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6691535 No.6691535 [Reply] [Original]

Visual Novel translation status

11eyes - Trial patch out, 22.05% of the common route translated
Akatsuki no Goei- common route fully translated, as well as bits of the character routes (8610 lines translated total). was mentioned in a C&D sent out to another game
>Akai Ito- Insertion of the existing translation being worked on with success, 51% done with verification, 2600 lines total untranslated
Apathy Midnight Collection Vol. 1 - 8 of 11 arcs translated
Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni - 5/117 scripts translated, new translator joined
Baldr Sky - Translation ongoing
Cartagra - Translation is pretty much finished, QC/beta next
>Concerto Note - C&D, continuing, translation at 20%
Danzai no Maria -The Exorcism of Maria- being translated.
Devils Devel Concept- 25%
Entomic Impurity- 33%, translator back
>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- 44.6% translated, second partial patch out
>Flyable Heart -Fully translated, trial patch out, in editing
Fortune Arterial- 48 of 122 scripts translated, 14 of 122 scripts edited, patch for the trial version of the game
>Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers- Milfie route complete, shared routes complete, about 10855 lines remaining, Milfeulle patch released
>G-Senjou no Maou- Released
>Hakuoki ~Shinsengumi Kitan~ - Classes done, so translation ongoing again
Hatsukoi - 66.2571% translated
Higurashi Daybreak - being translated
Hinomaru- 5.5% translated
Himekishi Lilia- "As for the time window its taken to release...well how long did it take Blizzard to release starcraft 2 and after all that time what really changed? Lilia will be released when its released. Deal with it. "
Honey Coming- Prologue 100% translated, Common route atleast 20% with progress being made. Yuma Shichiri's route 5% translated
>Hoshizora no Memoria -10.5% translated, recieved a C&D, continuing.
Ikusa Megami Zero - New project starting up, C&D, continuing.

>> No.6691537

Imouto Ijime - 50.1% translated
Katahane- 31602/32287 lines (97.88 %) translated, both Shirohane chapters are fully translated
Kara no Shoujo - 100% translated, edited, and hacked, may be released officially
Kichikuou Rance- 20% translated
Killer Queen - 97 % translated 11312/13785lines
Kizuato - 182/246 scripts translated
Lamento ~Beyond the Void~ -4%
Lamia no Baai - ~1/7th of the game translated, plus some new translation on top of that
LILITH-IZM03- 75% patch out
Little Busters - ~70%, new patch released with Mio's route translated, Haruka route 31% translated
Love Plus- Dialogue translation: 25.8%
>Majikoi- Prologue patch out, Yukie route TL progress: 95%
M&M Enchanting Magic & Sweet Charms- 61%
>Muv Luv full patch released - Alt progress - 1520.37 /2738.39 KB (55.52%) Muv Luv overall (Ex/Un/Alt) progress, 4107.05/ 5253.50 KB (78.12%) translated, 1st Alternative patch released
>Never 7 - 24 of 97 scripts translated
Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ Translation/Editing 100%, QC 88.2%
Period- All image/UI editing complete, Miyu's route translation complete, game total translation:27.96% complete
Popotan- still going very slow, but image editing is nearly finished
Princess Maker 5- 18%, image translation 100%, editing underway
Princess Nightmare - Translator said the project is still active, but very slow, nearly 50% translated
Prision Battleship 2 - 43% translated
Pure Pure The Story of Ears and Tails- Sachi Patch released, 63.20% translated
>Rance 1- Fully translated, now onto editing, etc
Rin ga Utau, Mirai no Ne-iro- Miku patch released, Rin part will be upcoming
Sa.Na.Ra.Ra - 7 completed scripts
School Days- Translation at 100%, chapters 1-3 released, project reconized by 0verflow, episode 4 in alpha

>> No.6691540

Seinarukana - Prologue and Chapter 1 translated, translation at 9.1%, image editing mostly complete, chapter 2 translation almost complete
Sensei Da-isuki 2- 20%, still being worked on
>Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo -translator working on non translated scripts, all of Natsumi's scripts translated
Sin- 60% of episode 1 translated
Sono Hanabira 3 - To begin as soon as 7 is finished
Sono Hanabira 5 - stalled
Sono Hanabira 7 - 50% translated, plan to finish within the next 2-4 weeks
Suiheisen made Nan Mile- Trial patch 55% translated
Sweet Pool- Active translation ongoing
Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu-"status: ~translating:active~"
Togainu No Chi- 69% translated
>To Heart2- 53% - "The final product is still years away unless I get more help. ", Tama-nee alpha patch released, Yuma's route translated
>Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 2nd Kiss - going into final beta
>Tomoyo After - Some work on the translation this week, working on a 35% partial patch
Touka Gettan: translation status: ~30% translated
Under The Moon- 6% translated/checked/programmed
Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na -picked up by the guy doing Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni, most of the first day translated
Yosuga no Sora - 20% translated
>YU-NO- Total: 3545.96/3995.61KB (88.75%), Prologue patch released, all normal routes translated, translation moving onto the epilogue chapter, Editing at 1819.72/3995.61 KB (45.54%)

>> No.6691542

Official work

>Da Capo II - Released
Koihime Musou - 1/31/2011 scheduled release, trial out, in testing
Ef - Editing of The First Tale complete, the first tale and the latter tale will be released seperately
Zaishuu The SiN - Pushed back to focus more on Koihime
Dear Drops -picked up
Harukoi Otome - Being translated
Harem Party- Focused in a recent blog post
Unannounced title- translation and editing finished
Ongoing talks with a company whose bread and jam you would not want to eat
Chance they may be bringing over Kara no Shoujo, according to Kouryuu
Picked up a Circus title with gameplay
Additionally, random sex romps are scheduled as well

Demonbane- delayed
Jingai Makyou- Not mentioned in their panel
Nitro Royale- being translated
DraKoi- fully fan translated, image editing is finished as well, however scripts are unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release
Yumina the Ethereal - announced, expected to be released within a year
>Sumaga- 79%, still being translated, unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release
Muramasa - Chapter 4 complete, but because it is Nitro+, it is uncertain what will come from the project
"Speaking of which, we’re currently in the process of planning three major announcements for the coming months, with one each being unveiled in December, January, and February."

HgameZ is alive again, possible releases in the future
Kisaragi no Hogyoku- English trial out, now being translated as part of project T0rama
Bible Black Infection- Delayed until Janurary 25th, 2011
Upcoming from active fan groups
Some LiarSoft will be done by Ixrec after the Muv Luv saga
Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Love Plus -- Planned by the translators doing 2
>Stuff like this has been either added or updated since the last thread

>> No.6691547

I would like to apologize for getting this list out late this week, however I had obligations because of Christmas that ended up going late, and couldn't throw this thread together until now. Otherwise, Merry Christmas

>> No.6691548

>Majikoi- Prologue patch out, Yukie route TL progress: 95%

>> No.6691570

Even if it didn't arrive until tomorrow, I don't think anyone would honestly be upset.

>> No.6691574

finally the best thread is here

>> No.6691582

>Yosuga no Sora - 20% translated
>To Heart2- 53%
Quarterly dose of d....holy shit, ToHeart2 moved!

