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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 561 KB, 2457x3000, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6703611 No.6703611 [Reply] [Original]

/k/unt destroyer here
so ive seen all there is on /k/ and /b/ wont shut up about some fag named olev

so ive come to seek refuge in here

teach me what you can teach

>> No.6703615

We'd like to, but I don't think you'd understand the concept.

>> No.6703619

Lesson 1: Fuck off, /k/.

>> No.6703621

Let me just say you probably don't want to be here unless you want to learn the ways of yelling about visual novels, buying plastic figures of little girls, or joining in the neverending Japanese idol threads.

>> No.6703622

hold shift for focused movement.

>> No.6703624

so lets make it a game

in 1 proper english scentance tell me what /jp/ is all about

>> No.6703625

What does /k/ think about that online tank game?

>> No.6703626

Lesson 2: Olev is Velo backwards

>> No.6703629

Bitter misogyny, denial of the outside world, shitposting and pedophilia.

>> No.6703630

literally kill yourself

>> No.6703632

Fuck, my /k/ folder is on my PC back at my apartment. I think pretty much the only /k/ related threads here would be World of Tank threads, other than that I have no idea why you'd come here. Then again, there is no other board remotely like /k/ so it's hard to say,

>> No.6703633
File: 107 KB, 850x599, LastOrder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is a pedophile.

>> No.6703636

n b 4 grammer nazis

i know what you gook faces did to nanking
so dont give me none of that shit

>> No.6703637


>> No.6703641
File: 95 KB, 540x720, 1293430470467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am a refugee from another board.../b/ won't stop playing "cotton eye joe" pic unrelated ish

>> No.6703645

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6703646

Rule 6 of /jp/

ORT wins.

No, shut up. ORT wins.

>> No.6703648


Oh wow, I didn't notice this shit until it got pointed out.

How long's this been going on? I don't mind moot fucking with /b/ as much as he wants, and so I just find it hilarious to see them panicking.

>> No.6703650
File: 15 KB, 1200x1124, 1290840258097.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no you shut up please

>> No.6703651

we are unique but fairly diverse
it takes all kinds to maintain a fighting force of our magnitude

me for example
i think weapons in the us are mostly toys
and that /k/ is delusional fantasizing about shooting a robber or fighting some new world order
when the truth is we are worker ants who are allowed to play at best

though i am armed with mostly illigal weapons and would shoot UN forces FEMA workers and ATF in their gook faces if they tread on me

>> No.6703656

but that's the best song ever.

>> No.6703646,1 [INTERNAL] 

Ghost /a/ is currently more active than ghost /jp/. That's it, /jp/ is officially dead.

>> No.6703646,2 [INTERNAL] 

When has ghost /jp/ even existed?

>> No.6703646,3 [INTERNAL] 

No sense in retarded posting for the sake of posting.
I also think most people actually have at least some stuff to get done when /jp/ is down for once.

>> No.6703646,4 [INTERNAL] 

So did some butthurt btards take down 4chan just because they are too big of faggots to even take moot's trolling lightly? God, what a bunch of fucking faggots.

>> No.6703646,5 [INTERNAL] 

What did moot do this time?

>> No.6703646,6 [INTERNAL] 


Changed /b/ to a bunch of incredibly eye-raping Windows 3.1-looking colors, and had the title at the top, "MOOT IS OLEV" repeated over and over, with some really weird folk/country song on loop.

I thought it was fucking hilarious but apparently /b/ does not know how to take a joke anymore. Why does moot even care for them at all when this is how they repay him instead of actually make light of the otherwise hilarious situation? Instead of laughing and playing along they're all HURR GIMME BACK MAH B MY BUTT IS LITERALLY BUTTRANGEDSAUCED. Or maybe, moot did it specifically because he's tired of /b/ being shitty shit, and wanted to make things interesting.

>> No.6703646,7 [INTERNAL] 

this is why i hate normalfags. they only want to talk about their penises.

>> No.6703646,8 [INTERNAL] 

Coming from a board which can't even take a handful of Kinectimals threads without whining like a little baby, the irony is killing me.

>> No.6703646,9 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know what you were smoking but those were like 99% ignored.

I think pretty much no other board on 4chan would give that little of a shit other than /jp/. Just because a couple of people responded over the course of like 2 days (and some/most of them were probably samefags) doesn't equate to "whining like a baby".

>> No.6703646,10 [INTERNAL] 

No one in 4chan remembers olev or knows cotton eyed joe. Kids, all of them.

>> No.6703646,11 [INTERNAL] 

"Hay guys I wasted 5 years of my life on a shitty weeaboo site, give me a medal. I'm so oldfag and master of the Internet."

>> No.6703646,12 [INTERNAL] 

Who did /b/ piss off this time?

>> No.6703646,13 [INTERNAL] 


He's more of saying 4chan is mostly eternal newfags now. Which is disappointing, although actually pretty much impossible to prevent since 4chan's early years population is very much dwarfed by its current.

Also dissing oldfags = getoutofjp.jpg. We're masters of 4chan and have been lurking long enough to know that it's the newfags that caused the cancer and have now quite literally killed 4chan for the moment. Old insurgency would never attack its own base; the new guys clearly don't know who their real targets are anymore, and now freak out badly over moot's trolling.

>> No.6703646,14 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you see the irony in your post

>> No.6703646,15 [INTERNAL] 

You're starting to sound like a frustrated /b/tard, what with all your "back in my days" babble and whatnot. Funny thing, considering that /jp/ is utter shit and nobody takes this place seriously.

