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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6729187 No.6729187 [Reply] [Original]

"And within months from today, after four years in development, Katawa Shoujo will be released."



>> No.6729199

Kind of dissapointed that this wasnt a troll

>> No.6729201


(12/31/11 for you americans)

>> No.6729210
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Emi path:
Writing: Path script is finalised.
Direction: Path direction is completed.

Lilly path:
Writing: Path script is finalised.
Direction: Act 3 out of 4 complete.

Hanako path:
Writing: Path script second draft finished, Act 4 in editing.
Direction: Act 2 out of 4 complete.

Rin path:
Writing: Act 4 second draft in progress.
Direction: Act 3 out of 4 complete.

Shizune path:
Writing: Act 4 second draft in progress, Act 3 in editing.
Direction: Act 2 out of 4 complete.

>> No.6729218

>after four years in development
I never realized that it has been so long.

>> No.6729219

Europeans with their heads up their ass, like always

>> No.6729232

Any preview screens? The last I played this it was horribly amateurish I want to see if they made improvements and if this is really something worth getting excited for.

>> No.6729242

Don't get your hopes up.

>> No.6729249

It uses the same sprites and shit as the latest demo, so play that if you haven't already.

>> No.6729255

Can't wait for the glorious buttstorm.

>> No.6729257


I wouldn't call Act 1 horribly amateurish, in fact I found it on par with, if not better than, a lot of professional eroges, but yeah, opinions.

>> No.6729264


It's done by a bunch of amateurs, what do you expect?

>> No.6729266


This, for fucks sake the first comment of this thread was a butthurted one, imagine the butthurt when it comes out

>> No.6729267

Sprites has been canged twice, if I reckon.

>> No.6729269

To be entirely fair, they even admit that 2 of those four years was mostly wasted by them having no idea what they were doing

>> No.6729281

Get in here KS devs thread?

>> No.6729337

It'll be hilarious.

While the rest of the world reads it and enjoys it, here in /jp/ the entire board will be overloaded with bawwing and trolling.

>> No.6729352

I still believe they are just a vocal minority. Or mugen. I heard he wanted to join or something, but got denied for his guro tendencies and/or sucky art.

>> No.6729363

Don't underestimate the misery, butthurt and hurt feelings in here.

>> No.6729360

...What kind of 'world' are you even referring to?
The VN crowd worldwide ain't even that big, let alone 4chan one and a few outsiders.

>> No.6729368

Except it's going to be shit

>> No.6729373

You know, I hate to admit it, but I'll probably end up playing this at least once.... Probably only once if it blows ass.

>> No.6729375

Anything that is spammed here gets hated and causes butthurt.
And people will spam it.
Thus, result is obvious and quality is irrelevant.
And it will be as bad as anything else that gets spammed.

>> No.6729377

This really seems overglorified, I remember playing the demo when it was released, I was still browsing /a/ and /v/ at that time and they were all over it so I tried it out.
Got bored after 10 minutes and never bothered with it again, I really didn't see anything special about this "game".

>> No.6729378

I'm just hoping with all my might that they won't ruin it by trying to be all DEEP and going out of their way to prove that VNs are SERIOUS LITERATURE.

>> No.6729380

That won't stop the children from enjoying it.

>> No.6729402

Babby's first VN etc

>> No.6729404

'Idea started from 4chan and now a mostly independent teams works on it.'
That is it.
...Actually, I do not know if any OEVN had had porn ever.
That may be it.

>> No.6729403

Frankly, I haven't seen KS threads here in weeks. Unless you consider the "I will post this until the devs bla bla" threads, which most of the time get ignored completely, unlike Koroko/Saten hourly threads that MUST be replied to.

>> No.6729401

>Got bored after 10 minutes

I guess you've never played a VN, then?

>> No.6729420

That in the lst four years they 1) got better, 2) got enough money to comission an artist for new sprites.

>> No.6729428

'Got better' does not mean that much by itself.

>> No.6729434

>were extremely lucky to meet a certain person who's been working with us on some special surprises for the game,

>> No.6729441

Are there going to be diaper scenes?

>> No.6729454
File: 527 KB, 1120x1600, jingai_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the heroines are futa.

Dude, that's disgusting.

>> No.6729464

What the hell is that?

>> No.6729473

More disgusting than shitting on a burn victim?

>> No.6729478

There will never be a good KS thread on /jp/, give it up anon.
Even if the game turns out to be good (and I found the demo to be pretty decent), /jp/ is still too bitter from the way the board was when it launched.

>> No.6729487

>What the hell is that?
Antgirl loving. Enjoy.


>> No.6729488

Still no Misha path?

Still dropped.

>> No.6729521
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>> No.6729530

Ants are my favorite creatures, but that's just sick.

>> No.6729538

Enjoy having your VN be popular with everyone except the people who actually read them.

Between this and My girlfriend is the president my hobby is being invaded by normalfags.

>> No.6729551

What the fuck is this supposed to be interpreted as?

>> No.6729558

How can a VN be popular with people who haven't read it?

>> No.6729561

"baaawww i'm not a unique little snowflake for liking this genre of games any more"

>> No.6729567

..........that's just sad.

>> No.6729569

Just read it. I promise it will be good.

>> No.6729603

>Almost two years ago, in April 2009, the Act 1 preview was released.

Was it really that long ago? It just seems like a few months back. Oh man, I'm losing complete track of time here and not in a good way.

>> No.6729608

>A certain person who's been working with us on some special surprises for the game.

>> No.6729624

In that amount of time, Cencoroll 2 and 3 would have been made as well.

>> No.6729717

Cencoroll 2 is in the making.
>there'll never be a 2hrs long Cencoroll movie

>> No.6729926

>within months
Blizzard "soon" months, right?

>> No.6729940

>despite the fights, the bitching, and the tantrums
More reason why retards, underage fangirls should stay in the kitchen.

>> No.6729941


>Both missed the entire point.
>Most likely two more normalfags trying to brute force their way into my hobby

>> No.6729955

KS is catered to normalfag. They will go oh look LULU CAMEO, HARRY POTTER CAMEO and etc.
There is no way people that play KS as their babby first VN will move on to something better (top20 of egs for example).

>> No.6730163


>> No.6730193

Katawa Shoujo>All other VNs

You mad, weeabos?

>> No.6730217

Get out KS devs

>> No.6730218

I remember back when FSN was untranslated. Thread after thread of it, loved by all.

Then came the translation, and new arrivals. Suddenly, it was hated. Now, it is shit.

And we do not have many "good" translated games that are open to the public anyway, and those that are are now falling into obscurity.

Hell, when was the last time someone talked about Kana - Imouto?

>> No.6730222 [DELETED] 


>> No.6730240

Remember when VN's were good?

>> No.6730245

Well, people got to know that there are VNs other than FSN and Turkeyhime.

>> No.6730258

Me neither.

>> No.6730284


This is EXACTLY what I fucking meant. If I could I'd kiss you right now.

>> No.6730287

Sure is taking easy around here, huh?

That's great news, I'll play through all of it. Once at least.

>> No.6730303

Advertising a shitty game on /jp/ is not taking it easy. Now get out KS devs.

>> No.6730310

Wow, this is really a great way to end the year, first Maikaze Touhou rises from the grave, now this! It's as if Duke Nukem Forever is finally coming out! Oh wait.

Is it going to be free of charge?

>> No.6730327


MG is going to sell it.

>> No.6730351

With the price of 50 bucks.