>> No.6691586

no need to apologize VNTL status-kun
merry christmas to you too

>> No.6691605

>ToHeart2 moved!
Hurray, I guess.
I already read the best route though, so I'm not really anticipating ToHeart2 much more now.

>> No.6691615

Hell yeah, G-Senjou is out, and kureha has the megaupload links~

>> No.6691628

Questions! How the fuck does one go about actually editing the program? Does the same method that works for VN's work for games of other genres?

>> No.6691629

>>To Heart2- 53%
>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou
>QC 88.2%

Stuck in QC hell. At least Toheart2 went up by .2%

>> No.6691640

># December 21, 2010: Progress at an almost-standstill the last couple of weeks because of exams and getting smashed after exams. Christmas is coming up, and then right after that is Comiket and half of us are part of the Rizon release staff. And after that... --TinFoil

>> No.6691651

The most wonderful time of the week has come.

>> No.6691783

Arrrrgh, all those fuckers keep spoiling G-Senjou.

God damn it I'm never going to be able to enjoy it now.

>> No.6691847
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>Tomoyo After - Some work on the translation this week, working on a 35% partial patch

oh god what

>> No.6691854

Well why don't you finish it then? It's not like you are busy with other stuff.

>> No.6691879

> Akai Ito

>> No.6691886

I've experienced the same problem. I'd really like to start it soon, but I have tons of other VNs I could play, so maybe I'll manage to forget the details before I get around to playing it.

>> No.6691953

>G-Senjou no Maou- Released

>> No.6691982

>Flyable Heart -Fully translated, trial patch out, in editing
Whole translation is a fucking joke.

>> No.6692064

Get out, TLWiki shills.

>> No.6692103

How bad is trial patch's translation?

>> No.6692141

Ironic that everyone with some standards is called a "TLWiki shill" when TLWiki contains its own share of crimes against translation, like Killer Queen.

>> No.6692228

The ones going on about "standards" obviously don't need translations. Those who need translations don't have the right to be demanding "standards". See where this is heading?

>> No.6692236

Looks English but somewhat inaccurate.

As opposed to somewhat accurate but not looking English.

>> No.6692285

If you mean the retrans patch as somewhat accurate, then you're wrong there too. There are tense mistakes almost every other line. Most lines are 100% identical to one of the outputs from Translation Aggregator, usually Google Translate or OCN with zero understanding of any Japanese sound effect usage at all.

>> No.6692386

where the hell do you get this patch, anyway?

>> No.6692395

TLWiki projects are as good as whoever is working on them. Nobody is forbidding you from being a terrible TL and starting a project there, but you'll be discouraged if you produce bad quality work, or worse, use ATLAS or other automatic translation tools.

>> No.6692401

The tense mistakes are being fixed. >>6692204

And don't forget "even a broken clock is right twice a day"

>> No.6692421

Being fixed by the same guy who made them? I doubt that's a good sign. Nor do I think that you should be bragging that a translation is correct 2/1440 % of the time.

>> No.6692424

In other words, they're a bunch of traditionalist old fucks enraged that machine translation exposes their randomness and inaccuracy.

>> No.6692442

Let's not do this in everyone's favorite thread.

>> No.6692450

Ironically, the tense mistakes in the first part were made by the guy (or girl? lol dawningblue) who _wasn't_ using machine translation.

>> No.6692451

Are you trying to be sarcastic? It's not funny either way.

>> No.6692474

Sad Cudder in snow

>> No.6692504

Just wait until the later parts. Tense mistakes are the least of the problems when "I'll be gentle" somehow turns into "I can take it easy."

>> No.6692514


>> No.6692874

whats with those sage <_<

>> No.6692877

Don't want to bump the thread for the weekly bitching about Flyable Heart's shitty project.

>> No.6692881

we're always mad, all the time

>> No.6692906

Done enough shilling for TLwiki yet?

>> No.6692924

What's with all these /a/nons suddely barging in here?

>> No.6692952

I'm guessing TWGOK and OreImo suddenly raised the coolness factor of eroge on /a/ and everyone wants to try them now.

>> No.6692953

Can someone explain to me what the heck happened to Yosuga no Sora? Didn't the translation almost finished followed by a C&D? Then the group went kind of underground, so why is the project marked at being only at 20%?


Come on dude and deliver again. We are waiting being hype.

>> No.6693028


Also, Where is Cartagra and Kara no Shoujo? I was looking foward to those.

>> No.6693037

Support MangaGamer's localization of Innocent Gray games!

>> No.6693047

Fuck. It will take fucking ages for them to release if they do at all. Just look at Jast and Nitro+.

Someone leak those patches already.

>> No.6693387

Seriously? Gaaaah.

>> No.6693402


It isn't even confirmed yet if MangaGamer is doing Cartarga and Kara no Shoujo. Or is it?

>> No.6693431

I'm not from /a/
the only board I visited in this site is this one
just kinda surprised at the huge amount of sage in this thread.....

>> No.6693436

>>Rance 1- Fully translated, now onto editing, etc

Holy crap. Is Rance 1 really short or was the translation done at the speed of light?

>> No.6693442

Stop posting about shit you don't understand. We are here not to teach you. You'll understand it by yourself someday.

>> No.6693443

Excuse me, n00b here, what does it mean that some thing in the status are written in green? And how often do you make status report posts?

>> No.6693448

stfu noob

>> No.6693461

>Stuff like this has been either added or updated since the last thread
Being noob wasn't an excuse for not be able to read.

>> No.6693478

it's >implying

>> No.6693481
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It will never... ;_;

>> No.6693497

start learning japanese if you're so dedicated to it to whine about it in every thread every week, god fucking damn it

>> No.6693507

They both die.
Happy now, spammer?

>> No.6693537


>> No.6693543

Anyone got a G-Senjou torrent? All I can find is some shitty megaupload links on Hongfire.

>> No.6693550

No progress for the good leaf games. KYA!

>> No.6693554

There are torrents on Hongfire too, you know?

>> No.6693559

Yeah, I didn't look very far. Found it a few searches down, first search if I googled the runes. Silly me.

>> No.6693565

Dec 26:
Yukie route TL progress: 100%
Yukie route editing: 20%
Yukie afterstory TL: 2%

>> No.6693764

December ends, angels have forgotten about us.

Also, merry xmas, VNTL-kun, and thanks for your work.

>> No.6693775

>Gore Screaming Show
>still dropped

>> No.6693810

I thought i was alone waiting for this ;_;

>> No.6693827
File: 121 KB, 320x167, Tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of posting this weekly in each VNTLStatus thread thread, but I stopped after three or four times or so as I was practically the only one doing it and as it looked sort of spammy/copy-past:d even though it was only once a week.
In either case.

I still love you guys for trying to translate Princess Maker 5, and if it were to be completed some time, /jp/ will know if its glory as well.

>> No.6693829


Five days left. There is still hope!

>> No.6694004

Because it isn't worth the time
Stop buying into the hype, there are much better ones out there

>> No.6694062

It's short. 3K lines IIRC.

>> No.6694066

The 31st is a saturday too, no?

