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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 141 KB, 1200x900, post-4465-1280650505[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6747336 No.6747336 [Reply] [Original]

Any card, tabletop, or board games /jp/ plays?

Pic possibly related.

>> No.6747345
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>> No.6747381
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Yu-gi-oh player here. And what TCG is that?

>> No.6747407

I have been playing Yu-gi-oh for almost 2 years now, but I'm kinda disappointed with the game with how fast it has become and how most players only netdeck top-tier decks instead of using their creativity. And then there's the announcement of a new anime with a brand new summoning mechanics and a Judai clone protag.

>> No.6747418

It's not a TCG. It's a non-trade card game called Tanto Cuore.
The moe-nazi set is also from the same company and follows the same basic rulesets as Tanto Cuore.

Also, they borrow heavily from an already existing card game called Dominion.

>> No.6747429
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>> No.6747551
File: 470 KB, 1600x1200, weeaboocardsleeves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play magic.

>> No.6747585

where did you find nerd condoms with toohoo on them?

>> No.6747591

Those cards aren't really translated are they ?

>> No.6747601

I don't play card games anymore. Feels bad man.

>> No.6747615

Seconding this.

>> No.6747619

YGO, MtG, Dominion off the top of my head. A bunch of other things too like Monopoly but I won't bother listing them

I'd love to get into more Japanese card games but some of my playgroup say it's too weeaboo for them (also I'm paranoid about bad shuffles/stacking sometimes so I usually prefer that part to be automated in a video game or simulator)

>> No.6747630

Axis & Allies.

>> No.6747658
File: 207 KB, 1000x750, DSC00400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse /jp/
>see someone starting a thread using pics I took
mon visage.

Here's a cool story for you.
>tries to convince a friend to play Tanto Cuore
>he went "what the fuck is this shit I'm not touching it"
>made him to try it once, told him we'll play something else if he doesn't find it fun
>he enjoyed it immensely
>the three of us spent 3 hours playing this game over and over again

As for shuffling, why the fuck aren't you using sleeves for card games in the first place. This isn't the 1990's where TCG sleeves don't exist.

>> No.6747671

Where did I say anything about not using card sleeves? Of course I use them. Did you misunderstand what I meant by stacking?

>> No.6747678

ebay, yahoo auctions, http://toho.surpara.com/

>> No.6747683
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>bad shuffles/stacking
Didn't see the stacking part :V
Why, do you have asshole friends who tries to cheat in card games or something?

Also, not all card games are meant to be played with another person. I bought this game ages ago, because I liked the theme:

but was sorely disappointed to realize it isn't really suited for multiplayer, because the only thing you'll be doing is discussing plans together and perform the actions everyone agreed upon. You know the game will boil down to the guy-who-must-control-everything making decisions for everyone eventually.

>> No.6747695

I... I love you.

>> No.6747699

where did you get that card sleeve

>> No.6747708
File: 150 KB, 900x1200, DSC00230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who think getting weeaboo card sleeves is a good idea, think again.

You might not want to use them if you play cardans frequently. They wear and tear easily, and it sucks to see them tearing apart one by one as time goes. Doesn't help that most of them go for USD$8-10 for 60 of them, too.

Pic related. Bought a bunch of Yoko sleeves for $2 per 60-sleeve pack last year. Jelly much?

>> No.6747709

>Why, do you have asshole friends who tries to cheat in card games or something?
No, I've never caught someone in the act but there's always a sneaking suspicion when they do random explosive plays that statistically shouldn't be happening as often as they are, especially when they only have one copy of a particular card(s) in their deck

Like >>6747407 I've been kind of disappointed with YGO's players but still enjoy the game itself. As long as they're making interesting card effects and mechanics I'll keep playing

I'm not full-on tourneyfag, I care more about pulling off a big/elegant combo than just winning. But they won't even let me play with made up Touhou cards ;_;

>> No.6747720
File: 318 KB, 1200x900, DSC00023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call them out. Tell them it's not cool to cheat or stack their decks.

>But they won't even let me play with made up Touhou cards ;_;
I wouldn't either. Stop being such a weeaboo.

and if any of you here plays Weiss Schrawz, I'd like you tell you that your card game is terrible and you should feel bad for playing it. Go play a real card game like Magic. The mechanics for WS is terrible (wins/defeat are incredibly luck-based because you can cancel the damage you receive if you flip over any of the possible 8 cards in your 40-card deck when taking damage), they copy paste all their art from widely distributed animu posters/commercial art, and there's little to no interaction in the game (oh, it's your turn, go on, go play your dudes and attack and force my dudes to block. There's nothing I can do to interrupt your actions).