>> No.6703646,16 [INTERNAL] 

>nobody takes this place seriously

Why would anyone give a fuck or take any board seriously?

>> No.6703646,17 [INTERNAL] 

I like /jp/ so I take it seriously from time to time.

>> No.6703646,18 [INTERNAL] 


Well, apparently the new generation of /b/tards takes it serious, enough so that they'd rather down all of 4chan instead of leave their cancerous shithole when moot prods them to like he did today (and a few weeks ago with giga puri).

moot must be either extremely amused at the moment with the ease that he can troll the newfags, or disappointed that they're now adopting a take-my-ball-and-go-home attitude.

>> No.6703646,19 [INTERNAL] 

So this is why 4chan is down.

>> No.6703646,20 [INTERNAL] 

Moot is too stupid to realiuze that if you provoke /b/ for no valid reason there'll be consequences (see the Giga Puddi crap), and you're evidently just as stupid since you're pinning the blame on /b/tards rather than the actual instigator, Moot.

>> No.6703646,21 [INTERNAL] 


Actually, this might be why.

>> No.6703646,22 [INTERNAL] 


Why the fuck would you blame moot for the reaction /b/ had? The collective reaction used to always be, "Oh moot, you silly little faggot", but now, it seems people are legit losing their shit over this. They probably just really, really don't know him and hence don't know that he's done this kind of thing tons of times in the past.

He didn't even wordfilter this time and apparently some dudes totally flipped out and activated a botnet or something. THEY are the ones who really need to learn to take it easy, not moot.

>> No.6703646,23 [INTERNAL] 

Hey guys are we moving to /bun/ yet?

>> No.6703646,24 [INTERNAL] 

Huh.. wow, that probably might be it.

Usually he announces server maintenance well in advance, though. Also that doesn't explain why 4chan.org still loads, but just ultra slowly now (like it does when straining under ddos). Maybe he just unplugged boards.4chan, and the front page is just straining from everyone trying to access it?

>> No.6703646,25 [INTERNAL] 

Apparently both side need to learn something, this is like the /jp/ QC and quality threads makers problem. The problem would solve itself if just one side make a compromise, moot should do something useful instead of pulling random shit every time he appears, and those /b/tards need to grow up...

>> No.6703646,26 [INTERNAL] 

Nice try, /bun/ devs.

>> No.6703646,27 [INTERNAL] 

This shit always makes me lol. Check back in a few days.

>> No.6703646,28 [INTERNAL] 

my life has come to a halt without /jp/

>> No.6703646,29 [INTERNAL] 

Well, at least I have a reason to actually watch fall anime now.

Or I can go to Tohno-chan, but it's slow as shit.

>> No.6703646,30 [INTERNAL] 

Well, you could always spam in the ghost board instead of spamming main /jp/.

>> No.6703646,31 [INTERNAL] 

>Or I can go to Tohno-chan, but it's slow as shit.
I'm sure if a few of us went there together it would pick up the pace and become a wonderful place!

Let's go, /jp/!

>> No.6703646,32 [INTERNAL] 


Actually it seems like someone really did get buttranch asspained over cotton eye joe.

Hilarious, and sad at the same time, that someone cares that much about /b/'s ability to rate dicks or get doubles or whatever.


>> No.6703646,33 [INTERNAL] 

are you implying that i should spam

>> No.6703646,34 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6703646,35 [INTERNAL] 

I remember when 4chan would die and I'd go off and do something else and then 4chan would come back to life.

Nowadays I sit and try to refresh pages if it sticks, and browse other boards.

In downtime I'm fucking posting on a ghost board. I wish it would die in the way it died in older times, not knowing if it would be back so I could stop waiting for it to come back up.

>> No.6703646,36 [INTERNAL] 

For what? So he can see the bullshit-of-the-week Takuto performs on all the baddies?

Although I admit the show is good at inflicting moe for every girl they focus on.

>> No.6703646,37 [INTERNAL] 

You must find other things to do Anon! Do you know how to play MtG? If yes then please teach me

>> No.6703646,38 [INTERNAL] 

people still play mtg? i thought yugioh was the new IN thing

>> No.6703646,39 [INTERNAL] 

Remember, EVA also had monster-of-the-week. And Monochrome is fucking amazing, can't wait for them to release the OST so I can listen to it on loop all day.

>> No.6703646,40 [INTERNAL] 

Yu-gi-oh is utter shit nowadays, it's even shittier than /jp/.

>> No.6703646,41 [INTERNAL] 

Are you kidding me? It has never been the other way around.

>> No.6703646,42 [INTERNAL] 

Downloading, while watching this show called Panty and Stocking. It's... interesting.

I suppose I should also sell some things on RO.

>> No.6703646,43 [INTERNAL] 

>EVA also had monster-of-the-week

EVA also had awesome as fuck battles, and the real possibility of them not winning. Hell, they wouldn't win sometimes and then Rei would die like the useless bitch she was. If nothing else they had to actually come up with solutions if they couldn't rely on Asuka's raw ass-kick alone.

And it's not monster of the week. I love monster of the week. I was mad Denno Coil didn't stay monster of the week.

It's that Takuto just bullshits up something and destroys the enemy without even trying. If he had defined powers, that'd be fine. If he had to invent something just to be even, that'd be fine. Hellsing-style "Imma let them shoot me up first then rape them" battles just don't have the right feel here. He's not Kenshiro where you know he's going to destroy anyone he touches from the get-go.

