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6744824 No.6744824 [Reply] [Original]

Aren't Sakuya's knives actually knife shaped danmaku?

Look at it like this, the spellcard rule is there so Humans or Youkai don't die or get seriously injured while engaging in a danmaku duel.

No matter how you look at it , getting impaled by a hundred real knives at a time would certainly kill you.

So i have come to the conclusion that Sakuya's knives are actually danmaku using the knife shape.

The same would apply to Suwako's Iron rings.

>> No.6744832

She uses both danmaku knives during danmaku and real knives when punishing China.

>> No.6744835

sugoi monogatari aniki

>> No.6744837

But they're moving extremely slowly. I'm sure they all vanish on contact when a hit is scored anyways.

>> No.6744838

You can always bullshit it by saying that using a spellcard invokes magic that makes all attacks non-lethal. Border of Battle, etc.

>> No.6744840

That would somewhat explain where the fuck she 'keeps' a few thousand of them.

>> No.6744841

Danmaku is all light shows. Though she has real knives and can actually duplicate them en masse (and it's implied that the battle with Mokou in Touhou 8 was not a harmless lightshow).

>> No.6744857

Mokou is immortal and won't die even if she's stabbed 1000 times by Sakuya so that shouldn't count.

>> No.6744865

Losing a life = clothing damage. They're real knives, and can tear through frills, like all danmaku.

>> No.6744866

>getting impaled by a hundred real knives at a time would certainly kill you.
Not if you're a youkai. Also Unzan fucking punches you.

And the spellcard rule is to give everyone a fair chance to win, not to protect them. People still get killed and eaten if they lose danmaku duels to youkai.

>> No.6744873

Canonically, she freezes time and picks them all up after throwing them so it just looks like she has a lot.

>> No.6744874

> mfw there is a real discussion ITT

If danmaku was not lethal, was would be the point of danmaku?

>> No.6744875

A lot of danmaku is real. Read your grimoire and Aya notes, son.

>> No.6744882

Why doesn't she just freeze time and stab you in the face with a knife?

>> No.6744889

Because that's against the rules.

>> No.6744893

Actually, thinking of that, >>6744837 is probably the correct answer. If they hit, she's won and she can just stop time and pull them out before they cause any real damage.

>> No.6744896

Why doesn't Yukari just gap danmaku into your hitbox?

Hell, why doesn't everyone use impossible to dodge, solid walls of danmaku?

Read the spellcard rules.

>> No.6744898

Because it isn't as fun.

>> No.6744900

The point of danmaku is to give humans a chance to fight back, fairly.

It by itself is not lethal, however, anything after the duel is fair game.

>> No.6744905

Aren't Sakuya's breasts actually breast shaped padding?

>> No.6744911

>Read the spellcard rules.
Where can i read them, in detail?

>> No.6744914

Because she's not a psychopathic retard.

>> No.6744915

That's not really a strategy befitting of a ''beautiful and elegant maid'' now is it?

>> No.6744916


Actually canonically she grabs them out of the timeline. Her power extends beyond timestop, so she can infinitely duplicate one knife to thousands. Also, her ultimate attack allows her to actualize all the past and future of a thrown knife, making it an infinitely-fast knife-chain-laser. (Last Word Deflation World)

>> No.6744919

Google. Look for things yourself.

>> No.6744923



>> No.6744936

I think ZUN was extra drunk when he made IN, it's full of ugly broken shit like that.

>> No.6744954

It's full of stupid patterns that are kind of boring or broken, too.

>> No.6744960

>Do not attack without reason.
Wait, there are countless times when get attacked for no particular reason. For example why does Wriggle attack you?

>> No.6744961

>Also, her ultimate attack allows her to actualize all the past and future of a thrown knife


>> No.6744971

I think Yuyuko was the one that attacked her.

>> No.6744973


All the Last Words should be taken at a semi-canon sort of idea.

I interpret them as the highest level of ability the character CAN have, not what they DO have. I mean, if they bother to hone their skills and go all-out.

>> No.6744978

Learn something new everyday I guess

>> No.6744980

>- If all your named spells are defeated, you are defeated, regardless of your remaining strength.

Fuck you Reimu!

>> No.6744983

You pretty much can make up any bullshit reason to attack. They do it at the drop of a hat.

>> No.6744986


>> No.6744987

Everyone breaks that rule.

>> No.6744988

Why does Lily White attack you 2 times without saying ANYTHING?

>> No.6744993

Lily communicates with danmaku. She's speaking volumes.

>> No.6744994

She's announcing Spring.