>> No.6694342

Not this year.

>> No.6694617

Hey now, it's been a good three or so weeks since I whined about it.

>> No.6694624

I've been reading G-Senjou, up to chapter 2, so far it's been enjoyable, but when does shit start to get real? Also, any horrific FEELBAD endings in this game? Please don't spoil it for me.

>> No.6694706

Sounds like from #fluffy Little Busters EX and ME patches are in testing right now.


>> No.6694721

when are we gonna clean this list?

shit like
>Baldr Sky - Translation ongoing
>Ikusa Megami Zero - New project starting up, C&D, continuing.
>Touka Gettan: translation status: ~30% translated

will never get updates, they are already dead

>> No.6694725

>Baldr Sky - Translation ongoing
>already dead

Shut up, I will believe ;_;

>> No.6694728

Do you want us to hold your hands too while you are reading it?

>> No.6694737

Baldr Sky is probably still alive, the translator is known for not giving any updates and not releasing partials. And BS is pretty huge and from what I have gathered hes also doing some other projects on side so that kinda makes him slow. So it might be alive but relese might come in about 2 years maybe. Others tough aare probably not alive ;_;, best hope for IM Zero would be hoping that ixrecs chooses it after MLA, Sharnoth and forest as its one of the options after them.

>> No.6694755

That's an issue. It effectively kills any other potential translation projects for it without giving the promise that anybody is actually working on it.

>> No.6694774

Let's just hope he doesn't count Dive 1 as a partial. You wouldn't see a release until 2016 if that's the case.

>> No.6694788

Now I'm buttdevestated. Fuck off.

>> No.6694801


This was in Osadai talk page

::The Swede sketch doesn't relate at all to the shiwasu joke at all - the shiwasu joke isn't really funny unless it's in the original language. The average VN translation reader, however, doesn't know what a shiwasu is and would sternface at the literally translated joke. In response I proposed the FUNEX (eff you en ee ex = have you any eggs) sketch since I was watching Two Ronnies stuff a few hours before I went and edited this joke adjustment in. I replaced the shiwasu joke because the humor is lost in translation. --[[User:TinFoil|TinFoil]] 22:54, 5 September 2010 (CDT)

So instead of having a Japanese joke I might not understand I get it replaced with a MONTY PYTHON JOKE that ... I also dont get.


>> No.6694830

At least he tried.

>> No.6694842


i want to know too.is it like sharin where in every ending everyone is happy or have some feelbad ending?

>> No.6694859


There is a difference of translating and replacing or removing cultural references, that is something that should never be done if you are actually attempting to be serious about it.

Also by saying "The average VN translation reader, however, doesn't know what a shiwasu" he justifies machine translations because what he is saying is "we can make shit up and they will never catch on because they cannot understand Japanese" ... of course adding western references like Monty Python means EXACTLY that, we WILL!

This is more of a reply showing how TL Wiki does translations in no better that solo projects, I hope when those shills come here complaining about other translations as being "inaccurate" someone throws THIS little quote into their face because TinFoil pretty much said "they will never know its wrong".

>> No.6694875

You are so full of shit that I'm amazed you can be around open flames. The problem isn't removing cultural specific concepts, it's doing it randomly and badly.

>> No.6694885

I was wondering what the fuck was up with this reply then I kept reading and saw them bring up shills, complaining about accurate translation, and machines and shit and was like "Ah, must be someone who posts in the Flyable Heart thread, makes sense"

>> No.6694895

Whoops, forgot my name! Sorry gais XD!!!

>> No.6694913

How much can you fail at reading comprehension?

>> No.6694936

You care far too much about this.

>> No.6694993

Methinks someone's getting frustrated that their advertisements/spamming is finally getting deleted.

>> No.6695238

Anyone have a problem with G-Senjou where the Quit confirmation seems to flicker even when you're not pressing anything? Or an error where when you click on something with a confirmation like saving or loading the confirmation screen flashes and cancels itself so fast?

>> No.6695263

No. I have not experienced anything like this ever during the 2 years I had it installed.

>> No.6695280

Actually when I installed it for the first time it didn't have those errors but when I ran it earlier, it showed those problems.

>> No.6695289

My body will never be ready for Sanarara

>> No.6695292

>>Sweet Pool- Active translation ongoing
>>Togainu No Chi- 69% translated

Weekly dose.
College break starts now so translators should start working again soon... hopefully.

Waiting warmly for Tokimeki and playing G-Senjou.

>> No.6695296

The side route ends are pretty happy, the true end is quite depressing, but on a positive note.

>> No.6695357

Oh wow
I didn't know the tlwikier had mods in his pocket, his influence must be growing

>> No.6697363

Up you go.

>> No.6697402

I'm afraid it's even more dire than that. Moogy met Moot for milkshakes, whilst making him some offers that he couldn't refuse. Soon, a new age shall rise for /jp/, bathed in the blood of many.

>> No.6697415

I hear Moogy and moot even got Mangagamer and JAST to merge. They're going download only on Steam, and are outsourcing everything to the previously defunct Hirameki, with the DRM servers in Mexico.

>> No.6697420

Random as it as, but what's going on with Akys? After the surprising success of 999 (which I'm proud to say I bought), I assume that they're going to be licensing more visual novels in the future? They had an otome poll up a few months back, so what's going on there? Will we be getting some DS/PSP ports of otomes anytime soon (assuming a dev or two lurks here)?

>> No.6697434

When will the manhunt for cudder and the retrans shills begin?

>> No.6697436

This is probably not the best place to ask but does anyone know the plot of the drama cds for G-Senjou no Maou?

>> No.6697437

Milking and promoting 999 before announcing new title. See Siliconera.

>> No.6697449 [DELETED] 

this is what we get for having translated VNs

idiots from forums and IRC (such as gemot) invading /jp/

>> No.6697459

Where can I download G-senjou no Maou? and the tl patch as well?

>> No.6697460

Preteen invader from /a/ who don't know how to use Google git out.

>> No.6697469
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>> No.6697474

Actually I found it, but I want to know if there is a better link than having to download several small parts.

>> No.6697480

What's your point? Seriously /jp/ had much more retardedness than that it doesn't really compare.

>> No.6697525

I'd rather have guys like him than retards like you bangcock.

>> No.6697529


Looks like the katahane translator is working on another game.

>> No.6697529,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Fujoshis and their desperate pleas for answers.
>So much question marks and typos crammed into a single post.

>> No.6697551

>H-less partially unvoiced otome doujin game you probably never heard before!!
...well, that's disappointing.

>> No.6697584

Nah it's not disappointing in my viewpoint.
It's a short game (0.49 with speakertags) though and she tl'd about 16% of it last time I asked.

>> No.6697584,1 [INTERNAL] 

I am suddenly not that interested in Katahane anymore after reading about this decision and one of yeah321's nauseating review, with the following opening statement:

>Note that the biggest catch of this series is that the voices of the bishis are all by famous seiyuus with their sexaayyy voice!!!

I just hope jp302 does a really good job at editing out whatever gushing and blog writing styles she might bring into the translations.

>> No.6697615
File: 158 KB, 800x600, pic111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is H-less how? Looks like you get to cuddle with hot bishies instead.

