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6710649 No.6710649 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/. Do any of you guys smoke weeeeed? If no, why not?

>> No.6710511 [DELETED] 

Youkari is real youkai from gensokyo, not some fake 3DPD.

>> No.6710670

I hop your Arc-summoning ritual fails.

>> No.6710672
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>> No.6710684


>> No.6710701

Some here do, but I don't. I do very much like alcohol, though.

>> No.6710705

Weed is for normals.

>> No.6710709

Pretty sure I'm hitting that mental addiction line.

>> No.6710716

I stay away from all mind altering drugs because I'm always on the verge of suicide. If my judgment was clouded for even a moment I might swallow a bottle of pills

>> No.6710720

Got sick of that scene. It's fun enough in high school but hanging out with adults whose lives revolve around it is depressing.

>> No.6710722


But mentioning it to other people unless asked makes you a huge faggot though

>> No.6710723

Holy fuck this is one of the worst weed threads we've ever had /jp/. What happened?

>> No.6710729

I already am severely fucked in the head. The one time I tried it I went through severe depersonlisation/derealisation. Everyone laughing at me freaking out didn't help either. I have never been the same since, everything feels distant.

>> No.6710735

Weed has an anti-depressant effect though.

>> No.6710737

I'd smoke if it were legal in NYC but it's not and I can't afford to be getting arrested.

>> No.6710738

>mentioning it to other people unless asked makes you a huge faggot

This. Nobody will ever give a shit about how high/drunk you are so stop fucking saying it every 5 minutes over voicechat

>> No.6710741

I like my pink lungs. I can't stand smoke of any kind and it fucking smells like shit.

>> No.6710751
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Masturbation when sober doesn't even compare, that's why I don't.

>> No.6710760

I don't even know how one acquires weed. I assume you need friends and/or connections of some kind, both of which I don't have.

>> No.6710761

You could always vaporize it.

>> No.6710769

Yknow, that kind of behavior is something that people usually get medication for.

>> No.6710781

Why are stoners constantly trying to convince others to smoke weed? It's enough that we get the peer pressure in real life, but on the internet too?

Why don't you head on over to 420chan? There are lots of people like you there. You can all be stoned together and writhe around in your own shit and piss.

>> No.6710787

>You can all be stoned together and writhe around in your own shit and piss

I do that and I don't even do drugs!

>> No.6710789

The boys making these threads aren't stoners, bro.

>> No.6710803

I smoke weed every night before going to bed, i sleep like a baby.


Most real stoners don't give a shit about what you do with your lame and boring life.

In my opinion everyone should use drugs at least once in their life but i never go around telling others they should do it.

>> No.6710808

Yeah I don't mind stoners, just keep it to your respective boards. Nobody cares that you're stoned, it's been experienced millions of times by millions of people. There isn't any need for further discussion.

>> No.6710815


Being a good mama's boy is normal... .

>> No.6710822

No. It's illegal. I'd rather not get involved that's both illegal and potentially addictive since I tend to lack self control.

>> No.6710858

vaporizing is for pussies. It´s like fapping to some shitty 3dpd even though you secretly want to fap on loli doujins.

>> No.6710866

>potentially addictive
OH lol...

>> No.6710868

No because I'm not a fucking drug addict. I hope you OD and die you piece of shit

>> No.6710874

>potheads say it's not addictive
>all they want to do is smoke

>> No.6710877

Not any more it isn't. It's all about being a bad ass and breaking all the rules these days.

>> No.6710879

>OD on weed
good thread.

>> No.6710881
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>I haven't smoked weed, but I know many of the negative rumors about it are right.

>I haven't played a loli VN, but I know many of the negative rumors about it are right.

Looks like Tokyo hit it on the head with that whole ban thing.

>> No.6710918
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>OD on weed


>> No.6710932

>Straights don't know the difference between dependence and addiction

>> No.6710948


It's possible for me. I have no self control. I'll be playing games or browsing the internet at 6 in the morning for some reason even though I should have been asleep hours ago. I'd rather not take the risk.

>> No.6710969

That's really not a property of the drug then, is it?

>> No.6710977


Wow, none of these are cool at all.

>> No.6710979


Of course not. I'd just rather that not happen with something that could potentially endanger me due to legal issues.

>> No.6710987

>If no, why not?
>having to justify not being a retard

>> No.6710990

See, I told you. For normals.

