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File: 18 KB, 257x253, Smugsicca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6740450 No.6740450 [Reply] [Original]

Previous one >>6738930 on autosage

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6740462

Obligatory pasta is obligatory


George was an alpha as fuck gentleman who Shannon loved.

Jessica was her best friend who she confided in fully.

Battler was always shy around Shannon and really stalked her to no end, even when he was no longer a Ushiromiya.

Later on, Battler held her at gunpoint as he finally had his chance to make her his.

Shannon, obviously still in love with George and severely upset at the loss of her best friend, killed herself.

>> No.6740466
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If George really hid the letters then he is-



>> No.6740467

The Meta World exists in your hearts anon!

Don't be so butthurt about it.

>> No.6740475

you're all witches and goats

>> No.6740476
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I have my own end.

GM Battler breaks the illusion of hobo end, and have final showdown with Bernkastel and AuAu.
They wanted to trap him into bad end.

This plays in the BGM.

>> No.6740480

I am perfectly fine with this end.

Maybe mysteryfags got fucked over, but fantasyfags got it even worse.

Enjoy your stinky cat and pinku cake~.

>> No.6740481


He loose and Bern rape him to death.


>> No.6740486

I would buy it. Well. More than the actual one.

>> No.6740488
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That is actually something i expected to happen.

>> No.6740489


I'd read it. The end of ep. 6 is enjoyable.

>> No.6740494

>-Puzzles and choices do not matter, aside "trick" and "magic".They are to fool you.
I heard the coins you earn from the puzzles get you extra scenes. Was that true? I know they don't change the ending or affect the outcome in a significant manner, but assumed they were small bits of dialogue and such.

>> No.6740496

>Enjoy your stinky cat and pinku cake~.

As said, the reasonable theory proves this wrong. Battler is just trying not to sound like a nutbag.

"Two witches fucked me around totally until I cried like a baby".

Yeah. Better better pretends that it really was a cat and a cake. Makes Battler sound slightly less retarded, at least.

And as for "Higurashi events fictional" and "if they were real they'd have been a big deal" - it was covered up. If it's seen as "just a book", nobody is going to think something really happened, which is better for everyone involved in the Higurashi events.

Sorry, but just like Hanyuu was real in Higurashi, the witches are real in Umineko. Deal with it.
I know this pisses you off utterly and makes you furious with impotent rage, because they mocked the character you identified with. Sucks to be you, really.

>> No.6740498

>I heard the coins you earn from the puzzles get you extra scenes. Was that true? I know they don't change the ending or affect the outcome in a significant manner, but assumed they were small bits of dialogue and such.
Yes, if you answer the puzzles correctly, you get extra scenes, like Genji's backstory, Rudolf confessing that Battler is Kyrie's son etc.

>> No.6740499

>heard the coins you earn from the puzzles get you extra scenes. Was that true?

Yes, this is true.

>> No.6740503

She wouldn't rape him.

That's what Erika is going to do.

>> No.6740504

Here's the true ending: Battler wakes up when the boat arrives on the island and realizes it was all a weird dream he got after his relatives overdosed him on sleeping pills to keep him from bothering them with all his shouting.

Then one on the island he starts chasing Shannon to try and grope her while this BGM plays:


>> No.6740513
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Ryukishi will fix everything in Rei. No Berncat.

>> No.6740520
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Oh, the cake-morons have one thing right. Bern played the cat for a while. She can do that, after all. Battler probably cried a lot.

She left with Lambda later (who, probably, was very happy to be seen as cake-ish) to go to the next adventure.

I love when my favorite characters are verified by canon. I can understand the cake-morons, though. All their favorite characters turned out to be delusions. These people are now so angry they try to make others suffer their fanboi pain.

So sad. I almost pity them.

>> No.6740521

What was covered up? The disaster? And who wrote it? Have you got any evidence to back up the theory it was real? It seems much more plausible that Battler read Higurashi and later inserted references to it in his own works just like he did with other mystery works.

And again, ΛΔ never appears in Higurashi and the Bern in Umineko is pretty different to the one from Higurashi so it makes more sense that Battler just took the character and reimagined her as he wanted.

>> No.6740526


We all got fucked over. Mystery and fantasy fans alike. Nobody got a good and satisfactory end. Enjoy your cake waifu.

>> No.6740527

>Have you got any evidence to back up the theory it was real?

BZZT. Your theory came first. You need to provide actual evidence for yours. I provided counter evidence that showed that your theory had no basis.

My theory had facts to base it on (I listed them), and is thus more likely than yours.

Thing is: Neither of us can prove them with 100% certainity. That is because theories cannot be proven. Ever heard of gravity? Can't be proven true, ever. We know it exists, of course, but we'll never know for sure if it's really *Gravity*...or maybe gravity elves. But until we have evidence of a gravity elf, the normal theory is better.

Our theories are the same. I provided proof for supernatural creatures in R07's writing, showed that there was a clear distinction between delusional imaginations people (everyone who appeared in the Rokkenjima party in the ????) and people who actually exist (people in the Tea Party).

Hence, my theory has more credibility than yours. It's that simple. Dislike mine? prove it wrong. Or give evidence for yours. A line by battler that could be a lie/delusional or is, most likely, an insult, does not count as evidence.

Unless you want to admit that you're a goat since R07 called you one.

>> No.6740537
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I want to believe.

>> No.6740539
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Thats what you want to believe.

My ending was very satisfactory, though. My favorite characters were proven to exist and have an existance outside of Battlers novels, and are implied to continue with their witchy hijinks.

So no. Only your ending sucks. Mine was awesome and satisfactory, I got what I wanted out of it. Sure, Bern being more awesome in the battle would have been a plus, but hey, can't have it all.

BTW: Neither character is "my waifu". The only waifu I'd accept is Will. I'm a fag, after all.

>> No.6740540

even if you right...your waifu will never appear in this world.

>> No.6740545

This thread is fucking autism/general

>> No.6740551

>What was covered up? The disaster?

No disaster happened, Sherlock. The only thing that happened in the final kakera in Higurashi was a couple special OPS people trying to fuck shit up and failing.

Of course it was covered up. How embarassing would it be to reveal that you had a whole special unit be bribed, used in a plot that'd make 11/9 look like childplay, and had to send in another unit to control your own soldiers?

Who wrote the novel based on it? I don't know. Someone evidently did. And since they seemed to get the facts mostly correct, apparently, they probably were on the scene.
Since it didn't cause any ruckus, we know that it was covered up.

As simple as that. Same way Battler could write his story books. He was on Rokkenjima. The parallel is so obvious, even you must understand it, despite your delusional flailing.

>> No.6740554

I don't care. They are all fictional for us. You understand that we're talking about characters in a game, right?

>> No.6740556

We can never obtain perfect information about the world? Holy shit, your insight has blown me away. Of course you can make elaborate and convoluted theories that can never be disproved. That's why Occam's Razor is a good tool. It's better to choose the simplest theory that explains the available observations. Battler inventing ΛΔ and introducing and altered form of Bern from Higurashi is more plausible than the existence of supernatural elements in Umineko.

And you failed to address my points: What was covered up? The great Hinamizawa disaster? Who wrote that book? If ΛΔ existed in Higurashi, why does she never appear there? Why was Bern so different in Higurashi? She honestly cared about her friends after all.

As for equating Hanyuu in Higurashi to Bern and ΛΔ in Umineko, she actually appears and interacts with other characters in the real world, something that Bern and ΛΔ don't do.

>> No.6740559


I give you credit for being that delusional. I can't quite fool myself as well as you can.

>> No.6740560

Lol, the butthurt people with their cake theory are even alluded to in the game.

"She was hurt and that is why she tries to hurt others the same way".

That's you, cake-fags. Sorry that your waifus were fictional characters within the story. Tough shit. Ours weren't. Sucks to be you.

>> No.6740561

Lambda was ok, but Bern fucking sucks a million dicks.

I prefer them to stay as a cat and cake.
Also Higurashi is a novel in Umineko, so basically all that Rika bullshit and previous game is nulled.

>> No.6740563

Waifufags are so mad.

You really expected Meta World to be real?

If anything mourn about good characters like Ronove or Dlanor.

>> No.6740564
File: 12 KB, 376x216, wattheumineko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow this track...
They went all out with the rave.

>> No.6740565

Wow, you're so delusional with your whining, I don't even know where to begin.

First, actually read Higurashi. Half of the stuff you asked was answered in Higurashi. Jerkbern also was answered. Read the tips.

I can't help you if you chose to ignore everything that doesn't fit your delusions.

>As for equating Hanyuu in Higurashi to Bern and ΛΔ in Umineko, she actually appears and interacts with other characters in the real world, something that Bern and ΛΔ don't do.

