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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 495 KB, 1600x1059, 1293914678587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6746077 No.6746077 [Reply] [Original]

3DCG thread. Post saves, links to mods, discuss modding, post pics of your waifu being violated, etc.
What 3DCG is: 3d custom girl, a program for creating a character and posing it. Has a light, sort of subpar sex sim. Using MMD(mikumikudance) you can create your own animations as well.

DISCLAIMER: Consider all mods and hardsaves in this thread to be of Japanese origin unless stated otherwise. The original modder is rarely known, however.

INSTALLATION PACKAGE(READ THE README for instructions):http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KMHBGLRM
MOD TORRENT(also contains game): http://www.mediafire.com/?6rrxdgx8ka1stkt
Mod Catalog(0.15; help requested): http://www.mediafire.com/?7b7133cx4vad29b
Beta /jp/ Mod Pack(READ THE README FOR INSTRUCTIONS): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LT1BB7DT
Preview of someone's hard save folder(does not contain actual hard saves):
Wiki: http://3dcg.wikia.com/wiki/3D_Custom_Girl_Wiki
TROUBLESHOOTING(READ before posting your problem here): http://3dcg.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Troubleshooting

Mods go in the "arcs" folder inside the 3DCG game folder. Saves go inside my documents/techarts3d/TDCG/. Poses go inside /TDCG/pose/.

If you're looking for something, please use ctrl+f and search before asking. If your request has been discussed already, it may be considered a troll and ignored.

Old threads(links to even older threads found in OP):
Please avoid posting the full URL when linking to Japanese uploaders or files in uploaders. Typical custom on Japanese boards is to remove the "h" in "http://"(as shown above). Also, avoid directly posting the password to the 3ch site; if they find it is distributed openly, they will change it(and possibly the url, apparently). Posting hints is apparently acceptable, as they do this themselves.

>> No.6746087
File: 448 KB, 1024x768, 1294005161706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a mod? Read these before asking and see if you can't find it yourself, it will help you in the long run if you use this program:

Want lolis? Longer legs? Giant girl?

An anon's pose collection(~1,000 poses):

An anon's .cs file collection, for use with TMOProportion:

Someone's TAHHair folder(contains a program which lets you add hundreds(2-3) of hair colors to invidiual hair models):

If you are searching for a specific character, it's often faster than asking to simply find their Japanese name on Wikipedia and search the mods reference site or one of the uploaders linked below.

Japanese Uploaders:

The mod pack included in the OP is the first of more planned. Feedback appreciated.

If you are looking for general hard saves, try browsing the hard save preview folder linked in the OP. Remember that the files contained are only images and not hard saves, but at least one person on /jp/ has every hard save contained in the folder, so if you see one you like, request it by asking for the full file name you see there.

>> No.6746254

Brb, making delicious futa girls

>> No.6746769 [SPOILER] 
File: 279 KB, 800x468, 034E9F84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent way to much time on this.

>> No.6747024

wow, good work. you should make that into a scene save(if it's too big, try removing the main girl).

>> No.6748849 [SPOILER] 
File: 186 KB, 1680x1050, 1294026008328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6749002
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, 034A6B44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gone five days without a fap. Waiting till I hit seven days, edge out the entire day with c79 manga, then I'll finish with this program. I cant believe I put off downloading this for so long.

>> No.6749378
File: 498 KB, 1280x1047, 1294035088095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i started using it again about 6 months ago i pretty much felt the same way.

it's too powerful. i suppose only people who are really into this fetish/interest have a taste for it, though. with motion sensing tech getting implemented and developed, now is probably the best time to get into it for a /jp/er(it's easiest to learn a technology by following it from the start).

>> No.6749934


Which body was used in that pic?

>> No.6752562

i'm not sure what body is used, but i think the pussy is located in tim1983(still on the tim uploader).

>> No.6753052
File: 448 KB, 1600x1200, 1294111212343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6753108

boof I still want you to remake yourself

>> No.6754151
File: 212 KB, 600x1320, riza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda Pro updated his blog again.

>> No.6754154
File: 161 KB, 1000x750, 2011010317064003d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As did Hissa.

>> No.6754195
File: 625 KB, 1024x768, サンプル画像(本MODには99式衛士強化装備セットのみが入っております).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is a Muv-Luv set.
ttp://www1.axfc.net/uploader/S/so/90491 Pass:type99

>> No.6755374
File: 117 KB, 1200x800, 1294143884696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755444


Any chance you know the source on the chair?

>> No.6755450

Nope, sorry.

>> No.6755676

Alright, sweet, I think I managed to get my mods fixed..

I don't suppose you know why mediafire/megaupload/ wont work on my computer? It refuses to connect to the site no matter what browser I used. The sites are fine, and the cached version still works, but they just wont connect, without those sites I can't get any more mods.


>> No.6755842

in the past, megaupload has often been terrible for me. i don't know why mediafire wouldn't work for you; i'd say to try again later, but i don't know how long you've been having the problem.

>> No.6755892

For the past week, at first I thought it was down or something..but nope, still gone.

Also, I installed toonshader and updated it all the way to xp4..at least..I think I did, the wikia isn't very precise on how to install shit, and yet, my miku stuff still wont show up.

Now to find some clothes..

>> No.6756032

yeah, that's primarily because it's all supposed to be in the readme file. i imagine it's difficult if you can't download the installer from megaupload.

you said you installed toonshader, can i assume you mean toonshader2? toonshader2 is in XPC02313.zip(you should be able to download it from the techarts uploader(ttp://cdn.3dcustom.net/TACuploader/upload.html )). if you have the expansions and toonshader2 installed, it should display.

don't know what would be causing your problems with MF/MU. i've been using them all week.

