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6730892 No.6730892 [Reply] [Original]

I finished Umineko 8 just now, 4chan.

Not enough tear were shed.

Fuck you for taking my heart and stomping it into a million piece 07.

>> No.6730910

episode 8 is like eating 6 servings of grain every day

it may not kill you but it will damage you severely

>> No.6730951


fuck ;____;

>> No.6730969

I've waited for you, Battlerrr.

I'm sorry. I was a bit late at coming here.

Why are you sitting on a wheelchair?
Here, I'm giving you a hand, get yourself together.

As she was walking, she presented her hand to Battler who was sitting on the wheelchair.
Battler... slowly... gripped that hand, and... slowly... stood up.


Listen... here, all of us have finally met again.
Tonight, the Golden Land revives here.

Without stopping, the clapping blessed Battler.

Everyone was there.
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.

And then, Beato hugged Battler.
Stronger and stronger, as if never parting with him again, she hugged him.

You really... came back.

I'm back... late, though.

I... won't let you go again.

Indeed. I won't let you go away either.

We'll be together... forever.

>> No.6730973

OP, can you confirm the Bern = cat and Lamda = cake thing?

>> No.6730981

"Without stopping, the clapping blessed Battler.
Everyone was there.
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone."

Congratulations Battler!

>> No.6730999


>> No.6731003
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>> No.6731010

Soo... what do the coins do? I got like five of them.

>> No.6731021
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Fuck this shit, this is now a F/SN thread

>> No.6731049


Christ. I'm glad I got out in the middle of Ep 4. Looks like everything was downhill from there.

>> No.6731069
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I'm OK with this.

>> No.6731103


WTC5 is going to be an eroge if he wants his fans back

>> No.6731133

Can anyone confirm/deny if it's true that Lambda is really a cake?

>> No.6731139

I know Umineko is a fiction but why you have to deny their right to exist in fiction world too, Ryuuuuuu??!

>> No.6731142
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How about Fate on Fate?

>> No.6731148
File: 64 KB, 240x320, Bernkitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and could someone confirm the thing with Berncat? I thought Rika was originally Bern and then changed to a certain degree, because she met K1, Satoko etc. If Bern is actual a cat, wouldn´t that also make Rika one?

>> No.6731166

The idea is that the existence of Higurashi is just like in our world.

It's just a story, Battler even claimed to have read it in EP2, if memory serves me. Keiichi, Rika, and the others are also merely fiction within fiction.

But there's totally love in Umineko. Totally.

>> No.6731192
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[red]Battler is dead[/red]

>> No.6731201
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>> No.6731210

He "dies" because he gets amnesia and forgets that he's Battler, right?

>> No.6731213


The personality of Battler is dead, his body is still alive.

>> No.6731215


Christ, I don't think it could get any worse even if Jun Maeda wrote it.

>> No.6731220

and what if they develop a new medicine against amnesia?

>> No.6731222
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So I've never read ep. 7. Just installed it yesterday. Is it worth finishing everything or should I just forget it ever existed.

>> No.6731230


Read it. Despite what anyone says, its the last good episode before the clusterfuck that is 8.

>> No.6731231

So poor Jessica really died?

>> No.6731235

Read, then learn moonspeak, then read EP8 and hog off this entire whining-about-spoilers crap, people say it has the best Meta fights but the ending gives some people slight discomfort in their nether regions.

>> No.6731238

I just got to the cake part.

Do the different slices actually mean anything?

>> No.6731242


Every episode since 4 has been described as a right clusterfuck and god damn awful to some degree for whatever reason.

EP4 had Ange.

Ep5 had Erika.

EP6 had more Erika and fucktons of angst.

EP7 didn't deliver on a trolltastic game and had Kyrie culprit. Also Shkanontrice.

All of these things received complaints at one point.

>> No.6731243
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It's just a story. None of it ever happened. Isn't it sad?

>> No.6731266


So...Higurashi is fiction to Battler, who is fiction to us? Does that mean R07 isn't real, since he wrote Higurashi?

>> No.6731267
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>> No.6731268

If it's a roulette type game, one of them has a golden coin, or some similar shit within a piece. That's a common game with old people and Japs.

>> No.6731270

So if this trend of the previous installment of WTC being fiction in the current installment keeps up, then Higurashi will be a work of fiction contained in a work of fiction contained in yet another work of fiction.

In other words, the protagonist of the next WTC will read about the story of Battler, a fictional author who wrote about the time he read a book titled Higurashi.

>> No.6731277

Troll harder, a more accurate representation would be if George Lucas ever made anything worthwhile outside of Star Wars, and the characters within that world are reading a Star Wars book, or some other situation where its existence is trivialized by its own creator.

>> No.6731296


Because Higurashi and Umienko are so totally connected together outside of some stupid cat and cake. Totally.

I'm starting to see why R07 is trolling everyone now.

>> No.6731300

"Ushiromiya Battler. I will now...kill you. And right now, there is no one other than you on this island. The only one alive on this island is you."

jesus fuckign crist

>> No.6731301
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It's pretty amazing how a simple ending managed to ruin an entire series for me.

It just feels... cheap, really. There's no resolution whatsoever.

>> No.6731309

Maybe that's foreshadowing the bomb. I have no clue.

>> No.6731310


I believe my comment went above your head. With all the mindfuckery that's been going on in this series, I wouldn't be all that surprised if R07 was just a figment of his own imagination.

>> No.6731314
File: 113 KB, 375x326, Battler despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad for Rika, sad for Battler and sad for me, because i will never hang out with Bronove and Lambda ;__;

>> No.6731317


He wrote it all to promote Ougon Musou Kyoku. 4 years in the making for that damn fighting game...I'm telling ya, he had this all planned out.

Oh, and there is going to be a sort of wrap-up at C80. I forget what it's called, it was named in another thread somewhere.

>> No.6731322


I hang out with Bern all the time, so never say that.

>> No.6731326

The more I think about this ending the more I don't mind it. It's shit, I know, but I don't entirely hate the part that's been posted here, with Beatrice and old Battler offing themselves. It's the most depressing thing I'll get without my fucking hobo end, and I did ask for this to be soul-crushingly depressing, so it worked.

>> No.6731332

So it is as bad as the spoilers foretold or there is still some grace saving this EP from the trainwreck?