>> No.6747741
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To keep the topic diverse: yes, I do enjoy board games, too. I've played Puerto Rico (pictured), Arkham Asylum (a Call of Cthultu board game), Runebound, Twilight Imperium and Starcraft (we never actually played it tho, rulebook was too complicated and thick and neither of us bothered to read through it).

Would love to hear recommendations for other good board games to try out with (in b4 I get none because /jp/ is filled with hikkis who never step out of their basement).

>> No.6747742

I stopped playing magic when they sold out and added a new rarity

>> No.6747747

You're the guy from desudesu ? I love you.

>> No.6747754 [DELETED] 


I have found the quality really varies, the first two I bought (red yoyoko and remi/sakuya) were really far apart in quality, yuyuko were so stiff it took a month or so of use before I could shuffle them properly, but the remi/sakuya ones tore pretty much immediately (then I just used them for drafts).

so far the only other ones that have ripped are the satori ones. also the white yuyuko ones have shitty corners that bend easily.

>> No.6747776
File: 486 KB, 1600x1200, edhdeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the quality seriously varies between sleeves.
red yuyuko: so stiff I could barely shuffle them
remi/sakuya: tore immediately
satori: tore after a small amount of use
white yuyuko: shitty corners

the rest I have had no issues with.

pictured is the deck in my white yuyuko sleeves

>> No.6747790
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>Stop being such a weeaboo

>> No.6747792

I would love to see Lycee localized.
Not that the language is the most important thing, although it is always nice as it would make some things a bit easier perhaps.

But if it was to get localized I wouldn't have to pay horrid shipping fees whenever I would want to get some cards.

>> No.6747794
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I love you too.

Stop acting as if the Mythic rarity didn't make the game a whole lot more cheaper as a whole.Staple rares have never been this cheap, and those mythics that simply must be had are sold at the same price as chase-rares back in the days (see Tarmogoyf)

Lemme up that with a pic taken from a gaming session we had with it.

>> No.6747804

>there's always a sneaking suspicion when they do random explosive plays that statistically shouldn't be happening as often as they are, especially when they only have one copy of a particular card(s) in their deck

Funny thing is,this is the exact same thing I said on Tagforce gamefaqs months ago and obviously this statement offended some of the "elites". The rumpsore dudes then proceed to start a flaming fest that lasted for about two weeks. And one of them's supposed to be a serious tourneyfag.:>

>> No.6747816

Do japanese people play MTG?

>> No.6747821

DnD fan here.

Currently GMing a game at the moment, and regretting the fact that I don't have a Territory Lord's cape.

>> No.6747833

Yeah, they go batshit crazy for it.

>> No.6747836

I play Lycee. I don't really like the MTG artwork.

>> No.6747845
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Yeah, I noticed the difference in quality in them weeaboo card sleeves. I had the exact queen's blade one in >>6747551, and it was impossible to do the usual sleeved shuffle with them. I had to do table shuffling with it.

Brocolli sleeves are great, though. Like the K-on one pictured. (http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10096129)) They're thin and shuffles great and pretty durable (I still don't see any tearing on the edges on mine)

>> No.6747849

MtG. It's the only TCG worth playing.

/tg/ agreed, don't bother them about it (even if they suck at Magic).

>> No.6747885
File: 78 KB, 200x200, T8_Yasooka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and they're crazy good at it. There's always a group of Japanese players who are always at big international tourneys, and most of the time they end up in the top 8/16's.

Pictured is one of them, Shouta Yasooka.

Dude can always be seen wearing a weeaboo shirt in the tourneys he attend.

Another famous player is Tomoharu Saitou

Dude even had his own card shop in Tokyo, though he was recently disqualified from the Hall of Fame and banned from playing sanctioned games for 18 months due to indirectly cheating in one of the high level tournaments he played.

>> No.6747895
File: 37 KB, 375x523, Yukari Yakumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic is the most skill oriented game, and actually has different constructed formats. A new competitive MtG deck gets thought up every week, and the meta often shifts wildly with little change in the actual game.

>> No.6747905

why would they be cheaper? all the new rarity did was change some of the gold symbols into orange ones.

>> No.6747910

>Describing a Japanese guy wearing as wearing something "weeaboo."

