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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6703205 No.6703205 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>6674072
Current version: v1.10
Wiki: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/Main_Page
External IP: http://whatismyip.com/
Portforwarding: http://portforward.com/

>> No.6703247

Any hosts?

>> No.6703400

>Tells me nothing and tries to make me buy their shitty program

>> No.6703431

>select your router
>skip the ad
>choose "Default Guide for this router"

>> No.6703678


>> No.6703889

Is anyone hosting a game?

>> No.6705058


>> No.6705607 Finland

>> No.6705756

Good games, even if it was a bit of a short session.

>> No.6705768


good games

>> No.6705859


>> No.6705886

My lord, that was so much lag I couldn't even see you moving

>> No.6705897

Still hosting.
You need to practice way more, Rock.

>> No.6705916

I had a delay lag too, but I don't believe lag would cause something like that for just one of the players.
Do you happen to live in the US?

>> No.6705941

yes, I live in the western united states.
And yes, I really suck. I'm attempting to remedy this.

>> No.6705952
Amateur hour in here

>> No.6706000
File: 522 KB, 1322x1122, c376dc02e457314e763dd0f9d2515438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6706000 US East

>> No.6706014

OH shit, forgot I had to do something, will host a gain in about an hour

>> No.6706062

Them torrents...

>> No.6706084


>> No.6706103
EU host
COR mood.

>> No.6706107

Good games, Aegir. Sorry to cut it so short, but that was much too laggy for my taste.

>> No.6706115

Good games. Sorry about that, I guess my connection is shit at the moment.

>> No.6706348 [DELETED] US West
I know combos tier

>> No.6706482
EU host
Newfriend tier

>> No.6706484

GGs, at least I won a game this time haha.
Those were fun games as always.

>> No.6706493

Also, don't know what caused the lag since game 3.

>> No.6706515
File: 91 KB, 850x1133, 1292165224507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs. I woke up at 2AM and couldn't get any more sleep so I figured the best course of action would be to check whether someone is hosting. I saw your post a minute after you had posted it, talk about luck.

>> No.6706560

Neither do I. It was pretty frustrating, my timings got all screwed up.

>> No.6706616
File: 189 KB, 600x600, 1291273217744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hisoutensoku netplay thread
>neither of the Touhous in the picture is in Hisoutensoku

>> No.6706623

>see filename
>feel uneducated

>> No.6706663

Good games, your playstyle really hit me where it hurt most of the time.

>> No.6706699

Any other hosts?

>> No.6706711

GGs, getting a bit late so I'm out. Putting on pressure is good, but don't overdo it, I think you played a bit too aggressively.

>> No.6706756

GGs! We had a lot of close games.

>> No.6706781

GGs, it's more like I got total stomped

>> No.6707692 [DELETED] 


>> No.6707827


>> No.6709203
US Midwest

>> No.6709479 EU
Middle-low tier

>> No.6709501

GGs, Duckator. My senses are starting to melt from lack of sleep. I really gotta knock out...

>> No.6709528

>mfw dude I've never seen before hands duckator his ass

>> No.6709534

Good games storyteller, you're still tough as ever. I can't slip up at all against you. Even small mistakes get punished.

>> No.6709578
File: 342 KB, 741x1035, fe6577a7ddd321c063f7a89059f2f23a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone hosting that won't rape me mercilessly against the wall?

>> No.6709625

I felt lag but gg I admit the Sakuya trap and the Reimu slide kick got me.

>> No.6709626

GGs. I laughed at the end, it was well-played.
Damn lag ;_;

>> No.6709646
File: 132 KB, 900x900, Waiting_for_connection_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Constantly drowsy -tier.

>> No.6709687

Mearly here,
brb practicing forevar

>> No.6709710
File: 310 KB, 1000x1000, 1292233317846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs. Remember that skills learned with weaker opponents often don't work against more experienced people.

Hosting again.

>> No.6709715

umm so can I connect to you again?

>> No.6710040


>> No.6710245

Good games, but I'm afraid I'm still not much of a challenge for you.
Most of the games I was just blocking all the time with no real offense, but the problem is that I seem to always get hit in air, no matter how well I try to time it.
Guess that's when it comes down to how much each one of us has played.

>> No.6710309
File: 2.34 MB, 3000x3000, 1289965807286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games Kaali. I still can't think of any proper combos with some characters, doing a standard dial-A with Tenshi is really a wasted opportunity.

>the problem is that I seem to always get hit in air
You'll get the overall feel about which moves you'll have time to perform only via experience. However, I was too tired to notice back there whether you use dash or flight more during aerial combat. You can cancel into attacks a lot faster from dashes.