>> No.6697620
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Or some good aftersex moments, which is rare but desirable anyway.

>> No.6697623

get the fuck out of 4chan and go back to whatever forums you came from then you fucking retard.

>> No.6697630

Then how about you stop browsing /jp/ and go back to gaia?

>> No.6697642


>> No.6697646

Haha, someone's mad. Such an obvious samefag, too.

>> No.6697647
File: 62 KB, 600x469, 2010928195710797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get to play as cute blade-wielding princess protag in military uniform I don't mind at all.

>> No.6697650

Consider going back to whatever forum you came from.
We at 4chan don't like your kind here.

>> No.6697661

You know, I've never understood why these translations take so long.

If I knew Japanese what I would do is have a a game in Japanese open in one window, and a TL wiki or something for that game in another and just translate while I play.

I bet I could have translations done in weeks instead of years, like what are these people doing?

>> No.6697664

If by we, you mean a buttdevastated Bangcock, I think I can live with it. Just barely, but I...I think I'll do.

But seriously, with your shitposting habits, is it really that much of a surprise to see yourself dragged below the average animesuki/gaia-fag?

>> No.6697667

You look buttdevastated bangock, maybe you should go back and read your hilarious nukiges, and bitch about REALDEAL DEEP eroges in order to calm down.

>> No.6697670 [DELETED] 

>delusional at it's best

>> No.6697668

Holy fuck, this is awesome.

>> No.6697671

You need to make sure to get every single bit of text in the game, not just play a route like you feel like it and translate along the way.
Also there's stuff like editing, quality control, and a lot of game engines need some complex hacking to get the translated text inserted.
Also, some of these people probably have jobs. (I mea, they at least had enough motivation in them to learn japanese, I'd guess they're kind of hard working)

>> No.6697677

Why do books take so long to write when you can just read them in an afternoon?

>> No.6697678

Most translators don't want/can't spend 24 hours a day working on it
Your theory really doesn't work in practice, but feel free to try
>captcha: samuel brosefu

>> No.6697679

they are shit
thats why

i worked as a translator for localizing japanese books
took me less than a week to translate a some hundred pages book

>> No.6697683

The Second Reproduction doesn't look half bad. Looks better than Starry fucking Sky at any rate.

>> No.6697685

Were you always this bad? I seem to remember a time when you were nearly tolerable instead of shitting all over the place for no reason.

>> No.6697692 [DELETED] 

u mad because you're shit
i don't give a shit about your opinion you fucking animesuki fag
might aswell go back to your forums and spam for post counts

>> No.6697690

It's like tradition to end the best thread in this way. Good job everyone.

>> No.6697700

I don't think he's the original bangkok, I remember tripfagged bangkok playing and liking demonbane but every other bangkok thereafter didn't even know about it or thought it was shit.
It's just multiple people abusing a name.

>> No.6697703

It's just the kinectimals spammer trying to stirr up some more shit or something, just ignore him like most of us.

>> No.6697707

Not sure why but reading your post made me recall our recent "$10 for a translation" thread.


>> No.6697845

stop making shit up
i like demonbane and i never said its shit

fucking newfags

>> No.6697864


>> No.6697988

>i like demonbane and i never said its shit
What the fuck, and I thought you got some taste.

>> No.6698744
File: 18 KB, 319x243, 1291761958822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6698752

i mad

>> No.6700129

Back to the top

>> No.6700244

i know the air translation got a C&D but is there any news if it's gonna continue or if another group is going to pick it up?

>> No.6700348

Air will never be translated. Your best bet is hoping that MangaGamer gets through with KEY deal, and they release it.

>> No.6700348,1 [INTERNAL] 

Of course the script is different than how she writes her own blog. The script is taken seriously, and many other people go over it by the time you read it including me. You can just check out the trial you know.

>> No.6700439

>If I knew Japanese what I would do is have a a game in Japanese open in one window, and a TL wiki or something for that game in another and just translate while I play.
Leaving aside all the consistency problems that translating without knowing the full extent of the story poses, are you really suggesting that people ruin their first playthrough by taking up to 1 minute, possibly more, per line just to advance, only for you to have quicker translations you'll trashtalk within a single day anyways?
Ahahah, oh fucking wow. Never stop amazing me with your sense of entitlement, /jp/.
If you'd knew japanese you wouldn't even think about translating considering the effort it takes, we both know that

>> No.6700597

Not sure why everyone's jumping on this, but...

The problem isn't additional text, image editing, or quality control per se. It really is just the lack of time and motivation.

Translating isn't just understanding what a line of text says, especially for languages so different from each other. It's understanding every little detail of it, visualizing it in your head, figuring out the writer's intention, then writing it anew in a different language - while trying to be consistent with style you used before. And that's assuming you understand the original 100%, there are no puns or obscure references, etc.

It's not like people have time (or energy) to do this for hours every day, 7 days a week. The fact that we have any VN translations at all really is amazing. Be grateful.

>> No.6701169

Your almost saber can't have that much semen between her boobs.

>> No.6701172

I want Steins gate to be translated...

>> No.6701179

Let's go with the former anon? There are other people who like Sanae as well.

>> No.6701517

>If I knew Japanese what I would do is have a a game in Japanese open in one window, and a TL wiki or something for that game in another and just translate while I play.
>If I knew Japanese
That's the problem. Of the already-small VN fanbase, probably less than half of us are seriously studying moonrunes, much less getting to a decent level of proficiency to translate anything. Of those who do become proficient enough, not many are willing to invest time in translating for nothing but criticism and complaints from faggots such as yourself.

>> No.6701863

Guy working on Rance 1 has decided to move on to Rance 3 now since he has yet to find someone who can hack Rance 2.


>> No.6701863,1 [INTERNAL] 

I do check out script updates on tlwiki from time to time, will check out Katahane's later when I'm free.

Editing aside, there's also the yuri h-scenes which she felt uncomfortable translating as stated in her blog updates. Those could have been better handled by some other translator or another one of their editors.

>> No.6701981

Only 4 more to go before he gets to one worth playing then.

>> No.6703062


>> No.6703062,1 [INTERNAL] 

>JAST USA has announced that they plan on releasing ALcot’s My Girlfriend is the President in 2011

haha umand /jp/? I'm mad though.

But why didn't they license that Christmas VN from Pulltop .... JAST: sexromps everywhere

>> No.6703062,2 [INTERNAL] 

Oh deer, I wonder how the Osananajimi devs will react. Mangagamer got away with Higurashi because the fan translators still have a long way to way. But come on, the translation for the game is almost completed. DOn't tell me they don't know about the project before their announcement...

>> No.6703062,3 [INTERNAL] 

You seem to misunderstand, Jast USA paid the Osananajimi devs to make it a commercial release.
As in, you're going to pay to have the TLwiki project translation.

>> No.6703062,4 [INTERNAL] 

Well fuck me sideway.

>> No.6703062,5 [INTERNAL] 

There is the Patch.xp3 that fully translates the game, a lot of it isn't QC'd though but the game is fully readable.

