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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6687089 No.6687089 [Reply] [Original]

Eroge/VN general thread.

Anyone playing the new releases? I read some good things about Noble Works

>> No.6687094 [DELETED] 

u should play kinectimals its the best eroge besides madden 11

>> No.6687106

I just finished clearing all the games I had installed, promised myself to focus on one at a time, and now I have 4 new ones installed waiting.
Why can't I hold all these releases?

Anyway for those interested, the latest issue of Tech Giant has two character drama videos for Axanael, I uploaded them here
even if they're videos it's just people talking, but I figured people might be interested.

>> No.6687106,1 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I could moonrune

>> No.6687267
File: 165 KB, 1280x719, ahegao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting warmly for Sekaijo so I can turn the lesbian kouhai straight with a bountiful dose of dickings.

>> No.6687432
File: 320 KB, 649x600, top_xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merry xmas from monstergirl devs

>> No.6687685

Noble Works is pretty amusing.

>> No.6687830

I think Navel put physical locks on the boxes or something to prevent uploads.

>> No.6687999
File: 759 KB, 1280x752, eustia_trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was browsing hongfire and saw that there was techgian trial out of Eustia, so decided to play it. But then realized that it's in buriko engine and need hookcode to hook the text as I still suck in kanji and need aggerator to look up kanjis. Anyone here has any experience in making hookcodes for AGTH and could help?

>> No.6688151

Did you download the january issue for that or where did you find it? I might be able to help but have a shitty connection so it might take a while

>> No.6688171

>eustia trial
fuck yeah, I'll get reading as soon as I finish my current VN.

>> No.6688176
File: 374 KB, 1280x752, mouse_gestures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this one that I DL'd

also mouse gestures in my eroge? more likely than you think. but seriously this thing has pretty nice production values from the quick klickin I did.

>> No.6688192

>1.11 GB
Thank god there's another link with ddl

>> No.6688198

Thanks. As I said it might take a while, I hope you someone can help you in the meantime.

>> No.6688213
File: 264 KB, 1280x752, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. It's at times like this that I really regret neglecting my kanji studies and rely too much on electronic dictionairies

>> No.6688354
File: 342 KB, 1024x576, imgノーコントロール11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for that, I'm always too lazy to download Tech Gian discs for some minor stuff I care about.

Speaking of Axanael, I have a question about Noko. How exactly did she come into existence? I understand that she was created by Nitori, but he's not Takumi and doesn't have any special powers to do so. Is she something like a small god with only one follower, like in Pratchett's novels? After all, Mizuha did compare herself to her.
(I'm on 8 PM right now, in case it will be explained later.)

>> No.6688954

el bumpo

>> No.6689092

Trial of 猫撫ディストーション is out, writer is Fujiki Seki of Elysion fame.
Actually it's his first eroge in like 10 years.
Trial is getting some pretty good reviews in egs.

>> No.6689161


I'm 99% sure its the dead spirit of Yoshiko mixed with his and her delusions. It can't only be merely his delusion because people with otherworldly powers can sense her (Miso, Mizuha, Fuuri, Sen, etc).

I didn't bother spoiling her name since it's not like you would know what it means.

Also I finished Axanael's true route last night. It's hard to explain what is wrong with the game, it's not like it's not technically good, because it is. I mean the style is nice, art is sharp, music are alright, voice actors were really good, etc etc. I think it comes down to the fact that theres too many 'bullshit/unlikable' elements in the plot: psuedo mary sue(sakura), deus ex machinas (mizuhanoha, axanael, noco's cutter knife) and the worst off all, a puppetmaster villain. It's like a big show and tell of bunch of stuff happening but theres really no tension underneath because you know one of the deus ex will solve everything.

>> No.6689176
File: 91 KB, 804x649, fha_nawak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resumed my playing FHA!
tho, nasu's writing is giving me headaches from time to time... oh well

>> No.6689250

I might play 世界征服彼女 just because Gotou Yuuko is the main heroine. Anybody tried it yet?

>> No.6689253 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6689260
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cleared the trial : quite promising methinks
as a side note, yuuko gotou or not, I don't like the main heroine's hairstyle....

