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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 800x600, flyabletrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6707783 No.6707783 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN editing for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Editing Collaboration!

How do I participate?

A. Edit Images.
Go to http://flyabletrans.pastebin.com/uVqngtMZ
Download any image, edit the text, and upload it when done. Upload the image here or post a list of links.


B. Edit Text.
If you haven't been granted access already, post your IP and role in this thread and wait to be granted access.
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be editing
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been edited yet
Write your edited lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics. Try to keep the more amusing lines.

Progress: Translation 100%. Alpha Editing.

あ = ah
ああ = ahh
あ[n] = ah[n]
え = eh
ええ = ehh
はあ = haa
はああ = haaa

きゃ = kya (bloody murder for Alpha/Pre-Alpha)
きゃあ = eek (cowabunga for Alpha/Pre-Alpha)

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.6707791


>> No.6707799

Did you seriously just delete and remake your thread because it was filled with comments you didn't like regarding the quality of your translations?
That's pathetic, Cudder.

>> No.6707806

>implying you didn't report the thread a fuckton of times and wait for it to be reposted just to post that
>implying everyone is cudder

>> No.6707818

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.6707822

I didn't imply you were Cudder, I stated it explicitly.

>> No.6707859

If there's anything that this disaster of a project has taught us, it's that Cudder has only the most tenuous of grasps on Japanese and English at best.

>> No.6707998

Hey Jones why is it you don't want us to be able to play this game?

I know you have your mod friend deleting the threads trying to derail the project.

>> No.6708005

Read his posts. Cudder's English is fine. I doubt he knows Japanese.

>> No.6708019

I am not one of the trolls; why did you deem it necessary to bump this thread to page one?

I always nokosage when I post to these threads.

>> No.6708025

He's blindly leaping to defend Cudder. Why do you think? Next post will probably be claiming that while Cudder doesn't know Japanese, his other identity FH4 is a master.

>> No.6708036

I am not one of the trolls; why did you deem it necessary to sage this thread?

>> No.6708055

how the fuck do you guys generate so much drama over a fucking translation project

>> No.6708102

All this trolling and shit isn't important and doesn't need to be on page one.

>> No.6708105

"Good morning, feeling good today."

>> No.6708130

Hey, why are you so reticent?

>> No.6708156


Back to school please.

>> No.6708163

Protip: He's not talking to anybody.

>> No.6708194

I don't know what lines come before or after. But in that case,
Oh. What is it, this reticence.

>> No.6708240

I wouldn't trade it for the world. These threads are fucking hilarious.

>> No.6708255

沈黙 is silence, you fucking retard. There is no person referenced in that sentence. An atmosphere or situation cannot be reticent.

>> No.6708282

1.7% correct lines wood translators fryable pork hearts Q4 2011 holy cow

>> No.6708287

>1.7% correct lines
That's a gross overestimation if ever there was one.

>> No.6708295

That isn't funny you shitposter. Making shitty little jokes with memes only makes you look bad.

>> No.6708306

You will forever be known as Mr. Fermi.

Also: The Way It's Meant To Be Translated™

>> No.6708389

I can't believe that AMD would pay you for shit posting in here. If this is to get a rise out of me then you have another thing coming.

>> No.6708399
File: 30 KB, 450x747, 12g_very_high.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Intel.

>> No.6708431

Uh gaise, I think it's nvidia.

>> No.6708447

Flyable Heart threads: trolling, more trolling, and now, GPU wars.

>> No.6708461

"......Hey, Inaba, when did you transfer here?"

>> No.6708475

really i'll help this project up but i dont feel like bothering much because laziness

maybe i can do tl checks if you guys post lines you dont really understand

>> No.6708490

Why the fuck would you help a troll translation project?

>> No.6708493

「そうそう! 監視しておけば大丈夫!」
"That's right! When watching, it's all right!"

>> No.6708498

Because I love open source and that's the whole point of open source.

>> No.6708503

Troll projects are the point of open source?

>> No.6708505

All I'm saying is that you would just waste your time by contributing since nothing will come out of this.

