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6705780 No.6705780 [Reply] [Original]

>December 27, 2010: Surprise official ALcot license! Check the website and the encubed article for details. --Piroko

You have got to be fucking kidding me...

>> No.6705801

Yes their're kidding

>> No.6705807


>> No.6705808

yes, fuck this, this was a good year, i was looking forward to New Year's Umineko shitstorm, download 3 times more now with Wings and Fightan..... and suddenly, the only TL patch i was looking forward in near future is FUCKED UP...

>> No.6705817

I blame the guy that didn't QC fast enough.

>> No.6705818

I mad

>> No.6705819
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>> No.6705829

What's the latest version of the scripts that's been grabbed? Fuck waiting probably forever

>> No.6705830

I was looking forward to this SO HARD.

Fucking 88.2%.

Then this shit.

Fuck me.

>> No.6705834

So pointless. We're all gonna pirate it anyways.

>> No.6705851

>the only TL patch i was looking forward

Good news, you'll have your translation done in an official release.

Buy it, faggot.

>> No.6705852

Yeah brah, but the quality of translation is different at fans doing it for fans and fags doing it for salary.

>> No.6705854

we will see the full patch in 2015,if god pity us.

>> No.6705858

A few problems never stopped us from liking translations like ever17.

>> No.6705878


I kept checking their page everyday (read: hour) for updates.

>> No.6705880

That's what kidink.

>> No.6705882

I can't buy it when it's never gonna get release, Jastdev.

>> No.6705887


>> No.6705888


yeah me too,but now we will see in 2012 in best way.

>> No.6705895

Fucking hell, I'm not buying a game that I've got 85% complete.

>> No.6705904

I've played through ChaoS;HEAd, the no-QC patch of this can't be worse.

>> No.6705920

translation patch

>> No.6705931

Thanks. How up to date/complete is this patch (i.e. no-QC, no image editing, 80% QC)?

>> No.6705947

FUCK YES, I'll buy it.

Who's releasing it by the way?

>> No.6705950

The ones that are supposedly releasing it are JAST, but we all know they'll never release it, just like with Nitro+.

>> No.6705959


That's the best part, you see. It's jast.

They'll be releasing it alongside Demonbane within a brisk one to ten years.

>> No.6705960

Are they going to be selling a physical copy?
This is important.

>> No.6705986

Fully translated, 50% QC, and no image editing

>> No.6705991

The Nitro+ thing is still because Nitro+ wants JAST to use a special engine, yet they aren't giving JAST said engine.

>> No.6706002

It would be funny if they aren't even working on that engine.

>> No.6706007

Not unthinkable. Why would Nitro+ care about gaijins?

>> No.6706009

I'd think that knowing when it will be released is a more pressing issue than how. If it's planned for 2020, you have more than enough time to build your own box using only your condensed tears.

>> No.6706015

Because they have money and JAST is paying? That said, they will at least prepare something, as half assed as it may be, just because of the contract. I can't say I'd be surprised if they just got the Saya no Uta engine hacked by TLWiki and made small changes, though.

>> No.6706025

If they just used the original engine, Demonbane would have been out this summer.

>> No.6706032

When you think about it, it isn't unlikely. This would be quite a classy way to try and stop nitro+ translations.

>> No.6706033

Fuck, don't even remind me.

>> No.6706037

But their Demonbane engine doesn't supports English. Also, they're big on the DRM stuff and such. TLWiki didn't manage to hack Kikokugai too, so it's not unthinkable that Demonbane has a severely more complicated engine.

>> No.6706056

What is the problem with Kikokugai? They just found out that the Saya engine worked fine, so they didn't bother making other tools. It was a way of saving time.

>> No.6706068

Why are people against more translations being licensed? This is a good thing, cause really, the fan translation scene really just isn't a healthy/sustainable model.

>> No.6706069

Demonbane had fully working English patches for Al's route. They worked perfectly in english and japanese locale. The patches were never publicly released, but were available to those that applied as QCers (anyone was free to, before the JAST license).

>> No.6706095

Because they aren't sustainable as corporations either. JAST is always in the red (j-list is what keeps them going) and mangagamer is barely in the green, and most companies who tried doing this went bankrupt, any wrong choice leads to a bad end. Besides, most of them don't license good games, only shit nukige (not like I can blame them, though, I know nukige sell more). Also, they take their sweet time for translating and publish bad TLs, they don't really care about the game just about the money so the fan tls are better mostly.

>> No.6706099

God bless Jast, what would we do without them? They somehow managed to even become more usless than they were before. Now instead of getting poor translations of shitty games nobody cares about, they're telling us to give them money for them stealing charitable work, delaying it for a year or two, and having to deal with all of their bullshit.