>> No.6689607

try this, it should work. I'm just a few sentences in, but it looks stunning. Definetely one of the titles I'm looking forward to.
Trial was pretty good. Of course, it's a character game, so don't expect anything fancy, but the script wasn't boring.

>> No.6689611

Not quite new, but I just started little busters! on PSP yesterday.

>> No.6689620


>> No.6689682
File: 698 KB, 1280x752, Clipboard05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh thank you. By the way, because couldn't wait for that was looking way how to wark with hooks myself, but ended finding program called ITH (Interactive Text Hooker ,http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=208860).). It seeems to work with buriko engine without problems. Still like AGTH better tough so thanks for the code, switching to it now.

Seriously Eustia is pretty awesome from the trial, definately jumped to my most waited thing from the little I have so far read from trial. It has pretty awesome mood and production values, and I really like the character interctions so far. The setting is also pretty interesting. But better opinions coming when I finish this trial. Good start for more serious story from August.

>> No.6689702

I had planned to start G-senjou today but I haven't gotten to it. I'm thinking maybe monday instead, or late sunday.

>> No.6689703

I won't play the trial since I hate cliffhanger, I just want the full experience.
But I sure hope the writer got better since Fortune Arterial, it was just so fucking bland. Only route I liked was the black haired kuudere, can't remember her name.

>> No.6689790
File: 423 KB, 1280x752, Clipboard06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played FA, and partially only played Yoke, but so far Eustia has been quite good in my opinion, and by mood it's very different from those two as Eustia has quite grim overall mood to it so far. And it seems to be much more story oriented than those two too, sa far there has been all-kinds of stuff happening/foreshadowed that could be interestingly used when the plot starts.

>> No.6689808
File: 109 KB, 1034x608, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing the 猫撫ディストーション web trial. The text box is interesting. It's like a speech bubble that appears at different places around the screen, depending on where the character speaking is.

>> No.6689830
File: 948 KB, 1000x600, maincg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsing the site for Clochette's new game. Why do they all have huge bags of cancer? Where are my flat chested lolis?

>> No.6689861

Yeah I agree on the grimness, I mean, the main character is a freelancer employed by some shady organization that has no qualms about kicking a starving boy silly.
Also all the three heroines I've seen so far seem very charming.

>> No.6689930
File: 653 KB, 1280x752, Clipboard08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the heroines are pretty good so far, well only one with any proper dialogue has been Eris, Fione and Irene had few lines so far, but nothing on the main one or Licia yet tough. But I claim Eris as mai waifu for now. Side characters are pretty cool too.

>> No.6690052
File: 645 KB, 800x600, snap1545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading the second scenario of Carnival. I find Manubu pretty fascinating protag, reading from the POV of a genuine victim of constant child abuse and multiple personality disease where his other self is a brutal murderer, and the interaction of the personalities is really interesting.

>> No.6690082
File: 698 KB, 1280x752, Clipboard10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah sleepy, continuing this tomorrow.
But so far so good. Definately going to be one of the better releases this year if the quality stays and the plot escalates properly to something. There's potential here, with some underground vs. law keeper factions, some black monster running around, conflict coming from "wing hunters" and wing-diseased people, and mystery why the GreatFall happened and whats the wing-disease. But we'll see where this all leads.
And there better be some H-scenes with the prostitute side-characters.

>> No.6690084

Any reason for the size of the trial?

>> No.6690112

Carnival was so fucking stupid.
Kinda fun, but still very stupid.

>> No.6690143

I really wonder why VN writers love the DID thing SO much.

>> No.6690158

Not him, but HD and bonus content like multiple videos, I'd guess.
The prostitutes are all so cute, and then they tell you they don't even last 5 years doing that job, fucking damn it.

