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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6707864 No.6707864 [Reply] [Original]

A simpler time.

I'm curious, how would /jp/ live without the internet? Perhaps staying isolated on scattered farms or in small villages wary of outsiders?

>> No.6707869

I probably would've killed myself by now.

>> No.6707868

Suicide much younger.

>> No.6707872

The better part of /jp/ would probably live in the library instead.

If you go back all the way to medieval times, it would probably be the monastery.

>> No.6707873
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I might get something done.

>> No.6707878
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Had not considered this. A very good observation sir.

>> No.6707897

I'd finally have the incentive to start working on the shady new drug that will turn NEETs into little girls

>> No.6707909
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Not needed, loli is practically marrying age in olden days.

>> No.6707914

i would probably be much more social since most of the traits i hate in people only started becoming normal in the past 100 years.
also marrying lolis is legal

>> No.6707926
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Incest too, onii-chan.

>> No.6707928

A simpler time, where instead of turning up the furnace if I'm cold, I would have to go chop down a tree and build a fire.

>> No.6707933
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I did it for about a month and a half. Then again, that was boot camp... or do you mean permanently?

>> No.6707934

I'd like to be a wanderer. Be a traveling mercenary if I managed to get strong enough, finding a way to spread joy otherwise. I don't like burdening people so it would be better to help and leave.

>> No.6707936
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>shady new drug

I like the sound of that!

>> No.6707941

I'd be a slave.

Which is like being a NEET.

Slavery isn't employment right?

>> No.6707958


I'd get all the bitches with my love forged in fire, make things people would always remember and die extremely young.

>> No.6707961

Probably this. But then again I would have to leave the house.

I guess suicide is the only way.

>> No.6707968
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No, sir.

Bard it up. Everyone loves singing.

>> No.6707971

... exactly the same.

>> No.6707972

In simpler times, I think most of the people here or NEETs/Hikis in general, would never have had the chance to become the way they are now.
Likely they would have walked a very different path, what with the lack of 2D and the constant need to work to survive.

Those who are truly anti-social and just unable to blend into society no matter what, would likely become hermits or hunters living alone in the woods. Alternatively they could also be travelers, explorers, scholars, ect. These lifestyles offer minimum to no contact with other humans.
If they chose to stay in society and remain isolated, chances are they would be hunted down and executed for one reason or another. Either because they had to steal in order to survive or because they'd be labeled as outcasts/witches/ect.

But the main thing is to keep in mind that in simpler times society operated very differently. For the average person there was little to no choice or wants and they operated solely on need.

>> No.6707976

Technically its not loli.

People lived to the ripe old age of 40, 20 was like mid life so a 9 year old is probably our equivalent of an 18 year old.

Same shit, different numbers.

>> No.6707980

Depending on the era, I'd either live in a shack in the mountains with my guns to keep me company or in a monastery under a vow of silence.

>> No.6708002

Whenever I'm without internet I usually just pace around a lot, so I would become a shepherd and wander the pastures until I met my cute little girl shepherd waifu Nora, then we would spend our days shoving gold up our sheep's asses. But after years of fruitless searching I would realize Nora isn't real and shepherds are all ugly animal fucking men and I would die forever alone with my herd.

>> No.6708007


No as in it's not the sort of thing you care for or is it something else?

>> No.6708013
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Same shit, better numbers.

An informed response.

I'd run a tavern, if I could, or be a blacksmith, as someone mentioned earlier, all lot of the shitty types of people that are around today weren't around then, so I wouldn't mind interaction as much.

>> No.6708029
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I mistakenly switched the numbers, the no was in response to the question about slavery being unemployment, the bard statement was directed towards you.

I chuckled.

>> No.6708028

I'd be a perverted young girl mixing crushed spanish flies in my elder brother's food and riding his erect penis while he's sleeping. When I marry, I'd chalk my lack of an intact hymen up to horse riding, since that quickly destroys hymens.

If I'm still a man, then beekeeping. It has been around since forever and I'm fairly good at it. Being a plague doctor would be cool too, if not for the risks involved. Poke people with sticks, get money and/or the plague. You also get to wear an awesome uniform.

I wonder if an internetless town populated exclusively by /jp/ users (possibly as cute girls) would end up as something akin to RF3. /jp/ and Sharance have about equal proportions of borderline insane folks.

>> No.6708033
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An adventurer, most likely. It'd be hard for me to just sit around with nothing to do. I like the idea of wandering around aimlessly and just looking at the world in general. This is, of course, if it weren't during modern times.