Nothing like stealing charity and turning a profit on it. Next time the Red Cross goes to a devastated land, they should say "Hey, you're starving to death. Yeah we have food. It's right here, it was donated by others to feed you. But hey, how about instead of giving you this food right now, you give us fifty dollars, and we'll give you the food in a couple of months?"

Fucking bullshit. These shitty, unneeded companies can't die soon enough.

>> No.6706102

You have to realize that people were likely running applocale with that, and it was probably some hacked variant of the Saya no Uta engine. JAST can't release something shoddy like that and expect customers to jump through loopholes to get Japanese text support and applocale setup.

>> No.6706112

I see you do not remember what happened with Bravesoul. It screamed of incompetence.

>> No.6706114

Jast is probably paying the people at TLWiki.

>> No.6706122

Fan TLs are a legal grey area when the title isn't licensed overseas, and downright illegal when they are. Your 'elitist' (for the lack of a better word) vision that only the underground TL club can handle the VNs won't turn any profit/will turn little profit for the original 'creators', and they want more money. They know that selling the publishing/translating rights gives them instant money without having to worry about the number of sales, so they do it. While it turns a profit for them, they will sell. That is a fact.

>> No.6706127

That's not impossible, but I believe it isn't happening. Fan TLs are basically illegal, so 'give us your work and you're free from the jail' is likely all that it would take them to do. I don't believe JAST would waste money like that.

>> No.6706133

I'm sure they're barely being paid anything.

>> No.6706166

No they weren't using Applocale(using Applocale actually breaks it), they used Demonbane's CD executable with a small hook DLL, the cd version had word-wrapping and supported english out of the box. It puzzles me why Nitro+ even wanted to change an engine which already worked fine.

>> No.6706189

Tinfoil answered this at earlier thread. The team is getting paid for their work.

>> No.6706195

I couldn't care less about the politics behind the faceless money-grabbing companies. What I want to know is: is TLWiki continuing?? They haven't received a CnD after all...

>>the fan translation scene isn't a viable model?
Err, whatever happened to TOUHOU!!?

>> No.6706200

"Let's just say that you can't pick up VN translation as a career." isn't very encouraging either way.

>> No.6706204

Why wouldn't they continue? There's been no indication of them stopping.

>> No.6706222


If you have not figured out by now, TLWiki exists for Moogly to sell translations to JAST.

>> No.6706233

Mangagamer > JAST

>> No.6706255

Moogy didn't work on this project, I'm sure he's not getting payed at all. Why is it so hard to understand that sometimes companies approach translation teams and try to license their projects?
I understand that you'd like to villify someone and blame everything on that person, but your blame is misplaced. If you want to blame someone, blame the translators that decided to sell their work, but can you really blame them for selling their translations? It doesn't even matter to you... you'd either have played their patch or pirated JAST's release.

>> No.6706259

I've got a question for you /jp/.

I'm pretty sure there are (at least) two different patches around as I downloaded one from erogedownload.com earlier today and since I saw one in that large /ghost/ thread few hours ago (when /jp/ was down) I thought that downloading it won't hurt me (it was uploaded on megaupload). I was just about to install the game when I checked the patches and sure enough, the file sizes are different, so I assume the contents are different, too. The one from erogedownload weights 1440 KB and the one from megaupload 1595KB. At first I assumed the larger one will obviously have more content translated but I'm not so sure anymore, since even if some parts would be left untraslated (and judging by comments on ergoedownload that seems to be the case) they aren't totally gone... and I thought that maybe moonrunes weight more? Well, either way I just wanted to ask you which one should I use (and what are the differences between them if someone actually knows that)?

tl;dr I've got to patyches, a 1440KB one and 1595KB one, which one should I use? Thanks in advance.

>> No.6706262

>they're telling us to give them money for them stealing charitable work
That's a serious accusation. Do you have evidence that certain contributors to this VN hasn't been compensated?
If not, stfu.

>> No.6706268


Shut you TLWiki shill!

>> No.6706271


>you'd either have played their patch or pirated JAST's release.

Yeah, that's one thing I never understood. Why would they license fan translation? It's not like people will buy them either way and they might not know whether the translation is actually any good. Wouldn't it make more sense to just overlook it, hire some good tranlators and do it from scratch? It seems logical to me, as people who would buy it will buy it either way and some people who would otherwise complain about the quality of translations might pick it up, too. Of course it involves additional cost as proffesional tranlators would be obviously paid more but overall, it seems like a better idea.

>> No.6706273

No idea, but you can extract the XP3's and then do a WinMerge comparison to see how the patche differ.

