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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 400x314, mabinogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6692673 No.6692673 [Reply] [Original]

I'm just downloading Mabinogi. What can i expect out of it?

>> No.6692679

A horrible fighting system, nerv wracking solo play and a few gimmicks. Ohh and your loli will become a hold hag unless you want to spend real money.

>> No.6692689

so basically, it's an otaku money pit?

>> No.6692707

Yes. When I played it there wasnt that much that the store had to offer. By now im sure Its loaded with things that you could blow a months salary on. I quit when i found out i had to spend money to keep my loli a loli.

>> No.6692712

Excellent character creation, armor/outfit design options, lots of fun non conventional things to do.. Excellent music.

Troublesome combat system, few gameplay styles are viable, and a heavy reliance on cash shop. You can have fun with it if you treat it as more of an adventure than a competition.

>> No.6692718
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>> No.6692726
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Don't waste your time on this game...it becomes both a time sink and a money sink, and you would be better off with $15 a month on WoW than playing this. This is coming from someone who's played both games more than he should have.

>> No.6692735

im pretty sure you get free rebirth when you hit age 21 then you can just rebirth you age 10

>> No.6692760

rebirth max age 17 free rebirth at 20
weekly rebirth 7.90$
premium service for extra stuff 10.90$
massive bug which american can't fix and have to let korean/japan fix bug
massive mod/hack people cheat the game
maintenance every 10pm tuesday for more than 6 hours
massive gay fag drama
worse event that mostly involve $

>> No.6692777


>> No.6692782

OP just play vindictus. Same universe, superior fighting system.

>> No.6692794

ITT: People dont realize you can get everything in Nexon cash shops for free.

>> No.6692796
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or you could just buy cheap age pots weekly

>> No.6692801


>Same universe

yeah that would matter if they actually gave half a shit about presenting lore/story in Vindictus. Its all "GO KILL THIS BEAR BECAUSE ITS EVIL NOW"

>> No.6692811

>massive bug which american can't fix and have to let korean/japan fix bug

what bug is this?

>massive mod/hack people cheat the game
They reveal the layout of the faggy dungeons, whoop-de-do

>> No.6692822


please note golems are quite broken

>> No.6692818

Korean MMO's are all the same. Koreans need to learn to ask that ago old question, WWBD.

>> No.6692823

If no one's played within the last year, don't listen to their opinion.


>> No.6692831

The story is at least better than "hurr durr go kill 10 mobs for us plz".

Im just hoping they wrap up the loose ends by boat 6 because the story up till the end of boat 4 makes very little sense.

Boat 3 in particular is a MASSIVE clusterfuck of loose ends.

>> No.6692833

But everyone's playing Mabinogi Heroes.

>> No.6692835

Its fun, but I hate how the combat is dominated by a select few builds that are only viable after grinding for so long.

Want to ranged fight? Better be Elf. Want to melee? Better be Giant. Want to be useless? Go Human.

Want to destroy everything in the game solo without the need for other players, actually doing damage than anyone else in the game? Summon 2 story Golems, a pet that can do more damage than ANYONE else in the game, even melee characters meant for the same purpose.

>> No.6692847


>> No.6692853

I'm a ranged human and I kick everything's ass. You should probably just learn to play better.

Mabi is about taking it easy and doing what you want with your character.

>> No.6692858

>taking it easy

>> No.6692860
File: 374 KB, 1424x852, mabinogi_2010_11_29_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best way you can enjoy your self

dont think too much about it, You'll just get a headache

take it easy~

>> No.6692861

You may kick everything's ass, but Elf rangers could kick more, and in half the time.

Although you do get an advantage in PvP with Revolver.

>> No.6692872
File: 212 KB, 968x688, mabinogi_2010_09_26_031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Master of Party heal title + Party heal = Lives saved in them hard mode dungeons

too bad the mana charge cost so damn much

>> No.6692878


Or get a Golem user to solo the dungeon for you.


>> No.6692882


Master of Party heal title + Party heal = Lives saved in them hard mode dungeons

too bad the mana charge cost so damn much

But yeah, I'm a huge faggot. Please rape my face.

>> No.6692885

but thats no fun

are you saying you dont want to have fun?
oh wait I remember where I am /jp/ right

I mean you are all idiots!

>> No.6692887

>played this game since G1, trust me its not freaking worth it.

>> No.6692902


All I am saying is that Nexon should take SOME effort to balance their game. You dont see a problem with a PET outclassing everything in the game 95% of the time? Or that its one of the easiest skills to rank and fund?

Like I said, I play it and have fun doing all sorts of things, but when it comes to dungeons and PvP, the balance is atrocious, and you have all these faggots bragging about how pro they are to the people just trying to have fun.