Well, I don't mind opponents of any skill levels, so feel free to join whenever I'm hosting. That is, if you can cope with my gimmick decks every now and then.

>> No.6710657


>> No.6710736


>> No.6710831

Thanks for the game, and sorry for the lag. GG anyway.

>> No.6710844

GG, though the lag.

I'm hosting again for a while.

>> No.6711287

Well, there goes my internet virginity. I thought I knew something with Patchy, but it seems I had better luck with Yuyuko (almost the first time playing her).
I greatly enjoyed the games, so I thank you, and sorry for being a boring opponent.

>> No.6711299

Well, you sure love spamming bullets, Faek. It worked a little on me because I'm not too good at hisoutensoku, but it will work even less on someone stronger than me. GGs nonetheless.

>> No.6711323

In case you didn't misslink on accident, this is the only post I made. Just in case you confused me.

Yeh, I thought projectile-based characters would suit me well. I should definitely try to get melee timing, dodging, maneuvers etc into shape, though.
Tell me one thing - is Reimu really good by herself, or am I just too new to deal with your reflexes?

>> No.6711328

*confused me for someone else

>> No.6711405
File: 101 KB, 315x400, 9b8e5e183a1b8da0939e0d7a075002cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is Reimu really good by herself, or am I just too new to deal with your reflexes?
I couldn't tell you if Reimu is good or not (I don't know her place in the metagame), but the problem with using mainly projectiles is that it exposes you easily to a counter-attack (I main Reimu so it's even easier for me with her).

>> No.6711435

I'll keep it in mind. May we meet again!

>> No.6711446

Reimu's generally regarded as low tier due to poor damage and poor mobility.

>> No.6712636 [DELETED] 


>> No.6713484

Bump, anyone playing?

>> No.6713497

Heh, _this_ game...

>> No.6713504


Anti-Wallslam tier

>> No.6713603

Yeah, I think the game hates me tonight. Confirm dial-A? No. Magical backwards crossup? Yeah, sure. Go flying off in random directions. You wanted to use that spellcard? Haha no, have mountain vapor and random shit frames ahead of winning the round.

>> No.6713605

Good games Tangental! You seem to be the only person hosting these days. My Yuyuko can't pressure very well, so it came down to graze traps and punishing whiffed moves.

>> No.6713613

Haha yeah, during the periodic lag bouts I just block until it clears up. Otherwise wacky stuff and dropped inputs ahoy. You definately would have won some of those if there wasn't such a delay on your spellcards.

>> No.6713633

Yeah, sorry about just giving up on some of those. I have a tendency to roll my eyes, shake my head, and stop playing for a moment whenever the game does anything fucking retarded, ranging from random techs that don't come out, grazes on reaction that it just doesn't register, or the random "fuck you" weather changes. Aya's j.5A animation is also trolltastic for that stuff like that, especially when you get to see her foot sticking through someone's head for the half second of spellcard flash despite it not actually having a hitbox.

>> No.6713651

You should play a serious fighter if you want good hitboxes and no lag netplay, like SSF4 or something. Otherwise a better netplay server/client system needs to be created, or at least one that can be wrapped around Hisou's existing one like Hamachi or something, although Hamachi is VPN orientated.

>> No.6713674

Serious fighters mean you don't get to play as your favorite Touhou with other /jp/ers.

>> No.6713690

I do play others too. That just makes Soku all the more frustrating because it doesn't react in the same way at all.
That said, fuck SSF4. I can't stand poke/footsie fighters like that.

>> No.6713701
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>I can't stand poke/footsie fighters like that.

>> No.6713716

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Vagina Poverty either. It's better in terms of that, but the 100% combos drag it back down.

>> No.6714468

Bump. Anyone hostan?

>> No.6714497

I don't like hosting this late. But I'm here if you'd like to host.

>> No.6714535


Unable to host currently due to circumstances. Not at home.

So if you'd like to host anyways, that'd be great.

>> No.6714541

Hosting until overcome by sleep

>> No.6714670


Damn that Youmu.

>> No.6714677

Good games Holymeister! I had to laugh at the lolidunk you connected with to win the round. That'll teach me to not pay attention to your spell cards. I also can't be a slouch vs your off mains either, even if i'm sleepy.

>> No.6714684


Haha. Good games.

Only my main could beat your characters though. Your Youmu is really good.

Hope we can play again sometime.

>> No.6715111


>> No.6715121 [DELETED] EU

>> No.6717002


>> No.6717246 (US CST)

>> No.6717585

Wrong deck?