>> No.6703062,6 [INTERNAL] 

hopes someone grabs the OsaDai scripts and released a new patch

>> No.6703062,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6703062,8 [INTERNAL] 

something tells me you haven't bothered to check the TLwiki page のヮの

>> No.6703062,9 [INTERNAL] 

So what is the newest osadai patch?
I only got the alpha patch and kureha is downed.
I wonder if they have a beta patch.

>> No.6703708

So...Osadai got licensed....

........now we get to wait 7 more years for JASTUSA to release it.

>> No.6703718

It's been translated and readable for months now.

>> No.6703731

Fuck yes. Rick is awesome in this one.

Kichikuou is pretty nice.

>> No.6703739

I might as well take questions on the Osadai licensure. Ask away, /jp/.

For those who don't know, I'm a TLWiki admin and the Osadai editor/technical dude.

>> No.6703744

When will the official CHAOS;HEAD be released?

>> No.6703747

Got the txt files? I'll make my own patch.

>> No.6703754

did Jast Usa pay you less than professional translators/programmers or the same?

>> No.6703755

I thought Rance 02 was already hacked. I saw someone said they were working on it and posted a screenshot with translated text, though it's not like I can guarantee it wasn't a shop.

>> No.6703762

How come you keep losing your translations over licenses? Also are they retranslating or just editing yours?

>> No.6703769

Say, Tincan, how much did Gay Payne paid you? How many "free and open" translations will be licensed by JAST in the future just LIKE F*CKING THAT?

>> No.6703783


It wasn't shoop. Someone made a patch that translates menu interface a few months ago but since then there wasn't any progress.

>> No.6703796

To put it simply, we had team set up and everything. Then one day translator just diseappeared from the IRC room, nobody knows what the fuck happened.

>> No.6703803

Why didn't you announce the licensing before Jast?
I felt bad and good at the same time, mostly bad.

>> No.6703804

Check the archive, someone posted a link to a patch already put together. It was in the thread with ~250ish ghost replies while 4chan was down.

>> No.6703832

Let's just say that you can't pick up VN translation as a career.

We're basically now contract workers for JAST.

Because that would be mean and ruin the surprise.

We're honestly ashamed of the quality of work in that patch. Think of it as a Sumaga patch in the very early stages when the translator was leaning on machine assistance and guesslation. But that never really stopped anyone.

>> No.6703843
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>TLwiki is basically now contract workers for JAST.

>> No.6703845

Not all of TLWiki. Just OsaDai team.

>> No.6703852

Short version is that nobody knows.

>> No.6703924

>Here's your official statement regarding our Nitro+ translations.
>We are currently trying out a bit of a partnership with JAST USA in order to do a few different things:
>1) Increase the speed at which the finished products are released. This is probably the item of most interest.

Definitely feeling bad.

>> No.6703972

Even though you can't make a career out of it, it's nice to see you getting some kind of compensation for your previous efforts supporting the original work.

I just hope that JAST won't mess up the entire team's hard work and that it will lead to future cooperations that are actually released, instead of what's happening with Demonbane.

>> No.6703979


Look at the bright side, we know know what TL Wiki stands for.

>> No.6703981

JAST never messed up Demonbane in the first place.

>> No.6703984

Demonbane debacle is entirely due to the japanese company involved though.

>> No.6704005

>Himekishi Lilia- "As for the time window its taken to release...

3 months ago i bet someone i know this wouldn´t be out in 2010, just 3 more days to win

>> No.6704007


Why not cooperate with the guys who are translating Rance 1 instead or at least provide them with the tools to hack Rance 02? Based on the thread on hongfire they surely need someone who is skilled in hacking.

>> No.6704016 [DELETED] 

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchilden once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.

>> No.6704015 [DELETED] 

But if there is a deal between them. There should exist an obligation on both parts to accomplish what they agreed to do, but JAST's reaction to Nitro+ not doing their part of the deal is just "It's on their hands, we don't have anything to do with ti!" How can they expect for people to have any confidence on that when they give the impression that they don't care?

>> No.6704025

But there is a deal between them. There should exist an obligation on both parts to accomplish what they agreed to do, but JAST's reaction to Nitro+ not doing their part of the deal is just "It's on their hands, we don't have anything to do with ti!" How can they expect for people to have any confidence on that when they give the impression that they don't care?

>> No.6704048

What happened with Demonbane?

>> No.6704056

Let's say you're Peter Payne right now. The company whose game you licensed isn't cooperating with you (either because they don't give a shit anymore or because they have 2-3 games to work on already). What do you do?

>> No.6704066 [DELETED] 

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.a

>> No.6704068

Sit on my ass and say to my clients that I'm waiting for the Japanese guys to actually care.

>> No.6704077 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 500x342, 1293224218756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it doesn't get canceled. Or censored

>> No.6704108

There should be deadlines on their agreement and unless he was too dumb to give them a long time frame (a lot longer than they actually needed) to do what they should have done, then he should put pressure on them. It's not like Nitro+ doesn't have anything to gain with the deal, so it's of their entire interest that they get the work done.

>> No.6704113

IIRC Nitro+ wanted them to switch the entire game to a different engine. However the engine didn't exactly work with English ad would crash so they were able to make a pseudo solution by doing something like thiis which would make it the exact same text to the viewer but expands the coding. But apparently Nito+ doesn't really like that.

TL;DR: Nitro+ don't understand how their engine works.

>> No.6704129

>something like thiis which would make it the exact same text to the viewer but expands the coding.
Wait, I mean it looks like 'this' in coding but looks like this to the viewer.

>> No.6704142

So, is there a patch for Sono Hanabira 2?

Can't help but notice it isn't on the list.

>> No.6704152 [DELETED] 

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.fewr

>> No.6704166

I've never wished for anybody to die from the bottom of my heart. Now I do. I wish for you to die at this New Year celebration, from the bottom of my heart. I hope you'll die of brain cancer, f*cking capitalistic swines.

You heard that, folks? Keep the f*cking away from the TLWiki and never post anything of your stuff there, otherwise those gaytards will steal your work and sell it to JAST USSR.

>> No.6704172


>> No.6704176

>censoring on 4chan
Err, what are you doing?

>> No.6704183

proabably because the couple featured in the second game sucks royal ass
Best couple is Hanabira 3-5 imo

>> No.6704190

Hm, right.

Guess I'll wait for 3-5 then.

>> No.6704221

>We're honestly ashamed of the quality of work in that patch.
BULLSHIT. Just before you retards has started to erase the scripts, I've saved everything. They are superb.

Hey hey hey, fuck the JAST USA!

>> No.6704234

>sweet pool
>togainu no chi
i am hyperventilating here.

>> No.6704240

I can't believe you found out that we are secretly a Russian front to raise funds to undermine capitalist authorities in secret Finnish colonies in the Arctic Circle.

>all posts on Demonbane
Just read this and link it whenever someone asks.

Comrade, you have ruined my ruse!

As superb as month-old dessert wine tasted by someone who never tasted wine.

>> No.6704317

Great, would you mind zipping them and putting them up somewhere so someone can repack them?
I was trying to grab them off of google's cache, since most/all of them are still there, but it was a lot of work, so I only bothered to get like half the common route.