"Man let's get baked and have sex with 10 women"
-A Normal

>> No.6710991

Understandable, but jail isn't so bad. Many places it's just a fine, but in a way, that's even worse

>> No.6711009

Unfair comparison. I can't fap while stoned, but I do end up reading a whole bunch more doujin.

>> No.6711040

Yet you probably illegally download all of your Japanese media...

>> No.6711066

I've only gotten stoned a couple times and only once watched anime - about six episodes of Ika Musume then went to sleep.

>> No.6711081


Just shut the fuck up kid, you have been making of fool yourself since your first post.


>> No.6711093

Weed just isn't for normals, weed is for everyone. I like it and I like the way the smoke smells. It helps me relax on weekends. It's just that a lot of people associate it with sex and partying for some reason. It's just a plant people have used forever to feel good. Do you also not drink tea or use herbs in your food because it's to normal for you?

>> No.6711118

You guys are all fucking retarded.

>> No.6711129
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I concur.

To alleviate the bad I'm going to post some Black ran.

>> No.6711130



>> No.6711132

Fapping is so godly while high~

>> No.6711134


Which is ridiculous because all you do is stay quiet and think a lot when you smoke weed.


Thanks for your long and well explained argument, retard.

>> No.6711140
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>> No.6711185
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No, because I'm too scared. I want to, I hear it promotes general well being and helps stimulate the minf but I don't know how to get it. Do I just walk up to a random guy who looks like he'd have some pot and go "Hey, I want to buy some pot!". Same reason I don't meet prostitutes, do I go to a prostitute looking lady and go "hey how much for one night together followed by a morning of playing touhou?"

I can't even ask for directions, nonetheless sex or drugs or friendship.

How are some of you guys even doing it?

>> No.6711197

No, I appreciate life enough that I don't need drugs to make it fun/interesting.

>> No.6711208


Buy synthetic pot on the internet, it's legal.

>> No.6711211

Found out my old best friend from my childhood was a dealer.
/b/ sometimes has weed hookup threads if you're too scared to ask random strangers at Taco Bell or whatever.

>> No.6711222

god whenever i read about the trouble some people have to go through to obtain weed i'm always glad i'm dutch, also to the people who say HURRDURR DRUGS ARE BAD FOR YOU, yes drugs are bad for you if you smoke 5 blunts a day or actually use harddrugs, just like alcohol and food and whatnot is bad in excess

>> No.6711227

That stuff hasn't been around long enough to observe the long term effects and you can overdose on it. I wouldn't recommended it.

>> No.6711230

You can buy seeds off the internet and try growing it yourself. As for buying it off people, you can just hang around the arcade and try to find someone who smells like it and ask them if they have. People are always looking for new buyers.

>> No.6711234

I prefer alcohol.
However weed is fine while drunk, even if it does end up with me passed out 30 minutes after.

>> No.6711243
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The dutch are scum.

>> No.6711256

I used to get high erryday and was damn happy doing it. Until I lost my job. I figured it would be better to not have my happiness come from that sweet, sweet, expensive plant and just get addicted to vidja games instead.

>> No.6711270
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I don't but I know a lot of people who do. My mother was a grower/dealer way back when but that isn't why I don't smoke, I just lack an interest in recreational drugs. Stoner humor is pretty funny sometimes though, I'll give you that much

>> No.6711293

When I read his post I can't help but feel the same thing. The Dutch are scum. I hate my fellow countrymen. But then I think about it and feel as if everyone is scum. And there are only exceptions. And this transcends borders.

World citizens are scum. Save for a few.

>> No.6711309
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Go watch Metalocalypse.

>> No.6711330
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>I can't fap while stoned
God damn I feel sorry for you, the only reason I occasionally go and hang out with my blown out stoner friends to smoke is to go home early while my high is still strong and fap. Every time I fap high it's like that first fap as a lithe little boy again.

>> No.6711431


>> No.6711439

Dutch people like to hate each other. I should know, I'm Dutch and I hate you too.

>> No.6711540

I found weed a waste of time. Salvia on the other hand is literally magic, I need to find some more.

>> No.6711578

Drugs are bad mmkay?

>> No.6711583

Club drugs was here.
Everyone in this thread is a faggot.

>> No.6711587


>> No.6711603

I wish I was cool enough to do drugs then go on the internet and tell people about it.

>> No.6711612

shut up about weed righteousness, smoke some if you feel like it
sounds like a bunch of highschoolers who can't even buy their own alcohol

>> No.6711620

Club drugs are fun as shit, but man, you just can't DO that everyday.

That's like eating bacon at every meal.