>> No.6745000


No one listens to
>Attacks relying on physical strength are not to be repeated.
>If all your named spells are defeated, you are defeated, regardless of your remaining strength.
>If victorious against a human, you may not kill them.
either. Rumia will eat you, Yuugi or someone in SA will keep attacking you after the midboss fight, and characters use physical attacks all the time, even if they leave danmaku in their wake.

>> No.6745002
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Because it's Spring, bitches.

>> No.6745010

Fairies don't listen/understand/care about danmaku rules. They don't even have spells. They also can't die, so you can kill them freely.

>> No.6745015

The spellcard rules can't be reconciled with any of the games. They're imperfect views into Gensokyo.

>> No.6745016


>Yuugi or someone in SA will keep attacking you after the midboss fight,

She's just dancing and having fun.

Her dancing just happens to be a hurricane of destruction.

>> No.6745020

Sakuya herself attacks you just 2 minutes later after you finish her in stage 5.
Either Reimu doesn't care about 80% of the rules or nobody really gives much of a shit.

No wonder the girl is so cranky, she should just go pummel everyone to get the point.

>> No.6745037

>Sakuya herself attacks you just 2 minutes later after you finish her in stage 5.
Youmu does that too actually.

>> No.6745040

There's a single fairy exception.
Probably a second one is Daiyousei's name precedes her.

>> No.6745093

>Plays the role of a human maid about 10~20 years old

sure is ambiguous around here.

But then she could probably control her age and with it her bust size.

>> No.6745109

>So i have come to the conclusion that Sakuya's knives are actually danmaku using the knife shape.

>The same would apply to Suwako's Iron rings.

then Koishi throws you hearts that were ripped off from the chest of her dying victims!?

how horrifying.jpg

and I then I could pick up some rocks and have my own rock-shaped danmaku, lol.

>> No.6745113

Because they hadn't ran out of spellcards? Dialogue doesn't mean the duel is over, notice how your enemy in stage 4 of IN runs away after a few spells and then her clothes look rugged after you beat her for good.

Now that I think of it, ZUN said himself he wasn't a good writer, he also said that Touhou's story (in terms of relevance and common sense) is a joke and people should not squeeze the shit out of it like people do nowadays, or at least, take such squeezing as serious.

>> No.6745119

Sakuya's utterly horrid misuse of her Time Powers will probably have Drastic and Irreversible effects on the Future of Gensokyo and perhaps Time/Space itself.

Just think, Everytime uses a time based Spellcard, it could be erasing or displacing minutes, hours, days, maybe weeks up to decades or centuries of time due to the insurmountable number of splintered timelines, unstable timeloops and untold level of fractures she makes, all by just removing and reusing one knife from the time stream over and over and over again.

She could be the most harmful, most dangerous Touhou ever produced all because of her complete disregard for the fabric of time and how her acts effect it. Some Maid.

>> No.6745133

Technically there are 4 exceptions, Cirno and the 3 asshole fairies.

Cirno's ability to freeze everything including fire and also fairy immortality should make her stronger than Mokou, shame she's just a mocked character.

>> No.6745139

>how horrifying.jpg
Doesn't orin attack you with literal zombies?

>> No.6745140

Citation, if you could, so I can post it when people start having bitchfights over canon vs fanon.

>> No.6745141

Most of us (hopefully) know that it's impossible to get any kind of coherency out of Touhou's silly dialog and gameplay-driven writing. But it's fun to try.

>> No.6745148

Nah, she gets threatened by Inevitables, so she tries to keep her attacks reality-friendly.

>> No.6745149

If Rumia violated the rules by trying to eat Reimu, Reimu would violate the rules by using actual attacks against her, I imagine.

>> No.6745160

I thought she threw her cartwheel at you?

>> No.6745165


Add Orin to that list.

>> No.6745169

Fire > Ice.

Oh, but this is Touhou.

>> No.6745174

She may the powers to beat Mokou, but not the brains.

And no this is not some CIRNO BAKA joke, Cirno's dialogue in every game proves that she really is stupid.

>> No.6745178
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They're just fairies cosplaying being undead. When I found that out I was disappointed, but then I thought about it more and hnnnggged.

Orin's evil sprits are real, at least.

>> No.6745181

Ice is still water.

>> No.6745184

They're fairies dressed as zombies.

>> No.6745188

Aya says they're normal fairies dressed up as ghosts.

>> No.6745199


>Now I'll show you the true power of my boundary!

What's the point of doing it again?

>Well, there's two of you, so I get two tries!

Even Reimu ignores that rule

>> No.6745204

Joke's on you, Cirno can't freeze fire bullets.

>> No.6745206

They are fairies pretending to be undead.