VDZ made a widely avaliable patch a few months ago, but it is buggy and unedited, so if you have the scripts as of yesterday (or this week, or this month, or anything more recent than last June), I'm sure someone would take the time to repack them and release an updated Patch.xp3

Sorry about talking about this, Tinfoil et al.; I know you guys take so much pride in your work that the thought of people playing "inferior" quality patches distresses you. But guess what? People get more pissed off with you when the translations get delayed by JAST than they would if there were a few bugs or awkward sentences or mistranslations.
Honestly, the existence of JAST deals seems like a good thing to me, since it means you guys get paid (even if it is a tiny amount) to do this stuff, and it probably means some money gets sent in the direction of the original developer as well.

Unfortunately, I think it would sort of be a better practice if JAST projects were marked as such from the beginning. You can be a commercial translator and still be part of the fan community! Just look at Kouryuu!
Actually, I'm doubting that JAST even employs any actual translators anymore. It looks like you guys just do all the work for them!

>> No.6704726

Looking foward for anon patch.

>> No.6705332

I'm annoyed as fuck about Demonbane too, but this is another company than nitro+. I think they deserve a benefit of doubt that this can be pulled off relatively fast with not much delay.

>Honestly, the existence of JAST deals seems like a good thing to me, since it means you guys get paid (even if it is a tiny amount) to do this stuff, and it probably means some money gets sent in the direction of the original developer as well.
Have you considered that you are putting this frail relationship into gamble by compiling that updated patch?
The translators doesn't lose anything directly, but Jast and the original developer might feel they do.

I think it's best if you wait until after it's released before pirating it.

>> No.6705371
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I want to play angelos armas and gekkou no carnevale.
When Jast,When?

>> No.6705373

fuck jast

>> No.6705376

>I want to play angelos armas
you don't

>> No.6705399

It's possible that some people might have recent dumps of the script which is 88% done with QC. Making a patch should be trivial: anyone can make an xp3 archive using public kirkiri tools. I could probably do it myself in a few hours, but I'll leave it to someone else this time...

I don't even know why would anyone bother, unless JAST will take more than 3 months with this. All JAST has to do is get some testers, test for a month and then send off the game to be pressed. I can't see how JAST could possibly fuck this one up, but JAST's track record has been horrible lately.

Commercial companies sometimes contact the translators working on the projects directly and offer to pay them money for their work. Most translators agree with getting payed, so this happens. I wouldn't blame TLWiki for it, but it's clear that some TLWiki (or other public) projects may be bought by licensing companies if the translators/editors agree. If you're afraid of sudden licensing, just mirror TLWiki's site using mediawiki scrapers or doing XML dumps.

>> No.6705454
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Yes i do.
I fucking hate atlas+agth.
I wish i didn't was so dumb or lazy to actually learn japanese when i had the time.

>> No.6705465

Again, no, you don't.
Trust me.
The premise is great, but the VN isn't and it's the worst N+ VN.

>> No.6705506

I don't really mind, although it kills me a little inside to see you justify your position to yourself with such a feeble argument.

>> No.6705517
File: 255 KB, 1280x800, 11eyes-kusakabe_misuzu-sword-flame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11eyes - Trial patch out, 22.05% of the common route translated

fuck yeah! Mitsuzu FTW!

Can't wait for the release; if only I knew Japanese to help translate. T_T

>> No.6705597

How would they mark such projects? Offers are made late in the localization process. They were almost done, and if not for the JAST deal, they might have pushed for a New Year's release or sometime in early spring.

Why would he have to justify it at all? The fact stands that a quick patch made from recent scripts would be superior to an unedited patch.

I think it would be best if you wouldn't rush to remove the scripts just as soon as you hear of a license and just give people a day or two to download the scripts and make unofficial patches as your profits would not be affected by such unofficial patches.

>> No.6705638

Now, now, you accuse me of "feeble justification," but all I said/implied was "I don't want to wait any longer, so I'd rather play an un-QC'd "leak" than wait for a final polished version, and many other people agree with me."
That's not an idealistic argument, I'm just explaining that I am most concerned with my own convenience.

Ironically, the only reason we are having this discussion in the first place is because of the "shock" of this license. If you had just continued at a slow pace (resulting in a release at the same time that JAST will release), many fewer people would've even bothered tracking down "leaked" patches. Essentially, I only want this because I'm not supposed to have it. I and everyone else who agrees with me are acting like spoiled children, and more than likely, none of us actually care enough to follow through on our "threats" to build a "100/100/88" patch.

>> No.6705680


>> No.6705839


>> No.6705891

Yet another reason to use REtrans.

>> No.6705915

Let's say you're a translator and you use ReTrans.
Some company contacts you and asks to buy your translation. If you accept, how does using ReTrans change anything? It might be impossible to buy something which was made by dozens of translators as getting everyone to agree and split up the money would be a pain, but in most projects, you don't have too many translators.

>> No.6705932

They don't take down anything because of that. If you were a translator, I guess they'd just block your IP and lol at you for being a "capitalist pig".

>> No.6705937

Majikoi will be jast's as well in next month as well,someone need to destroy fucking jast.

>> No.6705943

Nobody prevents you from mirroring TLWiki yourself or keeping up with deleted pages. TLWiki merely respects requests of deletion from translators if they have a legitimate reason.

>> No.6705982

Other than the fact that it's an unusuable piece of shit less suited for translating than the simplest text editor? There's a reason that nobody is using it.

>> No.6706023

I'm telling you guys, JAST devs are lurking and trolling here. As soon as something gets nearly translated, they do everything to license it boosting their market sales and shitting all over the place and making us sad. What a great marketing strategy!
It's like the ultimate cockblock.


>> No.6706049

To be fair, it's not a bad idea. There is a great lack of similar web-based TL software around, especially free.

The problem is that its creators do not have the foggiest clue about neither project management nor translation (let alone something as simple as, say, being polite to the contributors), and completely refuse to listen to any feedback they get.

It takes a special skill to fuck up an idea as simple as that. They've now ruined it to the point that most fan translators (and readers) cringe from just hearing the name. Fscking good job, guys.

>> No.6706374

Done enough shilling for TLwiki yet?

>> No.6706430


I will fucking MURDER Jast if they touch Majikoi.


>> No.6706507

So, which of these heaps of shit is actually worth looking forward to aside from Alternative?

>> No.6706525

Sounds like eroge aren't for you

>> No.6706527

What the fuck is wrong with you? If someone want to buy the translation from Takajun, you have no right to stop that.

This is fair game as long as it doesn't get delayed on purpose. Stop being such idiots.

>> No.6706537

It's built under a certain set of assumptions about the translation and quality control process. Namely that there is one and only one correct translation for any given line of Japanese so it will not need to be changed more than once, and the project will only ever be looked at through the script editing interface line by line. These assumptions are completely fucking insane. Solve those, and you still have a laggy AJAX interface unsuitable for word processing, but at least that's a failing of the technology instead of the developers

>> No.6706628

>Namely that there is one and only one correct translation for any given line of Japanese so it will not need to be changed more than once
There'd better be only one translation for each line, since that's what the ultimate product will contain.