>> No.6690309

1.   27,716 1463 -- -- 2010年10月15日 星空へ架かる橋 feng
2.   22,160 0961 1.  9.  2010年06月25日 クドわふたー Key
3.   22,016 1372 -- -- 2010年10月29日 恋と選挙とチョコレート sprite
4.   20,892 2447 2.  1.  2010年04月22日 暁の護衛~罪深き終末論~ しゃんぐりら
5.   20,476 1692 -- -- 2010年07月23日 真・恋姫†無双~萌将伝~ BaseS
6.   16,976 0944 -- 7.  2010年06月25日 bitter smile. 戯画
7.   16,432 0775 -- -- 2010年08月27日 涼風のメルト -Where wishes are drawn to
each other- Whirlpool
8.   16,008 0860 -- 13 2010年06月30日 処女はお姉さまに恋してる 2人の
エルダー キャラメルBOX
9.   15,184 1436 -- 2.  2010年03月26日 恋色空模様 すたじお緑茶
10  12,948 0890 -- -- 2010年10月29日 キサラギGOLD★STAR SAGA PLANETS

>> No.6690353

what's this moe shit list?

>> No.6690361

that feng moege is getting an anime adaptation next spring

>> No.6690405

Yeah it's pretty obvious it was never about being serious though, I still find it quite a fun due to the protag.
I'd prefer less rape though.

>> No.6690476

Hey I'm pretty new to this kinda stuffs, and would love to hear any suggestions you guys have.
I played Hitomi: My Stepsister because there was a bit of excitement over it a while ago and the only thing i really disliked was that your character was such an asshole.

Id appreciate any suggestions and/or links you'd give me.

>> No.6690489

>2.   22,160 0961 1.  9.  2010年06月25日 クドわふたー Key

All my rage.com

>> No.6690770

Sad face....I dont know what I'm doing

>> No.6690788

too low?
too high?

>> No.6690992
File: 303 KB, 1600x1200, suz_n_18_d02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you people have against moe games. Just because the characters are attractive doesn't mean it has to be shit.

>> No.6691058

/jp/ - 厨二病/general, you should be used to this by now.
The vocal part of /jp/ that complains about moege only appreciates DEEP and mature VNs which they imagine as suitable for the sophisticated individuals they delude themselves into believing they are.

>> No.6691212

Da Capo Dream Xmas fucking where.

>> No.6691897

The kagura roguelike fucking where

>> No.6692844
File: 34 KB, 500x330, 1292836940837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the wise words presented by the pictured container and read through Saya no Uta.

Oh my fucking god. That had to be one of the best stories I have ever read in my life. So brilliantly written, yet depraved at times. A true masterpiece. Thank you for the recommendation, /jp/. While I was hoping to read something a little more light hearted and focused on romance tonight, this was still a good read. Any recommendations for more god tier stories will be greatly accepted.

>> No.6692930

I recommend you to develop abilities to determine what to read on your own. Use vndb.org or something.

>> No.6692935

Has anyone checked out 俺の彼女(ツレ)はヒトでなし? The Getchu page kinda drew my interest.

>> No.6692956

No. Too lazy.

>> No.6692958

I've nothing against moege or its fans, I just prefer "DEEP and mature" that's all.

>> No.6692974

>Is there no my girlfriend (a tritagonist) with Homo sapiens?

>> No.6692982

I just played the trial months ago, looked like your really average character game, which means that unless you really like the characters you'll probably find it boring.
Things could have changed or maybe it picks up, dunno.

>> No.6693005
File: 205 KB, 1037x614, jiken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying Axanael. Sure, it's filled with cliches, and there isn't any real tension, but I don't think any of that matters. The draw is in watching how all the elements come together to work out in the end.

>> No.6693026

"My girlfriend is a brute". lol, babelfish.

The characters gave me a sort of eccentric impression, that's what drew my interest. Thanks.

>> No.6693040

>My girlfriend is a brute
actually hitodenashi it's a play on them being not-human (I remember there being a werewolf and a robot in the cast)

>> No.6693071
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, eustia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing Eustia trial and it's fucking awesome. Production values at extreme high level, great characters, setting, climate. Hard to believe it's from these same people as Fortune Arterial, completely new level. My number one for 2011.
Also this week played Hello;good-bye (which had interesting setting, but disappointed with boring characters and retarded story - 5/10) and Axanael (100% character game with average storyline, nice characters and humor fitting to my taste, overall pretty enjoyable - 8/10).
Also started Noble Works, few hours of playing and it's giving good feeling, probably best moege this month.