>> No.6731342

Anyway, I find it funny that people are disregarding the Meta World characters (which they seem to love) in favor of "real world" Battler, who is really just a fucking new character at the end. I don't know him, I don't give a shit about him and his amnesia.

It goes both ways, I'm disregarding him and embracing the Meta World.

In fact, this ties in with what he was always pushing in the story. Love and fantasy. Embellishments and beauty that don't really exist except in our wishes. By providing a completely mundane ending, this is his last ditch attempt to make his readers realize how beautiful things are even if they're not real.

Because seriously, who gives a shit about the real world by this point? Ryukishi's been trying his damnedest to hide everything and make people care about the characters in a supposed "mystery".

So yeah, I can understand why he did this, and as for me, he succeeded with it.

The answer wasn't really important.

At least, that was the agenda he was pushing near the end. Problem is he stated that this was a mystery, when he was trying to push for fantasy. I'm sure he has some retarded reason for doing it this way, but it backfired on him badly.

>> No.6731354

Yeah, I agree with you on that. The characters we grew attached to were meta Battler and Beatrice, the original trolly Beato we knew in the question arcs, not that Moetrice and Eldertrice shit.

I hate that Ryukishi has pushed the idea that magic is bullshit and love is magic and love is bullshit and we end up with exactly that as our answer. Go through seven games tearing it apart only to hear that you worked for nothing. We should have stopped thinking. I'm bitter as fuck.

>> No.6731357

>Oh, and there is going to be a sort of wrap-up at C80
When i thought this couldnt get any worse...
It will be like Saikoroshi i presume.

>> No.6731361

Umineko ended with EP4, its so sad Ryu died before he could make anymore and with that the mystery will never be solved.

>> No.6731362
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your lol fantasies won't improve my situation, Bernguy who's emmitting a creepy feeling since he posted the stuff about Bern being alive in his mind in that other thread a while ago.

>> No.6731363


My comment wasn't aimed at you, it was aimed at all the dumb fucknuts going on in this topic about HIGURASHI IS NOT A REAL WORLD BECAUSE THERE WAS A REFERENCE TO IT IN AN KINDA RELATED BUT NOT REALLY WORK BAAAAAW LOVE IS OVER R07 like the retarded faggots they are.

Just how the fuck does Umineko's ending has any bearing on Higurashi if they don't even take place in the same goddamned world? Are people honestly that stupid to believe in something like that?

>> No.6731365

If BT didn't die, would things really be any different?

>> No.6731368




>> No.6731372

At this point, I think they would be. I wish Ryu would have taken a break and thought this out. What the fuck is the shit that we got. You can either think it's good, or be sane.

>> No.6731377

What about the people who have played it and thought it was shit?

>> No.6731381

Well, Ryu did "lose the joy of writing".

Maybe he'll quit after the final installment of Umineko, so that he can take time to grieve properly and move on.

>> No.6731385

We would have gotten an awesome ending where Battler fucks Bern's shit up, kicks reason to the curb, and gets his family (or at least him and Ange) a happy ending.

>> No.6731387

This, my god.

You think that the fourth time this shit happens people would get a clue and realize that spoilers don't give the overall picture.

>> No.6731389
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It just bothers me because it feels like Battler gave up on searching for a happy ending.

>> No.6731390

You really think people have read the episode? On /jp/?

Come on. This is all a spoiler shitfest.

>> No.6731393

And by read, I mean fully read it and understood it completely without ATLAS.

>> No.6731396

Oh wow.
Ryu is the very first writer to string me along and betray my trust.

He said they'd be a good end.

How is this good?

Why would you do that?

>> No.6731399

Ange will be alone again.

>> No.6731405

read >>6730969

While watching

Because this is the ending. Bitch tears, man.

>> No.6731406

Started reading a little while ago. The first chapter was hilarious, and I demand to see "Nanjo was Kinzo's wife all along" 4-komas now.

>> No.6731407

>He said they'd be a good end.

He didn't. In fact he said the opposite: Umineko wouldn't necessarily have a happy ending.

And it didn't.

>> No.6731411

>I demand to see "Nanjo was Kinzo's wife all along" 4-komas now.

This. I laughed out loud when Krauss thought that to himself.

>> No.6731414

he's gone insane.

any of you guys reading his new manga?
It's about a fucking loli getting molested by her teacher, then being strangled to death by him and chuced into the sewer full of shit and the guy laughs and smiles at how the little loli is all covered in shit.

ryu's lost his marbles.

>> No.6731415

Ok guys, just tell me with all the words
What happened? Who was trying to kill everyone?

>> No.6731418

Well, there's Will. But he seems focused on doing it by saving Lion, not our Beatrice. ;_;

>> No.6731423
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his beloved BT died, what do you expect? even Kinzo became autistic while Beato was gone

>> No.6731424


From what I've gathered, it was basically the same scenario as EP7. Yasu intended to kill everyone if they didn't solve the epithet, but Kyrie solved it pretty quickly, so Yasu didn't get the chance to do so. Kyrie and Rudolf then proceeded to kill everyone else so they could have the gold to themselves.

>> No.6731436

Also, Rosa Musou Mk. II.

Rosa died, but she took down Rudolf and Kyrie by herself. I'm not sure if she had a gun, but it'd be even more badass if she didn't.

>> No.6731439

Eva and Ange apparently confirmed for Mother and Daughter team of the year.

>> No.6731440


I've been taking notes across the threads and have gathered (making no claims about truth):

1. Yasu attempted to enact her plan (I imagine that's epitaph-solving + murder) but Kyrie and Rudolph beat her to the chase.
2. Kyrie/Rudolph opted to take the gold for themselves. They killed everyone and planned to put the gold on the submarine and leave. Bomb was armed to destroy the evidence.
3. Battler was sent to kill Shannon to prove his loyalty, but he warned her instead and faked her death.
4. Rosa confronts Kyrie + Rudolph, kills them but dies herself.
5. Shannon commits suicide.
6. Bomb blows up, Battler is safe elsewhere and loses his memory of the event.
7. Battler/Ikuko Yoshiro (the writer behind Tohya/AuAu) fabricates the stories of the witch killings to hide the truth from Ange. They write under the pen name of Hachijo Tohya.
8. Battler/Tohya write the stories together as they try and repair Battler's memory to find the truth of what really happened (above).