>unsuitable for word processing
It wasn't made for translating light novels.

>> No.6706669 [DELETED] 


>> No.6706678

You can always mirror the VN translations at the "C&D VN Wiki" or work on them there.


Don't think places will last against JAST, Princess Peach, or J-List if you have material they are selling. Peter Payne likes to slap lawsuits and keep them covered up with anti-defamation clauses so as not to risk annoying fans that he actually makes a profit doing that.

>> No.6706678,1 [INTERNAL] 

Provided that someone is willing to clean up the SPAMS first.

>> No.6706678,2 [INTERNAL] 

lol trojans

>> No.6707357


Prior to OsaDai the only translation project JAST has eaten up that was actually confirmed for release was Demonbane, and that is never, ever, ever going to come out.

What are we supposed to think?

Honestly, it doesn't matter to me if a game is licensed, since I'm just going to pirate it anyway. What bothers me is further delays of a project that is basically done.

>> No.6707415

i fail to see how jast is bad as you can always pirate them

>> No.6707475

where can i actually get the flyable heart translation? I have the image file

>> No.6707489

Pirate now, or pirate in the year 20XX. Obvious choice.

>> No.6707519

Check the archive.

>> No.6707527
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>> No.6707540

Faggots like you are the worst case of self entitled whiners I've seen in a while. You have no evidence that that Alcot is going to delay the game for years.
Did you ever stop, to think for a moment that this is actually also good for you? You get to pirate the shit eventually, and with the added bonus of uncensored cgs.

>> No.6707551


>> No.6707552

if anything i think you should buy from them unless the original nip devs are blocking you from their glorious website see:minori and mangagamer

>> No.6707556

I don't care about Alcot, nor did I mention them. I said JAST, who suck at this in general regardless. I only really care about Demonbane, so stop jumping to conclusions. Next, I never said I was entitled to anything. I'd just prefer now rather than maybe sometime soon or never. It's not like me preferring that means I feel entitled to it. Grow up a little...

>> No.6707570

Telling me to grow up when this thread is evidently littered with whiny asses screaming for murder just because someone sold their translation to Jast...

Yeah, so maybe not you, but the majority of the whiners in this thread fits my description pretty well. You should be able to figure out where I was going with that post.

>> No.6707577
File: 561 KB, 474x664, Alternative-Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6707579

Damn it.
This marks the second time I've downloaded a virtually complete patch to read through the game which translated all the dialogue except for a few important scenes where the text flashed up as a CG to give more impact and I didn't understand what it was saying.
I just thought 'oh well, the full patch will be out soon enough, I'll just replay the scene', then BAM, JAST licenses it.
The first time was Chaos;Head.


>> No.6707581

I'm pretty sure we're all in the same boat. We don't really care about the maker, or JAST, or C&D's or tlwiki.

Apologies for sounding angry.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if JAST censored stuff like their "uncensored" Family Project. Not that it matters much.

>> No.6707589

I think at this point we can get a pretty good idea of what will happen with some projects were TinFoil and Kugyuuu are involved and overall what can happen with any of TLwiki projects.

>> No.6707605

It's been obvious for quite a while. Numerous projects have been taken off TLWiki for various reasons- Osanadai isn't the first.

>> No.6707630

>The first time was Chaos;Head.

Oh that was a funny one, you see its published by Nitro+ but it was created by 5pb.

TLwiki would love to sell it because its almost done (only images were left) but Nitro+ cannot really license it since 5pb have to agree and of course its all ages so its not as JAST is interested in it, MangaGamer also cannot touch it because of JAST/Nitro+ "partnership" either leaving it ... dead.

The fact they did not ... well, says a lot about things.

>> No.6707636

So what's 5pb company actually is? I only heard of them as porting company first. Then they publish music. Then they publish console games. Then you said they're game developer.

>> No.6707647

Check on VNDB. They've been involved in the developing of several games.

>> No.6707652

Not like this, no.

This is like when Nitro+ deal come but its not the same thing (its not a ALcot deal) and also what we seen of the Nitro+ deal so far have been a great deal of nothing.

Besides its not "taken off", page is still there (like C;H page) for ... ego stocking for then I guess, as if this is not a commercial project at this point.

>> No.6707666


>> No.6707678

I think the Chaos Head holdup is an attempt to get on the good side of Nitro+. You know, trying to make the relationship work.

>> No.6707719


You can think all you want but really, its a game with no ero ... do you think JAST is interested in a game with no ero?

Also good side? You do realize TLwiki just dumped Hanachirasu translation completed BEFORE they announced the project, guess from who its from?

>> No.6707734

And don't forget about Kikokugai.

>> No.6707749

I really hope an anon makes an unofficial Osadai patch (I'm a retard with this kind of shit), because I still plan to buy it. I just want to play it now. So far, I've done this with pretty much all the recent licensed releases. I'm just an impatient fuck.

>> No.6707763

This is all speculation of course. We don't know the specific details of the original deal.
Maybe the TLwiki staff started out with more goodwill than necessary and gave Jast the Chaos Head translation alongside the Demonbane translation.

>> No.6707792

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but you do not understand the relationship between JAST and TLwiki. You've got all these strange illusions about who and what JAST and Nitro+ are, first of all, and beyond that, I have a feeling none of you have ever been involved in a business venture like this.

Look, I'm not claiming I understand it all either (I'm no TLwiki shill), but I know naivete when I see it.
If you want an understanding of what this really is, you should talk/listen more to people like Moogy, Kouryuu, and Peter Payne (Hopefully you can stand listening to at least one of them...).

>> No.6707800

Then I give you a bit of non speculation.

"When asked about whether there was a market for non-adult visual novels, the response was that before the deal with Nitro+, JAST USA wouldn’t have been quite sure about the possibility of an all-ages visual novel market, and that there’s a downside to being an adult game publisher. However, with Nitro+ games, they would consider everything, as long as Nitro+ is interested. For example, Nitro+ is most likely going to want to see good sales numbers on Demonbane before they would consider bringing over CHAOS;HEAD. A later question revealed that CHAOS;HEAD is one of Nitro+’s crown jewels and that the rights lie with Nitro+ and another company (most likely 5pb.). Therefore, it would be tough to get this game."


(*note: Those dumbfucks dont even realize who 5pb is and yes, they hold the rights dumbasses, why the fuck you think they are listed on the game? printing error?)

Of course we know were Demonbane stands, we also are smart enough to realize Demonbane is not going to sell that well, also we realize that C;H being non-ero will sell even worst.

>> No.6707843

Ironically, Osadai will sell quite a lot better than either Demonbane or Chaos;Head would, because it's full of moe and porn.

Companies like JAST and Mangagamer should just stick to either moege/nukige or games with really popular anime (Shuffle would count; Demonbane wouldn't make the cut).

>> No.6707844

>A later question revealed that CHAOS;HEAD is one of Nitro+’s crown jewels and that the rights lie with Nitro+ and another company (most likely 5pb.). Therefore, it would be tough to get this game."
This was obviously bullshit from Peter, I thought everybody figured that out by now.

Regardless, what you point out doesn't mean anything if it indeed played out the way I speculated, ie. Choas Head translation thrown in as a freebie to Demonbane.