Without the feeling that battles are even remotely even, or that he's gaining an edge, it's just a flip flop with first the enemy dominating and then Taubarn one hitting them with no resistance. It's pointless to even dwell on battles that don't involve the enemies breaking more seals. It's at the point where I'd rather they not even have a battle that day.

>> No.6703646,44 [INTERNAL] 

He almost lost in that match again that slutty nurse until she used THAT mode.

>> No.6703646,45 [INTERNAL] 

Haha. I've started watching Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru when 4chan went down. So sad that I can only do things when this happens.

>> No.6703646,46 [INTERNAL] 

The sad, sad, effect when you start to browse /jp/. Well, I can still do other things, but /jp/ is always in background.

>> No.6703646,47 [INTERNAL] 

I was vaguely interested in picking up the scanlations for this.
Might as well get it now, hivemind etc.

>> No.6703646,48 [INTERNAL] 

The only 2 must watch fall show is Ika musume and milky holmes if we disregard movie/ova like nanoha, dissappearance and gundam unicorn.
I dare say that milky holmes is the best thing to have come from that failure that is know as JC staff since Azumanga Daioh.
Man I am still suffering from withdrawal with both them ending last week.

>> No.6703646,49 [INTERNAL] 

Hmm, maybe I'll give Milky Holmes a try. And while Ika Musume is indeed a good show, it's seriously overrated.

>> No.6703646,50 [INTERNAL] 

Ika was indeed interesting. Well, I've always found Slice of Life shows to be interesting and entertaining.

Dammit, now I've lost all interest in watching Star Driver. Replaying Clock Tower 2, the voice acting is terribly hilarious.

>> No.6703646,51 [INTERNAL] 

do any of you guys watch kamen rider

>> No.6703646,52 [INTERNAL] 

Holy hell, what the FUCK happened to /jp/?

I jumped ship over a year ago and came to check the ghostboard while I was on /a/'s. This shithole is worse than fucking /b/, and then some. It's like a spawning pool for the shitposters/spammers on the other boards.

Why do people even come here anymore?

>> No.6703646,53 [INTERNAL] 


You don't have any room to criticize /jp/ when /a/ for a while now has had legitimate Naruto and doubles threads, and a piece of shit power tripping mod who is a thousand times worse than Anon-san.

>> No.6703646,54 [INTERNAL] 


/m/ totally is down with some tokusatsu, however it appears they aren't around much on their ghost board. At least, they weren't there last time I checked.

>> No.6703646,55 [INTERNAL] 

>milky holmes
That show is the shittiest show this season. (but then that probably explains why /a/ likes it)

Star Driver is more slice of life than it is anything.

>> No.6703646,56 [INTERNAL] 

If you can t say anything nice,don t say anything at all.

>> No.6703646,57 [INTERNAL] 

If jumping a ship doesn't work then try getting run overby a train.
>Star Driver is more slice of life than it is anything.
I'm sure some big shit is gonna happen, just like how the 3rd impact happened.

>> No.6703646,58 [INTERNAL] 

>Milky Holmes
>Star Driver
>Ika Musume
Am I the only one that thought that Soremachi was the best show of the season? I thought it was great.

>> No.6703646,59 [INTERNAL] 

It definitely was great.
There were quite a few slow episodes / moments though, I think I enjoyed Ika more for what it's worth. Soremachi had the better final episode, though.

>> No.6703646,60 [INTERNAL] 

Ika Musume's episodic gags are just fairly amusing, nothing to shout about.
I prefer the moe and detective story parodies in Milky Holmes.

>> No.6703646,61 [INTERNAL] 

Every board has shitposters, /a/ is no exception. But /jp/ is nothing BUT shitposters.

Don't get me wrong, /a/ is pretty fucking shitty. Every time I see those dipshits praising Milky Holmes or PSG as the best anime of the year I get homicidal.

>> No.6703646,62 [INTERNAL] 

Well it's Bones combined with Utena guy. I'm expecting another Hiruken Emperor (Bounen no Xamdou/Xam'd)type ending except with more fablous.

>> No.6703646,63 [INTERNAL] 

>If jumping a ship doesn't work then try getting run overby a train.

No need to be a jerk, sagefag.

Seriously, why the fuck are you saging on the ghost board?

>> No.6703646,64 [INTERNAL] 

-insert sage explanation copipe-

>> No.6703646,65 [INTERNAL] 


I loved it, hope it gets a second season. I wanted some volumes of the manga for Christmas, but of course it turns out there isn't a licensed English version yet.

>> No.6703646,66 [INTERNAL] 

Oh my god, not this again...
The ghost board and the archive are different things.

>> No.6703646,67 [INTERNAL] 

>why the fuck are you saging on the ghost board?

/a/ quality right here.

>> No.6703646,68 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6703646,69 [INTERNAL] 

What, no it isn't.
Most of us are here because we're interested in something or the other that the board caters do, whether it be Touhou or VNs.
There's a bunch of spammers too, but you can't blame the rest of us for it.

>> No.6703646,70 [INTERNAL] 

no seriously, why are you saging when your posts don't normally change a thread's position anyway?

>> No.6703646,71 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the new way to troll easymodo posters or what? Because it's pretty stupid, that is.