I guess the first few novels encountered in the real world (the ones sent by 'Maria Ushiromiya' in bottles) were Yasu's. Tohya (Battler+Ikuko) wrote the ones after that, and the last few episodes were written by Battler himself as he arrived at the truth? Meh.

>> No.6731447

Did they follow the epitaph and do closed room stuff at least? Or was all the closed room mystery stuff in the previous chapters completely pointless to the actual events?

>> No.6731454


The epitaph was just a puzzle leading to gold. It's never been anything else. Yasu might have wanted to set them up as a series of closed rooms (thinking herself a witch), but I doubt Kyrie/Rudolph wasted their time on it.

>> No.6731463


>> No.6731464

I kind of liked erika as she trolled the fuck out of everyone, stuff like "how do I know they're all dead? because I went and kiled them all myself! ahahahahaha"

The first four games were interesting because of the interaction between battler and beatrice as well as the community trying to solve the crimes and mysteries, but then R07 decides to turn it into a romance or something while claiming that it isn't a mystery or something like that.

I've read up to and through ep7, but I really haven't felt that interested for a while now.

>> No.6731466

At least Battler finds out the truth in the end?

>> No.6731467
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Fuck, man.

This fan art is so fitting now...

>> No.6731474


I wonder if the sucky 1998 situation is canon? I hope not. Even without her brother, Ange should be happy.

>> No.6731482

It isn't, Ange is a bestselling author of books about Sakutarou.

>> No.6731484


It was never a mystery.

Which is why so many people will hate this ending.

>> No.6731495


At least there's my sweet in the bittersweet.

Real Battler should at least try to reunite with his remaining family though.

Did we find out what made Yasu snap in the intervening years?

>> No.6731504

F-for some reason, looking at that picture while listening to lastendconductor makes me want to cry. ;_;

>> No.6731512



>> No.6731516

Forgetting Yasu and Kyrie

>> No.6731526

So does anyone have any info about why Erika saved Ange and teamed up with her latter?

>> No.6731530

Did Yasu and Battler really have a romance in the few days they've been together?

Seems that way at least. Old Battler is really hung up on Beatrice.

>> No.6731534

Irrelevant to the story, like over half the other content.

>> No.6731540
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Why is erika back?

>> No.6731543


Not only that, but she teams up with Ange.


>> No.6731548
File: 67 KB, 642x532, whotoclick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to ctrl through the episode, but I'm stuck here. Who am I supposed to click? I'm trying various combinations but I keep hearing ahaha.wav play after each failed one.

>> No.6731554

Fucking hell Ryukishi, I'm upset.

As a small example, you decide to explain away the batshit involving Jessica as LOL AMNESIA, along with the entire plot.

Lazy fuck.

>> No.6731556

Battler, Kyrie, Rudolf, despite the fact that Battler has killed no one. Ryukishi forgot that red truth, or maybe red never fucking mattered to begin with, who knows.

>> No.6731557


I think that's where you pick the culprits.
(Kyrie + Rudolf + Battler)

>> No.6731559
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It's magic, I don't gotta explain shit uu~

>> No.6731560

Rudolph, Kyire, and Battler

>> No.6731572
File: 60 KB, 471x694, 1292134492657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BATTLER is the culprit?
I'm probably taking this out of context, fucking spoilers.

>> No.6731573

>explain away the batshit involving Jessica

Moon-chan fags have no right to complain about anything.

>> No.6731575

He didn't kill anyone. He was forced to be an accomplice.

>> No.6731585


So....why Kyrie?

>> No.6731587


What this guy said.

It seems like it isn't so much Battler vs. Ange in the future (though Ange does survive), but Ange is presently fighting Battler to find out what actually happened on Rokkenjima.

Anyways random translations:

>The definition of "Culprit" is one who murdered.
>There is a possibility that the culprit lied.
>There is also a possibility that the culprit lied before committing the murder.
>The characters that are not the culprit will only speak the truth.
>The characters that are not the culprit will not assist the culprit.
>The culprit commits all the acts of murder by their own hands.
>The culprit will not die.
>The culprit is one of the characters who have appeared so far.
>The Purple Words have the same weigh as the Red Truth. However, only the culprit will lie using the Purple.

Assorted bits of translated Purple:
"Maria-chan can't kill anyone."
"George-oniichan also can't kill adults. Although he can kill kids."

>> No.6731588


What's her motive I mean.

>> No.6731593

There's purple text now?

>> No.6731594

What fights are in ep 8? who between who? how many?

>> No.6731595

Money no really as of right now that's the only fucking explanation for Kyrie and Rudolf.

>> No.6731599

I'm not a Moon-chan fag, the whole plot point about Jessica and Yasu was one that at the very least should have been addressed, and wasn't.

>> No.6731603

And what the fuck is with this?
He makes such a big deal out of this then seems to forget about this plot point entirely.

Okay so asumu isn't battler's real mother.
Then who is?!
Except it doesn't have anything to do with a damn thing making this plot point entirely unnecessary.

>> No.6731604

Tons between everybody.

Pretty much every single character makes an appearance and fights someone else.

>> No.6731612

>amnesia as a plot device at the end of a series
Definitely not reading this.

>> No.6731616


Kyrie obviously.

>> No.6731623


Any details? Does Lam do a bit of fighting?

>> No.6731626

>"George-oniichan also can't kill adults. Although he can kill kids."

This makes me think that inaccurate statements can be said by people who aren't the culprit. It's not "lieing", because the person who said it really believes that is the truth. Maria doesn't know that George studied martial arts cause of his mom. Plus, it's highly unlikely that George couldn't kill Kumasawa, at least.

>> No.6731627

She fights Auau and gets defeated by her and dies.

>> No.6731630

Did you read anything at all? Rudolph tells basically tells Kyrie in episode 7 that she is really Battlers Mother. Battlers sin is returning to the island, because it put Shannon between a rock and a hard place which eventually led to the murders.

>> No.6731639

>He makes such a big deal out of this then seems to forget about this plot point entirely.
>Okay so asumu isn't battler's real mother.
>Then who is?!
Stop this. Kyrie is Battler's mom. If you pay attention you knew this by episode 4. If you didn't really you knew this by episode 7. If you are super retarded even you should get it by episode 8.

After that I don't know what to say.

>> No.6731642


She gets turned into delicious cake.

>> No.6731651

It was never a plot point. Jessica is just dumb. Get over it.