>> No.6708042


I see. I guess I probably could have been a bard of sorts if I couldn't battle, I do enjoy stories and song. The wandering hero type of character always inspired me so that's why I'd like to live that sort of way.

>> No.6708045
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The problem I have with that is that you'd have to be worrying about where you're getting your next meal, where you're sleeping, how to not be killed by bandits in your sleep, etc.

>> No.6708056

Actually, everyone worried about that for the most part in those days. Cept maybe those who lived in castle towns.

>> No.6708067
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Yeah but it'd be a worse living on the road or in the wilderness as opposed to a farm or small village.

>> No.6708069

I know that is where I would be. Less physical work than elsewhere (depending on the order), some actual reading material (and you actually learn to read), and also the location of all the smartest people of the time

>> No.6708080
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You've got a point. I would imagine that I'd probably learn some trapping or hunting skills before I go off. Fishing is a must.
As for the bandits... well... maybe traveling in a caravan that would pay you for protection might work. Then again, you'd also have to learn fighting skills for this and someone hiring you means there's a high chance that the caravan might be attacked. I've really no clue how one would make money as an adventurer other than bringing back information of unknown objects and locations.

>> No.6708085

Not really, on the road you're always on the move. There's a chance you could run into bandits but not if you're careful and go off the beaten path.
In a farm not only are you stuck in one place, but also defenseless for the most part, bandits would know exactly where you are.

>> No.6708086


I don't really see it as too much of a problem. Living an exciting, yet short life beats living a mediocre, long life.

>> No.6708090

How much of a social hassle would it be to become a page or a squire?

I wouldn't mind being under an apprenticeship.

>> No.6708093

Not as easily as you think, least outside of RPGs, adventurers were poor for the most part, unless they were well known and/or extremely skilled.
The best you could hope for to start off is a place to sleep, 2 meals a day and the occasional wench to fuck.

>> No.6708104
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We're the product of a society of convenience, we'd be normal if we weren't in the day care centers known as public schools until the ripe old age of 18. If we were raised to earn our keep.

>> No.6708106
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Squires/Pages are generally from well off or noble families, it's the equivalent of being a knight's apprentice after all, so it's reserved for the non-common folk.

>> No.6708109

You'd need to be well educated to start with, or at least be physically and mentally able enough to be taken in by a knight. Not to mention you'd need the right connections and/or be in the right circumstance.

The apprenticeship itself is a combination of study and menial labor for several years, and possibly other tasks as well.

>> No.6708111
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>I'm curious, how would /jp/ live without the internet?

I was born before broadband days so I've already lived without regular internet. I refuse to live in any time older than we had proper toilets that flushed. I can't stand being unwashed for more than 24 hours so if I ended up in an old timey world it'd better be a mage filled one like ZnT or I'd ragequit.

Pic related: How I imagine the skin of anyone before modern hygiene.

>> No.6708116

Not to mention your own actions would reflect on your lord, so you'd have to be on your best behavior at all times and have said behavior drilled into you.

>> No.6708123

Probably would have been a much more productive individual.

>> No.6708126

>and possibly other tasks as well

Did knights do all that homoshit that greeks and samurai did with young boys? They probably did.

>> No.6708140

I don't mind the homosexuality, what matters is that they sometimes had to shit inside their armors during battle. And you had to clean that up.

>> No.6708141

Cleanliness can weaken the immune system.

>> No.6708143
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You can't live in today's world without the internet. You can't have a decent job without keeping up appearances on Facebook.

>> No.6708147
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It wasn't unheard of.

Fuck yeah, living in ZnT.

>> No.6708179

Bards are awesome. Bonus points if I was blind. I could make a living singing epic odes in pubs. And then people would buy me a glass.

>> No.6708184

The immune system weakens because you're not exposed to those harmful things to begin with.

>> No.6708187

why would you make me imagine that right before bed? Do you have a grudge against me?

>> No.6708200

>Live in castle's town
>Run brothel

>> No.6708202

Hypochondriacs hate the unwashed masses.

>> No.6708208

Sounds like a lot of work...but honestly nothing better to do so I'd give it a shot.

Friendly relations always yield productivity!

>> No.6708226
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No wench wants a blind man.

>> No.6708258

chances are if the internet didn't exist at least half (probably more) of us wouldn't be the nolife faggots we are right now

>> No.6708262

Someday there really will be a lethal superflu, and I'll be one of the few survivors because FUCK flu shots and hand-sanitizing gel.

>> No.6708272
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I am confident that I would have been just as lonely and antisocial without the internet's help.

>> No.6708274

And I'm Randall Flagg

>> No.6708314

Vaccination would probably be the only thing that saved you in a case like that.