>> No.6693091

2010 was weak but 2011 looks to be pretty awesome eroge wise.
Especially April, goddam can't wait for Rewrite, the trial was fucking awesome

>> No.6693094

>actually hitodenashi it's a play
FUCKING JAPANESE. It's shit like this that makes me ragequit.

>> No.6693106

Can't believe Sekaijo isn't out yet.
What the fuck happened?

>> No.6693110
File: 657 KB, 1280x752, Clipboard12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah woke up.

Well it has good resolution, full-voice-acting, and is pretty lenghty so far. that does add up.

Yeah it's seriously fantastic. For me too it just has come my most wanted.

And Eris is just pure olev.
But back to to the playing the Eustias trial.

>> No.6693275

> can't wait for Rewrite, the trial was fucking awesome
I've heard the trial script filesize was as big as some games, how many hours did it even take to read?
I've been thinking about trying it since I heard it tries to correct a few of Key's bad habits.

>> No.6693295

About 4 hours, maybe a bit more I'm not sure.
And it doesn't feel like a Key game at all, script is typical Romeo.
It felt more like reading a more energetic version of Saihate no Ima.

>> No.6693403

The trial of Nekonade Distorsion is really good, you guys should try it.
Another promising eroge for 2011

>> No.6693423

2011 is gonna be a good year for eroge.
Unless most disappoint.

>> No.6693552

Kind of reminds me of Subahibi.
Expecting good things

>> No.6693557

2011 will be a busy year, I wish I could read faster.

>> No.6693563

It has some distortion IYNWIM?

>> No.6693632

I looked up Nekonade Distortion, but it appears one of the writers is the Sense off writer. Downloading the trial anyway, hopefully it doesn't get too difficult to read later.

>> No.6693811

I should complete Sense Off one day, only did the route of the main heroine.
God that ending.

>> No.6693846
File: 658 KB, 1280x752, Clipboard14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aahhhh.... Finished Eustias trial, shit was fucking fantastic. Can't wait for the full product, has been sometime since I enjoyed something as much I did this. March can't come soon enough. Goodthing they didn't leave the trial in any big-cliffhanger, sure they did reveal the first major plot-twist, but it cut it at nice place where everything settled down (for now atleast) and its easy to wait for more, (as easy as it gets when you read something this good and want more/full-product)

Now definately the title I'm looking foward to most. Great production values, atmospehere, bgms, setting, characters and interactions between them, etc. and plot started nicely and will be nice to see where it developes. No real complains about it so far, maybe main heroine coud have been bit more original as every other heroine so far seem more interesting (didn't really get enough information for Irene or Licia tough, so can't judge them properly)

>> No.6693893
File: 367 KB, 1024x576, shikiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if your mother became a loli one day?
Reading Nekonade Distortion, seems to be quite a mindfuck.

Also since the loli MILF seems to have a route and the father is still here, I guess that mean you ntr him.

>> No.6694752

Been a while since I enjoyed a good moege, Noble Works is pretty good.

>> No.6695213

Yeah, so far out of the main heroines Eustia felt a bit lacking to me as well. Maybe the gap was due to her clothes and hair, she looked straight out of a school comedy instead of a grim fantasy story.
It didn't help that I loved the interactions between the main character and the gang at the beginning, which Eustia obviously ruined (I get that the stereotypical story of the criminal leaving behind his old life has to go like that, but still...).
But other than that everything was really, really good.
I'm looking forward to see how someone like him can develop relationships with a princess and a saint priestess.

>> No.6695882

Damn Sekaijo isn't out yet, hopefully soon.

Anyways finished the trial of Eushia and Nekonade.

Eustia seems to be low fantasy which is very appreciable for an eroge, production values are great as expected from August as well.
The trial showed some promising things but honestly I have doubts whether the writer is good enough to make these blossoms. Hopefully he will, need more low fantasy in eroge.