>> No.6731660


Auau? Maria? Featherinne?

Pardon my ignorance, I've only read up to a bit of epiosde 6.

>> No.6731663

Why must /jp/ faggotrize themselves more everytime a new episode spoilers come out? Read the fucking thing, this is like the 4th time people baawww about the chapter's spoilers and after they read the chapter it turns out awesome, EP8 may have a downer ending (which isn't the final part of Umineko since the aftermath is being written by R07 atm), but the meta fights are incredibly awesome, see it like this:

The meta world could of been an alternate transition that helped Battler's thoughts, sort of like the transition between the Ange-Hachijo and piece!Ange-Featherine, except more Meta. We only read a slight portion of the ''behind the scenes'', and this sort of reveal is not uncommon to Umineko, as everything will be (hopefully) resolved by the time Rei/Aftermath comes out.

>> No.6731672


>> No.6731677

Did someone upload the soundtrack yet?

>> No.6731689

>It was never a plot point. Everyone in Umineko is just dumb. Get over it.

Let's not discriminate here. Shkanontrice, despite being true, involves everyone being a total fucking autist.

>> No.6731693

Too bad all the closed room murders never happened and don't mean shit in the overall scheme of things.

>> No.6731697

Most likely everyone felt sorry for Yasu.
Jessica included.

George, being the kind and alpha as fuck motherfucker, decided to let Yasu choose between him and Battler, sadly, he forgot about the Sumadera scum.

>> No.6731701


>> No.6731712

What's the answer to Gohda's puzzle?

>> No.6731713

Just so you know, there's a scene in EP8 where Shannon and Kanon appear together in front of every family member at once, including Ange.

>> No.6731717

And Kinzo is alive, bouncing around kissing his grandkids.

>> No.6731719

Speaking of the puzzles, I wonder how they're going to translate them?

From what I've seen, some of them require some knowledge on Japanese (like the mackerel puzzle)

>> No.6731723

Well I guess the only satisfying comeuppance will be in the fighting game:

Battler lifting Bern by her scruff and pawnch

>> No.6731724
File: 442 KB, 639x480, Determination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, when you think about it they could be factors in determining Battler's memories about his past, despite there being millions of outcomes, each locked room acts like a ''key'', if you read each chapter you can see that the struggle of solving each closed room is Battler/whoever is being challenged's attempts of twisting the logic into a humanly possible act. The ''witch'' part means that such outcome could only be done by magic which means that it's not real, therefore not the real Truth. The battles act both as a metaphoric memory refresher and a possibility elimination.

>> No.6731726

Man, I cant think of Umineko without feeling angry anymore.

>> No.6731732

>Kinzo is alive
>kissing his grandkids.

I wouldn't put it past Kinzo

>> No.6731743

While this is unlikely, they might give us clues using their green text.

>> No.6731749



When does LastEndConductor play? It's awesome.

>> No.6731754

Umineko 8:



>> No.6731761


Wait, is Bern a confirmed character?

>> No.6731770

Dead link.

>> No.6731771


Battler ascending to the Golden Sorcerer is his subconscious finally reaching the truth. Old Battler knows it's there but can't reach it yet, hence the following episodes and Ange wanting to know the truth. Golden Sorcerer Battler is desperately locking it away because it's traumatic.

>> No.6731772

She has a portrait

>> No.6731779



>> No.6731815


>Dread of The Grave

Battler is afraid he's going to die before reaching the truth of Rokkenjima.

>> No.6731829


She's an artifact. She has a portrait and by the looks of it was a character planned for release (you can only see the portrait due to a bug or glitch in the memory), but it looks like they might make room for some of the other characters, which may include those introduced in Chiru.


Don't be mad just because Bern's the best character...although Battler's moveset is kind of cruel. He can grope himself, Kanon, and Ronove, as well as punch his sister in the face. I don't know why that's so funny, but it just is.

Then again, Ange bitch-slapping ANYONE is funny.

>> No.6731835

So uh
Has Berncat and Lambdacake been confirmed yet?

>> No.6731847

you´re like the 10th person asking that in this thread.

>> No.6731848

You're asspained over THIS? really?

Everything has been meta as fuck since the ep1 tea party and you mad because there was no literal truth to each episode?

>> No.6731849

I got your confirmation right here
*grabs dick*

>> No.6731858


Yes. Bern gets her ass kicked by Battler and co. Turns into a cat.

Lamda gets her ass kicked by AuAu, turned into a cake.

Everyone lives happily ever after in the Meta World.


>> No.6731865


What bothers me is why exactly does Battler believe that this cake and cat are lesbian loli witches sent to make his life a living hell? I can understand that he might not like cats, but what did the cake ever do to him? It's just a god damn cake.

>> No.6731869

Two words

Small Bombs

>> No.6731872

Lambda was on Battler's side, bro.

>> No.6731876
File: 23 KB, 261x168, despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, wait, if Bern and Lambda are just figments of Battler's imagination...

Does that mean Higurashi never even happened?

>> No.6731881

>will headbutting a goat to death
>what the fuck am i reading.jpg

>> No.6731882

Dude, it's been confirmed ages ago when Battler and Bern both said they had read a novel called Higurashi.

>> No.6731886


For the majority of the story it seemed like she wasn't. So...the cake lied to the cat, or something.

Did R07 get ridiculously drunk and decide to play Portal? Seriously, that's the only reason why I would think he'd make Lambda into a cake. Well, given her style of dress, it kind of makes sense, but it's still ridiculous.


In the world of Umineko, Higurashi is a series of mystery novels (actual books) that Battler had read sometime before returning to the island.

>> No.6731887


Higurashi has no relation to Umineko other than the story Battler read.

In the Umineko world, Higurashi is a book. But only in the Umineko world.

>> No.6731888


Maybe. Who cares? It's just fiction in the end. Don't get too worked up about it. Doesn't really add anything except a meaningless layer of fictionality.

This is why I don't really care or give a fuck about Old Battler and his memories. The Meta World is still real, and everyone loved happily ever after now that the board is closed.

Anyway, is AuAu Battler's enemy here? Her kicking Lamda's ass effortlessly is scary.

>> No.6731889

Does that really make everything horrible?

Consider every story you've ever read. If at the end of each of those, the final scene was some guy typing it out, satisfied with his work. As in, everything you just read was a story written by the only featured character in the book, this nameless author.

