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File: 68 KB, 672x357, sakuya_rapes_daiyousei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6714908 No.6714908 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most effective touhou tagteam? Yuka+Yukari would be strong, but how about Sakuya+Daiyousei?

Teleportation, pseudo immortality and time stop sounds hax to me.

>> No.6714925
File: 26 KB, 605x458, eirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we have a powerlevel thread once in a while?

Eirin + Medicine or Yamame is also massive overkill.

>> No.6714948

Yuyuko + Youmu.


>> No.6714953
File: 127 KB, 651x1050, STAYAWAYFROMME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but how about Sakuya+Daiyousei?

You'd be this guy.

>> No.6714963
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Or maybe even this guy.

>> No.6714967
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>What's the most effective touhou tagteam?


every full-grown man in a 50-meter radius of this team will have their stamina and semen drained.

>> No.6714975

Demonbane and Demonbane

>> No.6714989
File: 125 KB, 728x1120, GANG STAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demonbane and Demonbane

Or this person

>> No.6715001
File: 239 KB, 600x800, 0dc1e76d97744c595c6b763c6f126a97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letty and Cirno
Letty can control cold air around her and Cirno can make ice, so Letty can do a permanent winter and freeze you hard

>> No.6715008

Suika and Kogasa
the former gathers everyone up, the latter scares the shit out of them all at once

>> No.6715113

Hina and Tewi - the sheer amount of luck in one place would have them winning everything without even trying.

Suika and Rumia - Darkness everywhere, bitches!

Nitori and Nazrin - Rare components? WHAT rare components?

Shou and Reimu - Her donation box overfloweth.

Komachi and Murasa - "I tried to do my job, but a yokai kept sinking my ship" would be the greatest excuse ever.

And of course, the best: Suwako + Mokou + Aya + Nitori + Satori = GO PLANET

>> No.6715171

>Suika and Rumia - Darkness everywhere, bitches!
Or Rumia and Mystia?

>And of course, the best: Suwako + Mokou + Aya + Nitori + Satori = GO PLANET
I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at that

>> No.6717148

You're clever, anyone else know some good comboes?

>> No.6717169

Letty would freeze me hard

>> No.6717173

Suika + Unzan = everyone getting horribly, anally fisted.

>> No.6717174
File: 73 KB, 320x296, ba dum tss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory response pic

>> No.6717176

Flandre + Momiji

Doggy eared vampire moe.

Also, anything she can see can be destroyed, and she can see everything.

>> No.6717185
File: 84 KB, 792x560, 1183673299847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6717198

Okuu and Yukari.

Create a gap anywhere
shoot a nuclear blast through it
close gap

>> No.6717229

Komachi + Youmu or a pot of coffee = instant death.

>> No.6717230

Marisa+Satori, the most efficient movestealing duo in Gensokyo. Would be an interesting game mechanic at least where thee danmaku you shoot is based off the previous stage's boss.

Marisa+Utsuho, master spark, nuclear version.

Reimu+Shikieiki, Shikieiki fires Komachi and replaces her with Reimu, since this job actually pays well Reimu is actually motivated and souls are ferried across the Higan River at rates never before seen.

Aya+Nue, mysterious reports of weird occurences up the ass and many more newspapers to throw through people's windows.

Nitori+Alice, you could expect actual robots if these two worked together.

There are a lot of ideas that could be made if you combined two power or skill concepts. Since most touhou characters are power or skill concepts this meaks this kind of easy and hard at the same time.

>> No.6717259
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Yuka + Cirno club

>> No.6717260
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>reported and hidden

>> No.6717284

Tenshi and Utsuho. Heaven and hell, lets rock!

>> No.6717287

>And of course, the best: Suwako + Mokou + Aya + Nitori + Satori = GO PLANET

This is too awesome NOT to have a pic. Someone get a drawfag over here for this.

>> No.6717294

Shou and Sunny Milk = lasers, lasers everywhere!

>> No.6717312

they loom the same

>> No.6717327

Who would be Captain Planet though? Patchouli?

>> No.6717336

kaguya and mokou - player never dies

>> No.6717394

>Marisa+Satori, the most efficient movestealing duo in Gensokyo. Would be an interesting game mechanic at least where thee danmaku you shoot is based off the previous stage's boss.

There was a flash game that sort of did that. Forget what it was called.

>> No.6717398
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....huh. That fits.

>> No.6717405

It's the main plot in Mega Man.

>> No.6717420

Remi Flan seems pretty strong imo
make your opponent's fate to get into Flan's line of vision
make her break him
have pretty high resistance and strength

>> No.6717455
File: 122 KB, 914x717, cirno trolling_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Such a simple punchline, yet I smiled all the same

As for my own recommendation, I'm gunna go with Suwako and Cirno. They have nothing in common, get on eachothers nerves, and one of them is basically a fairyly useless sidekick, so if cop movies are anything to go off of, this would make them the best duo EVER!

>> No.6717488
File: 407 KB, 353x257, 1279709758200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Going about it the wrong way. Remi + Flan is the best duo ever, but for an entirely different reason!

>> No.6717943

Sakuya + Flan?
Sakuya cuts up the mortals, Flan obliterates the immortals.

>> No.6718056
File: 316 KB, 500x817, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say Light + Self. The moment you even think of opposing them, you die.

>> No.6718066

Yuyuko + Orin
Because someone has to clear up the dead bodies when you're done.

>> No.6718145
File: 337 KB, 749x785, mystia oh god I'm fucked_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But evidence suggests Yuyuko just devours most of her foes so there's no bodies to clean up

>> No.6718152

Reimu + Yuyuko. If the enemy is a human, Yuyuko kills them. If it's a youkai, Reimu seals them. If it's a bear, they're fucked though.

>> No.6718165

Suika gathers people into Utsoho's miniature sun.

>> No.6718173


I wish Yuyukers would devour me.

>> No.6718186
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>Only weakness: Bears.


>> No.6718259
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I'm still hoping those other two deva oni with names similar to Hoshiguma show up so they can do triple wrestling combo moves together. That might be too much muscle in one place though.

>> No.6718283

Horny Hermit doesn't seem that muscley though.

>> No.6718350

Kasen gives off a thin Chinese super martial artist feel like Bruce Lee.