>> No.6747916


Fuck Saito, he pissed a lot of people off with what he does. It's the douchiest kind of "cheating" (more like stupid stalling tactics to force more 1-0 wins and squeek by 1-1s he should have lost) when you expect to get caught, but don't care as much the first two times.

>> No.6747923

Freaking planeswalkers, totally ruined mtg.

>> No.6747931
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Don't be so narrow-minded. There are lots of other good card games out there that are well-worth their price, especially Dominion. It helps that they're cheap, too (just a one-time purchase at $20 or lower), and you don't need to constantly buy more products to get the full experience.

Exactly. That's why they're so successful and are still in business after some 15 years (or was it more?).

Also, like personified girl-tanks in your game? Girl Arms War is a Taiwan-made 2-player combat card game featuring art by the well-known Taiwanese artist (the name escapes me at the moment) who popularized the whole military-weapon-are-girls thing. It was recently localized by the Japanese and you can grab a copy here:

more pics:

>> No.6747934


>Search your library for a [] named

Fuck, I thought I fixed that. Pretend there's the word card there.

>> No.6747941


When I say "only good" I mean only good TCG that actually gets played. I could sit here and name off tons of other good games that don't ever see play outside of a couple groups of friends.

>> No.6747961
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More packs are opened because people want the chase mythics that are harder to get = More rares in circulation = There are more rare supplies than demand = prices for it drop.

Good rares never went for $1-2 back in the day, and like I said, the chase mythics fetches about the same price as chase rares back then, before the mythic rarity was introduced.

>implying they're hard to deal with

That's because there are no competitive tournaments rewarding people for playing that game.

Here, have a look at Barbarossa 2 (aka El★Alamein)'s cards

>> No.6747967

I'm in Japan right now and I see YuGiOh, Weib Schwarz, Lycee and Chaos all being played regularly.

>> No.6747984


I'm not familiar with the Weib Schwarz, but YGO is a game of shitty rulings and waiting for the new banlist and I doubt Lycee or Chaos will see play outside of Japan.

>> No.6747988

so basically it didn't change anything. also they put lands in every booster just to fuck up drafts.

>> No.6747999
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>also they put lands in every booster just to fuck up drafts.
Now you're just being pants-on-head retarded. It doesn't change a thing. What's next, you're going to complain about them replacing a common card in boosters when there's a foiled card in them?

To not derail the thread: Here's a pic of a Twilight Imperium session we had.

>> No.6748001


>chase mythics fetches about the same price as chase rares back then

I see someone hasn't checked Jace's price lately. Nothing in the history of magic has ever gone for more than $60 while they were in Standard, or even Extended. Jace hit $100, and he's not even as format breaking as previous staples.

>> No.6748006
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4-men Arkham Horror in action

>> No.6748007

I play the Crusade card series and a little bit of Chaos, thinking of starting Aquarian Age and Monster Collection

>> No.6748013
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TCGs player here.

Mostly i play Yu-gi-oh, i have an old MTG deck but i check the new expansions, and i collect Lycee cards (If i meet more people of Lycee i wanna make a 07thExpansion deck though). I played other games like VS System, L5R etc....

>> No.6748023
File: 133 KB, 900x675, DSC03248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what the fuck? Brb, time to sell my playset of Jace TMR (mfw I bought them at $40 each back then).

I can see why it's happening, though. You need to take into account the popularity of UB control these days, and the fact that Worldwake was a pretty shitty set, tourney wise (name me a chase mythic that everyone wanted from that set, other than Jace TMR).

Also, do you use weeaboo cases to carry your decks with? :3c

>> No.6748035

I use a Little Busters! case with Kudo on it.

>> No.6748040

There are videos on nico of people playing MO with commentary.

>> No.6748050

I always used to make fun of the trading card players. What a lame scam.

>> No.6748173

It´s Weiß Schwarz you fucking faggots.

Plus, index TCG

>> No.6749010

Never heard of Lycee, but it looks interesting. How can I get started with playing it? Any recommended starter packs?

Also, any recommendations for decent card sleeves? Just started getting into TCGs very recently.

>> No.6749038

Where did you get that Miku inside sticker OP? Do they come in other characters?

>> No.6749062
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I played a little Magic, here's my Baneslayer with rest of "collection" in drawer.

>> No.6749069
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Also I won this T-shirt on prerelease, i know pretty small victory. And I stopped goign to tourneys after that.

But that's gonna change with GP Prague, see me there :)

>> No.6749117


Should have sold that Baneslayer when it was still Walletslayer, now it's worth as much as a single fetchland.