>> No.6706285

They're probably paying the translators less than they would pay professional translators. Picking up fan translations is a cost cutting and time reducing measure.

>> No.6706294
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I understand that you're angry because your "entitlement" was temporarily taken from you.

But you should understand that such a shitty attitude only discourages VN translators from translating more VNs for you, at all.

>> No.6706302

sauce on op pic?

>> No.6706321

Translations suck. English is ugly in this medium.

>> No.6706340


So my attitude discourages from fan translators to start a project so they can sell it later when its nearly complete?

... Right ...

If it does, then I will going at it because pulling the crap pisses me off.

Also considering how JAST keeps delaying Demonbane as the other Nitro+ titles we dont even hear anything.

>> No.6706364

>keeps delaying Demonbane
Read >>6705991

>> No.6706395

You are arguing that they shouldn't sell their translations, you a nobody. How stupid is that...
If I translated something and you say I shouldn't sell it, I would be pissed at you. Is that what you want? To piss off VN translators?

>Also considering how JAST keeps delaying Demonbane as the other Nitro+ titles we dont even hear anything.
We have no evidence that Jast is the cause of the delay. The fair assumption would be that Nitro+ is causing the delay.
And this VN is not by nitro+, so it has my benefit of doubt. For now.

Now if someone went ahead and retranslated all the Nitro+ games, I would even support them. We've reached that point for nitro+. But not Alcot.

>> No.6706398

Glad I started learning Japanese.

Hell, at this rate I'll probably have all the knowledge I need to read Demonbane and such in Japanese years before the actual release.

>> No.6706457

If you TLWiki shills had half of brain you would understand the only reason I mention Demonbane is because ITS THE ONLY FUCKING TITLE THEY ANNOUNCED TO BE DOING OF THE ENTIRE NITRO+ CATALOG!

So they Demonbane have problems ... fine, they could move ahead another title, say Jingai Makyou.

>> No.6706487

>they could move ahead another title, say Jingai Makyou.
I don't think the business works that way. That would force Jast to to make double investment for two games that are continuously in limbo. Nitro+ is clearly the bottleneck in this situation, asking them for more and more games isn't going to do anything.

>> No.6706547

TLwiki has killed VNs for good. Time to move on to a new sub culture, one full of less drama and bullshit. I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy it for a couple years before some douchebag like Moogy has to come and take control of it and be the center of attention.

>> No.6706578

You'll be back. They always come back...

>> No.6706589

It's a fucking wiki, not a goddamned corporation.

>> No.6706590

Why do you even give a fuck? You'll get your free VNs regardless of what happens. Just sit back and relax.

>> No.6706593

Japanese does not compress as well as English.

The Japanese version will be larger than the English version when the text is compressed, but the opposite is true when it's not.

>> No.6706598

Meanwhile, Cudder is probably reading this thread and waiting to post "should've used REtrans".


>> No.6706951

All you've got left is light novels, and the same thing's happening with them.

>> No.6707248

He already is in at least two of the other threads discussing this.

>> No.6707248,1 [INTERNAL] 

Different anon here.
I tried doing a ExtractData->WinMerge on the XP3 files.
The 1595KB patch contains more ks files, and the original ks files are identical.

>> No.6707248,2 [INTERNAL] 

There is another osadai patch in kureha?
Is that the same as the one from erogedownload?

>> No.6708257

Fuck, I guess I have to start buying MangaGamer games and support pirating JAST games. Seriously, we were going to get this translation in a month or so, and now we're going to have to wait at least a year because JAST wants to cut costs? What kind of bullshit is this? I really hope someone from the translation team turns down the money and leaks the patch.

>> No.6708283

Just use the 50% qc'd patch that's mentioned in this thread, I really don't see the fucking problem.
Rather, I laugh at jast for taking until after most people had even already read this to license it.

>> No.6708285

You can make your own patch if you care about it. Either get the files from google cache or ask for someone for xml dumps. I think it would only be a problem if JAST takes longer than 3 months, but really, how can JAST fuck up something so simple? There's literally no place to fuck this one up.

>> No.6708308

I'm probably not even one of the faster ones, but according to file dates I installed the game and the first patch on june 3rd. That's over half a year ago.
If you really wanted to read this you could've done it ages ago.

>> No.6708334


great reasons to pick up on the subculture of reading japanese.

honestly though, it's not like you actually have a problem with the drama. you only encounter it if you follow it. it's been consistent for the last few years that there's a major release from fan-trans every few months so you could easily follow the medium without lurking /jp/, checking TLWiki or reading dev blogs.