Actually, that isn't true. They do, and are shown to. Looks like you need to reread Umineko, too.

Sorry, but "I don't read half of the stuff and post my butthurt whining on /jp" is not a credible argument, my friend. Read the stuff again, then come back and we'll talk. Until then I'll mock you.

>> No.6740566

>I prefer them to stay as a cat and cake.

No wonder you desperately cling to your theory.

Sucks that the only character that turned out to be real was the one you hate huh?

Gosh, you cakefags with your impotent rage are so hilarious. Cry more, really. It's fucking hilarious.

>> No.6740568

Wait a minute. You think that the multiple worlds in Higurashi were true within the Umineko universe? Do you also think that all the episodes were actually real rather than stories written by Yasu and Battler?

>> No.6740569

Oh please.

I like this ending. I don't give a fuck about real Battler.

At least I'm happy, goat or not.

>> No.6740573
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I expected it to just disappear and be never really explained.

Maybe i am just a delusional retarded goat, fuck.

>> No.6740574
File: 54 KB, 640x481, objection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bern - Cat
Lambda - Cake
Ronove - Genji
Virgilia - Kumasawa
Siestas - Guns/Figurines
Stakes - Guns/Maids (?)
Beatrice - Amnesia
Meta World - Battler's Head
All helpful meta characters - Memories coming back

Any questions?

>> No.6740577

Thats what you tell yourself at night while crying. Your rage is so cute.

Sucks that the only real ones were the nasty lesbian trollwitches, huh?

>> No.6740579
File: 4 KB, 299x168, bernCATstel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantasyfags got told hard.

Battler is my hero for putting you down.

>> No.6740581


GM Battler who knows the truth=subconscious repressing his memories?

>> No.6740578 [DELETED] 

Different poster here. I'm hoping you realize it's a bit silly to talk down to someone and then say that their questions are answered already, without giving any context in either pieces of work where you would find said answers, or at the very least paraphrasing them in an attempt to refresh the poster's memory (which you so laboriously call into question). Such a response is essentially worthless.

>> No.6740583

Jesus fucking christ , you all missed hint about Diana the Cat?

It was fucking obvious Bern isn't real...

>> No.6740584
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this thread fucking hilarious.you goats are so entertaining.

>mfw this thread

>> No.6740585

"There is an answer that refutes what you said but I won't give it to you." Nice debating tactic. If it exists then post it.

And when do Bern and ΛΔ appear and interact with other characters in the real world?

>> No.6740587

Yes. How do you explain the part where Lambda says she has to wake up and go to school tomorrow?

>> No.6740589
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>> No.6740590

More like fantasy haters got trolled hard by the Tea Party and the ????, while the fantasy fags got support, at least the trolls are real within the story. We won.

Sorry that this makes you fume with rage. You whiners are so easy to troll, both by us fantasy fans and by 07. No wonder you're so butthurt about the ending, while the rest of us love it.

>> No.6740593

Fucking sucks Ronove is not a real demon...

>> No.6740594

How you got support when it is clearly stated that whole Meta World was made up?

You sound pretty frustrated that Bern is just a fiction inside fiction.

>> No.6740595

Someone at school was having a birthday. Said person was going to get surprised by someone else bringing in a birthday cake for them.

>> No.6740599

>No wonder you're so butthurt about the ending, while the rest of us love it.

No, not really.

>> No.6740600

I can bet fantasyfags believe that one day Bern/Lambda will appear before them.

>> No.6740601

You convinced me.

>> No.6740602

Read the tips. I can't help you if you refuse to do this. Bern is stated to be the summary of everything Rika forgot because it was too much for her.

Further, Bern appears in scenes that transcend the narrative of the novels, further proving me correct.

Of course, if you ignore every single TIPS, your argument might work. That's your choice.

I can mock you for it, though. It's the equivalent of putting your head into the sand because you can't deal with Bern existing. You really hate that she exists as real in the When they Cry universe, huh?

Wonder why you're so butthurt about it.

>> No.6740604

Your rage is beautiful, even if your attempts at fighting back are pathetic.

>> No.6740605

>Bern isn't real

Best end, that that you whore.

>> No.6740606

Today I met Lambda at the Walmart.

>> No.6740607

Too bad I won't know happens until 3 years from now; all this arguing makes it almost sound interesting.

>> No.6740609
File: 152 KB, 600x606, uoooooooooobeato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they still believe in witches

>> No.6740610

So these threads are what R07 meant by また、何かなく頃に

>> No.6740614

I love the delusional cake fetishists.

>Give no proof for cake theory
>People refute it easily and provide a theory that actually makes sense
>Cate fetishists go apeshit and demand even more proof even if they never gave any for their own assburger delusions

Shine on, crazy diamonds. I'm sure you try to pretend that the people who bully you aren't real so the pain goes away.

>> No.6740616

I would imagine that any of us who expected a decently-written work of fiction with a protagonist, a fleshed-out plot, and developed characters who we get to see grow as they work to overcome their tribulations got trolled. "None of it was real, but here's an open ending anyway. Love love love, truth, seen, love, fantasy, embrace delusions."

The gameboard characters were rather undeveloped as it was, but then you have this ending which essentially takes everything that happened and tosses it out the window. Okay, that's fine, it's pretty amusing. But wait, just what was the point of all the episodes, then? No plot, a protagonist that didn't actually exist, no character development at all because everything we saw the characters go through was fictional (so we have no idea how any of the characters behave). But at least we still have the theme, right? "It doesn't matter what you believe, you just have to have love~"

Eight episodes and thousands upon thousands of lines, a self-insert author character repeatedly rebuking us because we "stopped thinking". Doesn't all of that seem entirely unnecessary if the point that he wanted to convey was, "love is more important than the truth"?

>> No.6740621

So who was the one who sent the bank account keycards (or whatever they were) to for example Nanjo's and Kumasawa's descendants? Yasu?

>> No.6740627

apparently a lot of people here don't know what "based on" mean. Okay, /jp/ is autism-general, but still.

>> No.6740632

"Bernkastel" in Higurashi is the accumulated memories of Rika, not the things she has forgotten. And all these memories go into Rika when she appears in this world, so Rika and "Bernkastel" are effectively the same entity at least until the end of Saikoroshi-hen. Rika is the one that comes up with the name "Bernkastel" after all. Can you provide a screenshot that states she's things Rika forgot? And the higher dimension she exists in is a part of the Higurashi novel so there's no reason to thing i somehow transcends both Higurashi and Umineko.

And again, when do Bern and ΛΔ appear and interact with other characters in the real world? Do you think that the multiple worlds in Higurashi were true within the Umineko universe? Do you also think that all the episodes were actually real rather than stories written by Yasu and Battler?

>> No.6740633

Lambdacake was funny in the same way of rocket launcher Rosa, something crazy to have a few cheap laughs about and look back warmly in the future.
But now retards are actually taking it seriously and pushing it, that makes it not funny anymore.

>> No.6740635
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>Old Battler clearly stated Meta World was his invention

>> No.6740637

We don't know if that was fiction or not.
Probably fiction.

>> No.6740650
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I don't really give a fuck about old delusional senile Battler, but i am disappointed with Kyrie's motive.

>> No.6740661
File: 36 KB, 960x540, battlersighing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOLGOLD is a pretty shitty motive indeed.

Unless Kyrie is just an insane psycho who wants to murder in brutal fasion.

>> No.6740663

It's not even touched upon. The purple truth game where Kyrie, Rudolph and Battler are the culprits is Bern's gameboard, not the "one truth" everyone wants to know. That's written in Eva's diary and Hachijo doesn't ever open it.
Conclusion is, there's not a conclusion. If people wish, they can debunk even Kyrie and Rudolph culprits theory.

>> No.6740673
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Incoming endless arguments about who was the real culprit and what was her/his motive.

>> No.6740684

So when Lambda grants a wish, like referred to in the Tanabata TIP, it's actually someone blowing out the candles on a cake?

>I grant wishes all the time

>> No.6740694
File: 307 KB, 741x592, battlerandhisproblems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all forgot about the most important thing.

Flipping the chessboard.

>> No.6740696

So, let me get this straight...

Witches don't exist? All that was just a lie?
Meta-world is all just in Battler's head?
Who does this Beatrice character represent? Battler's main amnesia or something?

>> No.6740697

When seagulls cry everything was bullshit.

>> No.6740702

yes, yes, and whatever. probably the same thing as all witches. This part is retarded, seriously, there is not ANY reason for this.

>> No.6740709

Meta-world is just that, fictional characters being aware that they're fictional characters and talking about the story. It doesn't suddenly stop having meaning because in the actual reality supernatural stuff doesn't exist.