>> No.6749148

That feel when you open a booster and you already have the rare. And it's a shitty rare on top of that.

>> No.6749295
File: 131 KB, 496x479, pic879222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought barbarossa tankloli cardgame.

It is simple and fun. They published english rules and all card translations.

>> No.6749353

Was tempted to get that, but I decided to order moe maid hiring and moe japanese warlord game instead.

>> No.6749368

Well I play Yu-gi-oh or I used to then Synchro Summons ruined the game for me.

It was pretty nice for a while since my local comic book shop used to hold monthly tournaments for Yu-gi-oh and Magic, and I got to be a spoiler for the beginners tournament (Usually when there's a Stop-Having-Fun guy who tries to enter the tournament themselves or gets someone else to enter for them, I'm there to just wipe them out. If there wasn't anyone like that I just hammed it up for the kids and lost in the most melodramatic fashion I could, It was great for the kids and I usually got about $20 in cards for helping out). I loved making decks out of random cards though, I am to this day the only person who has ever tried to make a mermaid deck in Yu-gi-oh and it was a pretty good deck but I had to use some non-mermaid cards after a while.

I've been trying to get into L5R and the VS system but the communities for it are just dead where I live and the drive to the nearest community is just painful.

As a side note since /tg/ is pretty weird when you ask about card games that are not MTG, is the Chaotic card game officially dead? There's no new show coming out and the plans for the expansion are shuttered so I don't know if they planned to stop altogether or they're just gearing up for a relaunch.

>> No.6749452
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Nice Teneb you got there, I'm inspired to show off my Doran, The Siege Tower. Picture qualty sucks a bit though

>> No.6749518

I've been thinking about starting MtG again. I haven't played in years, but the new sets look pretty cool.

>> No.6749546

I have to agree. Too much "lolrandumnessXD" in YGO.

>> No.6749562
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Emmersblade for Yugioh Players

>> No.6749566

Under the image gallery for that website they have both English and Japanese cards.Is there an official website for English cards? Their ebay search only yields a japanese set.

>> No.6749573


>> No.6749580
File: 35 KB, 423x336, ban_ResidentEvilDeckBuildingGame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up this Dominion rip off recently and played two games. All of my friends and myself agree we find it more fun than the actual Dominion! Except for one, he still admits it's pretty fun though. Check it out if you're a fan of the deck building games.

>> No.6749588

All high king korg was here.

Whatever deck you're playing is loser.

>> No.6749589
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I am tempted to order "Kemomomimi Panic" next.

It is pretty much "milky holmes with cat ears", with detectives vs legendary thieves as the theme of the game.

>> No.6749595

Are you guys familiar with whack a catgirl?

Or munchkin in general?

I think /jp/ would enjoy munchkin

>> No.6749604

Isn't there a Touhou version of MtG?

>> No.6749622
File: 78 KB, 500x335, pic666685_md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Are you guys familiar with whack a catgirl?

I saw it, and while I tend to buy anything and everything catgirl related, this product kind of bothered me.

It seems to be a product made exclusively for the "Squeeee! <GLOMP>" retarded girls out there who discovered anime because of InuYasha. You know, those morbidly obese girls who wear cat ears and "I <3 Yaoi" t-shirts to conventions.

Do not want.

>> No.6749627

To be fair, the game was very short lived and I didn't get a chance to build a stable deck. And played it when I was like 11 or 12. I ran a primarily Naroom Deck.
....So yes my deck was probably really shitty.

>> No.6749639

I was talking about the munckin animu expansion which I guess I /tg/ Freudian slipped on the title(different thing entirely), yeah that thing you posted was embarrassing.

Shit this stuff all blends together after a while.


It got like 8 sets of cards, it just didn't get anywhere near enough press and the fact that the cartoon only came out this year doesn't help card sales 10 years ago.

>> No.6749692

Looks like it's only 48 cards. Nice and cheap. I suppose I'll order it too, thanks~

>> No.6749704

No .hack//Enemy players? I know there are tons of card stock at a shop up here (they sell full tcg boxes of like 30ish packs for like...5-8 bucks...they do online stuff, too). The card game was awesome, didn't anyone else play this? I still buy packs, since the boxes are dirt cheap.

>> No.6749739

While on this topic. how you guys use your foreign cards...

I got the translations from the official site, printed them onto small avery labels, and covered the Japanese text box with them. Then I put them in card sleeves so they shuffle nicely.