>> No.6708511

> open source
go to site:
> Forbidden

Yea... No. Even TLWiki is more open than this, I can even make a script that dumps all the scripts of some VN without having to do anything.

>> No.6708513

Is there another, genuine translator already working on it outside this project?
because it seems to me if you get enough people who are willing, FH could be finished AND be sensical, despite the fail going on right now.

>> No.6708526

You have to request access but it's fundamentally open to the public. It used to be completely open, but then that autistic troll started shitposting lines here.

>> No.6708528

I'm not even entirely sure why they closed it. Nobody was messing with the scripts, and I can still just pull stuff out of the patches they release. They didn't think this one all the way through.

>The delusion of an intimate relationship with Sakurako-chan coming together as a comrade, by all means let's increase together.

>> No.6708535

Awwww. My heart bleeds for you, it truly does.

>Although squatting, at the merciless kicks let out, I rolled out of the sheet. I stand up, just stroking my shank.

>> No.6708541

Fuck off. We can't have nice things because of cunts like you.

Hint to OP: Release a patch that detects if you've been blacklisted and wipes your HDD if you are.

>> No.6708548

Motherfucking IPs, how do they work?

>> No.6708565

I wish the mod would delete the thread and ban the one who made it.

>> No.6708591

I wish you'd stop sucking Moogy's cock.

>> No.6708695

There are still untranslated lines. Those will be fixed before beta.

>> No.6708904

First 2200 lines translated+edited.

>> No.6708918

Take your troll spam shit and get the fuck out.

>> No.6708967
File: 38 KB, 341x422, mayuri_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6710704

Sugoi bumpers gonna bump.

>> No.6711432

This thread is SUGOI.

>> No.6711453

Sup Cudder?

>> No.6711588

Think everyone is Cudder now?

>> No.6711641

Only the people who have bumped this thread and the Hatsukoi thread in the same way for the past 12 months.

>> No.6711674

>Post same three bump messages 20 times a day
>Delete bumps when thread is at limit to bump thread with trip on
>Wonder why people think that you're OP

>> No.6711791

Despite what you think, there _are_ several other anons waiting to play this.

>> No.6711795

Yes, that's another one of your six or seven generic posts.
Even cleverbot has more canned replies than you.

>> No.6712141

Needs more editors.

>> No.6712154

I am looking forward to the patch being released.

>> No.6712160

I am as well.

>> No.6712262

lol that's mistranslated

>> No.6712368

That's why he posted it.

>> No.6712936

And... continuing.

>> No.6712988

By now, the best work you could do for this game is to stop.

>> No.6713092

Keep on trolling.

>> No.6713120

Cudders gotta cdr

>> No.6713279

As we move into the later portions of the first file, the quality starts going up.

>> No.6713290

I could close my eyes and type randomly for 3 seconds and the quality per line would improve on what you currently have.

>> No.6713328

You know, a real translation of the demo was released recently. Just saying.

In b4 paranoid accusations that I'm moogy.

>> No.6713376

We know. And at a quick glance, it contains just as much inaccuracy as this, if not more. The guy made up stuff to make it look like it's in English.

>> No.6713389

>I feel the intention is it can't be used while I'm here.

Look at all that quality!

>> No.6713412

what is said makes me feel her gaze is painful again.

Not "her gaze", バカ

>> No.6713447

「おおー! ぐみちゃん、ごくろう!!」
"Oh! Gumi-chan, I have put you through trouble!!"

"Therefore Gumi-chan did it variously."

Glass houses, stones, etc.

>> No.6713469

Quit trolling, what you're posting is pretty much correct.

>> No.6713474

Yes. Good. Very good. Believe what Google Translate tells you. That, youngling, is why you fail.

>> No.6713491

When FH4 does it, he's fighting the good fight.
When other people do it, they're TLWiki shills trolling.

Learn the difference.

>> No.6713499

The more glaring error is
>what is said

The first one is correct, but autistically literal. Like, translating 朝ご飯 to "morning rice" literal.

The second one is wrong, but doesn't lose any meaning.

>> No.6713506

It's correct.

>> No.6713515

More like translating 押忍 as "Top of the morning to you, kind sir!"