>> No.6740715

The best thing about when they cry so far is the settings.
A small japanese village? Nice.
Isolated island in the middle of storm? Great.
That and the first few episodes. It all goes full retarded by the middle of the story, and you just have to finish it for sake of finishing it.
Anyway, let's all just wait for the next one, ok?

>> No.6740721

Did Ryu confirm that he will make Rei?

>> No.6740727

EP1 and EP8 are the only episodes clost to the absolute truth.

EP 1 has reality mixed with bullshit while other EPs have mostly bullshit.

You need to combine EP1 and EP8.

>> No.6740736

I actually thought higurashi got awesome during the middle, the first series was a bit boring, but reading kai made the whole series for me. Meakashi-hen had me feeling sad for weeks,and the whole escaping fate thing i found really nice.

now, Umineko Chiru on the other hand just made things cluttered and retarded. I still love both umineko and higurashi.

>> No.6740741

EP8 is good.

The "climax" when you tink that shit is about to get real suddenly turns into amnesia Battler.

I still think there was a 3rd ending, but Ryu decided to exclude it for Rei.

>> No.6740745

Apparently. I hope it's about Krauss visiting moon while fighting goats.

>> No.6740750

But episode 1 was story written by Yasu before any of the murders. There's no reason to think shit went down the way he was expecting it to.

>> No.6740758

This is not a bittersweet end.

What the fuck?
Bittersweet would be a mix of bad end and good end.

This is one big FUCK YOU to almost everyone
-Battler is a poor old man who lost his life
-Ange got robbed from her family
-No one survived the conference
-Yasu just drowned lol

>> No.6740761

The bittersweet part is that Ryu finally ended Umineko even after BT's death.

>> No.6740765

How the fuck "trick" gets you end where Ange suicides while "magic" gets you apparently the truth?

Shouldn't this be otherwise?

>> No.6740773

>Battler is a poor old man who lost his life
except he's a famous writer
-Ange got robbed from her family
except her brother is alive
-No one survived the conference
except Battler, Beatrice and Eva
-Yasu just drowned lol
it was highly metaphorical, too bad ATLAS couldn't hook what was being said in the picture, huh?

>> No.6740781

Battler didn't write jackshit.

Hachijou is writing everything, Battler just talks about things he remembers and she adds her own elements but they "both" go under one pen name.

>> No.6740790

>Beatrice,Eva survived

In Ange end it is stated in RED that EVERY Ushiromiya died (Battler Ushiromiya died as well, he was reborn as a new person)
Beatrice didn't survive... I think.

>> No.6740793

And.. What happens to Featherine? Don't tell me she gets away after turning 34 into a cake.

>> No.6740794

Well, he comes up with the plot and such. Sure, Hachijo does the actual putting into words thing, but Battler is still a writer in the "author" sense.
Saying he's a poor old hobo is simply not true.

>> No.6740802

stop with this cake shit, it didn't happen at all, it was just a joke Ikuko and Touya had, but it doesn't mean the meta is to be discarded.

Lambda was basically dismembered by Featherine, but she managed to fix herself with bern's help in the tea party.

>> No.6740812

The meta isn't discarded. It exists, within Battler's head.
I don't know what is so hard to understand, you really thought they were real witches or something?

>> No.6740816
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>mfw cakefags, catfags and people think Higurashi is a fiction in Umineko because lol@joke
ahahaa, oh you poor goats

>> No.6740825

>but she managed to fix herself with bern's help in the tea party.

wait does that mean Bern actually loves Lambda back?

>> No.6740830

The meta IS discarted. Damn.
But that's true, it didn't happen like this.

>> No.6740839
File: 67 KB, 750x400, umineko-children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of glad that the metaworld is all bullshit.
The whole point of this is to solve it without using magic. It's a mystery-story, after all. With all the witches being antagonists who try to twist the truth, it'd be pretty upsetting seeing "lol a wizard did it, you did all your work for nothing!" in the end.
As for the fantasyfags, I'm pretty sure that they just couldn't solve it themselves and just accepted the witch-truth to relieve the suspense. I like how this novel separates the weak of mind from the strong.

>> No.6740843

>The meta IS discarted. Damn.
but I see talking to people who go by spoilers is useless, so enjoy your misinformation and goat tears

>> No.6740846

So, I'm finally starting to see people defending EP8.
Help me out then, guys. In one sentence, was it good or bad?

>> No.6740854


>> No.6740856

You are the one being misinformed.
The meta isn't "real" for sure in the sense that witches and shit only exist in the imagination of Battler and on paper, it's clearly stated and everything point to it.
Or what you think that Ikuko and Battler are magicians?

>> No.6740859

It was meh.

Ryu really needs to stop that attemts at mystery and create some badass fantasy horror fightan vn with zts soundtrack instead.

>> No.6740868
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If delusional mind and fanfiction makes characters real in Umineko, i might as well write a story about me having furious sex with Eva-Beatrice, Erika and Beato.

>> No.6740870
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>Kinzo with love
A man whos love was too great for bechi and let it spill into his daughter with her, unfortunately.
>Kinzo without love
A deranged mass murderer(by proxy, he instigated the italian/jap massacre) who had incestuous relations with his daughter and entrusted the baby born of it to crazy natsuhi.
>Krauss with love
Stupid dolt who tried his best with what he had and fucked shit up. MOOON HOOTEEELLS FUCK YEAR.
>Krauss without love
Moron that embezzeled his fathers money without due course and adds to the end event of everyone dying. Unimportant and useless
>Natsuhi with love
A slightly deranged lady who let her feelings get in the road of having a child.
>Natsuhi without love
The main cause of all this mess by creating yasu in the first place. If she had finished the job or accepted it in the first place, maybe this might not have happened.
>Eva with love
Overbearing but loving mother who wants the best, even for children that arn't her own, she did her best to love ange but the love wasn't reciprocated.Pitiful soul.
>Eva without love
Let her despair rain on ange, nosy, pushy, forces her wants onto her kid for her sake, useless,coniving bitch.
>Hideyoshi with love
Useless bumbling husband
>Hideyoshi without love
>Rudolf with love
Forced into a situation by his love of two woman, only wanted best for both, let his feelings get the better of him wich ends in a tradgedy.
>Rudolf without love
Mass murderer that kills his family along with his deranged wife in a moment of pure greed and cowardness.
>Kyrie with love
>kyrie without love
Deranged but glorious bitch who had a grudge against the family and her love that festered and finally popped at the most oppurtune moment, was only a matter of time till it happened.
>Rosa with love
Best mom ever
>Rosa without love
Best mom ever but a deranged greedy bitch with husbando and abandoment issues.

>> No.6740875

I'm talking as an individual, so take it with a grain of salt and that mileages vary. It wasn't the absolute trainwreck people say it is, it wasn't bad, but except for a last stand moment it wasn't anything utterly the utterly amazing mindblowjob experience people wanted it to be either.
???? ending doesn't change anything we didn't already know besides Battler being physically alive, really. People saying it's the absolute magicless truth apparently missed Battler seeing all his family and Beatrice at the end.

>> No.6740878
File: 159 KB, 547x480, 1293798098753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>George with love
Weird guy but tried to change. Unfortunate he fell in love with who he did.
>George without love
>Jessica with love
Poor unfortunate soul who just wanted to live her life gets caught up in the mass murder.
>Jessica without love
Shady character but mostly harmless. Really an unfortunate girl.
>Maria with love
Witch extrodanaire who just wanted to be loved by her mommy, a little cooky but mostly just cute and innocently helps the deranged witch
>Maria without love
Major assitant culprit in most scenarios if they DID come true, autistic, retarded, delusional, poor poor lonely child. Caught up in the mass murder.

>Shannon with love
Bumbling maid, loyal servant.
>Shannon without love
An illusion
>Kannon with love
Silent butler, loyal servant
>Kannon without love
An illusion
>Genji with love
Did his best to serve and save kinzo by hiding his child and preventing the sin from before happening, loyal to both kinzo and yasu
>Genji with love
Loyal servant blinded by faith, the first time he showed backbone it was only to save the child to entrust it to danger again. Don't be half assed man, either reintroduce the child or keep it away, forever.
>Kumasawa with love
Tale weaver and "mother" to yasu, a bit chatty at times but well meaning.
>Kumasawa without love
A derange weaver creating confusion and lies wherever possible. Responsible for magic beleiving yasu.
>Gohda with and without love
Useless, but he's magical chef gohda so it doesn't matter
>Nanjo with and without love
A decent chap who is easily swayed by money but tries to do his best in the end.
Ends up in the worst position by having to conceal many secrets

>> No.6740884

>Eva with love
Overbearing but loving mother who wants the best, even for children that arn't her own, she did her best to love ange but the love wasn't reciprocated.Pitiful soul.
>Eva without love

>> No.6740886 [DELETED] 

bad compared to every other episode. Still watchagle for the epicness.
Please now. The "not mystery" is how he created Ep8. Ryukishi needs some rules or the result will REALLY not be something good.