>> No.6703646,72 [INTERNAL] 

>Entire world
>Obeying a Japanese president
Them japs man. A nation full of nerds going "WHEN I LEVEL UP TO SUPER SAYIAN YOU'LL ALL BE SORRY"

>> No.6703646,73 [INTERNAL] 

It's more that there are so many shitposters that they drown out any decent discussion.

>> No.6703646,74 [INTERNAL] 

By the by, did greenoval just go down? It's giving me a syntax error when i try to refresh.

>> No.6703646,75 [INTERNAL] 

Is it me or did ghost /a/ die?

>> No.6703646,76 [INTERNAL] 

Jap here

No, it's just because the game is aimed at Japanese people. We don't have any ambitions to take over the world or anything. It's a very pacifist country.

>> No.6703646,77 [INTERNAL] 

No they don't MMO guys have their threads, Idol guys have their threads, VN guys have their threads. They all post happily and peacefully in them with only a few detractors. You should reevaluate the quality of the thread you're in if it can't hold a good discussion.

>> No.6703646,78 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 


>> No.6703646,79 [INTERNAL] 

/a/'s ghostboard is down
Is it okay if I stop by here?

>> No.6703646,80 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Did they change the trip algorithm since last year?

I haven't tripped on 4chan in quite a while.

>> No.6703646,81 [INTERNAL] 

easymodo != 4chan
they don't use the same algorithm

>> No.6703646,82 [INTERNAL] 

Someone was spamming a thread in ghost /a/ and now it's down.

>> No.6703646,83 [INTERNAL] 

>syntax error at /home/archiver/html/cgi-board.pl line 1040, near "$fcomment

>Execution of /home/archiver/html/cgi-board.pl aborted due to compilation errors.

>> No.6703646,84 [INTERNAL] 

It's a sad day for /a/nons

>> No.6703646,85 [INTERNAL] 

Pick a different thread and use it for /a/ discussion. This thread is about why ghost /jp/ is so shitty.

>> No.6703646,86 [INTERNAL] 

>syntax error at /home/archiver/html/cgi-board.pl line 1043, near "deleteifproblems

That's kind of funny

>> No.6703646,87 [INTERNAL] 

I see, well I suppose that makes sense. But I think I was unable to reproduce my old trip a while back as well on real 4chan, so I thought something may have changed.

>> No.6703646,88 [INTERNAL] 

tbh, ghost /a/ is pretty good. No underaged b&s more quality posts
I feel sad for you guys

>> No.6703646,89 [INTERNAL] 

damn it /jp/ i thought you were better than that.
replying to a obvious troll

>> No.6703646,90 [INTERNAL] 

I remember some tripfags complaining their trip changed, but I wouldn't know as I am not interested in tripfaggotry

Anyway, I'm out as ghost /a/ is back up
Thanks for taking us in for this brief time ghost /jp/

>> No.6703646,91 [INTERNAL] 

>tbh, ghost /a/ is pretty good. No underaged b&s more quality posts
With this gaia-like posting style I really can't see you making a point, sorry.

>> No.6703646,92 [INTERNAL] 

Hah. There was never any decent discussion in the idoltard threads. Funny that you would use them as an example...

>> No.6703646,93 [INTERNAL] 

>tbh, ghost /a/ is pretty good. No underaged b&s more quality posts

Says a poster from a board that was taken down for 10 minutes by spam.

Spam on a ghost board where you can't even post images to go with.

>> No.6703646,94 [INTERNAL] 

I don't actually go in those threads so I wouldn't know. They seem to keep to themselves and not make individual threads for each girl of their 400 member pop groups like the touhou people do. I just assumed they were content and having intelligent discussions about the trinkets they obtained while stalking their favorite idol.

>> No.6703646,95 [INTERNAL] 


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>> No.6703646,151 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6703646,152 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6703646,153 [INTERNAL] 

Keeping everything to one thread is a measure against the shitposting. Back in the early year, we didn't need just one thread for all VN discussion, we had them everywhere, because it was considered one of the main things this board was for. But now we have to hide in just one thread and talk as neutrally and cause as little hype as possible, in order to not attract any trolls.

>> No.6703646,154 [INTERNAL] 

It's too late to try to get us on the same level as /a/

>> No.6703646,155 [INTERNAL] 

And that is the way it should be. Making a new thread for every little thing is also shit posting to everyone who doesn't care.

>> No.6703646,156 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, LICENSED? That's why it was taking so long.

>> No.6703646,157 [INTERNAL] 

There's a huge difference between making a thread for every little thing and not wanting one huge category to be shoved into a single thread. That's like telling /a/ to make a single thread for manga in general, because if you made a thread for an individual manga, you would be shitposting.

>> No.6703646,158 [INTERNAL] 

All VNs are not shoved into a single thread. I'm going to truncate my post because that was all I need to even say.

>> No.6703646,159 [INTERNAL] 

translation, editing at 100%
QC at 88%

Great day today guys

>> No.6703646,160 [INTERNAL] 

I like how the discussion boards are up but we'd still rather use the archive.

>> No.6703646,161 [INTERNAL] 


Wait months for 88% QC > LOLSURPRISELICENSE

What a pack of faggots. I hope they still intend to release a patch or I'm going to be incredibly disappointed.

>> No.6703646,162 [INTERNAL] 

But the VN general threads are the only threads that aren't completely overwhelmed by trolls and shitposters these days.

>> No.6703646,163 [INTERNAL] 

dammit jast

>> No.6703646,164 [INTERNAL] 

Why I can't visit ghost /a/? Only with a proxy, what the hell?