>> No.6713524
File: 20 KB, 979x275, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google Translate, you were saying?

Even with name substitution, it looks nothing like what you posted.

>> No.6713542

What's hilarious is that Google did the second one better.

>> No.6713554

It's not Google Translate, it's EDict. He uses the exact same wording as Rikai-chan.

>> No.6713564

Better the exact wording than making up some completely wrong shit.

>> No.6713575

Cool false dichotomy, bro.

>> No.6713581

It's EDict's fault for not having a less stern definition. Although if the person responsible for that line hasn't run across gokurou before, he's likely not ready to be translating anything.

>> No.6713595

By your reasoning, no one would be ready to translate anything.

>> No.6713607

Cool strawman, bro.

>> No.6713610

You do realize that gokurou is first week Japanese 101, right?

>> No.6713764

You do realize no one gives a shit that you've taken a Japanese course at your expense, right?

>> No.6713775

Who said he's taken a course? "X 101" is usually just an expression rather than referring to personal experience with a 101 course. He means it's extremely basic.

>> No.6713811

Thank you for that, CAPTAIN OBVIOUS

>> No.6713814

>"As I thought, I think it's delicious! The appearance is a little throbbingly though!"
>"Mmm mmm, yes yes! I have the feeling to want all of this food! It's delicious."
>I tried to hide my embarassment by packing rice in my mouse, but before I knew it my bowl was empty.
>"I'll also refill attempts."
>"Hey, silver flying body, isn't that much praise?! I'm embarassed!"

Go to sleep before you harm this game further.

>> No.6713829

cry harder faggot

no one gives a shit if you dont post the original lines too

>> No.6713845

Yeah. We need to see the original to be able to determine whether or not he was really stuffing rice into his mouse.

>> No.6713895

It's threads like these that I keep coming to /jp/ for.

>> No.6713917

It's obviously 'mouth'. Stuff like that is expected since it hasn't been edited yet.

>> No.6713920
File: 26 KB, 468x351, cute-baby-chipmonk-mouse-pic96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>packing rice in my mouse

>> No.6713962
File: 44 KB, 1012x612, editing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because editing fixes everything, right?

>> No.6714018

That bloody font burns my eyes, what the fuck.

>> No.6714039

Is it that, Amane is a relative of the chairman?

>> No.6714059

Every moment, Suzuno nodded.

Every moment, the body.

Nodding and Courier New. Your only two weaknesses.
Aside from not knowing Japanese.

>> No.6714061

Are you fucking kidding me?
Even google get's that one right

>> No.6714121

What's wrong with the first one?

>> No.6714144

Which part of it? The omitted part or the completely mistranslated part?

>> No.6714160

>That means, Amane some kind of a president and relatives.

>> No.6714204

It's been some time ago since I last spoke.


>> No.6714216
File: 12 KB, 164x216, jim_breen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he tried.

>> No.6714222

I like Google's translation:
>Just being talked about is getting at me.

>> No.6714224

Not sure what you put in, but
>That means it probably a relative of the president and Amane.

The main point being that the posted translation is so fucking wrong even though the sentence uses one of the most basic grammar patterns. や is not は or が.

>> No.6714233

Flappingly, the feeling of a small raindrop jumping off.

>> No.6714251

It's been changed to
That is, a relative of Amane and the chairman?

Editing rate is surprisingly steady. 20-25%.

>> No.6714313

I wonder what happened.

>> No.6714511

First 3000 lines edited.

>> No.6714516

What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. These. Translations.


Go back to Japanese 101

>> No.6714532

I'm not sure what his plan was in the first place. Show how bad work on the project has been, that way people will appreciate his similarly awful work? All we're learning is that every part of it sucks.

>> No.6714534

Back to TLwiki please.

>> No.6714548

No, it's just pure retard
Future motherfucking tense
is translated as:
>I wonder what happened.
Past motherfucking tense


>> No.6714563

How many times it needs to be said that tlwiki can't, and don't want to host flyable heart since it's been c&d'd?

>> No.6714579

This is/was the "quality" of one of TLwiki's translators.