>> No.6740889
File: 154 KB, 441x480, 1293798733636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battler, Oh god, where to start.

>With love
A poor soul trying to get back his memories by reliving the rokkenjima incident in his mind over and over. Lost his "love"
>Without love
A derranged amnesiac who lost his love but decides that instead of going to find his last living relatives, he will just sit in stupor turning into kinzo mrk 2.

>Yasu with love
Only wanted love, tried to find the best way in her derranged mind to fic the mess she caused by playing imaginary friends. Causes the tragedy and tries to attone by suiciding.
>Yasu without love
Crazy bitch who hates eveyone and everything after finding out that she's the way she is because she was pushed off a cliff, has severe issues with sexuality since she(or he) has lost his or her penis/womb. Causes the murder by exposing the gold and bomb through her "love trial". Kills self to try to attone, ends up making batteler atone instead. Pitiful creature who should never have been birthed. Sad, really.

Anything i miss?

Didn't bother touching on meta characters because, well, i wouldn't touch that metaphorical shit with a 10 foot cake.

>> No.6740890 [DELETED] 

bad compared to every other episode. Still watchable for the epicness.
Please now. The "not mystery" is how he created Ep8. Ryukishi needs some rules or the result will REALLY not be something good.

>> No.6740893

bad compared to every other episode. Still watchagle for the epicness.
Please no. The "not mystery" is how he created Ep8. Ryukishi needs some rules or the result will REALLY not be something good.

>> No.6740902

Battler is a jerk.
He should have met Eva and Ange when he regained his memories. I mean, those two were almost killing each other (well, now we don't know, since it's all fiction lololol). They even could have lived as a happy family ;_;

>> No.6740910

Stop trying to deny it. It's futile.
Try turning the chessboard around and look from the other standpoint.

The meta-world, the games? There's a conflict. Battler's conflict. Why is there more than one world?
As Battler is trying to figure out what happened, there's a conflict within himself as he tries to make sense of things. The witch-side, -the amnesia, is something he sees as a risk and fear of succumbing to the false, and becoming insane. Within this conflict, he tries to outsmart himself as he puts the pieces together and reveal all the possibilites. There is, of course, always the escapism- the possibility that the witches are real and the metaworld and everything.
In the end there are only two possibilities... Either the metaworld is the real one, and thus everything on that island are nothing more than 'fragments' conjured from the imagination of the game-masters and witches. Or the other way around... that what happened is real and that the metaworld is the imagination. When you look at the fact that witches existing is pretty silly, and if you try to put yourself in Battler's shoes, it'd be pretty reasonable to understand why he's going through the delusions. With him undergone amnesia and being the lawful-good person he is, he'd never want to believe that his own family commited murder. So he wants to believe a witch did it.
It all makes sense. Or did you just give into the suspense and accept Battler's delusions, which he himself later casted away?

>> No.6740918 [DELETED] 

>> People saying it's the absolute magicless truth apparently missed Battler seeing all his family and Beatrice at the end.
He dies.

>> No.6740925

>> People saying it's the absolute magicless truth apparently missed Battler seeing all his family and Beatrice at the end.
He dies. Or become dellusionnal like Ange. Make your choice.

>> No.6740929
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>What is expected from you is neither a search for the culprit nor detective work.

>When will you believe in me?

>That is all that matters.

>If you want to do some detective work, go ahead.

>If you believe that there is an answer, go and continue to search.

>This is eternal torture that will not end until you can believe in witches.

>> No.6740931
File: 207 KB, 500x500, 1289001098762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what do Japs think about EP8? Just curious.

>> No.6740942
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Same as here. They're split between those who enjoyed the ride for what it is and those enraged by R07's mockery and lack of resolution
This was made after episode 8 on 2ch

>> No.6740944

So did Eva survived in EP8 or not?

>> No.6740945


>> No.6740950

Go to erogamescape, search the scores.

>> No.6740961
File: 17 KB, 350x348, Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's coming from a witch.

That's like reading a book, and it tells you to believe everything that's written in it because the book told you so. I'm not succumbing to circular logic.
Pic related.

>> No.6740992

or you are a goat

>> No.6741006
File: 37 KB, 400x300, misery_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think Misery Toya is possible? Amnesia != shut in for decades.

>> No.6741058


With every lie comes a small, handful of truth. Otherwise it's a blatantly obvious lie.

The witch wasn't lying when she said "This eternal torture will continue until you believe in witches." That bit was not a lie, because there is no good end, so of course looking for the treasure which was never buried is futile. And of course the witch-end is the only good one.
But a painful truth doesn't make it untrue. Witches don't exist. There is no good end. This is the most reasonable possibility.

>> No.6741071

I'm not butthurt over the ending because of the fact that the meta-world doesn't exist.
I'm butthurt over how much I grew to love all of these characters, and the fact that these aren't their real personalities. At all.
Nothing is no longer relevent, our murderes don't have motives except for "LOL GOLD" and Ryukishi has put in some much characterization,questions, and themes that in the end, didn't matter at all. Nothing is real. Nothing.

>> No.6741078

I think it would have been an acceptable ending if the themes of 'even if they didn't exist, they still have a meaning as long as you remember them'.
It can be done well, Ryu didn't

>> No.6741091

Completely agree, anon. I'm not one of those fantasy/meta world lovers, but I grew to love the characters in both the real world and meta world, especially the real world for some reason, and all those times of everyone speculating and theorizing for nothing. We have no motives, a lot of things haven't been solved yet, and really, I want the characters to get a better ending other than LOL DEAD.

>> No.6741094
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>> No.6741096

>fags arguing over something that will never be explained

>> No.6741098

Shroedinger is so.much.love

>> No.6741100


I can't believe Kyrie was culprit and we didn't get the epic chessboard flipping battle to end all battles.

>> No.6741101

but schrodinger doesn't even get moon, the only reason it's funny is because of misinformation

>> No.6741102

The ending just isn't a good resolution to the series no matter how you look at it.

1) If Lambda and Bern don't exist, what was the point of their tips? These hinted to a deeper existence than lol amnesia. Battler was arguing against the existence of magic on the game board. The Metaworld itself was in a different Kakera from the one Battler was born into. It was a "pseudo reality", closed space, whatever, so it wouldn't be unusual to find fantastical things there. It wasn't so much magic as Q from Star Trek bullshit. It doesn't mean the characters appearing there don't exist.

If it's all in Battler's head, what's the point of the TIPS? Did he write those as well? Why? What was the purpose of Auau's resemblence to Hanyuu? Just LOLTROLLAN?

2) The fact remains that R07 STILL led us to believe it was a mystery. People payed money to play his game up until the end where he takes a dump on his head. I don't think that gives him BALLS or anything like that. I think it just makes him an asshole who sold a product based on a false promise.

>> No.6741103
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>> No.6741110

I'm more outraged by R07's continued defense of psychopaths.

>> No.6741118

>If Lambda and Bern don't exist, what was the point of their tips?
Tea Party is basically a meta-ending, I don't see how it can't coexist with the ????
Meta characters have always been characters they knew they were in a game. Even if the "reality" inside the game is proven to be without magic, they still exist inside the game, they don't need to be backed up by that reality.
They exist because they were characters in that game, clear and simple. You'd think with the whole fiction theme, people would have picked up on this. It's the difference between seeing Umineko inside the game, or above it.

>> No.6741120

3) We receive no confirmation of Yasu/Shkannontrice and everything from Ep.7 seems discarded. Was that just all Bern's theorising then? That makes sense, but who is Beatrice in the end? As far as I can tell it's not confirmed. It could be Shkannon, it could be Shannon, it could be Kanon. Since Ep.7 could all be bullshit now, we don't know. Not to mention Shannon and Kanon appear together in Bern's game.

4) Kyrie's motive. As has been pointed out, she has none. R07 is trying too hard to push this REALITY IS HORRIBLE theme.

5) Following on from above, wait a fucking minute, wasn't fantasy just as bad? Fantasy had stuff like people's heads being squeezed to make wine, sure that was just Beato bullshit, but then what about Bern's stuff outside the gameboard?

Fantasy clearly has the capability to be just as horrific as the real world. A fantastical world is better overall because it's more interesting, filled with more possibilities, colour and character, but it doesn't have more "love". Kyrie being a murdering maniac isn't any worse than what Beatrice pretended she was.