Would that spoil those stories?

>> No.6731892


She's a god.

Wait, does she even exist as anything? Lambda's a cake, and Bern's a cat. So what is Auau supposed to be?

>> No.6731894

In a fictional work, who is god? The author of said fictional work.

>> No.6731895


Old Battler's lover/caretaker/nurse

>> No.6731899

>MFW fags are trying to twist a trashy amnesia ending into something deep.

>> No.6731902


And I thought Yasu was crazy. This ending seems more of an asspull the more I hear of it. Wasn't this supposed to be solvable?

>> No.6731906

I think it does ruin them.

The reason it ruins them is the same reason canon sex is far hotter than any amount of fanwork sex.

>> No.6731920
File: 237 KB, 600x432, 6633824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umineko died with BT.
I will now look for Frederika pictures on pixiv.

>> No.6731921

Ikuko wrote herself into the story.

>> No.6731923

Christ, I hate how people keep comparing/trying to tie Higurashi and Umineko together. Even now.

>> No.6731928

Basically, the game Battler designed for Ange wasn't to show her the truth of how everyone died, but to help her remember the kind aspects of her family. Ange throws a tantrum, says fuck this shit, and basically throws her lot in with Erika, Bern, Auau, and summons a horde of goats on Battler, Beatrice, and their friends. Huge battle ensues.

>> No.6731939

Umineko is not a myster

>> No.6731948

...wow what a fucking ungrateful bitch.

>> No.6731955

My money on Ikuko being Yasu.

>> No.6731958
File: 62 KB, 640x480, inception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically Umineko was the bastard child of Inception and Silent Hill, which was conveniently tossed off a cliff and raised by Chrono Cross.

God, I'm depressed.

>> No.6731961


Now that's the sort of ridiculous grand finale I want in an ending.

How did it go?


That's deliberate. Yasu weaved tales and made herself a witch because she lost Battler, and he's now doing the same to recover her along with his lost memory.

Pretty sure that if I can read moon the ending would make me baaaw.

>> No.6731962

Come on Japan,

I'm waiting for my TohyaxBattler fanart.

>> No.6731964

Just watched the new motion graphic, and I felt oddly tearful during it. The artist should release some sort of art book when s/he is finished with seacats.

>> No.6731969

The culprits are theoretically possible to figure out (even if you have to brush some red truth under the rug and/or skew the hell out of major plot points). The rest of the ending really has nothing to do with the mystery, and is just ryu finding a way to kill off all of the meta-characters in one fell-swoop.

>> No.6731976

Dlanor, Ronove, and Will in particular being awesome, (Will beating down goats by headbutting them ffffff), Battler vs Erika to the new Dread of the Grave remix, Ange vs Beato.

>> No.6731986

>Dlanor, Ronove, and Will in particular being awesome
Are those three ever not awesome?

>> No.6731990

Wait, and why were people calling game Battler a douche? He seems to be doing the good thing here while Ange is being a total whore.

>> No.6732000


>> No.6732010

It's always been fun to insult Battler.

>> No.6732011

Okay Beato vs Ange is pretty rad.

>> No.6732014


Fuckin Ace. SO after the big battle, we get to choose Magic or Trick, and then find out the truth?

Kinda sucks that the Meta World characters didn't get a proper closure but oh well.


Because she (us, and Old Battler) wanted to know the truth.

And then we got it and it was fucking depressing.

>> No.6732032

Ange: I want the truth!
Battler: The truth? You can't handle the truth!

>> No.6732039

You know, while she was never a favorite of mine, I always understood Ange and defended her when people would hate on her.

Not after this. Fuck Ange.

>> No.6732047

I'm actually surprised at how fucked up Ryukishi made Ange in this ep. I feel bad for her, but hoo boy is she fucked up. She admits she wants to know the truth so she can die, so I can't blame Battler for hiding it and trying to show her something positive instead.

>> No.6732062

The best part is once Ange learns the truth if you choose trick she kills herself.

>> No.6732065

Dude, Ange was always fucking hardcore.

>> No.6732071

So Dlanor, Will and Battler are on the same side?
That is fucking awesome. R07, how did you fuck this all up. How.

>> No.6732076

Awww, Battler.

>"I won't let Ange die!! No matter how painful it is, she has to live! That's our single wish...!! If you're alive, you can create any kind of magic, any miracle...!!"

>> No.6732097

Goddamn, I was expecting:

-Final climactic magic firefight battle like 40k Apocalypse

-Battler beating the shit out of Bern

-Alternate world where truth is discovered. Family is already dead. Bat and Ange move on.

-Meta Battler and Beato's entourage explore the meta world together. Righting wrongs, fighting crime

>> No.6732108
File: 669 KB, 750x1059, 6231e54e3a9529cfe394487286dab44f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck every single one of you. She might have messed up, but she just wanted the truth.

I will always and forever love you, Ange. Even if you are suicidal.

>> No.6732113

>-Battler beating the shit out of Bern

I don't get you people. Shouldn't you want him to beat the shit out of Yasu? Bern just says the truth - cruel, but true. She never has actually harmed someone actively.

Yasu? Killed 15+ people and everyone mourns him/her.

You guys are fucking nuts sometimes. Bern's not the main enemy. Get it into your head.

>> No.6732119


>-Final climactic magic firefight battle like 40k Apocalypse

>-Battler beating the shit out of Bern

>-Alternate world where truth is discovered. Family is already dead. Bat and Ange move on.

You get all of that in some form or other.

>-Meta Battler and Beato's entourage explore the meta world together. Righting wrongs, fighting crime

This one just happens off screen. Believe in magic Anon.

>> No.6732136

Well, Bern DOES seem to enjoy being a monster more than is entirely healthy.

>> No.6732147

so how long is the episode?

>> No.6732153
File: 16 KB, 179x153, It's Been A Hard Day's Night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I guess that's it then. It was a fun ride while it lasted.

>> No.6732161

Well said, for a cotton-for-brains.

>> No.6732176
File: 111 KB, 800x566, 1293735036862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking long. It took me a good hour and a half to speed text through it. I imagine that if you weren't spoiled on who the culprits are it would be even longer after engaging in all of the optional Battler/Beatrice meta-discussion. I wish I had waited until the English patch came out and stopped myself from reading the spoilers. It looks like this part would have been an absolute blast to work out.