>> No.6703646,165 [INTERNAL] 

Pisses me off as well, at least this will be released unlike nitro+ games. Demonbane in 2013.

>> No.6703646,166 [INTERNAL] 

Are you Russian?

>> No.6703646,167 [INTERNAL] 

Beta patch for has been released (or leaked? I don't know) like months ago.

>> No.6703646,168 [INTERNAL] 

Is it good enough?

>> No.6703646,169 [INTERNAL] 

so uh anyone willing to grab the newer scripts and make a new patch?

>> No.6703646,170 [INTERNAL] 

>VN translation begging threads
I can see why these would be shitposted in. If people wanted to help translate the game, they'd be doing so.

>Type-Moon threads
Type-moon fans troll themselves.

>Popular VN threads
They've been discussed so much, all people do is go "babbys first VN" and make the same tired memes particular to the game.

>Holy shit this scene was awesome
shitpost in and of itself.

When there's something actually interesting like a new VN coming out or finished being translated, there's not much trolling. If there's nothing new about a VN to discuss then what do you expect to happen when a thread is made about it and you want to avoid posting spoilers? The threads themselves end up being reduced to things like "how many of Saya's tendrils would you take inside you?"

>> No.6703646,171 [INTERNAL] 

It has a saving bug which makes you start of from the last "section" instead of where you actually saved when loading, which is actually so minor that I didn't even think it was a bug at first, though.
Haven't really read that much since the game's not too interesting for me, but the parts I read where alright. I mean, it's only missing QC, how bad could it really be? Like, compared to flyable hearts translation for example or something.

>> No.6703646,172 [INTERNAL] 

Support JAST USA's official localization of ALcot game!

>> No.6703646,173 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. Russia is banned?

>> No.6703646,174 [INTERNAL] 

Blame Abatap.

>> No.6703646,175 [INTERNAL] 

He spams text in ghost /a/?

>> No.6703646,176 [INTERNAL] 

I dont lurk /a/ so I have no idea that milky holmes is so well like in /a/.
Also Star driver is shit in my opinion and I can see why f/a/ggot like you like it. You see the irony in your post?

>> No.6703646,177 [INTERNAL] 

No, just /tv/.

>> No.6703646,178 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.6703646,179 [INTERNAL] 

Piroko must be waiting warmly for a NNL-like deal.

>> No.6703646,180 [INTERNAL] 

Best feakin' video EVER.

>> No.6703646,181 [INTERNAL] 

The only irony is that I never said I liked Star Driver or slice of life.

>> No.6703646,182 [INTERNAL] 

Meh. You guys are just soft hearted pseudo animal lovers.

>> No.6703646,183 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6703646,184 [INTERNAL] 

all the greentext spam makes me unironically want to become a mod

>> No.6703646,185 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6703646,186 [INTERNAL] 

cool and I want a million dollars

>> No.6703646,187 [INTERNAL] 

7 hours and still not up. I give up for now. All threads will probably be deleted when I get up too.

Now I'll never get to see what's being fed to Hong Meiling.

>> No.6703646,188 [INTERNAL] 

I'm tripping balls

>> No.6703646,189 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6703646,190 [INTERNAL] 

Spoilers: Sage affects ghost modo as it normally does.

Not that doing so with the top thread does much beside the message you want to send. Sometimes bumping the thread (or, more accurately, giving the impression that you think your post is worth bumping the thread) is more rude than saging it.

>> No.6703646,191 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.6703646,192 [INTERNAL] 

Do they still do this over there? I liked that show.

>> No.6703646,193 [INTERNAL] 

I believe it ended the 4th of October.

>> No.6703646,194 [INTERNAL] 

The 4th of October can't come soon enough....

>> No.6703646,195 [INTERNAL] 

Don't like how everything has it's own board.
Prefer having everything in one place.

>> No.6703646,196 [INTERNAL] 

I'm getting tired of all the spam. Railgun spam, /r9k/spam, and such.
I'm pretty patient, but it's starting to wear me down.

I wish moot would make it so you can only make a thread once per half hour. Coming from someone who hardly makes a thread once per year, it seems reasonable.

>> No.6703646,197 [INTERNAL] 

Make sure to read the description thoroughly

>> No.6703646,198 [INTERNAL] 

Try to make a good thread yourself, I ran out of ideas for a thread years ago.

>> No.6703646,199 [INTERNAL] 

Wouldn't help anything. Just change your IP and post again.

>> No.6703646,200 [INTERNAL] 

>I want Koume's clothes after she's spent a day playing baseball in the heat. The smell of active, adolescent girl embedded in fabric drenched in her blooming body's sweat is something I'd kill for. After all, hygiene in the Taishou era must not have been as good as it is today.Pic related: I want a whiff. I want to hold her close to me in a loving embrace, and inhale the fragrance that wafts from her body.Oh and her feet must smell delicious too.

I came.

>> No.6703646,201 [INTERNAL] 

No one would care unless it was a touhou or loli thread anyway.

>> No.6703646,202 [INTERNAL] 

Changing your IP every time you make a thread would be more annoying than changing your IP every time you get banned, especially since we lack mods.

If nothing else, the Tiger spammer would likely post less because it'd be too much a hassle.

>> No.6703646,203 [INTERNAL] 

Depends. Some ISPs you just have to unplug your modem for 30 seconds.

Mine I have to unplug it for 5 minutes and change my router's mac address.