In the end, even the themes make no sense.

>> No.6741126

>Meta characters have always been characters they knew they were in a game.

Where was this? They knew they were in a "game" in Umineko's terminology, not that they knew they were just characters in a VN.

And 4th Wall breaking characters can imply the fiction is "alive" as much as it can remind you the fiction is false. It depends.

But the ending clearly bullshitted it all away. Even within the fiction, they were just figments of Battler's imagination.

Fuck Shkannontrice, everyone was Battler.

>> No.6741131

did we ever figure out who maria's father is

>> No.6741135


kinzo or rudolf

>> No.6741136

Not even that tiny resolution was addressed.

I'm just thankful that Umineko's fagbase is too autistic to go out and meet people, because R07 is a sick psychopath and his works show that. Like the "Love" bullshit.

>> No.6741139

The ending has clearly destroyed both the meta world and mystery aspect for a good majority of the fans.

The people who are telling others they shouldn't be BUTTHURT about the ending are missing the point - obviously, the ending has ruined the game for a lot of people and they're not going to feel better because some dickshit tells them otherwise.

I don't know if you've noticed, most people aren't even raging at the ending, because R07 already overdid the trolling, they're just genuinely depressed. Some of the initial reactions were hilarious, but this was mostly down to fake spoilers like Cake Lambda.

It was a bad ending because it just upset fans of the games(quite literally and directly). People didn't enjoy R07's trolling this time, it seemed all too predictable and depressing. We're not impressed.

The ending is just a failure on every level.

>> No.6741140

>not that they knew they were just characters in a VN
They talk about character polls. Lambda literally says "now I'm going to be awesome so be sure to be vote for me"
Nothing is supporting meta characters being Battler's delusion. Nothing. Post screens, then we'll talk. ???? is pretty short, so you shouldn't have problems pointing out the vital sentences.
But of course, you're just drawing conclusions from what you see other people say.

>> No.6741141


The identity of Maria's father was never important.

>> No.6741144

Didn't Rosa explain the story back in episode 6, before Kanon killed her?

>> No.6741145


Also if Rudolf and Kyrie's motive never gets mentioned then do you really think we'll get zip on Maria's dad?

>> No.6741147

> "now I'm going to be awesome so be sure to be vote for me"

Where? And you can't take jokes like this seriously. Lambda also thought she was in a game of Magic: The Gathering, for fuck's sake. It fits with her personality that she'd think of herself as some star or something.

>> No.6741151

episode 8 quoted character polls at least a couple of times. One was when Lambda began supporting the Golden Land team.

>> No.6741157
File: 112 KB, 800x1360, 78595e080b25ec3c9bdae3b412b980ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Kinzo never told you what happened to your mother."
"He told me enough, he told me you killed her!"
"No Battler, I am your mother!"
"Search your feelings, you know it too be true. Join me, and together we can rule this island as mother and son."
"I'll never join you!!"
"Your thoughts betray you. Thoughts of....sisters. If you won't join me, then perhaps she will."

>> No.6741158


Oh God even the Japs are pissed. At least it isn't us stupid westerners this time who have a problem with the way ryukishi fucked up

>> No.6741162


Yeah, most I think invested years into reading this story and to have it end like this just sucks on all levels. This is the type of ending that just ruins the whole story. There is zero reason to ever go back and read it again.

>> No.6741167
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So why is she The Moon again?

>> No.6741168
File: 9 KB, 193x185, 1289067833167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he really compare his fans to drooling goats in this game?

He never did that before BT died.

>> No.6741170

I know what you are thinking
You think about your sister


>> No.6741173

Is it your first meta story or something?
Meta character breaking the fourth wall is fucking normal, it doesn't imply they are real witches or something.

>> No.6741174


So i'm a goat?.....meh I've heard worse insults. Still how nice to be degraded to a mindless goat because I want to know the truth withouth the bullshit

>> No.6741175

But she's so tasty. A delicious patty make of authentic Aberdeen Ange-us.

>> No.6741176

So did Kyrie and Rudolf keep Ange off the island to protect her or did she really just have the shits?

>> No.6741181


What gets me is that it could have had a really awesome ending too. If you replaced the puzzles with a section solving all the closed room murders up until now, and the ????? with a decent resolution for Battler, Ange and Beatrice, had some small confirmation at the end that Bern & Lambda existed and were all SEE YOU NEXT GAME, and didn't pull that BS with the goats(just had them silent) most would have liked it, even if the ending wasn't a "happy" one. Though of course, Umineko is one of the things you really want to have a happy ending, because after what the characters went through anything else is sadistic.

Oh, except "It was all in my mind", which is sadistic towards the readers instead.

>> No.6741183
File: 20 KB, 292x302, 1209360778207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why whyyyy why do people treat inside jokes, references and 4th wall breaking joker serious, whyyy

>> No.6741184

I've never seen a meta story anywhere. Can you name a few?

>> No.6741185

Well so far episode 8 has a 49 in Egs, japaneses sure love it.

>> No.6741187

If Maria was incapable of killing anyone, what good would an even younger girl be?

>> No.6741190


I guess people don't like to be called goats

>> No.6741191


Isn't Umineko an average of 78? Oops.

>> No.6741192

Watch the movie Stranger than Fiction to start, it's pretty good

>> No.6741193


Damn it's kind of depressing to even have the Japs hate the episode...

>> No.6741205

I wonder where'sn that guy that Umineko was so much better than higurashi taht wouldn't even accept it was better liked.

>> No.6741206

R07 will probably have a hard time making his next work popular.
He lost a lot of his fandom with Umineko and even the media-mix projects like the anime and the PS3 game bombed.
Maybe he will be hired permanently by Key or something.

>> No.6741208

So guys, i know fuckall about mystery, can you suggest me a good book or something with nice resolution to heal the pain in my butt?

>> No.6741209
File: 397 KB, 1024x768, ef33fa3174b1a8ad5747490144c37ba76a11330f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernkastel and Lambdadelta exist outside of the gameboard and even outside of Rokkenjima during the murder incidents. Bernkastel talks to Ange in the real world multiple times, and Lambdadelta is mentioned to have existed in the real world(although I can't remember her actually showing up in the TIPS or the novel itself).

Even with amnesiac battler end, the voyager witches just popping on into his delusions(his "gameboard") makes sense.

>> No.6741211

>Bernkastel talks to Ange in the real world multiple times
That was fiction.
1998 Ange is fiction

>> No.6741215

Go read a good VN like Fate/stay night, stupid niggers.

>> No.6741220

Not really, since there is an obvious 1998 ange settling everything, and letting Okonogi taking care of everything else, which is subsequently followed by her author career (Hisashi Yukari).

>> No.6741222
File: 169 KB, 527x480, 1252868285281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6741224


I love the idea of some witches Hijacking a guy's attempt to recollect his memories. It's pretty amusing actually.

And debatedly by doing so they make all the meta characters "exist" on some level then.

But one thing that wasn't resolved - didn't Lambda make Beatrice a "real" witch? That doesn't really fit with this at all if she's just a character in Battler's head.

There's shit-tons of stuff like this that doesn't get resolved. I think R07 is gambling that this unfinished ending will push people into buying Rei, WTC5 and any other sequels/spin offs to find the answers... but it could backfire on him.

>> No.6741225

>good vn
>fate/stay night


>> No.6741227

The problem is that Ange has nothing to do with Ushiromiya Ange. That person is apparently doing fine. Ange is a character written by Battler. In fact, she one sort of is Battler!

>> No.6741228
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>> No.6741229

Not actually 1998 Ange.

Read the Witches Tanabata

>> No.6741230
File: 58 KB, 248x250, Kaguya_giggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fate/stay night

>> No.6741233

And Ange certainly didn't jump from a fucking building in this world.
It was fiction based on reality.

>> No.6741235

Man whatever. Haters gonna hate. At least that shit resolved everything. Damn you R07.

>> No.6741237


Fate/Stay Night is actually a good VN. I wasn't entirely happy with the ending, but it didn't ruin the game for me especially since it had true alternate endings anyway.

Since it's popular and a bit of a n00b VN people look down on it, but the only problem I had with FSN's narrative is the awful sex scenes.

I think Umineko's writing was much more engrossing though. And a lot of people who've played a lot more VNs than I have, have remarked that it's actually pretty good on average. But the ending threw it all away.

>> No.6741249


He still has fans though. Even after this I'd still read this next work. He just needs to do what he's best at and stop calling everyone goats. He was great at the fantasy side of this story. The mystery is just bullshit and he's not good at it.

>> No.6741252

>Fate/Stay night
It makes me giggle that you'd even associate the two

>> No.6741261

>Even with amnesiac battler end, the voyager witches just popping on into his delusions(his "gameboard") makes sense.