To be honest, most of the book looks really fucking awesome. That ending just really gets to me. It won't stop me from enjoying the hell out of the rest of it.

>> No.6732184

>Yasu? Killed 15+ people and everyone mourns him/her.

No, she didn't. She's killed no one.

>> No.6732185

So it's longer than Matsuribayashi? Because that was seriously fucking long.

>> No.6732198

She's a cat. Ever seen cats play with mice?

>> No.6732200 [DELETED] 

There's nothing wrong with wanting the truth, because with a good writer, that brings resolution and closure.

Alas, Battler and Ange's only grave sins were being created by an incompetent, scatterbrained writer. In a good mystery writers hands, Battler would have fallen from grace, and Ange would have been right in pursuing the truth, rather than written as some kind of anti-hero.

Remember that, Ryukishi wanted Battler to look like the good guy for hiding the answer.

>> No.6732203

So purple text and golden coins confirmed?
Anyone have the solution for the puzzles?

>> No.6732207

There's nothing wrong with wanting the truth, because with a good writer, that brings resolution and closure.

Alas, Battler and Ange's only grave sins were being created by an incompetent, scatterbrained writer. In a good mystery writers hands, Battler would not have fallen from grace, and Ange would have been right in pursuing the truth, rather than written as some kind of anti-hero.

Remember that, Ryukishi wanted Battler to look like the good guy for hiding the answer.

>> No.6732209

He was hiding the answer to prevent Ange from killing herself. Had she not been an unstable kid, I'm sure he'd have had no problems in telling her what happened.

>> No.6732229

>Remember that, Ryukishi wanted Battler to look like the good guy for hiding the answer.

Because Ange was going to commit suicide once she knew.

>> No.6732233

I don't even know what those coins do. I never even got all of them

>> No.6732303

Puzzle solutions:
1A 2A 3B 4D 5C 6D 7E 8A 9B 10C 11B 12E 13A 14C 15E 16C

I stopped Umineko when it devolved into a lesbian I-love-you declaration fest with dramatic battle music. I get that the writer has a fetish for lesbians, but there are only so many "I love you" between those asshole witches before I barf. Go back to the proper couple FFS

>> No.6732321

...Were there really that many lesbian moments in Umineko?

As a major yurifag I'm not seeing very many.

>> No.6732332

Thanks for that. But if the only important choice is magic or trick, what is the point of the coins?
Yet undiscovered?

>> No.6732339

In general not, but in the 8th game yes. The part that made me stop made me lose count after the 15th Ai kanji. It's disgusting. Keep your yuri shit to yuri-only things. It has no room in Umineko.

>> No.6732351

By the way, guys, the sequence with Ange going completely insane and committing suicide by jumping off the building isn't a bad end that happens because you make the wrong choice. It always happens, no choice involved. Story's rolling on, though.

>> No.6732352

Sounds like you have a seriously irrational hatred of lesbians if Umineko irritated you.

>> No.6732358

I'm not that far yet, and have not seen a purpose.

The only change I noticed is that getting all coins unlocks scenes that normally don't happen.

Get coin -> get coin -> special scene -> normal scene
Get coin -> not coin -> normal scene

I did not have to use the coins in the Bern confession scene with the purple text and have no idea where to use them.

>> No.6732364

Did you see the scene yet? You'll have my reaction when you get there.

>> No.6732382

Got it, thank you. Also, is there any meaning in the purple culprit choice? Am I fine with choosing whoever or is there a best and worse choice?

>> No.6732388

No, there's only one right answer.

Rudolf, Kyrie, and Battler.

>> No.6732400

You just will get laughed at by Bernkastel if you chose wrong, then see a short discussion between several characters on why you were wrong. Then you can chose again. There are literally hundreds of possibilities.

I only know of one choice that works. Keep in mind that you can choose several culprits. Chosing none doesn't work, I tried it.

>> No.6732417

Right. I'll see if I can figure it out, thanks for your consideration in using spoilers.
Also, now that Ange says it, I realized just now the irony in Battler jumping off the boat at the end when one of the very first scenes was him being scared of falling out of the boat. I think that's what he was aiming for.

>> No.6732518

Haha, oh wow. Near the beginning of ep 8, Shannon and Kanon appear together infront of literally EVERYONE.

Now that's what I can an epic f.uck you to the shkanonfags.

>> No.6732527

Rewatching the motion graphics is making my eyes tear a bit.

Damn you Ryukishi for making me care way too much about your characters. Truly this isn't a mystery.

Everyone is fucking dead over fucking money of all things.


I'll just still believe in the Meta World.

>> No.6732528

Except the entire part is in the meta world: Kinzo is there, too.

Sucks to be you that you're still unable to understand the obvious plot. By now only serious Asperger candidates doubt it.

>> No.6732531
File: 54 KB, 656x536, ep8_kinzo_trick_or_treat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I began reading episode 8. It's like I'm reading the beginning episode 1 again... wait oh shit. What's going on?

>> No.6732534

>Truly this isn't a mystery.
If it is no mystery, then magic can happen.

This means the meta world can be real, and it cannot be proven to not exist.

Therefore, using "without love it cannot be seen", the stupid ending can be dismissed as what it is: A retarded pipe dream. Sorry Ryukichi, thats your own argument working against you. My reality > yours.

>> No.6732542

So, I'm firing up the stream if people are still interested.

I know it's a day after, but yeah, couldn't help it.


>> No.6732543

Yeah, Ange and Kinzo being there sure give credibility to the thing, don't they?

>> No.6732549


Pretty sure this is what he actually wanted to happen.

It's a last ditch attempt to convert everyone to fantasy.

Sooo meta.

And fuck him, it worked for me. Everyone is fucking happy in the golden land

>> No.6732553

Stop that. And aren't you the one who was calling it a "mistery" not a "mystery" before?

>> No.6732558

>Everyone is fucking happy in the golden land

Except Lambda and Bernkastel. They fucking rot.

>> No.6732560

That was actually the point. Truth is totally subjective.

>> No.6732566

No, that wasn't me. I'm not a regular /jp/ poster. Sorry to get the name of 07 wrong.

>> No.6732576

Shut your whore mouth. You have no idea how much of a fucking bro Lambda is in this game.

>> No.6732583

I do, I read it. She still should fucking rot.

