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6749638 No.6749638 [Reply] [Original]

I still need to read Umineko EP 6-8, but ... should i read only them or should i start from EP1, i don't know much what's going on and i don't feel like reading these wall of text theories. I hope there will be clear explaining of everything

>> No.6749643


>> No.6749645

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6749646

>I hope there will be clear explaining of everything
NO. Don't start this shit.

>> No.6749648

Typical Umineko fan.

>> No.6749650

>clear explaining of everything
I see what you did here.

>> No.6749651


>> No.6749652

Which episodes have you already read?

>> No.6749653

Most of it is explained, but not clearly.

>> No.6749654
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>I hope there will be clear explaining of everything

>> No.6749657

4 and 5.

>> No.6749658

Going by the OP, he saw the anime, then read up ep5 and was confused by WORDS

>> No.6749664

Okay, start from the very beginning. There's a lot of stuff left out of the anime. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.6749666


EP 1-5. Nothing is explained, only more mysteries are added

>> No.6749668

If you can't be bothered to read all of it, it's clearly not worth your time.

>> No.6749673

>I hope there will be clear explaining of everything


umineko is basically some idea r07 thought he could write out and make sense of but he's not there yet but as the reader you have no idea, only few vague ones even at this point its tough to tell what he was trying to do

>> No.6749675


I only saw few minutes of 1st episode. Then dropped it.

>> No.6749682

Read Ep1 OP, so that you have something to compare everything else with.

>> No.6749706

Majority of EP1-EP6 got answered by EP7, but R07 decided to add some insolvable stuff in EP8

>> No.6749707

Can someone translate ep8 - the text in the scroll after Beatrice jump from the boat?

>> No.6749814

Here you have the raw text
; 戦人は、すぐに海へ飛び込みました。
; だから、戦人は間に合いました。
; まだ魔女の姿を見ることが、間に合いました。

; 魔女は戦人を見上げ、薄っすらと笑っていました。
; 言葉は、聞こえません。
; でも、はっきりと聞こえました。

; 言ったろ、戦人。

; 妾は極悪な魔女だから、罪など償わぬと。
; 生きてなど、償わぬと。

; 戦人は必死に、言葉を返しました。
; でも言葉は全て、泡となって吐き出されるだけでした。

; 漆黒の闇へ沈み行く彼女を、戦人は懸命に追いました。

; そして、…………その手が、…………届きました…………。

; 愚かな戦人よ……。
; せっかく島を生きて出られたのに……、そなたはそれを投げ出すのか…

; ………俺はお前を、離さない。

; 気持ちは嬉しいぞ。
; だが、……妾は幻想の住人。そしてそなたはニンゲン。
; 帰るべき世界が、違うのだ。

; 妾は幻想へ帰る。
; そしてそなたも自分の世界へ帰るがいい。

; どんどん、周りは真っ暗になっていきます。
; 息苦しくなり、頭や耳が痛くなります。
; 戦人の指が、……少しずつ、解けていきます。

; そしてとうとう。
; 二人の指は、……離れました。

; その途端、……戦人は上の、光の世界へ。
; そして魔女は下の、闇の世界へ、……より強い力で引き裂かれていきま

>> No.6749817

; 魔女は、戦人の体が眩しい海面へ向かって浮かんでいくのを見て、安堵
; さよなら。戦人。
; ……そして、ありがとう。

; 戦人の体が光の世界へ、点となって消えたのを見届け、……魔女はゆっ
; そして奈落の世界へ落ち行くことに、永遠の孤独の世界に、全てを委ね

; その時、………彼女は、感じました。
; そんなはずはないのです。
; だって、戦人はもう、遥かかなたで点になっているのに。

; でも、それは戦人でした。
; 魔女を追ってきた、戦人でした……。

; 逃がすかよ。お前は俺だけの、黄金の魔女だ。

; ………馬鹿戦人……、……馬鹿戦人…………。

; お前が望む奈落になら、俺も一緒に落ちよう。
; そこが虚無の世界ならば、お前と一緒に消えよう。

; だが、消える最後の瞬間まで。
; ………お前は俺のものだ………。

; 二人は互いをきつく抱き締めました。
; ……もう、運命は二人を引き裂こうとはしませんでした。

; 二人は一つとなって、……奈落へと沈んでいきました……。


>> No.6749823

; それは温かな、黄金の輝き。

; それは、黄金の薔薇でした。

; それがふわりと、………純白の無垢な砂の敷き詰められた世界に、辿り
; そこには、白い砂に半分埋まった、……小さな箱が。

; それは、静かな海の底での安らかに眠る、ベアトリーチェの猫箱。

; その上に、ふわりと、……黄金の薔薇は舞い降りるのでした………。

; それは、深い深い海の底のお話。
; 真っ暗な真っ暗な暗闇の中に。
; ……ほのかに輝く、黄金の薔薇が眠っているという、とてもささやかな

>> No.6749831

Sup /jp/ I've read 1-5, but I haven't read 6-7.

Should I just drop it now before it all goes downhill?

>> No.6749852

substitute 戦人 with Ryukishi07, 魔女 with BT, 黄金の薔薇 with Umineko series

>> No.6749892

if you liked all 4 episodes, reading 5-7 wont hurt. Especially 5.