This is what happened. Which is why they promise to be around the next "no naku koro ni" at the end of the tea party.

If this was IN the book, Battler-author would just have linked a book by someone else to his book for no reason. Makes no sense. The only explanation is indeed that they are metatextual, and that this very tea party happened metatextually.

Battler most likely dealt with them in his delusions, they messed with him for a while, and then he drove them out of his head for good (which is why he recovered in the first place - in fact, they might have been WHY he got so delusional). He's still pissed at them (which is why Lambda is not in his happy delusional reunion party despite helping him a lot, while the stakes, who "murdered" him repeatedly are there), and made sure to slander them a bit.

Can't blame him, they were giant bitches to him.

I look forward to see them in the next naku koro ni.
Sure, some people will continue to tell themselves that they are fictional inside this fictional story - and who am I to judge them for it? It's the right of these readers to ignore the end of the tea party if it makes them feel better. It wasn't a happy ending for them, so I can't blame them to try to twist the end to something they can live with, even if it's not actually what happened.

They're a bit like Battler that way. 07, for all his faults (LOLKAMI KAKUSHI FAIL) sure predicted fan reactions well.

>> No.6741274

actually guys, all of you are mad that Ryu is hating readers, but dont we insult him just as much all the time?

>> No.6741281

Well see the good side, now you guys can finally move on.
Go read Symphonic Rain or something

>> No.6741283

That's stupid.
Then tell me why Hachijou is "superior" to Bern and Lambda and why she called Bern her miko.
You think Hachijou who is basiaclly BattlerxIkuko is a real witch or something?

Once again, learn to meta

>> No.6741285

Reasers can insult an author if they didn't like his book
An author can't insult his readers because he thinks he's too smart and his readers heartless retards.

>> No.6741286


Witches don't exist, idiot.

>> No.6741289


Actually, the mystery parts were great when it was still mystery. I think most people agree that. When it started to go hybrid, the mystery part got more and more BS.

Some of the closed room puzzles are actually quite clever.

>actually guys, all of you are mad that Ryu is hating readers, but dont we insult him just as much all the time?

For doing stuff like this... also most of us that are upset now are the ones that defended him from the greentext crowd.

>> No.6741291


It's still not fair to his fans who actually defend and support him and he's calling them "goats". So we're goats now for wanting awnsers and consistensy from the "mystery" he promised we'll have?

>> No.6741293


How do you explain Lambda making Yasu a real witch though? Is Yasu still alive somewhere?

>> No.6741295

>Some of the closed room puzzles are actually quite clever.
I can't think of even one I found clever

>> No.6741301

i would be mad if i wrote a book and it got misinterpreted and people were hardheaded all the time about what they think is true
but then again, he never clarified anything..but then even if he did people would know better anyway..


>> No.6741303


Can you give me an example of a closed room puzzle you do find clever then?

>> No.6741309
File: 91 KB, 471x361, 1293752312972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, insulting your fans because there are haters is something that mature writers do.

I am not saying i hate Umineko, mind you. That kind of behavior just causes unnecessary shitstorms.

>> No.6741313

actually you couldnt possibly know something like that even if you ever left your room

>> No.6741315

A closed room which isn't solved by one of the character faking his death or because the characters were too stupid to look at the bodies.

Even the average closed room in Conan is more clever that what was found in Umineko.

>> No.6741316
File: 13 KB, 635x478, 5_68_ib4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't solved one single closed room. Can anyone tell me the solutions?

>> No.6741317

>It's still not fair to his fans who actually defend and support him and he's calling them "goats".
You shouldn't talk about things if you haven't read the episode. Nothing of the sort happens. He mocks mystery supporters and people who want one definite truth.

>> No.6741322


It's his own fault for misleading us. I mean are we meant to see the fantasy despite the the evidence for the mystery? Even though he continually makes any fantasy outside of the meta world to be BS delusions and the ending confirms that?

Just what is the message he's trying to convey? Fantasy may be BS but at least it's better than real life? So being turned into a hamburger by Bern is that nicer than your parents killing someone? Uh...

>> No.6741323

>He mocks mystery supporters and people who want one definite truth.
--many of whom are fans who defend and support him.

>> No.6741331

Kanon broke the chain and killed them.
The chain was broken when Battler came

>> No.6741332

>He mocks mystery supporters and people who want one definite truth.

But this is what we were promised. He told us it was solvable.

>> No.6741333

Like I said, R07 is a psychopath who continues to purport a psychopathic ideology. I sure as shit don't find shit like this in other Japanese media, so I'm pretttty sure this isn't a case of culture shock.

>> No.6741334
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1289791347524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the damn novel by yourselves and then make your own judgments.

Seriously, about 95% of you haven't read it and you're already hating on the ending.

All of you should know by now that Umineko is very misunderstood if explained or spoiled by other people. You can only get the gist of it if you read it yourself.
So don't get all worked up on hating it or whatever if you still don't know by experience what happens in EP8.

Goddammit, use your heads, people.

>> No.6741336

actually thats still both mystery

>> No.6741343

Not really. Machine translations and spoilers for EP5-7 were essentially the same as actually enduring through a "proper translation".

Get your autism out of here.

>> No.6741351

Batman Eva and "Jessica is a crossdressing guy"

>> No.6741354


Aha no. People were declaring EP7 shit from the spoilers until the translations came out.

>> No.6741359

>People were declaring EP7 shit from the spoilers until the translations came out
And then they declared EP7 shit from the translation?

>> No.6741362

Autism? Not really.
I'm successful in whatever I do in real life. I only come to boards like this at times like this to laugh at you paranoid idiots. Sadly, hypocrisy of /jp/ sometimes is so ridiculous that I can't help but facepalm.
But I digress.

My point still stands, and it's not about a proper translation or not. It's about making you own judgments instead on jumping on the wagon every time something relatively popular is released.
If you can't accept this fact, then there's no point in saying anything else.

>> No.6741364

>And then they declared EP7 shit from the translation?

Why would they do that? EP7 rocked.
Oh, right, it's 4chan. Hating popular things is KEWL. Anything else wouldn't be elite and edgy. Among autists.

>> No.6741365
File: 29 KB, 810x471, uselessbattler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyrie = The killer
Rudolf = The killer's helper (guilty)
Battler = The killer's helper (innocent)
Yasu/Beatrice/Shannon = Prepared to do the killings if no one solved the epitah

Rest of the family went into self-defense mode when attacked.

If Battler had a spine who would kill Kyrie and prevent this tragedy.
During first twilight (remember the shed in EP1?) he actually pretended that Kyrie and Rudolf are dead.

Battler lost a lost in my eyes.

>> No.6741376

>During first twilight (remember the shed in EP1?) he actually pretended that Kyrie and Rudolf are dead.
That's not being innocent then.
He knew that his family was going to be killed and he helped these killers.
He could have saved Maria, Jessica, etc...

He would be found guilty by any judge

>> No.6741379

>Batman Eva and "Jessica is a crossdressing guy"


>"Lambda cake"


>> No.6741381


>> No.6741383

Im all for this, please REI do your best!

>> No.6741384

So the motive is "lol gold"?
Ryu, I'm dissapoint.

Who survives in the end? Only Battler?

>> No.6741385

But Battler's the hero, he HAS to be the good guy!

Some author of crime fiction made a rule about it! He CANNOT be a villain by law!

>> No.6741387

That was Bern's gameboard, and nothing indicates Battler actually cooperated. Why would he? Or do you honestly think he could laugh while seeing his parents murder Kyrie and Rudolph? Why didn't Kyrie and Rudolph survive if everyone else was guaranteed dead?
Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.6741388

Oh great so Battler was a faggot all along.

Fuck you Battler.

>> No.6741392

>Or do you honestly think he could laugh while seeing his parents murder Kyrie and Rudolph?
>his parents murder Kyrie and Rudolph?


>> No.6741393

Stop treating lambda cake as some sort of trolling or fake spoiler.
It really happened.

>> No.6741394

Battler went into "crying blob of shit" after first Twilight and basically run away with Shannon, who he was ordered to kill.

There is a fucking reason why he is a "culprit".
He didn't kill anyone, but he still did bad things.

>> No.6741401

So, how could R07 troll his fans even deeper with Rei? Mirror >>6740462 pretty much, or could he rub the salt in even moreso?

>> No.6741402

Bern is Hachijou's cat and Lambda is a cake.
Hachijou's cat's name is Diana (rings a bell?)

Sorry there are not almight witches, this is not Touhoushit.

>> No.6741404

>Tea Party is basically a meta-ending, I don't see how it can't coexist with the ????