>> No.6703646,204 [INTERNAL] 

google russian IP list

>> No.6703646,205 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe I'm just lazy, but even if my modem was right next to my computer, it'd be annoying to unplug it, wait for 30 seconds, then replug, especially to just post a thread to spam some board.

>> No.6703646,206 [INTERNAL] 

I'd think so too. I can reconnect my router via web interface and I still don't feel like doing it even when downloading from file hosters.

>> No.6703646,207 [INTERNAL] 

You severely underestimate /jp/s spammers. Look at the kinectimals guy.

Or the one who acts like they're a cornelia-style bot posting random things in threads they don't like.

a /jp/erson would probably post several rapid spam threads himself and then make another complaining about all the spam.

At least that one butthurt guy stopped spambotting that persona girl because his thread was deleted.

>> No.6703646,208 [INTERNAL] 

I have a button on my laptop to disable/enable my wireless. At certain places, getting a new IP is simply a matter of pressing that button twice.

>> No.6703646,209 [INTERNAL] 


Some Japanese guy is streaming. He's much more friendlier than the last guy.

>> No.6703646,210 [INTERNAL] 

I just don't understand why they go through all that trouble just to act like retards on the internet.

>> No.6703646,211 [INTERNAL] 


fun fact: Koume's VA = Saten's VA

>> No.6703646,212 [INTERNAL] 

No shit Sherlock

>> No.6703646,213 [INTERNAL] 

Seeing as though I'm bored, I'm going to waste my little amount of money.

Is there a place to buy the Welcome to the NHK novel online? Amazon has copies for $80+, but Borders has it for less than $8, on back order.

If I pay the $8, it's going to send me emails once a month about how there's no copy yet, and they'll try again next week, huh?

>> No.6703646,214 [INTERNAL] 

Is there a paintchat that is still active? Kinda bored here too.

>> No.6703646,215 [INTERNAL] 

The golden rule of spam-prevention is that it always causes more inconvenience to contributing users than it does to spammers.

>> No.6703646,216 [INTERNAL] 

Just like piracy.

I'll bet the MMO lovers are having the time of their life grinding right now.

>> No.6703646,217 [INTERNAL] 

That's probably not going to help you, but the official english release has been scanned.

>> No.6703646,218 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, wall's Paintchat has been up for a long time. Well okay, it's not exactly very active, but guys like MKF and MSPaint Anon draw there from time to time.

>> No.6703646,219 [INTERNAL] 

This bothers me too. We're supposed to be the ones with no lives who waste all our time reading shitty novels and playing grinding games, but even compared to us, these people seem to have a little too much time on their hands. Just saying that makes me feel like a normalfag, but these people seriously make WoW players seem like people who know how to have a good time.

>> No.6703646,220 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, I've read it already, but I want a physical copy, you know?

>> No.6703646,221 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe they really just want to give us someone to feel superior to, so we won't feel too bad about our own lives.
Wouldn't that be nice of them?

>> No.6703646,222 [INTERNAL] 

That's a private one? If so then I guess I'll find something else to do, posting a link isn't a good idea.

>> No.6703646,223 [INTERNAL] 

>I'll bet the MMO lovers are having the time of their life grinding right now.
Not much of an MMO lover (only thing I've played for years is RO, I seldom play Cosmic Break), but I suppose killing Porings and other shit is getting quite tiring, same goes for sitting in Prontera, waiting for someone to buy my shit.

>> No.6703646,224 [INTERNAL] 


Typical /jp/ thread

>> No.6703646,225 [INTERNAL] 

When you put it that way, I hate seeing myself as superior to someone, so in a way, they have successfully trolled me.

>> No.6703646,226 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6703646,227 [INTERNAL] 


God what is it with Moot and fucking up his own site lately.....


>> No.6703646,228 [INTERNAL] 

g'night guys, hopefully see you on /jp/ tomorrow morning

>> No.6703646,229 [INTERNAL] 

I can't believe you used to be a spammer. You seem like an okay guy now.

>> No.6703646,230 [INTERNAL] 

To change the topic a bit... has anyone read hello, goodbye?
any opinions?

>> No.6703646,231 [INTERNAL] 

Most of the spammers/shitposters are nice people if you talk to them outside /jp/. Currybutt was a bro back when we lurked paintchats.

>> No.6703646,232 [INTERNAL] 

I like this guy. He knows a little bit of English and added me on skype.

>> No.6703646,233 [INTERNAL] 

[18:09] <VDZ> >Chill Out — You're Locked
[18:09] <VDZ> >Due to too many failed login attempts we've locked things down for bit. Go get a cup of coffee, read our twitter feed and come back later and give it a try. KTHXBI
[18:09] <VDZ> Fucking DynDNS.
[18:10] <VDZ> Well, IP-only for now then. /jp/ FTP is back up temporarily.
[18:10] <VDZ>
[18:10] <VDZ> Username: Anonymous
[18:11] <VDZ> Password: /jp/
[18:11] <VDZ> Stability not guaranteed, use at own risk, etc, etc
[18:12] <VDZ> It will be taken down again on January 10th at the latest, probably earlier

>> No.6703646,234 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, that'd be right. I now have a triple Reach laser that still can't track for shit and just recently had its homing nerfed. I guess I'll give it to my Crim-chan and try to take on hoppers around powerspots.

>> No.6703646,235 [INTERNAL] 

I don't lurk /a/ either but Milky Holmes is a great anime and if you disagree you probably only watched episode 1, which was very bad.

