left right after she starts that slash. At this point her attack cycle repeats.

>> No.6757305

Is somebody having the problem that the stats (lifebar, orbs, etc) disappear?

>> No.6757442


You have DirectX and all that jazz up to date, right?

>> No.6757666

My god, I came 2 minutes into the game. Aya Endo's voice is delicious.

>> No.6758033

I don't think it's possible to beat Hard Yuyuko without subweapons.

>> No.6758491

does the game automatically save for you?
or is there a function?

>> No.6758927

The first game did save at the beginning of each levels. I suppose you can do the same in the second.

Be careful when you hit new game. You'll lose that continue point. Forever.

>> No.6759191

I learned that the hard way, but I was able to get back to the end through Hard mode, so that was pretty satisfying. Even though I had to spam Flan for Yuyuko, it was still satisfying.

>> No.6759433

>Computer games from the last five years were garbage apart from graphics, art, and music.
Fixed. In B4 gb2/v/