I felt bad about putting stickers on cards, but it is a huge help when introducing the game to other people. It is far less of a hassle than printing car translation reference sheets.

>> No.6749740
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>Want to play these games
>Sold out fucking everywhere
Fucking hell.

>> No.6749743
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Got back into Yu-Gi-Oh! last year (Morphtronics and Lightsworn, above all else), so that mainly. Also starting to get into MtG and after trying a demo, Weiß Schwarz. I wanna try out Battle Spirits, but they don't sell the cards over here and I have a feeling it's gonna go the same way as Duel Masters.

Also looking forward to Cardfight!! Vanguard this season. I hope it gets subbed.

These other Japanese card games look interesting but also repulsively weeaboo.

>> No.6749749


Actually Magi-Nation as a whole could have used more time to build itself up. I mean I was trying to replay the GBC game and Dear Lord was it a flying piece of crap.

Great story, funny dialogue all coupled with one of the worse stat management I've ever seen in a video game. Speed is a completely worthless stat, your monster goes when the game decides your monster will go, no life bars so you don't know how much damage till the monster dies and you have to memorize health, in addition to type battles, damage bonuses and everything else anyone would ever need to know to play, has to be memorized because the game was not going to tell you anything.

Actually the cartoon came out once before in 2007/8 (sorry fuzzy memory). It was followed by a relaunch of the card game.

It uhh... didn't do so well since most people didn't even know it existed. My local store didn't even know you could order the cards.

>> No.6749763

Battle spirits already did die. They sold the cards at various shops I frequented all over the state, and it was pretty much widespread that none of them sold... It's pretty sad. The game looked awesome, too. Now, whenever I see the cards, they're sold at around half price...and there MIGHT be one pack missing from the booster box. Might be.

>> No.6749773

They relaunched that card game? I never even knew...

>> No.6749809
File: 32 KB, 251x251, 1279143836116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit Bandai, why do you suck so much at promoting your merchandise?

I swear, Weiß Schwarz isn't even gonna be launched internationally for at least 6 months and I've still seen more coverage for that than I ever have for Battle Spirits.

Ah well, more money to was- spend on other stuff.

>> No.6749830

Yugioh player reporting in. Dreading the upcoming Six Samurai format.

>> No.6749844

Bleach, Naruto and One Piece TCG are glorious(ly shitty).

I wish they´d do an Evangelion one.

>> No.6749847

go away desudesu

>> No.6749871

>repulsively weeaboo

I wonder what makes a card game more "weeaboo" than another, if that is even possible at all. This shitty slang is becoming hilarious.

>> No.6749873

Too bad the cartoon is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to the original universe sans dream creatures kinda-sort-of.

>> No.6749888

It's not that different, it has the same dream creatures, same general plot of the game (Instead of needing to defeat the 8 evil towers he needs to collect, what was it, 8? dreamstones)

I'm just 100% surprised there's so much ecology in there. I mean the last episode I was able to watch covered the taxonomy of animals and the one before that covered climate changes. It was weird watching a show trying to educate children and know that it was failing simply because the show immediately after it hadn't been seen since the early 1960's

>> No.6749896

It's being launched internationally? Where's this coverage at?
Interest at maximum.

>> No.6749931

They were attempting to advertise in Shonen Jump before the game released, even going as far as putting free vouchers in the magazine for a free trial deck when the game released....No interest, I guess.

>> No.6749991

Woah, woah Weiß Schwarz is getting an international release? Is there an official website?

>> No.6750374

To everyone in this thread, I highly recommend you check out the Tanto Cuare, Barbarossa, or Kunitori card games if you've played and enjoyed Dominion. They are all pretty much the same core game but with just slight variations in gameplay, so it makes pick-up-and-play extremely simple.

They're all extremely fast paced too, and once everyone in the group you're playing with has the majority of the cards memorized, you'll be on your next turn before you've even shuffled and drawn the next set of cards for your hand.

>> No.6750487

Where did you get that card divider?

>> No.6750773
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>> No.6750887

No recommendations on a starter set. Just buy a box from a company you like. I usually go for the Alice Soft boxes.
Weib Schwarz has some english decks.

>> No.6750934

I am interested in Kunitori, Tanto Curore, Chaos, and Lycee. Any good places to get these for cheap?

>> No.6752085

isnt recurring nightmare banned? (http://mtgcommander.net/rules.php))

Also no oracle of mul daya? I have found that thing is probably one of the best edh cards.
