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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6726752 No.6726752 [Reply] [Original]

The report feature is not your personal quality control button.

>> No.6726779

Actually, yes. Yes it is.

When I report off-topic and spam threads like this, it keeps the board on a (slightly) higher quality. too bad meido left

>> No.6726772

says who

>> No.6726781

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.6726782

As much as I hate the half of /jp/ who flip shit and sage/report every thread not 100% relevant to their immediate personal interests, this thread isn't gonna fucking help.

>> No.6726783

yes, it is.

>> No.6726788

Forgot my sage, how embarrassing.

>> No.6726793

Good point. Also, may I ask something?


I barely ever see a thread hit 100 posts, besides the semi-permanent netplay/WoT threads. Touhou discussion does not happen; there's a few posts then the thread dies. Touhou image dumps do not happen, there's a few posts, and the thread dies. This also describes idol threads and just about every other fucking thing on the board (VN discussion threads as well.) And 90% of this has that faggot screaming QUALITY THREAD in them.

What exactly is the sanctioned content of this place?

>> No.6726801


>> No.6726809

>What exactly is the sanctioned content of this place?

It's more the atmosphere. 4chan interest boards always come down to a competition to see who's most worthy of holding said interest. /jp/, being full of smug deluded beta males, is simply the most passive-aggressive when it comes to this.

>> No.6726816

>What exactly is the sanctioned content of this place?
Everything Moot wanted to remove from /a/ so it was anime and manga only.
That's it.

>> No.6726817

That's because if every thread hit 100 posts there would be five threads.

>> No.6726829

Nevermind the fact that we still all lurk /a/ in case they make fun of us.

>> No.6726834

Epic troll op

>> No.6726844


Board used to be decent (everything is relative, decent for a 4chan board), but now with all these tripfags caring more about themselves rather than the content of their messages, you cannot expect much.

>> No.6726861

i know ^__^
i wonder how many people reported me tho =__=I|I

>> No.6726873

It's about everything you mentioned posted.

The reason threads don't last long is that it's further into an interest which starts at /a/ or /v/ and ends here. Most people either drop out from the interest or get a life before they come here; it's an aggregate of patheticness, in other words, and there aren't many who end up being this pathetic past 21, and so the board is slow and unpopulated.

But that's just me blowing a theory out of my ass.

>> No.6726884

So is the overall smug/negative vibe of every poster here a defense mechanism?

I mean, each other is all we have. Why are we so mean.

>> No.6726886

Oh, and look, the Touhouvania thread has 185 posts. You just need to find a topic that actually has depth and room for personal experience, not to mention wide appeal, and then it'll survive.

>> No.6726897

Not the guy you were talking to, but it helps us maintain a sense of dignity, I think. We're much mellower than /v/, or /b/, or /new/, at least.

>> No.6726905

More underhanded maybe but I do sense genuine butthurt whenever I see the token "saged and reported" in any given thread here.

>> No.6726920

It just means we care. Better than letting the content slide, as in /v/ with its front page half-covered in off-topic threads. And nobody is seriously reporting when they say "reported', unless it's spam or something. It's more of a way of expressing discontent, like sage is on the faster boards.

>> No.6726946


