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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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670982 No.670982 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/

Considering alot of you are overweight fucktards, I'm surprised none of you are taking up Sumo to win the hearts of Japanese wimminz.

>> No.670989

Sumo requires effort.

>> No.670990

Not fat enough.

>> No.670995

Sumo would take WORK.

I don't want to do any sort of work.

>> No.670998

I'm 72 Kg and thats i need at least double to be a sumo fagot.

>> No.671013

While I'm fat, I'm trying to LOSE weight, not gain it.

>> No.671018

I dont think browsing /jp/ will lower your weight...

>> No.671024

It will if you don't eat.

>> No.671028

Thanks, but no thanks, I pick up enough chicks browsing /jp/, my penis is not a machine and would not be able to handle any extra pussy at this time.

>> No.671033

You don't have to exercise 18 hours a day to lose weight.
I lost 30 pounds last year by eating slightly better and exercising maybe 40 minutes every other day.

>> No.671031

That is true... but not very healthy.

>> No.671038

sumo requires tremendous muscle

>> No.671043

Yeah, well what can you do. I've been trying to burn off some weight recently, actually. It's rather simple, I do a few push ups, crunches, and I run around for a while.

I dunno if it even works!

>> No.671053

Just don't starve yourself. You'll lose muscle while you're doing it and gain weight when you stop.

>> No.671060

Write down your weight and check in a month again... Well i ride my bicycle 1-2 hours a day with my MP3... and i dont really think it's working...

>> No.671063

It's ironically funny actually, starving yourself to lose weight makes you gain more in the long run.

But yeah, I'm just plugging away.

>> No.671129

I'm a fukken skeleton (67kg, 183cm) Teach me what to eat to get fat, /jp/.

>> No.671132

Dont move much and eat a lot of chips, hamburgers pizzas and all that "junk food".

>> No.671135

Red Meat, fried foods, and fast foods are all that come to mind right now.

>> No.671142

easy enough, it involves alot of carbs, cholesterol, fats, and enough money to sustain yourself in your effort, don't to it too fast or you risk having blood probems

>> No.671152
File: 296 KB, 1111x1174, 1211531845392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/? on my /jp/?????!?!?!!

>> No.671161

As much chicken, beef, pork etc as you can afford, backed up with a fair amount of miscellaneous carbohydrates. Don't forget to keep (or start) eating a decent amount of fruit and veg, especially some of the more sugary types of apple (pink lady's a good one). If you do go to the gym, don't to cardio, do relatively heavy weights - if you're just starting out, use machines more than free weights and do something in the region of three sets of ten reps with a few minutes in between of the heaviest you can do of that with without failing before eight reps on the last set.

Basically, AoCro's method will turn you into a fat shit, my method will put a bit of muscle on you.

>> No.671173
File: 118 KB, 600x848, 1211532013155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/? on my /jp/?????!?!?!

>> No.671176

>Basically, AoCro's method will turn you into a fat shit, my method will put a bit of muscle on your fat shit.

>> No.671178
File: 156 KB, 800x1109, 1211532053080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/? on my /jp/?????!?!?!!!?!

>> No.671186

Learn to use exclamation and question marks. Then don't come back.

>> No.671187
File: 216 KB, 507x630, 1211532122674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/? on my /jp/?????!?!?1!!?!

>> No.671193

Yes, although it's only in one topic, and admittedly it was sort of derailed.

>> No.671210
File: 96 KB, 700x550, 1211532391843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i's can stay?s if i dont use them properlii???@!?@??!!!


>> No.671250

I'm 180lbs at 6'. I think I'm normal.

>> No.671264

The sumo groups in the US are just gay groups where old fat men want to grope young men.

>> No.671265

155 5'11

haha, fatty

>> No.671269

I'm black.

>> No.671272

Yeah, you're fairly normal.

>> No.671279

Oh, so all the weight is in your cock?

>> No.671286

That is correct.

But no, not really, I think I'm just a bit more solidly built than other people.

>> No.671301

And now I feel like a bad person for thinking that.

>> No.671382

This is about right.

Also relatively normal, tho if you don't have a lot of muscle you may have a slight bit of fat on you. Prolly a gut I'm guessing.

>> No.671401

135lbs 5'3"

>> No.671423

Almost like a thin sheet of fat on my stomach only, but I think that's pretty normal for someone who doesn't do anything all day. It doesn't bulge in any places, and it's pretty flat and smooth. I can see my ribs when I don't have a shirt on pretty easy though, and when I lay down it's even worse.

>> No.671552

Hell I am FAT, I have not even been on a Scale in months. But I am no Sumo sized guy.