>> No.6692909

I've gotten way to used to ignoring people

most of the time I hide out in Dunbarton Church to get away from the noise that is Elf vs Giant pvp that seems to be going on 24/7

>> No.6692927

Well I had a bad first experience with the game. As you know, the life skills require tons of AP usually, which in return require high combat skills to grind out. I really just wanted to do crafting stuff, but I decided, hey why not just pick a combat skill and roll with it?

I wanna do melee. "Well you had better rank all these skills, buy these expensive armors, and reroll Giant."

Okay then, ranged. "If you arent Elf, you suck. Also, you need to get these many, many life skills that require you to have another combat style anyway."

Okay, Magic? "Sure, whenever you can get tons of money to fund it, or another combat skill to raft."

Alchemy...? "Sure go for it, but everyone will think you are a FOTM overpowered douchebag."

>> No.6692938

Whelp where I hang out I dont really find much elitist douch bags

and where I hang out is Alt+tabed on to my internet browser until my friends call me to do something

>> No.6692947
File: 328 KB, 1432x849, mabinogi_2010_11_10_017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also apperently

giants are in serious demand or something
everyone is too busy enjoyin being a human

>> No.6692955

Well I wanted to be Human because I found melee and raged appealing and I dont have the time or money to level two characters, but everyone I talk to tells me that I will just horrible at both.

I considered just going Giant, but they got some sily limitations. Feels like the game is quite biased in favor of Elves.

>> No.6692962

I dont know

no one gets mad at my melee human

right now I have 366 ap saved up for Down attack and sword mastery

>> No.6692963

So many typos, lack of sleep. You get the gist of it.

>> No.6692979

Why isn't hotglue mentioned in this article?

>> No.6692985

isnt dramatica /b/shit?

>> No.6692992

what's the matter, buttmad your little circlejerk isn't as e-notorious as you like to think it is?

>> No.6693014

Play vindictus. Gameplay is actually a lot of fun, and I don't think the cash shop is as terrible if you don't play as much (if you play a lot you have to pay).

>> No.6693052

Yeah, a little.

>> No.6693055

>As you know, the life skills require tons of AP usually,
>which in return require high combat skills to grind out.

Go do some exploring or something. 25 free levels without any combat.

>> No.6693067

Hotglue didn't do anything notable on Mabi. They were just one of several /jp/ guilds. All the other guilds fell apart and the remainder went on to other MMOs, like SMT imagine.

It was when Aika came out and hotglue owned everyone the entire beta that people came down with ass-explody.

>> No.6693077


That won't work Mug, you can't derail this thread.

>> No.6693092

I'd play it just for the Nao.

Dat Nao...

>> No.6693093

Post ECO Hotglue just wasn't Hotglue anymore. Don't know if it's for better or worse, but there are too many people to take it easy.

>> No.6693095
File: 292 KB, 1130x1600, 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mabi has some pretty cool porn

>> No.6693115

This is the only reason why I even tried Mabinogi.

>> No.6693292


Morrighan and Nao, the best part of it all.


What am I supposed to do with a measly 25AP?

>> No.6693297

You certainly should try RO.

>> No.6693527
File: 168 KB, 800x598, mabinogi_2010_12_25_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Want to destroy everything in the game solo without the need for other players, actually doing damage than anyone else in the game? Summon 2 story Golems, a pet that can do more damage than ANYONE else in the game, even melee characters meant for the same purpose.

For easymode dungeons, maybe. Peaca intermediate actually requires cooperation from every styles of combat, except maybe for melee. You want golems to keep the monsters pinned against the wall, life drain for doing decent damage against monsters with 1000 def and 50% prot, blaze and ice spear for crowd control, barrier spikes to keep everyone safe, and finally a bunch of elven archers with campfires for 2X ranged damage.

Now, as for everything else in the game, yeah. A single golem would allow you to solo most of the dungeons out there.

Pic related, what a level 500 can achieve by spamming harder dungeons with golems.

>> No.6693613

I can't think of any skill where 25 ap won't get you several ranks in it except in the numbered ranks. It's plenty to grind the skills up over the 3 week period before you rebirth and get another 25 AP.

The grinding of life skills takes longer and is harder than getting the AP. It doesn't take any real amount of skill to get 25 battle levels and have a total of 50 AP plus age up AP.

That is more than enough.

>> No.6693642

Any /jp/ guilds on Mabi? I just started going on again but I'm ronri on there. Although I'll admit that I don't do much and more or less just wander around for a bit before logging off.

Just wondering.

>> No.6693800


There's one in Mari, apparently. Which server do you play on?