Simple. Battler wrote a fictional account of something that happened. Witched messed with him in the meantime, and he's writing off his impotent rage about them. It's all he can do.

Battler writing a book about them does not mean they never existed, just like him writing a book about his family doesn't mean they never existed.

A lot of people are really jumping to conclusions here.
Even if A implies B, B doesn't necessarily imply A. Basic logic, folks.

>> No.6741406

Everyone should email moot asking him to wordfilter "autism" to something so at least if these discussions aren't going to be readable, they can be hilarious.

>> No.6741407 [DELETED] 

So wait. Battler was culprit AND it was all in his head? I'm assuming there's a lot more to it than that, or that's a pretty crappy resolution.

>> No.6741408
File: 14 KB, 755x224, thisisalltruth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6741415

lol people. what is the actual evidence that what happened in ep8 is the only truth? Because there is old fag Battler shown at the end?

>> No.6741416

Yo R07 I don't care if the closed rooms never happened, if you spent all this time on the fantasy characters then you could have put in a little section explaining how the crimes would've worked. I mean Battler still IS into mysteries regardless, right? I don't think he'd make unsolvable ones just to fuck around.

Also to the people saying Ryukishi already said the mystery parts would never really be solved, thanks for telling the rest of us so we wouldn't get our hopes up.

>> No.6741418

Sorry, I meant Maria and George.
You aren't explaining still how Kyrie and Rudolph didn't survive, if purple text confirms everyone else except those three dead.
Kyrie/Rudloph/Battler was the solution of Bern's gameboard, nothing more. There is no indication that this is actually the truth, that's the whole point of the episode.

>> No.6741419

The sad part is that Lambda cake makes sense. Look at her dress.

>> No.6741421

No, it didn't happen. Battler just said so. Battler says a lot of things that aren't true, if you haven't noticed.

What really happened is that witches are real, about as real as Hanyuu, and messed with Battler sometime in the past. If you ignore the tea party, that's your choice, but that doesn't mean it never happened. It just means you're chosing to ignore what happened.

The last three lines of the Tea Party prove, without doubt, that the witches are a)real, b)that Higurashi and Umineko are connected by them, and that c)we can expect to see them again, outside of Battler's stuff. After all, they exist outside of it.

As simple as that. You denying this IS you trolling using fake spoilers. The only thing you can do is say that Battler, at one point, CLAIMS they don't exist.

That does not make it an undeniable fact - the game contradicts him, after all.

>> No.6741422

sorry you are a goat

>> No.6741427

Apparently they were killed by Rosa, who died doing it.

>> No.6741433

Culprit = Someone who doesn't necessarily kill anyone.
Dead = Someone who doesn't necessarily have to have stopped living.


>> No.6741436

>You aren't explaining still how Kyrie and Rudolph didn't survive, if purple text confirms everyone else except those three dead.

Rosa killed them. Rosa is fucking awesome.

>> No.6741441

So the conclusion is "there's no solution"?
Good job scuttling your own work R07....

>> No.6741447

Lambda also transforms in a cake when she gets killed by Hachijou
And just look at her dress.
That's 3 different things pointing to it.

And the witches aren't real.
If they are then tell me why Bern was Hachijou (Battler+Ikuko)'s miko and why Hachijou is stronger than them.
Are you telling me that Hachijou is a true witch.
Stop being so delusional please

>> No.6741448

I love that "Apparently". Mind saying me where that was? Because I played it and It was never shown. You had a few purple text declarations, had to find the solution to a "who's the liar?" quiz, and then what happened in that version of the massacre wasn't ever touched upon again, ever.

>> No.6741457

There is a solution.
R07 said for years that he wouldn't spell the details out - what he spelled out is the whodunnit. The howdunnit can be figured out by fans - and has been for the most part. Even Rudolph and Kyrie "dying" is usually fake. Battler lied, for example, to cover them up.
The whydunnit is also obvious. Rud and Kyrie were trying to save their sorry hides. They were in financial trouble. Kyrie in particular snapped when she heard about the issue with her children. Can you blame her?

What more do you want? 07 spelled out everything except minute details about closed rooms

>> No.6741459

>Lambda also transforms in a cake when she gets killed by Hachijou
Except this doesn't happen.
God, I'm tired, there really no point trying to correct what actually happened since you just regurgitate rumors you've seen posted here and try to argue like you know what happens.
Enjoy your mistaken spoilers.

>> No.6741460
File: 4 KB, 300x57, image (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where do they say this? Someone posted a translation of the last scene and it was all about the Golden Land.

>> No.6741462

If AuAu is Erika + love, why did she write herself into being the sub for her cat?

>> No.6741466

That's not actually what happens in the scene where Lambda dies. Thanks for confirming that you're trolling using fake spoilers.

I also noticed that you completely failed to explain away the direct evidence in the tea party. 0/10. Trolling failed. Try to troll people who can't read japanese next time.

>> No.6741468

Okay listen.

Kyrie solves the epitah ALONE and calls Rudolf.
They decide to go on a rampage because they know siblings will go apeshit about sharing the gold.
They both force Battler into joining them.
First Twilight happens (Kyrie recreates it) and Kyrie + Rudolf play dead.
Battler play alongside it.
He is ordered to kill Shannon after.
He refuses and escape with her.
Rosa kills both Kyrie and Rudolf in a gunfight, she dies too.
Battler and Yasu/Shannon go on NICE BOAT.
Bomb goes off.

Uminekos cry.

>> No.6741471

End of tea party. Golden Land is end of ????

>> No.6741474
File: 72 KB, 646x524, loda.jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it does.
But you probably just read it with atlas

>> No.6741472 [DELETED] 

How should I know? I've never read it and am simply reiterating what other people are discussing while still waiting to judge the episode once I'm able to read what happened for myself.

>> No.6741483

I haven't read yet EP8, since I don't know moon, however, I have a question.
Did Battler try to save the others? Like, Maria or his cousins?

>> No.6741484

There is nothing direct about the tea party, it's just meta.

And good job trying to avoid the huge holes in your theory I pointed out, I bet it's hard to be as delusional as you.

>> No.6741485

So Eva died aswell? Who raised Ange?

>> No.6741488
File: 85 KB, 900x644, neverendingnineinthisbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me you fags actually expected witches and meta world to be real?

I heard retarded theories like
Then how the fuck Battler got sucked into Meta World?

Meta World was bullshit all along.
I fucking hate waifufags who defend Bern/Lambda to death because they remind them of Thouhou or something.

Fucking reality check.
I prefer amnesia and novels end than "HURR WE R WITCHES XDD"

>> No.6741489


Can you prove that she didn't turn to a cake? huh? thought so

>> No.6741491

I love how all of you come with different conclusions because your Japanese is shitty.

>> No.6741497

There is just one fag who read it with atlas and who think the witches are real or something.
Fucking retarded.

>> No.6741502

We don't know.
It is not stated if she actually survived or not.

Remember that in reality all teenage Ange parts are fiction so Eva could be as well dead.

>> No.6741509

Gohda escaped on a jetpack.

Best end ever.

>> No.6741519

You know what...?
That scene when Battler discovers Rudolf and Kyrie in first twilight was always fishy to me.

I knew he was fucking acting.

>> No.6741526

You know if the ending was the plan all along, R07 could have took a much cooler angle on it. Imagine reading this on the back of a DVD box.

A survivor from an incident involving his rich family on an island attempts to recover his lost memories with the help of the author who saved him, by a murder mystery game played against the witch of the island's legends.

Fantastical images fill the holes in his memory, the more fantasy he can explain away with logic and reasoning; the more of his memories he can recover.

Suddenly, his internal world is hijacked by real witches who can enter people's personal spaces, and the division between reality and fantasy is threatened. But one claims to be helping him in his game; can she be trusted?

Is this author all she seems? Will his little sister ever meet him again? What is the true identity of the witch, and can he save his lost love?


>> No.6741528


What you thought his BAAAAAAAAAAW DAAAD KYRRIE SAAN WHY DON'T U HAVE FACES suspiscious? come one we all know his an overdramatic whore

>> No.6741530

What if Toya or whatever the fuck her name is is like Hanyuu?

>> No.6741533

Fuck, this would have been much better.
Well, if we read Umineko backwards, we get this.

>> No.6741538

The current most retarded theory on 2ch is that Hachijou is actually Shannon who survived and enslaved amnesiac Battler.

>> No.6741546

Stop playing with Atlas, and you'll understand what that scene is about. Auauauauau just turned Lambda into a Lambda-candy statue, pretty much - a fitting end for her.

Besides: what is described in your screen isn't a cake to begin with.

You proved once again that you're working with misunderstood screenshots.

>> No.6741549

Umineko Rei.