>> No.6732599

"You're going to choose under what light see the whole thing" as the ending could be seen coming from a mile away, come on.
I even think I'll like the ending.
This, however, doesn't really save R07 or Umineko from being an overconvoluted and badly written mess. He's lucky most of his fans are the people who will get "choose how you want to see it" as "be in denial about the parts you don't like"

>> No.6732601


They return in Tea Party and start their crazy flirting again, while Erika runs around in joy.

Not like it matters though, the whole Umineko except maybe 5 minutes happened inside Battler's head.

>> No.6732611

Is she really a cake?

>> No.6732618

>They return in Tea Party and start their crazy flirting again, while Erika runs around in joy.

Please be trolling. They should just be gone, NOBODY likes their flirting shit

>> No.6732623

Stop raging about it so much. I don't think many people are bothered by Bern and Lambda's flirting.

>> No.6732631

>>This, however, doesn't really save R07 or Umineko from being an overconvoluted and badly written mess.

People are not stories. >_>

>> No.6732636

>If we call this very thing as magic, except for Beatrice, certainly not one of us can be called a witch.
>In that sense, we may say that since she put together her own magic system, even if she enters the beginners' class, as a witch, her level already surpasses the witches, ... and she is starting to step even into your level.

Beatrice's world of magic inside her head is something completly different than the powers of voyagers.

Brace for "metaworld is real" in Umineko Rei.

>> No.6732648

No, Featherine just turns her into one to off her. You know, being a magical god?
People just didn't understand why Lambda turned into cake and thought it meant she always was cake, which wouldn't make any sense

>> No.6732650

Lol! :P:P

>> No.6732656

Leave, please.

>> No.6732664

So Bern isn't real-life AuAu's pet cat?

>> No.6732671


That would be fine with me. At this point the only good thing about the story is the meta world and characters.

>> No.6732673

She turned into a cat several times. Once with ange long before they met featherine, in Ep4. In Ep8 she turns into a cat a few times too.

This doesn't mean she is suddenly Auaus cat. The game never states she is. Turning into a cat is something she does and has always done. People are just flipping out over things, what do you expect?

>> No.6732679

Even "Bern and Lambda are Rika and Satoko reading Umineko novels" would be a better end that this retarded shit.

>> No.6732686

>Pretty sure this is what he actually wanted to happen.
>It's a last ditch attempt to convert everyone to fantasy.

Yes, that is true. The entire final battle rests on that. That is why Battler continues to exist despite Bern stating in red that he is dead. Bern is cold, harsh, reality.

Umineko is about rejecting her.

>> No.6732688

You're right, I blame the hangover. You know what I meant though.
I haven't reached that part yet, but considering how every meta-character has a real life counterpart ("vessel" or whatever the commonly accepted term is), is it that far-fetched to think those two might be just that? Are you sure it's not just liking the characters that prevent people from -I wouldn't say agreeing to it, but at least accept the possibility that's what they might be?

>> No.6732697

This whole crap about AuAu is just like a terrible RPG GM creating an all powerful self insert character who can own everyone with a snap of fingers while pointing out to all players how pathetic, stupid and meaningless existences they are.

It's like reading Nanoha fanfictions from AS...

>> No.6732698

>Are you sure it's not just liking the characters

I don't like her at all. I'd prefer her to be gone for good.

But the game just doesn't state what people say. Nor does the game even imply it.

>> No.6732702

Okay, done with the game. Why does everyone hate Bern?

Fuck, Aurora kills Lambda, and Battler gets mad at Bern? Why?

Shouldn't they all gang up on Aurora and beat the stupid shit to death? Aurora is the problem here, the stupid git should just die.

>> No.6732708

>reading fanfiction
found the problem

>> No.6732720

So how long is it? EP4-like, 10 hours or something? More? I'd like to finish it in one setting and be done with it, but if there's no way around multiple sessions I'd like to know

>> No.6732723


Bern is one of the most popular characters. Only faggots hate her.

>> No.6732725

I meant in the story.

>> No.6732727

Red truth: Battler and Ange are faggots.

>> No.6732729

Why the fuck is old Battler so hung up by Beatrice?
He met her for like 2 days, and his family died partly due to her.
It feels so fucking forced

>> No.6732738

Everyone said Ange always dies by suicide right?

But...in my game she never jumps. She later talks with Amakusa and Okonogia and elbows Okonogi in the side.

Explain please. Fake spoilers again? (FYI I got all 17 medals and chose magic, NOT trick)

>> No.6732742

Ange suicides only if you chose trick. Because the whole point is shoving magic down your throat.

>> No.6732748

And once again, something being popular means you have to like it or be a faggot?
Sorry, needlessly cruel characters like that have always been pathetic to me. They make great villains, but I really can't see why people worship them.

>> No.6732751


Because Ryukishi is a faggot who can't write.

He wanted to make Erika an unlikeable bitch for everybody to hate, and she ended 3rd in popularity poll.

Basically Bern want to show everyone that what happened on Rokkenjima is retarded bullshit and Ushiromiyas are crazy bastards. And she is 100% right.

But Ryukishi somehow think that there is love in his story...

>> No.6732759

Battler is an accomplice, right?
Did he even try to save Maria and Jessica?

>> No.6732770

He only saved Shannon. Maybe Maria and Jessica were already dead.

>> No.6732779

So now you can finally move on from Umineko, congratulation.

>> No.6732799

are you seriously fucking disregarding the whole giant different story becase of some shitty refrerance made 3,5 years ago?


yes. this.


yes. it ruins everything. it just does.

>I stopped Umineko when it devolved into a lesbian I-love-you declaration fest with dramatic battle music. I get that the writer has a fetish for lesbians, but there are only so many "I love you" between those asshole witches before I barf. Go back to the proper couple FFS



wow, this is kinda rational

>> No.6732810

so before it was friendship, and now it's magic/feelings
does he have a thing for corny endings or what

>> No.6732817


this is the only thing that can redeem Ryukishi in my eyes. make at least part of the story difinitely not bullshit

haha, true


are by any chance Jessicaxkanon shipper?

>> No.6732823

The yuri is just Ryuukishi giving something to the few male readers who stayed.

>> No.6732826

So, he lifted even the ending from Forest?
Epilogue happens when they are old and the main character has been collecting fragments all the time, when it all clicks together magic/fiction surpasses reality.

>> No.6732834


Because Battler isn't right in the head. The whole family is just pretty much shitty.