>> No.6756064

Maybe flash is not installed?
I remember it didn't work for me when I used linux.

>> No.6758133

I figured it out, my brother has been messing with the hostfile in System 32, so I got that fixed.

I'd be really interested in that installer you talked about now, where do I get it?

>> No.6758645


>> No.6759036
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>> No.6759591

i really wish tdcg had something like the lat shiki(of mmd fame).

to my understanding, the model is literally dynamically 2d. as you can see in the picture, when you're looking at the face, what is being displayed appears to contain either limited or no z axis info, but as you rotate to where you'd expect to see things as they are only viewable from the side, they become displayed. it's pretty amazing(well, to a 3d modelling amateur like me), or at least a very nice effect.

pic is related. as you can see, the Z-axis structure of the face is completely hidden from the front.

tdcg does appear to have something like this going on with the eyes, but i'm not sure if it would be possible to import the lat shiki(or a model like it) into tdcg(would like an answer if anyone knows).

>> No.6759724
File: 284 KB, 1260x553, latb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant to post this image with that post, but for some reason 4chan is barely letting me do anything at all other than view it right now.

>> No.6759892
File: 8 KB, 128x128, D8910D4C-ABAC-45E2-8F39D6E52C790404.tdcgpose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a blank-eyes pose which should work with the body that was posted last thread.

it basically clears the eyes. it's for use with the special eye effects mods, such as the circular white eyes/worn out eyes. there is still a little spot that i had too much trouble removing, this is about as good as i can get it.

>> No.6759907
File: 730 KB, 1024x768, 036D208A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i mean. if the eyes are set to default, then they simply clip under the circular eyes.

it may look odd from certain angles(especially the right eye). i'll repost if i can improve it.

>> No.6759941
File: 5 KB, 128x128, D9E0AEC6-5CFF-435B-9DF75B4D78410F2C.tdcgpose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kind of irritating since i spent a bit of time on the first one, but you could consider this a version up of >>6759892.

>> No.6760365

How do you take snapshots in pose mode that don't include the skeleton/frame markings?

>> No.6760628
File: 1.99 MB, 128x256, 1293660444950.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press space until you see nothing.
someone posted this save in the old thread, i liked the body but i would like to know where i can find it

>> No.6761124
File: 37 KB, 544x400, 1293686750646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I finally got the fucking game and all it's mods to work, but now I just get a black screen and an endless hourglass when I try to initiate sex.

What am I doing wrong /jp/?

>> No.6762319

Not too sure but I think it's in the /jp/ mod pack.

>> No.6762586

I'm pretty sure it's one of Cusjiru's bodies.

He generally only distributes them as hard saves, so if you want it as a mod you'll have to rip it from that hard save. I ripped it for myself, but it has a default TDCGEx icon.

Was I the only one who was getting a lot of problems from 4chan last night? I meant to post this before I went to bed, but the connection would constantly fail when I tried(but I could view things fine), and it went on for quite awhile.

>> No.6762615

Unfortunately I'm not too sure.

It's likely that there is either a mod interfering with the mode or that you do not have the gravure mod installed.

Either install the gravure mod if you don't have it, or simply remove your mods from your arcs folder in batches(try removing half at a time) until you find the culprit mod.

>> No.6762692

Also, somebody last night was making a request for mod0441 and mod0443. Were you ever able to find them? I have them, but if you've found them already then I'll leave it at that.

>> No.6762800

>remove your mods from your arcs folder in batches

Indeed, don't just try them one by one, do a binary search or something.

Remove half of them, check - if it works, restore half of the ones you removed, check again and so on.

>> No.6764195

I do have it installed, I'm at my wits end, I tried removing mods in every possible combination and it still doesn't work, I even replaced the dx9 with sp1 and repatched the whole damn thing over again and I'm still getting the same result.

could it have anything to do with the fact that I get a few tiles that say "no images" regardless of if I delete my settings and leave nothing but the bare essentials in the arcs folder?

Cause it's doing that.

>> No.6764225

Aww fuck yeah, I fixed it..for now, I'm sure it will screw me over again somehow.

>> No.6764230
File: 2.24 MB, 1600x1059, Remember me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6764282

I can normally run the game just fine, but I get a problem when I try to run the uncensored patch. I get a 「システムのバージョンが違います」 (wrong system version) error. What do? I think it has something to do with windows 7.

>> No.6764408

What was wrong?

I'm not quite sure what your problem is. I'm using Windows 7 as well. Perhaps your game isn't fully updated?

>> No.6764443
File: 292 KB, 973x1156, 1294257784391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6764531

Not really that big of a deal, but the sound loops whenever I try to do ANYTHING in game that isn't in auto mode. For example, if I touch her ass, she's just gonna keep moaning the same sound eternally even though I already stopped groping her.

Apart from this small issue, the game seems to run perfectly right off the bad on Windows 7 Ultimate with JP locale. It also runs smoothly after patching it. I don't know if I'm incredibly lucky or something, though I haven't put any mods on it yet.

Also I played it for three minutes and could only think that this is one of the best games I ever played.

>> No.6764580

well, i never had any problems with it either, aside from tmoproportion at one point early on. for every person who posts with a problem, you have no way of knowing how many people installed it without error because nobody would post about that. half the posts are just people not following directions, for whatever reason(not everyone uses the install pack we've provided in the first place).

not sure what to do about the sound effect. i'm not entirely sure it's dysfunctional. i'm assuming it at least stops when you exit the mode.

>> No.6764736

It stops looping when I exit the mode or click another part of her body, but then she's just gonna make another moaning sound so it's really useless.

It's okay though, since she's silent when I'm changing her clothes and I can just set things to auto mode when I'm fapping.

>> No.6765000
File: 487 KB, 1280x960, 1294295411326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