>> No.6711635
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We literally have zero experience purchasing drugs, give us a break.

You're talking to people who can barely function socially and in some cases people who simply don't. It's silly to expect us to have all da weed hookups and whatnot. I drink a lot and would have no qualms against using "illegal" drugs but I wouldn't no where to obtain any.

>> No.6711662

Isn't salvia practically legal?

>> No.6711691

Legal in many places, illegal in others.

I can't stress this enough though-- It's NOT a beginner drug

>> No.6711712

What would you recommend as a beginner drug for those looking to experiment in hallucinagenic drugs?

I heard the trip from LSD lasts like 12 hours. Mushrooms, maybe?

>> No.6711724


Probably, the bad thing for beginners about Salvia is how it goes from reality to fantasy (with possible pants-shitting terror if your not ready) far faster than LSD/shrooms.

>> No.6711735

Mushrooms are the quintessential hallucinogen starting point, but there's so many different types that they're also an excellent "connoisseur" drug, incidentally.
Mushrooms are a fantastic starting point, and I definitely WOULD recommend some experience before making the LSD jump.

Shit, I should get in the business of providing NEETS with recreational chemicals...

>> No.6711759

Haha, no, I don't need drugs / alcohol to feel good.

In fact, anything altering brain chemistry has a very negative effect on me. (losing contact to mai waifu ;_;)

>> No.6711903

But in that brief instant of loss of contact, you can come to understand your waifu even better, and love her more deeply for it.

>> No.6711924

Weed is for whacking, losers.

>> No.6711929

Can you send me drugs over the internet

>> No.6711932

I like it when people like you think they can detect samefags.

Two of them are me, the second post acknowledges that I've posted before in this thread if you have a little reading comprehension. The third isn't.

Typical normal.

>> No.6711944


I have a few times many years ago, but I really don't like how it makes me feel. I like to have all my faculties about me.

>> No.6711949

hurt feelings and jello

why are you so frustrdede?

>> No.6711953

What makes me avoid weed is the fact that smokers are such a pain in the ass bragging about their shit that I'm afraid I'll become like them.

So you people really need to put a sign over your head while yelling out loud "LOOK AT ME I SMOKE WEED!"? It really pisses me off not because it's weed, but the fact that it's fucking annoying.

>> No.6712000

In college, I was majoring in philosophy. All the students started talking about how great weed is and all the funny things they've done stoned. The professor didn't mind. Needless to say, I promptly switched majors. The fact that I have a job today that isn't flipping burgers is all thanks to weed.

>> No.6712014

>>6711635 You're talking to people who can barely function socially and in some cases people who simply don't. It's silly to expect us to have all da weed hookups and whatnot

Who needs hookups? Theres at least 3 active weed mail order services over the net that operate within canada.

I have been smoking for years and havent ever had to buy weed or shooms from any person within 1000 miles of here.

>> No.6712024

I can send you drugs through the mail, but I haven't quite got that digital transmission of chemical compounds down yet.

>> No.6712031
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Everything in this world has that kind of retards, are you an annoying Gaiafag using smileys and random japanese words only because you are interested in Japanese games and anime?

>> No.6712045

I'm sorry but Japanese games and anime doesn't affect my biological structure at all. I'm pretty safe to say it's not the same case for weed. How ridiculous, anon. Come up with a better argument.

>> No.6712057


I don't think any substance or a change in your biological structure makes you say certain words... like "LOOK AT ME I SMOKE WEED!"

>> No.6712058


>> No.6712060


>> No.6712061

But marijuana actually makes you more stupid, (reversibly, and only at moderate-high doses) whereas liking japanese media does not directly cause a decrease in IQ.

>> No.6712066

I do think it may change your behavior since you are destroying neural cells. Not being able to act decently and remaining quiet while bragging "DUUUUUUDE that was SOOOOO cool, you should try that, if you don't you are a loser! You are missing it!"

>> No.6712075


Ignorant mama's boys.

You are not making any sense...

>> No.6712076

I have nothing against weed smokers; I don't associate with hardly any of them, but there's a select few that manage their life well with it.

The stoner stereotype proves true all too often though.

>> No.6712079

Ah yes, let's ignore scientific facts and insult other people. How typically predictable.

>> No.6712095

Defending my statement.
I didn't actually believe the other one was true (that marijuana kills brain cells) but I looked it up and apparently it does.

So...who's the ignorant one?

>> No.6712104

I never have.

I've always been looked at as a good girl I guess. But in reality I don't have that big a circle of friends. And none of them do it.