>> No.6732839

you must be kidding, there was always tons of yuri in this series

>> No.6732848

Yes, that's what I wrote.
He is giving some yuri to keep some male readers.

>> No.6732855

Retarded shippers will love this ending.

>> No.6732858

dont insult retarded shippers

>> No.6732862

Is 2ch raging as hard as /jp/?

>> No.6732872


I don't see how they would. Nobody cares about old Battler.

>> No.6732878

So old Battler is basically Kinzo 2.0?

>> No.6732879

All readers. Yuri is very well liked by female readers in japan, Bern/Lambda is appropriate for the female-aimed yuri hime. All of us love it. Except one whiny anon, apparently.

>Basically Bern want to show everyone that what happened on Rokkenjima is retarded bullshit and Ushiromiyas are crazy bastards. And she is 100% right.

I love how 07 tried to paint Bern as mean when she is 100% correct.
Yeah, Battler is nice for hiding the truth MY BUTT.

>> No.6732884

about half of them, same as here.

people who thought it was a waste of time
people who have been speculating since the beginning
people who are fine with it
people there for the moe, setting, whatever goes

>> No.6732887


Go to AS. They like the ending.

>> No.6732891
File: 76 KB, 638x298, umineko..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6732893 [DELETED] 

            ┌話に整合性なくても大丈夫┐NO      【
           YES               【お前らは
 YES                   NO→ 【箱をあけるな、かえれ(・∀・)】  
な読者 (´・ω・)】

>> No.6732901

They probably like it for the Battler/Beatrice shipping.

Shipping which make no fucking sense whatsoever I must say
Why the fuck waste your life for a crazy maid you only saw for 2 days?

>> No.6732916

I'm fine with it.

I don't give a shit about the real world in Umineko anymore.

Meta Battler and Meta Beato are happy in imaginationland.

>> No.6732918

oh. my. fucking. gods

>> No.6732924


Well, I'm a shipperfag and I could give a shit about that old crazy Battler and Shannon/Beatrice since she's not the Beatrice most people came to love. That shipping makes zero sense. She's just some crazy chick he knew for a few days.

I guess Ryu tried to satisfy people, but it's not like they had a history and story like meta Beato/Battler did. Though the part at the end, I'm not sure what is going on there.

>> No.6732931

maybe but i cant live with the fact that stupid author apparently force on me to believe that everything is just in some fucktards head
im waiting for some clearer translations which will make it possible for other interpreatations

>> No.6732932


That's my feeling. Fuck the real world. The fanficiton world is best. If he makes meta real in Rei I might almost forgive him.

>> No.6732936


>> No.6732938
File: 68 KB, 656x534, 1251115914048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still kinda honestly impressed that Ryukishi had the balls to go with this ending of all possible things.

>> No.6732940

Also the truth

>> No.6733008
File: 5 KB, 184x182, 1293490464226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody died
>meta characters don't exist
>Battler is a crazy old man with imaginary friends

>bittersweet ending

>> No.6733012

I don't know what's more pathetic, that a reply like that got posted on /jp/ or that I recognize what sort of website it comes from.
That's precisely the kind of people I'd have bet would retreat in denial and be happy with their shipping faggotry.

>> No.6733033


what else is there but denial at this point? /jp/ was thinking there was a super secret good end yesterday morning.

>> No.6733045

fuck you. if you are fine with this end thats awesome. now go and suck Ryukishis cock faggot

>> No.6733048

Someone should translate it, then it should be posted in every Umineko threads ever.
I could try but I would do a crappy job at it

>> No.6733051


I was completely and totally in that boat, but now I'm.... kind of accepting that this may be the true ending? I don't know, I want to look through old stuff with this mind set and think about it for a while before the translation comes out.

the main thing that I feel like I still don't understand is exactly which instances of Ange through the game were a delusion of Battler, and which (if any) were real. Or has Ange always been the representation of Battler searching for the truth?

And beyond that, scenes like George/Shannon and Jessica/Kannon stuff... is that also from Battler's mind? Was that him getting back memories of what he knew about them/learned during the trip? I get the idea of each game being Battler running through different scenerios, unearthing memories, coming closer to the truth, blah blah, but what about the stuff that he couldn't have seen?

fffff, this comment turned really long, OBVIOUSLY I HAVE A LOT OF THINKING TO DO

>> No.6733072

im sorry. but the kind of ending where everyone was just a dream/delusion/story/everyone was already dead is the worst thing that can be pulled off for any story. I dont see how being in denial after all of those years of growing attached to characters is wrong.
Im also not a shipperfag, the only pair i really ship and care about is Bern/Lambda
that said you can take your eliticism and go fap to lolis with dicks

>> No.6733086

Umineko Rei:

- that nurse Yasu meet was Miyo, she became Toya's assistant
- she wrote Higurashi novels
- Umineko happened in the same kakera as Matsuribayashi-hen
- Toya really is a witch
- Bern and Lambda are real
- everything we saw was real, they were kakeras Featherine observed
- they all helped Battler regain his memories
- at the very end they show old Battler and Yasu a kakera with a happy ending
- Battler and Yasu die happy while crying tears of joy

>> No.6733089

>that said you can take your eliticism and go fap to lolis with dicks
Pot, kettle, etc...

>> No.6733094

so who was Hachijo? Just some random author who nursed amnesiac Battler?

>> No.6733125

fuck yeah lambern scene. game redeemed

>> No.6733140

Battler will die.

But his soul will chose to go back in time, the the time when he was happiest, and he will be at Episode 1 first chapter.

Beatrice who loves Battler want to be with him too and want to be in a time when Battler'd love her, but since he already loves Ange she'll go back in time before Battler is born, and became his mother.

>> No.6733146 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1475x975, umineko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go

>> No.6733157

If you answer yes to all those things, EP 8 is guaranteed to piss you off.

>> No.6733159

Bern's letter and Lambda's diary must be real. I will not accept them not being real.

>> No.6733173
File: 116 KB, 1475x975, umineko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edited version because of a few mistakes I did in a hurry

>> No.6733189

Haha oh wow. The irony is astounding.

>> No.6733205

i got "you are a stupid reader"


>> No.6733286

Can't you even read a flowchart? It means that if you're looking for a mystery story you should get the fuck out.

>> No.6733293
File: 31 KB, 415x480, amnesic Autor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically the whole EP