>> No.6708740

>So they Demonbane have problems ... fine, they could move ahead another title
They can't.
Nitro+ are the ones with the final say in everything here, and they don't want to.
Demonbane was Nitro+'s title of choice to localize, and they want to see sucess from it before they give JAST any licence for other titles.
As of now, Demonbane is the only Nitro+ title JAST has the rights to localize, and Nitro+ are doing nothing.

>> No.6708816

This isn't a Nitro+ title.
So could we expect to see this Q1 2011?

>> No.6708816,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Seriously, we were going to get this translation in a month or so
Are you really this naive? Alcot and Jast has approached the fantranslation groups many months ago. That's the reason it wasn't completed months ago, and ever since finding out Alcot's desire to license it, the fantranslation group was never "about to release it in a month".

>> No.6708829

I would think so, unless they have engine problems or the licensing and such hasn't been finalized.

>> No.6708836

I doubt my comment will make it past JAST fuck mods:

So, what now? Going to take pre-orders now, rack up the big bucks, and never release just like with Demonbane? If JAST sincerely cared about putting out visual novels for non Japanese reading individuals, the VNs would actually be distributed within a reasonable amount of time. So… assuming this game EVER reaches the public (let us be realistic, 2015 at the earliest?), will there even be a physical copy? Or just a downloadable version? Even if I do get a response to this, it will be a completely insincere paragraph or two about how you are sorry for the delay in releases, not your fault, etc. but that this particular visual novel will indeed be released in 2011. And guess what? There are only a very select few who will fall for that crap. But go ahead, keep bringing in massive amounts of money from people who are dumb enough to not understand they will never receive a product.

Have fun being a heartless, money-grubbing, useless company.

>> No.6708852

>keep bringing in massive amounts of money

It's funny because they don't make much money.

>> No.6708857

And if they did, they'd probably get to releasing stuff faster and in higher quantities.
There pretty much is no market for translated VNs, since the people who actually read them will pirate them either way.

>> No.6708867

>past JAST fuck mods
>and never release just like with Demonbane?
You guys aren't so keen on reading comprehension are you?
It has already been explained over and over again.
JAST and N+ made a deal, N+ stood JAST up.

>> No.6708883

I'm wondering if Nitro+ realizes that western customers rarely, if at all, preorder games unless it's a blockbuster with limited edition bonuses or something.
In Japan preorders and "brand faithfulness" are a lot more common than here, so I don't blame them for thinking Demnbane would be a disaster to release.

>> No.6708895


$39.95, pre-order, and became pre-order in... Oct. 2009? Yeah, they've made some money, and that is just Demonbane. And Bible Black? Shitty shit shit game, but insanely popular. Pretty sure JAST isn't going broke anytime soon.

>> No.6708900


Do you think JAST tried to negotiate with N+ on that? No, they had no issues making people wait forever while still taking in money from pre-orders.

>> No.6708920 [DELETED] 

"Even if I do get a response to this, it will be a completely insincere paragraph or two about how you are sorry for the delay in releases, >not your fault, etc"
So, you were saying something about reading comprehension?

>> No.6708922

"Even if I do get a response to this, it will be a completely insincere paragraph or two about how you are sorry for the delay in releases,
>not your fault, etc"
So, you were saying something about reading comprehension?

>> No.6708925

Typical delusional Nitor+ fan with shit taste.
And I don't even support tlwiki sell outs or JAST censorship of Nitro+ games!

>> No.6708926

*waits for 100-100-88 patch*

>> No.6708930

>Answer like I want you to or it means you're being insincere

>> No.6708951

Where did I even say I liked Nitro+? You're the delusional one, bro.

>> No.6710530 [DELETED] 

no, no, no you have it all wrong, you have to die of alcohol poisoning to go to gensokyo. That's how ZUN saw it.

>> No.6710889

So why does people go all Moogy hating for this?
Isn't all he does hosting the site?
What does he have to do with this title?

>> No.6710905

I think you already know the answer to that one, Moogy

>> No.6711016 [DELETED] 

Why all gensokyo threads get so quickly derailed?
Maybe next post will be that we should just die by sitting for too long while playing touhou or something stupid like that

>> No.6711027 [DELETED] 

They are horrible threads. Nothing of value is ever lost.

>> No.6711037 [DELETED] 

so maybe just put one working image macro so all gensokyo-youkai-to-be will follow it and then threads will stop.

>> No.6711047

Is this game even any good? I remember it from the ixrec poll, the title sounds stupid.

>> No.6711050 [DELETED] 

What happened to going on a shooting spree.

>> No.6711062

It's famous because it had a funny English trailer. English, not Engrish!

Also, people find it hilarious that the Mokou-lookalike is Vladamir Putin.

>> No.6711117

Because people are just parroting each other instead of using their head.