Nekonade felt like Subahibi-lite, there was even some Wittgenstein at the end of the trial. Though it looks like it will go more the charage route rather than the thriller/whatever the fuck was Subahibi route. Well could be really good, the characters were really likable as well.

Now to try White: Blanche comme la lune, the new lolige from Nekoneko-soft

>> No.6696096

Still nothing? ;_;

>> No.6696428
File: 138 KB, 1288x778, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing Noble Works. The common route was great, but the individual routes get a little slow at times. I'm still enjoying it though.

>> No.6697697


Can you say a bit of why it's good (or not so good)? I'm waiting for the other 12/24 stuff to get released so I don't have any eroges to play right now.

>> No.6697712

Anyone have a torrent link for Da capo2?

>> No.6698240

And 2010 is about to end.
Goddam what a shitty year eroge-wise.

>> No.6698256

She doesn't have a route, what bullshit

>> No.6698378

Finished Episode 7.

Starting G senjou.

>> No.6698551


>> No.6698658

Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.6698671

i think its extremely hot
let me find a torr...

>> No.6698690

Yeah, it's just weird.
She is basically like Tsuki, why the fuck doesn't she have a route?

>> No.6698714

Vanitas was delayed once again.

>> No.6698719

I want to hit something.

>> No.6698721

tsuki isnt classy at all thoguh

>> No.6698731

Is it just me or was the trial a bit underwhelming? I mean sure, it was a pre-timeskip prologue, but I dunno, didn't really hook me.
Maybe they're just waiting for more preorders.

>> No.6698740

The new Debonosu is finally out.

>> No.6699376

Finished reading the Nekonade Distortion trial, looking forward to the full release. The production values and characters were great, and there was plenty of philosophical ramblings and foreshadowing too. (Also, I noticed there's a Gizmo bot on Twitter... kinda tempted to make an account)

Time to play the Eustia trial now.

>> No.6699569

I do wonder what made August make a eroge like Eustia.

>> No.6699586

no idea, but they should keep this line.

>> No.6699595

Same, but I suppose it gets a lot better as sooon as the mains stop being kids.
And I think they must be having problems with the shitty engine they are using

>> No.6699613

Writers said that Gizmo is the main heroine in the QA of the game site.
Kinda weird.

>> No.6699627

I kinda doubt it's gonna sell as much as fortune arterial or yoake.

>> No.6699723
File: 459 KB, 1274x752, Clipboard17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree, even after Eustia they should keep this new line.

You are probably right, but hopefully it will sell well enough in that they will consider making more this kind of stuff later. Or then this somekind of trick to expand fanbase and they keep making both of both style games after this.

Also for those who played the trial, what were your favorite parts of it? Personaly I really liked the whole event chain in the end when the rain started, it had great mood. Also the chemistry between Caim, Eris, Sieg and Melt was great, hell all the character interactions were great, it really brough the whole thing alive in my opinion very well, despise the rather grim general atmosphere. I also like how they use the other perspectives, gives you good insight to some events and how other characters see others in some situations.

>> No.6699812

I liked Caim. It's been a while since i've played an eroge with a great MC and the fact he's voiced makes him even better.

>> No.6700579


Top 60 best eroge from 1994 to 2009
How many did you play?

>> No.6700618
File: 120 KB, 595x498, parsees_jealous_delusions_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's been translated in the last few months?

Anything that's a "must play"?

>> No.6700628

G-senjou no Maou

>> No.6700632

muv luv extra and muv luv unlimited.
partial for alternative is out too.

>> No.6700646

Yeah, Caim is pretty good protag, he has some guts to shit when it needs to be and he isn't stupid either. Altough it was shame that he didn't tap dat Eris in the trial yet, altough not tapping probably is good idea in that sense that she's quite possessive and tapping it could make it worse, if Caim would like to go after other women.

>> No.6700657
File: 27 KB, 324x278, 1287452520769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left my obligatory "ガーネットは俺の嫁だ".

>> No.6700661
File: 447 KB, 1024x768, dj!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was arranging my VN CG sets a while ago and I saw my cg for Imitation Lover.