>> No.6749943

Oh, thanks!
Now, can someone kindly translate it?
I don't know japanese and you know... google translator sucks.

>> No.6750106

He jumps from the boat, graps Beatrice hands, embraces her and then they fall together into the dark sea. Right?
But didn't Battler survive?

>> No.6750882

I'm reading EP8.
If I chooses 'trick' what will happen?
And if I chooses 'magic'?

>> No.6750909

You are fine as long as you skip EP8's ???

>> No.6751785

Is EP8 that bad?

>> No.6751802


EP8's ???? ruins everything.

The story itself and the tea party are fucking awesome.

>> No.6751913

So I wanna know if I got this right.

Battlers sin is promising shannon that he would return to her on a white horse (aka the pony theory) but because he didnt untill 6 years later after he made up with his father and completely forgot all about it? The fact that he forgot his love for shannon is his sin?

>> No.6751931

I said this in >>6751912 but i think that thread is dead.
Im reading the tea party for ep7, holy shit kyrie is one fucked up bitch, did you ever feel sorry for Rudolf though?
I have a reason, i think that kyrie killed asumu like the yandere bitch she is and brought Rudolf into hell. Rudolf only becomes evil because of kyrie after all. I also think kyrie forced Rudolf to have sex with her, and tricked Rudolf into getting her the baby, also what if Rudolf really did have a child with asumu but kyrie killed the baby? I think she could pull it off with her skills.

>> No.6751946

That's pretty much what Will said. Battler's sin was forgetting.

>> No.6751957

OP ask yourself if you want to spend 70 hours reading 7 installments of a mediocre visual novel with disastrous writing, uninspired characters and laughable artwork.

Just think of the amount of actually well written books you can read instead.

>> No.6751970


Ah alright gotcha.


Entirely possible since she has the least ties to the family and obviously dosnt give a shit about any of them.

>> No.6751973

>OP ask yourself if you want to spend 70 hours reading 7 installments of a mediocre visual novel with disastrous writing, uninspired characters and laughable artwork.

In all honesty, I think if you don't read this thinking of it as mystery novel, it can be quite enjoyable.

Just remember not to expect any clear answers.

>> No.6751992

It is , i don't give two shits about the mystery and its a really fun read.
I could also give two shits about me being a goat, my Chinese sign is the goat.

>> No.6752009


>> No.6752015

What do you guys think of this?
what if battler is the baby kyrie killed when asumu gave birth to it? she could of went to the hospital and killed the baby right in there, she wouldn't need to make a mess though, just hurt the baby enough to give it problems.

>> No.6752026


>> No.6752031


I never gave a shit about the mystery either. I cared more bout the story and the characters. I just wanted to see what would become of battler. And I really enjoyed it. Its had plenty of moments where I was flipping my shit.

Granted I don't agree with the ending exactly. But its not something to the point where I am gonna turn my back on the series I been reading up to this point. I am sure it will make more sense when I read it myself. And it wouldn't make much sense to say EP 8 is shitty when I haven't read it.

>> No.6752036

Please shut up. You appear to have the mental capacity of an 8-year old.

>> No.6752056

well sorry, I was just thinking up random shit.
no need to take anything seriously.

>> No.6752073

You haven't been here long, have you?

Please return to /a/ or animesuki or whatever shithole you came from. /jp/ has enough of your kind to deal with as it is.

>> No.6752095

sorry to disappoint you but Ive been on /jp/ for a long time, I also never went to animesuki once.

>> No.6752106

Sorry, but your grammar and spelling betrays your true nature.

>> No.6752130

No, I was just always bad with grammar and spelling, Lets just say im no English major. nobodys perfect

>> No.6752138

Being nearly illegible is a bannable offense, yknow.

>> No.6754530

>The story itself and the tea party are fucking awesome.

Huh, thanks!

>> No.6754532

>The story itself and the tea party are fucking awesome.
You must have some really low standard.
First half read like a fanfiction, second half was basically R07 heavily masturbating, even the all start battle couldn't save thing episode.
Only good thing about it was loli Ange and the soundtrack.

>> No.6756172

okay, i chose 'magic'.
its 1986 and theres battler in the subway... how many chapters are left?

>> No.6756183


>> No.6756295
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>> No.6756318

Is that the best counter-argument you can muster?

>> No.6756325

Everybody eargasm when lixAxil came out, so probably i will understand if he really has done that while listening to his epic tracks

>> No.6756362
File: 173 KB, 366x366, TrollFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your comment is funny, but you are obviously trolling.

>> No.6756380

its nice to read those theory threads in the past, i get excited reading them.

but in honesty, i cant contribute since im not a good thinker, thats all there is.

>> No.6756492

Typical Uminefag defense.

>> No.6756515
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Is that the best counter-argument?

Your comment was funny, i give you that. But you obviously trolling, sorry.

>> No.6756550

He was simply stating his opinion, albeit in a somewhat crude and provocative fashion. There are quite a few people who agree with him, actually. Personally, I actually like what Episode 1 did to set everything up, but then after that it turned into one gigantic trainwreck growing larger and inexorably messier as it lumbers its way towards the end. Although if I describe Episode 2-7 as a trainwreck, I'm really not sure what to call Episode 8.

>> No.6756573

The empty remnants of the crash?