>> No.6745211

>Aya Shameimaru
>Reliable source of information


>> No.6745212
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My biggest disappointment for a missed opportunity in Touhou canon is that they never made a 3 Fairies chapter where the 3 go and dress up as zombies to take part in one of Orin's spellcards. My heart would explode.

>> No.6745215

>Oh, but this is Touhou.

Exactly. Freezing fireballs is an important part of Fairy Wars.

>> No.6745217

That's the one thing I don't get.

If she is "Just a Fairy", why the hell would she need to know anything that counts as Human Intelligence. All Faries need to know is Fairy stuff, like nature and such.
Why would she need to know things that others would consider "smart" if she's "just a fairy"?
Its really just calling her stupid to call her stupid.

>> No.6745221

Think of it, if she melts her, she can proceed to evaporate her and then have rain made of Cirno all over Gensokyo, then each drop would regenerate and turn into her and there'd be Cirnos everywhere, she's like nanobots.

One thing, if Okuu can control the ''fusion of particles'', this would mean she can control everything's particles at will? Was the Hourai Elixir designed to also cover complete particle desintegration? Does it mean that Okuu could dissassemble all existence at will should something happens that makes her snap (having someone close to you die is more insane-making than just being power drunk)?

>> No.6745226

>If victorious against a human, you may not kill them.
This rule seems awfully flawed.
What kind of normal human would have a fighting chance against a Yokai in danmaku?

How is lightshow potency measured anyway, imagination?

I find it hard to believe a human can suddenly start churning out millions of bullets like Kaguya, or announcing spellcards in the first place, perhaps it has something to do with stamina? Humans should be somewhere dead after the first 30 seconds, while youkai have 'multiple' lives?

tl;dr i can't figure out how danmaku affects normal humans

>> No.6745227

Unless she uses her Perfect Freeze.

>> No.6745229


Holy shit that is the best idea ever. I'm saving that for later.

>> No.6745232

>How is lightshow potency measured anyway, imagination?

Yes. The winner is the person with the most beautiful mind.

>> No.6745235

>Even Reimu ignores that rule
Stupid Miko, she was probably forced by someone to make those rules and promptly forgot about them.

>> No.6745247

Reimu and Marisa are human, they may be weirdos but they're both ''normal'', believe it or not.

This is Touhou.

>> No.6745264

She hasn't ran out of spellcards.

>> No.6745273

The books says she made the rules so there'd be no killings.

>> No.6745279

It's a well know fact that level 4 bosses can buy some time for their masters on level 5, so it's ok.

ZUN would probably say something like that.

>> No.6745302 [DELETED] 

Cirno is not made of ice, nor is she dependent on being cold to exist. It's probably not possible to burn her either considering she emits cold.

>Was the Hourai Elixir designed to also cover complete particle desintegration?

>should something happens that makes her snap
She was snapped to begin with. That's why she was the boss. She wanted to raze the entire planet.

>> No.6745309

Cirno is not made of ice, nor is she dependent on being cold to exist. It's probably not possible to burn her either considering she emits cold.

>Was the Hourai Elixir designed to also cover complete particle desintegration?

>should something happens that makes her snap
She was snapped to begin with. That's why she was the boss. She wanted to raze the entire planet.

>Lord Yatagarasu, the Black Sun.
Thank you for giving me your power.

>The sunlight that rains down on the Earth
is a nuclear furnace that will create new atoms.

>My ultimate nuclear fusion will burn up
every body, heart, ghost, and fairy!

>> No.6745325

The spellcard rules can't be reconciled with any of the games. They're imperfect views into Gensokyo.

Yeah, I always kinda got the impression ZUN pulled them out of his ass because he didn't want Gensokyo feeling grimdark. I guess you could make an argument for the Spell Card rules filtering down to the underground youkai at some point before SA- Eirin's shady new drug, etc.- though there's only a timeframe of a few years between EoSD and SA. But Byakuren's crew and Nue have no excuse. Byakuren even busts cards out immediately after being freed.

And evidently popcorn enemies are so far beneath consideration that nobody even cares that they don't use Spell Cards at all.

>> No.6745342
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>This is Touhou!

>> No.6745347

Yeah I always wondered what the fairies are supposed to be doing when they shoot bullets at you. Or how non-spellcard attacks from bosses fit into the rules.

The official ZUN answer is probably "don't think about that".

>> No.6745356


>The official ZUN answer is probably "get so drunk you forget that".

Fucking secondaries and their inability to understand an alcoholic Japanese man's logic.

>> No.6745376

>she emits cold
You obviously don't know how science works. Cold is the absence of heat.