>> No.6718450


>> No.6720319

Who's ready for Ougon Musou Kyoku?

>> No.6720328
File: 113 KB, 560x405, vita02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Rosa.

>> No.6720409

>no flying
>no grazing

>> No.6721614

Late night thread bump

>> No.6721674

Sorry, I'm probably not going to play for the next few days. I have a ton of shit I need to do to get ready for classes starting on Monday. Fucking winter term BS.

>> No.6721691

Well shit. Looks the list of people usually on at this time has been reduced by 1 to 0.

>> No.6721875


Bring that 0 back to a 1.

Will play if someone will host. Not at home currently.

>> No.6721885


>> No.6722360


Way off my Tenshi game today. You're too good for most of my characters. Sorry if it got boring.

Good playing you again though.

>> No.6722393

Good games again Holymeister! I noticed you play aggressive in the beginning but then lean to the defensive side when your health gets low. When you switch to defense mode I can't connect with anything with my off mains. You could see this the most during the Meiling matches. Haha, I'll have to apologize as I had to resort to turtling up until you to lower your guard in those games.

>> No.6722411


Do you have any general tips? I feel like I'm doing something wrong that I shouldn't be doing wrong. Especially in the case of your Youmu.

I can kinda predict your next moves, but yet you always connect them somehow.

>> No.6722434

Naw, when you're using a guard and counter strategy it's actually really difficult for me as all the openings in my play becomes very apparent. Your Yukari was brutal, piercing through everything I could throw out at you. I could also see you have some nifty setups with her. I don't know why switching to a crystal deck helped at all.

>> No.6722474


I got really defensive against your Youmu, yet you literally slashed through my defenses no matter what.

Though I did fall for your 623c a lot, but those mixups are scary. Even if I could find an opening, there was no way I could get in and punish.

>> No.6722482

Rabbit has a tendency to 6D 5A or j.6D j.5A, with little real cover or hesitation. Shut down those reckless dash-ins and you'll not only be getting free damage, you'll also be shaking his confidence (i.e. just peg him with something like Suika's j.6A when he insists on flying right at ya). Stop trying to dash in after he goes for his standard guard crush routine, you'll likely eat a 623C, which he could combo into a spellcard if he so chooses. Think about what you're doing when you're putting bullets on the screen, you want him to react in a certain way, not just throw something out there just because you don't have anything else to do. If you see him having a tendency to hj into you in response to stuff like Tenshi j.2C, backdash away instead of always j.66ing into his elbow.

I didn't watch the entire time, so that's all that comes to mind.

>> No.6722549

Well in the case of Youmu there are often specific situations you could punish me safely if you're familiar with them. There are also some traps that you kept falling for that you need to be careful against. For example, the 3/6[A] into 623[C] connected way more than it should, as you can safely block. You can also poke out of my pressure when I go for the guard crush or throw out B bullets. I'm also always keeping an eye on the positioning of myon for 2Cs, especially when I dash under you or you jump over me. People usually take advantage of this by either grazing at diagonal angles to land on the side myon is not on, or preventing me from dashing under them by timing their kicks or flying slightly lower than normal.

For your general play, you block the high low mixup correctly, wakeup in different directions and cancel your projectiles so you definately have the basics down. Aside from a lack of border escapes you play pretty well and just need to practice some high damaging combos. Offensively, you can also throw kicks on your way back down after you jump in the corner to punish wiffed attacks.

I'll keep an eye out for things to improve the next time we play!

>> No.6722551


I see. That certainly helps. I noticed some of the things you mentioned after a good few matches against his Youmu, yet his pressure was so strong I couldn't find a chance to break away and bait him out.

Thanks though, will definitely attempt this the next time I play him.

>> No.6722646

Hey now! I try to cover my charges with B bullets but Suika fastballs bust them up. I also rely entirely too much on that broken Youmu elbow, where it is handily beaten by Suika's own air game.

If what I'm doing doesn't work, I'll do the same thing but faster. And after that doesnt work as well, it's dragon punches all the way to losing horribly.