>> No.6707876

The amount of misinformation that goes on in these threads when it comes to TLWiki and JAST is amazing. /jp/ never lets me down!

>> No.6707900

All I know is that if a company ever approached me for the game I was translating and offered me money to keep doing what I was doing already out of sheer fanboy love, I would take it in an instant. That would be awesome. Unfortunately, that's never going to happen for any of the games I'm working on.

>> No.6707901


I think you dont understand how much of Demonbane was being translated at that point.

They were only doing Al route, meaning it was only going to be about over 1/3 of the game if I recall the flowchart, so all the rest had to be translated and they did not even completed it, I think it was around in the middle when the announcement come.

This makes the translation kinda useless since the people doing the rest will have to go back to that make that translated to be in-line with the rest of their work, meaning they might as well do it from scratch and maintain consistence from the get-go.

I do think they want to sell the C;H translation and not as a freebie because I dont think JAST is interested in the Demonblade translation that is simply too incomplete.

>> No.6707910

Well. I don't have any other plausible explanations than that.

>> No.6708053

Okay, how about this explanation:
Nitro+ wants a certain amount of preorders before releasing Demonbane.
In the same sense, Nexton wants a certain amount of Koihime sales before licensing voice patch.

Same japanese way of thinking, two routes to meet the same end.

>> No.6708340

Eh, I don't think that quite works. Unless they are extremely optimistic, all these days will cause people to start running out of patience and cancel their pre-orders eventually.

>> No.6708383

Doubtful. Nitro+ probably put the programming work that needs to be done as low priority, so gaijins will have to wait forever for their games.

>> No.6708459

Regarding Demonbane.
Are they incorporating voice from the PS2 version in?

>> No.6708470

yeah i'm gonna cancel mine if they dont spit out an official release date in the next week or so

>> No.6708480

Don't think so, but someone might make an unofficial patch to get full-voice.

>> No.6708775

Majikoi is safe, just look at the voice cast

>> No.6708813

50€ wouldn't be enough to pay the royalties.

>> No.6708823

Or they could pull a Koihime Musou.

>> No.6708831

Corporate sellout.

>> No.6708864
File: 465 KB, 400x560, Alternative-Cover2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second version with visible title text.

>> No.6708869
File: 130 KB, 640x321, 1275063913044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take twenty. Shut up and take my money.

>> No.6709265

The point I was trying to make is that it's low priority exactly due to the reason that the preorder numbers are too much lower than they expected.

>> No.6709288

Moogy is the best thing that ever happened to the western eroge community and you can't deny it.

>> No.6709456

Looks like the guys working on the Rance games got the tools (presumably from somebody here) to hack Rance 2 and will be working on that now instead of Rance 3.

>> No.6709464

Good news.

Now on the bad side, teh rewrite trial translation si still at 11,000 lines.
Also any news about the LB EX compatibility patch?

>> No.6709481


Last I heard they had put a patch for ME and EX together and were running tests on it. That was sometime last week, but I haven't been keeping up with their IRC channel much since then. (in #fluffy)

>> No.6709485

Okay thanks.
I've already read it, but I'll re read it when there's a patch

>> No.6709728

>Concerto Note - C&D, continuing, translation at 20%
Wow, didn't even know they were translating this and they already got a C&D?
Is there any confirmation on the translation being continued untill the end?

>> No.6709795

they're looking good so yeah, and it's from applique... Tosagare was incredible good, so I expect something from this.

>> No.6709818

>Wow, didn't even know they were translating this and they already got a C&D?
>Is there any confirmation on the translation being continued untill the end?

The C&D was received a while ago (end of Summer I think). They were working on three games from two different companies, Hime x Hime and Pastel from Etoiles, and Concerto Note from AKABEiSOFT2. They respected the C&D from Etoiles, because Etoiles reasoning included that they were looking into releasing games into English officially (bullshit or legit, who knows, but they gave that reasoning), while the one for Concerto Note, came from a company who had blocked foreign IPs, they ignored and continued to work on. Since then, they have been making steady progress, while not setting any speed records it is going at a pace that should someday finish.

>> No.6709851

that sums it up...

>> No.6710616

is Princess Maker 5 still worked on?

>> No.6711449

I don't mind Jast or Mangagamer picking up titles, but it always seems like it means delays, cut content, and in general a worse deal that costs money, compared to just doing it inofficially.

Ever17 and Edelweiss etc. also managed to get through QC with terrible mistakes, making it feel like there is no benefits to gain from localizing games except uncensored porn (assuming they are above 18, not going to school and have boobs large than your mom's)

>> No.6711456

E17 translation is objectively the worst official translation for anything ever.

>> No.6711460

Early MG titles were translated by staff at Overdrive or the respective company the game came from, I believe.

>> No.6712155

holy shit

>> No.6712229

Sono hanabira 7 at 50% and planning to finish within a month, that's good news.

>> No.6712326

Circus was the only company that bothered hiring proper translators, before Kira Kira's release.

>> No.6712338


No, that's definitely Edelweiss. At least I knew what the fuck I was reading with Ever17.

>> No.6712885

Is Kureha One down? When did this happen?

>> No.6713209

Outside of a few weird direct translations, I understood most of Edelweiss' translation just fine. I would put them at about the same level of shoddiness though.

>> No.6713761


>> No.6713823

Fuck JAST and fuck TLwiki sellouts.
If you wanted some cash for efforts, TinFoil (or any other vn translator) open up a paypal (or something similar) donation account like how the anime fansubbers do it, you'll get at least the same money and won't lose the respect of your peers for selling out to idiot companies that censor and fuck up the orginal scripts.

>> No.6713831

Respect of his peers? What? Are you for real?

>> No.6713846

>lose the respect of your peers
Translators don't work for "respect", you failure

>> No.6713880

Just pirate them as they come out or not play them, and encourage others to do the same. Some titles will be locked in limbo if they get licensed and then not finished but there are plenty of VN's being made in Japan all the time.

>> No.6713999

It's not about the money. Fantranslators fantranslate (ideally) because they LIKED the game they translate, and hope that it's going to be more widespread by allowing the public to read it in english. Now, if a license company releases your work then you get even more people playing it (they advertise the game unlike fantranslated games), and it becomes even more simple to run, since casualfags who don't even know about japanese locale can play it too.

>> No.6714372

Since when do casusalfags play anything other than mingame bullshit or fps? As far a advertising I've yet to see a Jlist or Mangagamer ad somewhere where people who don't know about otaku culture frequent. With the exception of conventions, these places mention the fantranslators just as much.

>> No.6714403

Also this can backfire when JAST holds releasing the title because they don't have enough pre-orders

>> No.6714805

It's been this way since yesterday. Kureha is gone until two weeks from now on, so he can't do anything about it and there isn't anyone else with access to the server, so we have to wait for him.

>> No.6716046


>> No.6716063

Oh, and if anyone needs them, I can deliver download links for any of the titles posted over there.

>> No.6716063,1 [INTERNAL] 

Since fucking forever. Do you really think Shuffle is the highest sold MG game because visual novel fags bought it? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.6716857

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