>> No.6712109


A lot of shit kills braincells and it's not like you become extremely retarded after getting drunk once or anything like that, mama's boy.

Weed doesn't make you stupid, it makes you think more freely and you are back to normal after 30 minutes.

>> No.6712126

How many weed threads have we had recently? Stop it. Ask /b/ or something, regardless of whether or not you smoke it, these threads aren't related to /jp/.

>> No.6712127

Weed goes great with anime/eroge, too bad having no income means I can't really spend much on it

>> No.6712131

It does. It causes a reversible IQ decrease of 5 points for moderate-heavy use. I'm afraid your ability to read may have become impaired.

>> No.6712136

Nothing to see here, just the usual female advertising her gender.

>> No.6712150


And IQ tests are very reliable and a perfect way to measure someone's intelligence imirite?

>> No.6712153

You can describe it as "freely" because the average person has certain restrictions on the way they think, because they think in a way that makes a moderate degree of sense when sober. That sense requires restrictions.

When you smoke weed or become drunk, those restrictions are partially removed, and so you are free to think in retarded ways.

>> No.6712166

I thought i killed this thread 12 hours ago.

>> No.6712180

I don't smoke or use drugs. Hell I rarely drink as well.

I just never felt like using those kind of things. Whatever floats one's boat though.

>> No.6712182

Well I'm sure if you have a better way of testing intelligence than the almost universally accepted standard then please go ahead and reconduct the same test and tell me the result.
And yes, I do think it is.

>> No.6712219

I don't get how you never got into those things when you're in the army, ZUN!bar-kun. I'm in the army too and it seems like that's all everybody does.

>> No.6712220

Same to you

>> No.6712223

An IQ tests incorporates questions of knowledge. You can score a higher IQ by being told about certain popular patterns, being instructed on rules of logic, and having a larger vocabulary.

>> No.6712238

Weed is normalfag shit, and anyone who smokes it needs to get the fuck back to /r9gay/.

>> No.6712297

>Weed doesn't make you stupid, it makes you think more freely and you are back to normal after 30 minutes.
Really, 30 minutes? I haven't been stoned much but when I have been it usually takes a while just to kick in but lasts at least a few hours (wouldn't know if longer because it's only ever been in the time between work and sleep).

>> No.6712299

Suck it, I've always been here.

>> No.6712311

And even without this weed thing, you've proved again and again that you're a normalfag.

>> No.6712323


Mama's boy was proven wrong and now all he can do is say "waaah get out of /jp/"

Eat shit retard i'm here all fucking days and i'm sure other stoners on /jp/ too.

You are just a lame lazy kid, not a true /jp/er.

>> No.6712333

Eating something with a good load of cannabutter will leave you stoned for HOURS. Smoking can get you for a few hours, but you can also get a high tolerance where you're really only high for a few minutes.

>> No.6712352

You sure don't sound like a /jp/er with all your internet tough guy speak.

>> No.6712367


And your post was full of love right?


>> No.6712380

Again with the bad samefag detector and the "kid".

>> No.6712394


Sorry next time i'll call you an autistic manchild with retarded ideas.

>> No.6712457

Is being stoned supposed to make you feel drunk with an acute sense of perception that just makes you act like a retard when trying to speak to anyone (especially if they don't know you're stoned and trying to hide it-abysmally)?

>> No.6712467


>> No.6712473

Fuck that shit.

I GOTTA KEEP MY EDGE. It's the only way I'll ever go pro.

>> No.6712506


Why would you speak to someone when you are high?

Weed makes you feel very relaxed, your thoughts are more fluid and colors and sounds are more vibrant, it's a personal experience.

>> No.6712509

I don't wanna get addicted and want more and more.

>> No.6712518

I wish I remembered who it was who thought he had a brilliant breakthrough while stoned but open discovering his notes later, realized it was just jibberish.

>> No.6712522
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I find external stimulation to be unnecessary, as I am quite happy without it.

>> No.6712528

I smoke hash oil every single day. I don't know if I could handle every day life without it to be honest. All of that aside, this probably doesn't belong on /jp/ at all.

>> No.6712535

I have too many addictions in my life to add another one to the list

>> No.6712554
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Yes I do =3

>> No.6712565


That looks good, very fresh.

>> No.6712605

EVERY day and night. I havnt gone one day without hitting a pinch in probly over a year now... But I still get up for work on time, and Im finally doing this whole collage thing now, so yes I smoke weed, and love it.