>> No.6724570


>> No.6725708

i guess seacats really did kill this game

>> No.6728914


>> No.6729047
File: 232 KB, 690x540, 020a4140e9042575fe897173cb6ea305577c4da4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently some bad jokers written a little code, which is crashing soku's server (and even created thread with it's source on some board). Script is quite primitive - it just generate and send random trash to host's ip. Crashing is caused by crooked behaviour in this code:

00415A48 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp]
00415A4B cmp edx,eax
00415A4D jle 00415A71
00415A4F lea ecx,[ebp+6]
00415A52 mov ebx,dword ptr [edi+40h]
00415A55 cmp ebx,dword ptr [ecx+2]
00415A58 jne 00415A67
00415A5A mov bx,word ptr [edi+3Eh]
00415A5E cmp bx,word ptr [ecx]
00415A61 je 00415B2E
00415A67 add eax,1
00415A6A add ecx,10h
00415A6D cmp eax,edx
00415A6F jl 00415A52
00415A71 mov eax,dword ptr [edi+3Ch]

This code enumerate and checks IP:Port paires in packets, that are marked as the begining of spectating. Because packets often (and maybe always) are not sent by the server, but by the second player or other spectators, the IP addresses from where the information about the match is taken from it. Number of the iterations and its value is also taken from this packet. In a specific set of circumstances these values are causing Access Violation, in other words, a sort of buffer overflow (because number of iterations is too high and some other trifles).

>> No.6729064
File: 229 KB, 693x850, 0fa24c0d85955c6a81232f56a9dfd1805251c09c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To fix this mistake and prevent being irritated and interrupted by the bad jokers, a patch in the form of a dll was made in haste. It blocks bad or critical packets, decreases slowdown caused by the flood attack and does not allow server to be crashed. Attacks are being logged (banned_ip.txt) and tell that somebody was sending bad packets, so in the future all packets from these IP addresses will be blocked.

Also this dll steals cookies. coolface.jpg

You need this patch if you get the soku crashes while you playing the netplay and your ip address is known to others.

>> No.6729074
File: 73 KB, 480x640, 0f492b549d1ccb5829ba0f8a567599599f3b6ddb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To install the patch:
1) backup original th123.exe (for example, to th123.original.exe);
2) copy from archive th123.exe to folder with game;
3) and copy ws2_31.dll to folder with game;
1) copy Patcher.exe and ws2_31.dll to folder with game;
2) run Patcher.exe ;
Or you can change by the hex-editor "ws2_32.dll" to "ws2_31.dll" in exe, for that the game takes dll-patch.

Captain Obvious hastens to remind, that if you want to uninstall patch, you need:
1) restore from backup original th123.exe after removing patched exe;
Or just:
1) run again Patcher.exe ;
After all, you can remove (but it not necessary) ws2_31.dll

>> No.6729092

hisouten players are stupid, but not that stupid

>> No.6729101
File: 232 KB, 500x500, 31735a30c6791c34477bfdd7ae8d7a8e326e2833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because now is celebrates, and i'm ill, it written in haste. If someone can crash game with patch or if patch will block normal packets, write there or better to url in the comment on filestore site. Maybe I can fix or complete it. In form of dll it because it was made in haste. Flood programs were only three and analysis could be incomplete. In conclusion, test this and write to me about any problems.

P.S. Also this dll theoretically slows down net data processing in game a little, but this value is even not higher than the half of 1 ms, so there shouldn't be any lags, just a local firewall.

P.P.S. Don't forget, that if you show this to brothers and sisters they'll become touhoufags.

Ssory, I'm bad in English ^^".

Patch http://rghost.ru/3827115
Sources http://rghost.ru/3827123
For teh great justice.[/spoler]
And for my love, of course.

>> No.6729102


Now escalate it into remote code execution and the real lulz will materialize.

>> No.6729143
File: 2 KB, 124x122, Territorial Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6729147

Hooray, now me and the three other Hisouten players around here can join the botnet too!

>> No.6729179

You say that 'cause you haven't seen russian players. 'Cause thay're DoS their own soku-servers %)

>> No.6729196

Couldn't you avoid the attack by simply changing your port number?

>> No.6729206

"Let's start sending packets to that port."


>> No.6729225

Well obviously someone could just switch the attack to the port you've publicly posted on seedy Russian websites, but if it's really an issue you can just agree on a port in #hisouten.

>> No.6729235 [DELETED] 
File: 420 KB, 761x1200, 2072aebd6b052636401fffcf837d8e1b997ee75d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It almost impossible, because it's read error, not writing. Maybe if you experienced in this, then you have a chance.
You can compile it from sources. Anyway if you don't get problems with crashes, you don't need the patch.

>> No.6729289
File: 420 KB, 761x1200, 2072aebd6b052636401fffcf837d8e1b997ee75d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It almost impossible, because it's read error, not writing. Maybe if you experienced in this, then you have a chance.
You can compile it from sources. Anyway if you don't get problems with crashes, you don't need the patch.

>> No.6729305

Whatever, this patch is only just in case.

>> No.6729371

I hate you, Tree. You abandoned me.

>> No.6729486
File: 2 KB, 62x61, Hostile Elder Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