Also the quicker something kills, the less it'll have a chance to spread.

Nah, they'd probably just become real otaku and actually buy VNs/Manga and so on and probably hold some sort of weird American comiket.

>> No.6708316

>More like Randall Fag

>> No.6708326
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Walking dudes too cool for you?

>> No.6708331
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I like to pretend that more than 30% of the otaku population consists of adorable shy girls who just need to be hugged once to fall into an obsessive love.

>> No.6708335

Get out of my world, Marten. There's a Gunslinger after you.

>> No.6708351

We both know Roland couldn't do dick to him.

Now mordred....

That was such a fucking jip

>> No.6708358

This is probably as true as it is true that they look just like male otaku.

>> No.6708361

I think most of the people on /jp/, including myself, were born in the wrong time period. I think that the way things were 600 - 1300 or so years ago would be better suited.

I mean, you really could get away with being a NEET your entire life, just as long as you had food.

>> No.6708393

I should have been born as a mongol in Genghis's army, damnit

>> No.6708402
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I.e. be a bandit?

>> No.6708404

This is fucking crazy talk. Unless we were born upper crust, we'd never get away with being NEET.

Unless we were all Greek Cynics (which is out of your timeframe), or had a wife and kids to work for us.

>> No.6708420

No way, we should've been born ~3000 years ago. We'd all be priests to local temples, and once in a while we'd have a /jp/ meetup where we'd call each other's temple goddesses sluts. We'd have arguments lasting for weeks about whether Ninkurru is a slut because she got raped by Enki.

>> No.6708423
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With the internet everything is free and you don't appreciate any of it.

>> No.6708427
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"Tonight fair lady it's your money or your life."

Highwayman is the only way to bandit.

>> No.6708429

/jp/ without the internet would be too lazy to be NEETs ;_;

>> No.6708433

Some of us were born before the internet. At least, the PUBLIC internet, in my case.

Bitches don't know 'bout my dial-in BBS

>> No.6708434

Instead of MMORPGs

I'd be playing LAN games with my gamer friends.

>> No.6708440

>double pistols
Real highwaymen have style-- pistol/rapier combo is th only way to fly.

>> No.6708445

Yeah when the coach driver/guardian blows your fucking brains out with a shotgun because you only had one barrel to fire its real suave.

Goddamn kids.

>> No.6708446

Jacket full of pistols.

>> No.6708452

A pair of pistols is reasonable for any aspiring thief, A jacket full of them maybe after a few successful robberies, problem is you have to be successful.

>> No.6708454
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I would be a fucking pro coach driver.

>> No.6708474

Probably amuse myself in other ways such as:
-Read more novels.
-Volunteer more.
-Watch more TV.
-Play more console video games.
-More basketball.
-More outdoor activities in general.
-More texas hold'em.
-More magic: the gathering.

Overall probably wouldn't increase my productivity too much. Maybe slightly, ~10-20%.

>> No.6708476

I'm robbing a coach, not the damn Wells Fargo army payroll wagon. I have faith a blunderbuss pistol can take out more than one person at a time at any rate.

It's about a show of force without having to actually resort to violence. If I wanted to just massacre the lot and roll the bodies, I'd just set up a boobytrap.

Additionally, element of surprise is very valuable for a highwayman. If a weapon is already pointed at me, I've obviously failed as a highwayman.

>> No.6708479
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I think you might have missed something about this thread, sir.

>> No.6708482

>Watch more TV

Is there even a reason to watch TV anymore?

>> No.6708484

People did get massacred, romanticizing it is silly.

>> No.6708486

TV itself? hell no. TV shows? Sure.

>> No.6708487

I couldn't

>> No.6708488

.....Your fantasies must be so incredibly boring.

>> No.6708500

Who needs romance when you're drenched in fresh gore, pockets heavy with ill gotten wealth and you travel the paths with not a living soul knowing you're the best at what you do.

>> No.6708509


>I'm curious, how would /jp/ live without the internet?

I would finish writing my epic tales without being compelled to constantly check out what the nutty people on the Internet are sperging about today.

Needless to say, productivity would skyrocket.

>> No.6708510

I'd rather have the ill-gotten gain while impressing the ladies and enraging the men.
I guess I'm more inclined toward being a gentleman thief than an all-out highwayman.

>> No.6708512

I'll plant a flower on your grave if you're lucky enough not to get fed to the pigs when they catch you.

>> No.6708545

This was a fun thread, goodnight gentlemen.

>> No.6708620
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OP (Horo picture) here, was indeed a fun thread, I didn't think it would go this well. Thanks /jp/.
