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6714876 No.6714876 [Reply] [Original]

How does she do it? How can someone so artificial be so fucking awesome?

>> No.6714886
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>fucking awesome

>> No.6714893

Len > Miku

>> No.6714895

Cause... she's a robot

>> No.6714897
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DNA Digivolve

>> No.6714898


>> No.6714899
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>> No.6714914
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>> No.6714996
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Miku is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.6715036

I'd like Miku a lot more if she'd be wearing pantyhose rather than stockings

>> No.6717074

Im a fan of both but Im a fan of all footwear. Perhaps you need to develope a foot fetish.

>> No.6717124


>> No.6717160
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>> No.6717205


I don't see Len getting a video game based on one his songs.

>> No.6717268

>How can someone so artificial be so fucking awesome?
listen to some real music, i means no fan-made bullshit, and when i say real music it could means everything, vocaloid is just popular only because of miku & Co, it's the equivalent of Justin bieber,
Shitty vocal but everyone find the singer cute.

>> No.6717335

I don think you have any idea what you are talking about.

For one, Vocaloid has been around for a few years, I have listened to decades of real vocalists. Another, your idea of real music is mainstream generic shit and at the same time you insult Justin Bieber, this is hypocrisy. Try writing your troll comments better next time.

>> No.6717366

>listen to some real music, i means no fan-made bullshit

This artificial wall that was created to separate "real" artists and performers from hobbyists or duffers is what held music back for the better part of the 20th century. Thank god that shit got torn down a decade ago.

The "real" artists of today are busy churning out cookie-cutter top 10 hip hop songs. The creativity and drive of the "fans" you're belittling is exponentially greater.

>> No.6717453

vocaloid is just a singing synthesizer, it can't beat a real voice, just put a mascot with it and everyone will thinks it's awesome, which is not.
vocaloid doesn't deserve this popularity
why would you follow a top "xx" ? popular music doesn't means its' good, there is a lot of good artist on the internet, you just haven't found yet

>> No.6717476

>vocaloid is just a singing synthesizer, it can't beat a real voice, just put a mascot with it and everyone will thinks it's awesome, which is not.
>vocaloid doesn't deserve this popularity

If that was the case it would have came and gone like so many other trends. Rather its still growing in popularity.

>why would you follow a top "xx" ? popular music doesn't means its' good, there is a lot of good artist on the internet, you just haven't found yet

Im pretty sure thats what he is just, you fucking moron.

>> No.6717470 [DELETED] 

>vocaloid is just a singing synthesizer, it can't beat a real voice, just put a mascot with it and everyone will thinks it's awesome, which is not.
vocaloid doesn't deserve this popularity

If that was the case it would have came and gone like so many other trends. Rather its still growing in popularity.

>why would you follow a top "xx" ? popular music doesn't means its' good, there is a lot of good artist on the internet, you just haven't found yet

Im pretty sure thats what he is just, you fucking moron.

>> No.6717544
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>The synthesizer is just a synthesizer, it can't beat a real piano
>The drum machine is just a synthesizer, it can't beat a real drum set

Nothing in music has objective validity. A lot of people, including myself, enjoy the synthesized sound of the vocaloid voices. Is it better than a real voice? It doesn't matter, it stands on its own merits.

>just put a mascot with it and everyone will thinks it's awesome

The characters were definitely a brilliant marketing ploy and helped it immensely in reaching its current popularity, but there have been a thousand moe character designs that went nowhere. Vocaloid would not be popular if it was just another 2D; the music is what gave it both content and staying power.

>> No.6717582

I just realised something. We need more Miku/Gumi duets.

>> No.6717595

>Vocaloid would not be popular if it was just another 2D; the music is what gave it both content and staying power.

Listen to this man for he is wise.

>> No.6717620

>Im pretty sure thats what he is just, you fucking moron.
i don't get it

>> No.6717647
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The brilliance of Vocaloid's popularity is that it allows amateur songwriters to get their music out there without having to know any singers. This is a big plus in a place known for shy, reserved people.

>> No.6720599

Well also those people are not whores trying to leach all the money they can for doing nothing that one could call work, they do it out of love. And that love comes out in the music they write.