Old Battler meets with Old Ange and they both decide to write the final novel about Rokkenjima without Toya.

>> No.6741550


There not even trying anymore when it comes to theorymaking

>> No.6741551

So Rosa DID have a gun.

Too bad. If she defeated them without a firearm.... ROSA MUSOU WOULD BE TRUE.

>> No.6741560

>And good job trying to avoid the huge holes in your theory I pointed out

You didn't point out a single hole, actually. I actually was the one who pointed out that your theory is a giant hole, based on a single misunderstood scene and a throwaway line.
Sucks when the facts are so inconvenient.

Eva-Batman all over again. You're probably the very same guy who vehemently argued for that inane theory back then. Do you ever learn?

>> No.6741564

She was transformed into a cake, that was all I said.
And it's obviously a cake, read well.

Then if you add the fact that her character design is all cake like and that Battler and Ikuko stated that she was based on a cake, is it that much of a fucking stretch to think Lambda design was originally based on a cake in the same way as the siesta's design were based on Maria's dolls?

But considering you think Lambda and Bern are real there is no point arguing with you.

>> No.6741571

>I prefer amnesia and novels end than "HURR WE R WITCHES XDD"

Sorry that Umineko delivered what we wanted and kicked you in the balls, then. No surprise you're so butthurt about it.

Hope the next VN goes more your way.

>> No.6741572


>> No.6741573

>same way as the siesta's design were based on Maria's dolls?

confirmed for goat

also, i had never think about cake while looking at her. More like some hello-kitty lover

>> No.6741574

Because she has horns.

>> No.6741576

Among all the theorists and even in Japan you are the only one who still think they are real witches it seems.

>> No.6741580

You missed all the candies on her robes?
And the cake thing has been constant since the early episodes with her

>> No.6741581

there are a lot of people like that actually

>> No.6741583

In animesuki maybe but they don't count

>> No.6741585

Alright, I see the trolling tables of turned. So what's all the arguing about now? I keep seeing the word "goat" and "cakefags" again and again, but not understanding the origins.

If someone would be kind enough to explain this to me, it would be most appreciative.

>> No.6741586

Pink: Strawberry
Candies: Candies
Pumpkin: Halloween.
She's a strawberry flavored cake made by Hachijou to celebrate Halloween.

>> No.6741587

>And it's obviously a cake, read well.

Atlas user confirmed.

>But considering you think Lambda and Bern are real there is no point arguing with you.

Thanks for admitting the reason why your argument fails. You want your little thing to be true, so you ignore all counter evidence and whine.

I refuted you easily. The only thing you brought forth so far is crying that witches in a story cannot possibly be real. Apparently, you are unaware of several entire genres.

It's fiction. By an author who has already used supernatural elements. Maybe Umineko just wasn't for you. It happens. You should try another VN.

I heard F S/N was completely without supernatural elements. You might like it.

>> No.6741593

i have never eat a cake with candies on it. And i dont know what you mean by your second sentence. No one referred to her as cake before this 2-day faggottry

>> No.6741603

Says you. Based on very little evidence. Nor is your theory provable.

In fact, Umineko 8 contradicts your theory, and shows Lambda in a scene that cannot happen in Battlers novels.

Quo Vadis? I guess you're new to VNs and didn't notice that VNs often employ supernatural elements. Oh, and don't delude yourself that "everyone thinks that the witches don't exist inside the story". Most people think they do.

That's because most people actually read the evidence. Don't worry, once the translation is out you'll be mocked just like the Eva-Batman guy. Who, come to think of it, was probably you.

He argued in your style, and showed the same feeble grasp at japanese.

>> No.6741605
File: 172 KB, 822x480, battlerwrightobjection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it that hard Ryu?

Fucking everything up and picking up trick.= Ange suicide
Guessing everything and picking magic = Amnesia Battler (witches create Bad End)
Guessing everything and picking trick = It goes up to Amnesia Battler but suddenly
Battler destroys Bern with the truth but AuAu just leaves the game.

True End would be Battler surviving the conference without amnesia and returning to Ange.
Eva also survived in Kuwadorian and she takes care of them both.

The End

>> No.6741608

>Atlas user confirmed.
Talking about yourself here

These threads are alway some fucking special Olympic, the best thing about Umineko's end is that I won't have to argue with these retards again.

>> No.6741611

Don't forget the spices. If that's a cake, it's the worst designed cake ever.

I guess he'll argue soon that Rosa was a butterfly all along. Or a cake. After all, Rosa was squashed by a cake, and that must mean SOMETHING, right?!

>> No.6741615

When are you going to explain this?


>> No.6741616

About Yasu: was she really planning to kill people if the epitaph wasn't solved? Or was she just preparing a game of cluedo?

>> No.6741618

cakefags are people that think Lambda is a cake and nothing more besides being a delusion of Battler. Those people are also goats, hardheaded morons, mostly pro mystery-fags who cannot accept any bit of fantasy in a story and can just run crying that all is an illusion, without really any prove

>> No.6741620

So, you argue this is special olympics.

Look who's participating. That's you. Whoops.

>> No.6741623

You've never heard of spice cake?

>> No.6741629

Umineko is self-contained, stop bringing other VNs in the mix.
The reason why are dismissing the fantasy as fantasy is simply because this is what was shown in the games itself.

>> No.6741631



>> No.6741633

So they are people who actually payed attention to the story.
We sure weren't shown that the entire story was made up by Battler and Ikuko, right.

>> No.6741639

Ah, I see. Thank you for being so informative, anon.

>> No.6741643

Yes of course.
Bern and Lambda are almighty witches that travel to different dimensions and shit.

Beatrice was part of Yasu's personality.
Lambda and Bern KNEW her as a real witch.
Witches never existed aside fiction.

Enjoy your Cat and Cake.

>> No.6741648

>ur a goat
What is this faggotry?
Oh maybe you are also a witch...

>> No.6741651

Aren't you guys taking this too seriously?
Battler doesn't exist, Hachijou neither, and witches neither.

>> No.6741659

>Then how the fuck Battler got sucked into Meta World?

That's what we were waiting for in Ep8.

>> No.6741663

If Ryu told us THIS from the beginning, i wouldn't actually mind.

>> No.6741666

Essentially, they are early Battler.

>> No.6741667

i dont know if you were actually paying attention to the story from the right angle. For example Ryuukishi doesnt want you to think that Siestas were based on Marias dolls you know?

>> No.6741672


The Meta world was all in Battler's head.

Why is that so fucking hard to understand?

>> No.6741673

Kumasawa = Virgilia is the same as Cat=Bernkastel

Just deal with it.

>> No.6741678

I hope Umineko Rei will make everything clear yeah I know it's wishful thinking

>> No.6741683

Their designs were based on Maria's dolls.
But they symbolized the guns

>> No.6741685

A=B does not imply C=D

Basic logic, my friend. Like most VNs, Umineko has supernatural elements. Not many, but they're there.
Deal with it.

Try to be less of a newfag next time and read a few more VNs. You'll come across as less clueless.

>> No.6741694

Someone explain to me why EP8 is surprising after the answer to Higurashi.

>> No.6741696

maybe. how could you know?

>> No.6741703

Many VNs having supernatural elements doesn't mean Umineko has them.
It's not a rule that every VNs must have magic and shit.

But you probably can't understand this since you are completely and utterly retarded

>> No.6741704

New thread

>> No.6741801


Actually, that's not quite correct. It says Lambda made Beatrice into a real witch, and can unmake her at anytime.

The meta world is not Battler's construction, it's Bern and Lambdadeltas.

Umineko constantly drives in the idea that fantasy, whether real or fake, is very often derived from real life "vessels". Real witches eat up illusions and fantasies and turn them into something real, but only vaguely real, that's what they do.

How does it make sense that a fucking cake can make Beatrice a real witch? Or stop her being one? Misery here is really Yasu all along, but she got too thin to be Beato so had to fatten up, but if she eats too much cake she won't be able to fit in the dress!!!11

Either Lambda made the "figment" Beatrice into a real witch who could operate on the meta plane, or they found the real Yasu/Yasu's soul and brought her into Battler's delusion. This could be something to do with why Battler couldn't "recreate" Beatrice outright. If it was all his delusion from the start, why would he have trouble doing this? After all, where else did Beato come from?

Battler did not "create" the Endless Witch Beatrice, it was Lambda.

Of course Battler originally "created" the Meta plane since he made the materials, but he didn't construct it.

The problem with I ALWAYS KNEW NONE OF META WAS REAL means that nothing except the ??? at the end of Episode 8 is real. And doesn't explain most of what happened at all. Just dismissing what the meta characters say as BS is lazy writing.