>> No.6712628



>> No.6712644

I'm so cheap and miserly that I've barely bought any decent meals in over a year. There's no way I'm going to spend money on weed.

>> No.6712654
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>> No.6712774
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seeling toadstool?

>> No.6712796


>Why would you speak to someone when you are high?
20, living at home with parent, little bro, etc. I was trying to figure out how to select food from the freezer/find what I wanted to eat.
My movements were very deliberate and my brother was there asking what I was doing and I was like 'uh... I dunno'.

>Weed makes you feel very relaxed, your thoughts are more fluid and colors and sounds are more vibrant, it's a personal experience.
I never experienced any of that...? Just felt like being drunk, but nicer. But also made me more self-conscious than I already am (without feeling it negatively as I usually would).
Also, I had had quite a lot in order to even get stoned. The other guy at the time seemed stoned from a bit whereas after I'd had more it still took a while. Caffeine also has very little effect on me so I wonder if I have a tolerance against some things...

>> No.6712867

>Alter KOS-MOS v1 and 4
>Jelly as fuck

Is the version one the first "wave" before they started remaking them? The hair looks like first.

>> No.6712901

I smoked constantly for 4 years then I realized I was a useless waste of space and was losing cognitive abilities and couldn't remember anything. I stopped doing that shit and started feeling a lot better, physically and mentally.

After quitting, I still hung out with my old smoking buddies and it became immediately obvious how pathetic it was to still be hanging out with people with nothing better to do then smoke and laugh at the tv.

Also I ate like a pig when I smoked, so i lost some weight afterwards as well. All in all it was fun while it lasted but after you get out of college and start having to do shit you realize weed actually weighs you down overtime.

>> No.6712916

One word, moderation.

>> No.6712920

I always forget shit and I've never drunk or smoked anything ;_;

>> No.6712929


If you can moderate your substance use to the point where it doesn't affect you during the week then more power to you.

Don't be an idiot like me and smoke everyday, thats like people who drink alcohol everyday: just sad.

>> No.6712932


Memory loss is one of the symptoms of autism.

>> No.6712958
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Tried it when I was a normalfag around age 16-18. Smoking with friends was fun, but after I stopped doing it I never missed it for one bit.

Although I find people who use weed for recreation to be generally pathetic, I do support legalization of softdrugs (it's already legal in my country).

>> No.6712969

Nah, I don't like thinks that alter my mental state. Probably comes from being forced to take ritalin for years when I didn't have ADD.

>> No.6712997
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I used smoke it almost everyday, I can't find any where I live now though. I have to wait for whenever my cousin decides to visit... which isn't very frequent. I live pretty far away.

>> No.6713013


It is a original production run.

>> No.6713020

My first time I experience more vivid colors, but I felt drunk as fuck.

Second time on the other hand my mind was clear, I was more talkative, plus food tastes better :3

I actually hate drinking, but smoking is enjoyable occassionally. I do it maybe 2-5 times a month, so I'm pretty casual. It's just a lot of fun to listen if you're with some friends or listening to music.

Since I live fucking rural minnesota, during a blizzard, we had lots of fun blasting music (not weeaboo music...) and drifting in the snow.

>> No.6713052

We have this thread at least once a week.
Why? Can't you children take pleasure in the act itself and not in the telling everyone online about it?

>> No.6713077
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>Can't you children
There you go.

>> No.6713271

In my case, having a hard time keeping my mind stable as it is. Currently on medication to which seems to be helping. I dont know exactly what it would do to me. I have energy problems so at the very least, I know it would knock my ass out. Any long term effects are unknown to me and I don't want to find out what they are.

>> No.6713293

Long term effects are permanent realization how tasty salt is and general lounging about the couch area.

>> No.6713301
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>> No.6713462
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'erry day.

Don't give a FUCK

>> No.6713538

>Hey /jp/. Do any of you guys smoke weeeeed? If no, why not?

Because I have a great job, 6 digits of total compensation, very good benefits, etc. No need for substitutes like drugs to make me feel successful.

>> No.6713548


>I hop your Arc-summoning ritual fails.

As usual, Anonymous, you are wrong, and I'm there to see it.

Just like you were with Shkannontrice.


>> No.6713561

Weed doesn't make you feel successful. It makes everything you eat taste 10 times as good and fapping feel 100 times as pleasurable.

>> No.6713576

I only smoke when it's free because I'm a mooch.
Man, I haven't smoked in MONTHS, ever since I inherited my grandpa's stash and corncob pipe.