>> No.6703646,236 [INTERNAL] 

What happened to /jp/ paintchat? The last time I looked at it, it was like some Gaia paintchat. I'm not even sure if those people were from /jp/.

>> No.6703646,237 [INTERNAL] 

I dropped it after the first episodes, but I guess I will give it another try. You better not be trolling.

>> No.6703646,238 [INTERNAL] 

Should I watch Milky Holmes or finish Mitsudomoe?

The Soremachi manga is great, I don't know if anyone is scanlating it to English though.

>> No.6703646,239 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not even trolling. Please watch the whole thing, if you can watch the whole thing and still dislike it I can't fathom what's wrong.

>> No.6703646,240 [INTERNAL] 

Both are good, I can't say. /jp/ is down, you could do both.

>> No.6703646,241 [INTERNAL] 

If /jp/ is still down when comiket starts I'm going to use this place for C79 stuff.

>> No.6703646,242 [INTERNAL] 

Having an ocean of time in front of me scares me, oh embrace me Anon-san!

>> No.6703646,243 [INTERNAL] 

It's being scanlated, though they are on vol. 3 out of 8 right now.

>> No.6703646,244 [INTERNAL] 

You can use this in the meantime.

>> No.6703646,245 [INTERNAL] 

Why did I have to finish G Senjou last night leaving me with nothing at all to do today?
And Da Capo II isn't exactly something that'll keep me entertained for the rest of the day and tonight as well.

>> No.6703646,246 [INTERNAL] 

I planned on using pooshlmer as well, but they are only good for touhou music and tend to mess the tags up. /jp/ is much more well-rounded.

>> No.6703646,247 [INTERNAL] 

Finish Mitsudomoe. It's actually fun to watch.

>> No.6703646,248 [INTERNAL] 

How long did G Senjou take? I've been looking for another VN to waste a day or two on.

>> No.6703646,249 [INTERNAL] 

15-20ish hours.
Not quite sure as I don't remember how long I read for on Christmas Eve.

>> No.6703646,250 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, damn me and my lack of foresight. I knew I should have been impatient and grabbed a beta patch.

>> No.6703646,251 [INTERNAL] 

Not like it's gone.
Could've found it here easily if you just searched.

>> No.6703646,252 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, is that so? Thank you anon.

>> No.6703656,1 [INTERNAL] 

Ohwow we're back. Got confused when there were suddenly real replies.

>> No.6703671

This is probably the best thread we've head for months.

>> No.6703656,2 [INTERNAL] 

I can't believe i wasted 2 hours of my life reading this shit.

>> No.6703656,3 [INTERNAL] 

I thought you quit IRC forever, VDZ

>> No.6703671,1 [INTERNAL] 


Looks like a piece of popcorn to me. For some reason I found it hilarious because it's just so half assed and disregards scale; that popcorn piece is way bigger than her head.

>> No.6703671,2 [INTERNAL] 

What made you think that? I never quit IRC.

>> No.6703707
File: 357 KB, 640x480, touhou08qs7[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to know what /jp/ is about?

It's about visual novels (of which dating sims are a subgenre), difficult shoot 'em ups (some of which feature all-female casts), and figurines, sometimes of anime characters, sometimes of the above-mentioned shooting game characters.

So I guess we could teach you about dodging bullets. That might help you fight the New World Order.

>> No.6703713

The Desert Eagle, originally designed by Mack of Future Weapons during his ten years in the SEALS, was the first fully-automatic combat pistol of its time. Chambered in the awesome .50 BMG at first, nothing could stand against it. Unfortunately, some of the girly men in the SEALS (Everyone except Mack) couldn't handle the sheer epicness of the .50 BMG in this pistol, so Mack commisioned Magnum Research and IWI to design a new high power pistol round that had the stopping power of the .50 BMG, but the compactness of a conventional pistol round.

Enter the .50 AE (Anti-Everything). This new, awesome bullet, capable of penetrating up to three inches of steel, with half the recoil of the .50 BMG. The smaller round made for more clipazine space, extending the clip capacity to 15+1 rounds with the standard clipazine, and 7+1 with the low-capacity civilian version. Production was to begin immediately, but ultimately the SEALS refused this weapon in the end, favoring the Sig P226. Mack was thoroughly offended by this and quit the SEALS shortly afterwards and sold his design to Israel, who continues to manufacture the Desert Eagle as the Deagle Brand Deagle.

>> No.6703715


>> No.6703721

Things I have learned from playing STALKER:
1. Love your gun.
2. Gun is less important than food, ammo, vodka, artifacts, and other gun.
3. Your gun will always jam on you in the middle of an important firefight.
4. Your gun will always jam on you when you are trying to snipe someone.
5. Your gun, as nice as it may be, will always be less nice than your enemy's gun.
6. Never start looting beyond what you can carry. May seem like nice rifle, but bandit behind you wants rifle too and he can wait until you're looking at inventory.
7. If you see bandit, remember there will be more bandits.
8. You can never have too much ammo.
8b. Unless you are overloaded.
9. See shiny ball of light floating around? Shoot it.
10. See military? Shoot it.
11. See dog? Shoot it.
12. See two red dots and an opaque silhouette? You are already dead.
13. Finding Strelok is a lot like trying to find yourself.
14. "Get out of here, STALKER" really means "I'm lonely, please talk to me."
15 and MOST IMPORTANT: It doesn't matter if you have an Okaban with stock scope and grenade launcher, a STALKER suit, and more first aid kits than a hospital, all it takes is one bandit with that coach gun you threw away to make life less livable.