>> No.6714583

Was it that Mormon tripfag? I remember him doing shoddy work on Hatsukoi.

>> No.6714601

This project's masterplan is to keep "trolling" japanese_experts who can't pass up on the occasion to get on their high horse so they'll edit the whole machine translated game for them.
Nice to see everyone smoothly falling for it. I look forward to the future projects that will sprung up since we now know all it takes is making mistakes to attract free volunteers that will work on it.

>> No.6714610

Why would Japanese experts bother time translating an entire VN out of rage? All it shows is that the organizer can't even gather competent translators, which probably means shitty editors and overall management. Hatsukoi had a handful of decent translators at one point but it was ruined by terrible management.

>> No.6714625

>Why would Japanese experts bother time translating an entire VN out of rage?
dunno, ask the people who've been kindly editing each and every incorrect line that's been posted in these threads just to show how shitty the translation is.

>> No.6714631

You thought the English lines posted here are the corrected ones?

>> No.6714640

I soothed the oscillating Yui

"I'm frozen......"

Yeah, he's sooooo much worse than you.

>> No.6714706

>oscillate (v) To swing back and forth, especially if with a regular rhythm.

>> No.6714715

Cool story. Now if oscillate was anywhere in that sentence, you'd be home free.

>> No.6714721

probably dawningblue

I don't ever remember the mormon guy being affiliated with TLwiki.

>> No.6714732

I can't wait till i'm finally fluent next year. >.>

>> No.6714733


>> No.6714740
File: 22 KB, 750x750, 1269289753485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6714742


This is like talking to a retarded chimpanzee

>> No.6714743

You deserve to get hit when that kanji has like 6 different meanings and are ll synonism.
That should give you a hint of what that word means in that context

>> No.6714748

Whatever, you get the meaning.

>> No.6714750

Native Jap here.

No, "oscillate" does not belong in that sentence whatsoever.

>> No.6714751

but she isn't physically oscillating, so it's wrong

>> No.6714754

Waver covers most, but since synonyms are all obviously totally interchangable and it doesn't matter which one is used because if one is right then they're ALL right, I think he should go with waltz. Or maybe dangle. Waggle?

>> No.6714755

>you get the meaning
no, you don't get the meaning of 'disturnance, restlessness' from that.
Agitation, maybe, but not 'oscillation'

>> No.6714760

you are butthurt and missing the point.

>> No.6714764

Jap again

First of all
>I soothed the oscillating Yui
Even ignoring "oscillate"
Present tense
Past tense

Yeah, no. Does not work.

動揺 in this instance refers to the character's state of shock, being disturbed, etc... It has nothing to do with physical movement. A character can 動揺 while being perfectly still or jumping like crazy.

>> No.6714777


>> No.6714785 [DELETED] 

There's no tense at all. It's just the stem of the verb, which makes it a gerund.

>> No.6714794

You're right, the tense isn't explicit. In this case, however, the sentence is most likely present tense unless there is something else to modify it. At least, this is the way I read it, but it does lack a lot of context, so I suppose I'm not really 100% certain.

Also, what the fuck is this
>"I'm frozen......"
いててて is one of the most common onomatopoeia ever for "ow". How the fuck do you fuck this one up? It sounds like someone is just using google translate.

>> No.6714799
File: 29 KB, 252x264, spun it good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REtrans face when you keep doing their editing just to prove your superiority

>> No.6714807 [DELETED] 

I've worked using REtrans once. It was a terrible experience. I haven't worked on VNs since. So no, I'm not an advocate of it. Hell, I hate translation in general because of how difficult it is to convey things the way I want to without losing some meanings.

>> No.6714809

they're probably just dropping by because of the C79 threads

>> No.6714819

Not much is going to get done with these small corrections if the entire thing is like this, so I don't really care. And I don't really have anything to prove. I'm Japanese, my first language is Japanese, therefore my Japanese usually correct. Nothing special.

>> No.6714836
File: 46 KB, 865x309, gt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even think google translate is that stupid.

>> No.6714894

Probably got 凍てて

>> No.6715072

Have a SUGOI bump.