>> No.6745389

This is Touhou. Forget what you know about science.

>> No.6745394

You obviously don't know how magic works. Cirno radiates chilling air from herself.

>> No.6745396
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I'm afraid i can't let you do that.

>> No.6745399

Okay people can breath on the moon.

>> No.6745401

Well the rules aren't exactly words written with a marker on a sheet of paper that were hanged out to everyone, they are a set natural cause of Gensokyo between MS and EoSD done by Reimu, it means that everyone without exception can shoot lasers and shit, even YOU.

The danmaku hurt sure, but they aren't made to kill, just rag up people's clothes, like a beat up. Still wondering why the clothe-ragging never made into the nudity aspect, the farthest we got was Reisen's defeated pose in IN.

>> No.6745404

They do, in Touhou.

>> No.6745408

in Touhouland, science involves Stars of David and giant crucifixes.

>> No.6745409
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>> No.6745410

Is this a trick question?

>> No.6745411

Not everyone wants nudity in their games, you know.

>> No.6745415

>ZUN art nudity

Bad, bad, that is bad.
Which is not good.

>> No.6745419

>Well the rules aren't exactly words written with a marker on a sheet of paper that were hanged out to everyone
Yes they are.

>> No.6745425

I think it's more a case of that you could get killed by all those flying knives and fire and shit, but nobody ever does because Touhou is not about people dying.

>> No.6745432


>> No.6745440
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Are you sure?

>> No.6745470

Yes and people can manipulate space.

>> No.6745472

Well, technically you can only breath when your inside the lunarian's barrier. Apparently there is nothing that can survive on the barren moon surface that we can see, unless with the proper tools.

>> No.6745482

Looks bad.

>> No.6745494

Post Yuyuko and I can make a final decision.

>> No.6745495

in Imperishable Night Mokou dies after every spell card you beat but because she is immortal she constantly resurrects to continue the battle.

>> No.6745500
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>> No.6745505

I meant that they exist on a higher plane of existence, if you try to shoot someone with a gun, that bullet will become a slower, shinier projectile that will only rag the other person a bit. If you use a scythe, the scythe's edge will be a laser, etc. At least, that's it for the STGs, in the fighting games there's clear use of chops and kicks which contradicts the rules. Maybe fists are made of lasers too.

Some bullets are nastier than others, for example, Okuu's danmaku-suns.

>> No.6745512

She just says she's in a lot of pain when you beat her, the ressurection names for her spellcards are for show, since it's a rule for spellcards to have pretty names, the first rule actually.

>> No.6745513

The Elixir actually makes the soul immortal, not the body. You can destroy Mokou or Kaguya's bodies for eternity, but their souls will always persist and - somehow - regenerate the body.

If you think about it, this is actually pretty much the most terrible fate possible. They won't die. Ever. The sun could go out and Gensokyo be frozen over, or the sun goes supernova and engulfs it - they will survive and reincarnate forever.

>> No.6745519 [DELETED] 

Against the spellcard rules.

>> No.6745516

It seems her left pinky and the block of concrete encasing her right foot were deemed to be clothing, and were removed.

>> No.6745521

Every part of that is complete bullshit.

>> No.6745528

There's nothing horrible about it when they live in a world of magic and immortal gods. If the sun burns out, someone will just make a new one.

>> No.6745531

Holy shit Eirin can fire her bow with one hand.

>> No.6745572


Mokou lives her 'life' at the edge of death usually, since she does not eat or probably drink without realizing it.

A regular danmaku battle that would only negligible to even us would probably be enough to 'kill' mokou.

Also Kaguya is kind of a bitch for sending the protags out to Mokou, just to bully her really...

>> No.6745605
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''Hmm, gonna need a bigger barrel.''

>> No.6745633

She runs a tori stand, if she gets hungry she may as well eat her arm and have it rebuilt in an instant.

>> No.6745643

The hell are you on about. If Sakuya wanted to hurt people with actual knives she could, by, you know, actually throwing them at them and not spiriting them away when she scores a hit.

>> No.6745816
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Erotic Touhou art in ZUN-Style is the best! More!!!!!

>> No.6745872

inb4 Touhou 13 turns out to be an eroge game.

>> No.6745891


No, it's going to end up that Gensokyo was all the delusion of a wheelchair-bound Reimu being taken care of by Yukari after a horrible event which led to the destruction of her hometown and the death of many of her friends due to her own actions. And Marisa's really a cake.

Oh, wait.

>> No.6745894
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o rly.

>> No.6745944
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>Marisa is a witch

>> No.6746004
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>> No.6746009
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