>> No.6703722

This board is about Aikido.
Arguably the most powerful martial arts in Japan.

An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one.

Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.

A fearsome martial arts it is

>> No.6703729

9mm Luger: European popgun round that’s only popular because the ammo is cheap for a centerfire cartridge. Cheap ammo is a good thing for 9mm aficionados, because anything bigger and more dangerous than a cranky raccoon will likely require multiple well-placed hits. Wildly popular all over the world, mostly in countries where people don’t carry guns, and cops don’t have to actually shoot people with theirs.

.45ACP: Chunky low-pressure cartridge that hogs magazine space and requires a low-capacity design (if the gun needs to fit human hands) or a grip with the circumference of a two-liter soda bottle (if the gun needs to hold more than seven rounds). Disturbingly prone to bullet setback, expensive to reload, fits only into big and clunky guns, and a recoil that has an inversely proportionate relationship with muzzle energy.

.40S&W: Neutered compromise version of a compromise cartridge. Even more setback-happy than the .45ACP, and setbacks are much more dangerous because of higher pressure and smaller case volume. Manages to sacrifice both the capacity of the 9mm and the bullet diameter of the .45. Twice the recoil of the 9mm for 10% more muzzle energy.

.357SIG: Highly overpriced boutique round that does the .40S&W one worse: it manages to share the capacity penalty of the .40 while retaining the small bullet diameter of the 9mm. Noisy, sharp recoil, and 100% cost penalty for ballistics that can be matched by a good 9mm +P+ load. Penetrates like the dickens, which means that the Air Marshals just had to adopt it…only to load their guns with frangible bullets to make sure they don’t penetrate like the dickens.

>> No.6703736

.38 Special: Legacy design with a case length that’s 75% longer than necessary for the mediocre ballistics of the round due to its blackpowder heritage. On the plus side, the case length makes it easy to handle when reloading the gun. This is a good thing because anyone using their .38 in self-defense against a 250-pound attacker hopped up on crack will need to empty the gun multiple times.

.32ACP: Inadequate for anything more thick-skinned than Northeastern squirrels or inbred Austrian archdukes. Semi-rimmed cartridge that is rimlock-happy in modern lightweight autoloaders. Doesn’t go fast enough to expand a hollowpoint bullet, and it wouldn’t matter even if it did, because the bullet would only expand from tiny to small-ish.

.44 Magnum: Overpowered round that generates manageable recoil and muzzle blast…if you’re a 300-pound linebacker with wrists like steel girders. Often loaded to “Lite” levels that turn it into a noisy .44 Special while retaining the ego-preserving Magnum headstamp. Considered the “most powerful handgun cartridge in the world” by people whose gun knowledge is either stuck in 1960, or who get their expertise in ballistics from Dirty Harry movies.

10mm Auto: Super-high pressure cartridge that beats up gun and shooter alike. Very brisk recoil in anything other than all-steel S&W boat anchors, with a shot recovery that’s measured in geological epochs for most handgun platforms. Often underloaded to wimpy levels (see “.40 S&W”), which then gives it 9mm ballistics while requiring .45ACP magazine real estate.

>> No.6703742

Moot, honestly i have to say that you are very stupid. Not only are you asking for 20,000 dollars 'all of a sudden' to pay for a year of 4chan and a few extra servers (which you dont need, and dont deserve). I personally hope 4chan dies and a propper site like IIchan or 5chan is once again reborn. This piece of crap you call a site has nothing to do with an imageboard anymore. It is the craphole of the internet, with the worst mods ever pushed out of your asshole. You've done nothing for your 4chan fans but allow the 12 year old newbs to over-run the place.

I like to think of 4chan as a giant room, filled with thousands and thousands of bottom feeding rats, shitting and pissing all over themselves untill finally being caught in the giant mousetrap that is W.T. Snacks. You may live for a little while, but your gonna be pissing and shitting all over yourself, and then you'll get banned and you'll cry and wonder why you gave 10dollars to someone who hasnt even left his teens yet.


>> No.6703745

.380ACP/9mm Kurz: Designed by people who thought the 9mm Luger was a bit too brisk and snappy, which is pretty much all that needs to be said here. Great round if you expect to only ever be attacked by people less than seven inches thick from front to back.

.357 Magnum: Lots of recoil, muzzle blast, and noise to drive a 9mm bullet to reckless speeds in an attempt to make up for its low mass and diameter. Explosive fragmentation and insufficient penetration with light bullets; excessive penetration and insufficient expansion with heavy ones. Still makes only 9mm holes in the target.

5.7×28mm: Ingenious way to make a centerfire .22 Magnum and then charge quadruple price for the same ballistics. Awesome chambering for a police weapon…if you’re the park ranger in charge of the chipmunk exhibit at the zoo, and you want to make sure you can take one down if it turns rabid on you.

.25ACP: Direct violation of the maxim “Never do an enemy a minor injury”. Designed by folks who wanted to retain the bullet diameter of the .22 rimfire round, but take a bit of the excessive lethality out of it. Favored by people who don’t feel comfortable carrying anything more dangerous than the neighbor kid’s rusty Red Ryder pellet gun.

>> No.6703745,1 [INTERNAL] 

This board is about Kuroko. Together we can make this a reality.