And then I realized, the orange-haired girl's name is Kyo while the bluish-purple haired girl's name is Iori. Same as the King of Fighters' main characters, with their hair matching the flame colors of the respective clans. MIND = BLOWN

In other news, Imitation Lover has a real nice theme music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBsxlMBHTgQ

(misfired and created a separate thread. Deleted it)

>> No.6700668

I'm sure nobody will contest her.

>> No.6700669

All of them except Daiakuji.
Goddam my life is awesome.

>> No.6700678
File: 18 KB, 327x345, 1282129774525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was uncalled for, Anonymous.

>> No.6700709

Now that I think about it, he reminds me of Kou's (Baldr Sky) "mercenary modo".

... damn, fuck memory loss. Im glad Caim isn't the same.

And yeah, Eris would poison the hell out of any women who get's love love time with Caim (look out Tia!).

>> No.6700727

Only 21, guess I've still got a long way to go.

>> No.6700796

And still no Sekaijo

>> No.6700855

oh wow, you too? yeah Caim and Kou do seem bit similar to me also. Hell they sound bit similar too in voice, had to check their CVs, they werent same tough, but nevertheless sounded similar. one of the things that made my think they were alike.

>> No.6700878

60-MinDead Blood
59-Saya no Uta
57-Biniku no Kaori
52-Eien no Aselia
49-Gunjo no Sora
48-Genrin no Kishougun 2
47-Princess Witches
46-Sudzukuri Dragon
44-Soshite Ashita no Sekai Yori
43-Ef-the latter tale
39-Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
36-Saihate no Ima
32-Toushin Toshi 2
30-Ikusa Megami Zero
29-Swan Song
28-Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai
26-Kira Kira
23-Kono Aozora
22-G-senjou no Maou
21-Haruka ni Aogi
20-Rance 6
17-Little Busters Ex
16-Phantom of Inferno
15-Eve burst error
13-Baldr Sky Dive 2
11-Sharin no Kuni
10-Cross Channel
9-Baldr Sky Dive 1
8-Baldr Force Exe
6-Kichikuou Rance
4-Sengoku Rance
3-Muv-Luv Alternative
2-Family Project

>> No.6700927

I'll never understand how Family Project is rated higher than Alternative, Muramasa, Bald Sky and a lot of other games.

>> No.6700944

Because Japan loves healing games.

>> No.6700945

Seeing Himawari in the top 20 makes me happy.

>> No.6700963

Going to start G-String over the weekend as my main VN. I might check out a nice short fap fest VN to serve as a side game to it, any recommendations?

>> No.6700970

Top 60 based on what? Because I have no fucking idea what a few of those are doing in a top anything while some consistently excellently rated games are conspiciously missing.

>> No.6700988

Don't forget it's an eroge ranking, so you won't see Clannad, Ever 17, Symphonic Rain or Steins;Gate
They proably would have been in the top 15

>> No.6700993

Ah, there I thought Key's best regarded VN hadn't made to the ranking.

>> No.6701010

The first thing that came to mind were Leaf's games (Comic Party, To Heart 2), but Kanon also sticks out like a sore thumb with all the other Key stuff in there given its wild popularity. Duel Savior is also strangely absent while total drek like Sudzukuri Dragon and Gunjo are in. I cannot think of a single category where Sudzukuri beat DS. Certainly not popularity, and not popular or critical ratings either.

>> No.6701019

I agree that Sudzukuri Dragon is pretty overrated, I pretty much completed everything in like 3-4 hours and it was fucking boring and uninteresting.
But don't hate Gunjo, it was pretty good.

>> No.6701022

It's not even rated that well!

>> No.6701026

I thought it strange that this thread didn't have any "___ is total shit" replies yet. Thanks for reassuring me.

>> No.6701036

Alter's Shin Sonic Fate tops everything, the box is a fucking behemoth.

>> No.6701065
File: 325 KB, 800x600, df9965c82e9fc372ebbcb7a6bd75ca49f5edaa99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Shuffle. It's one of those entry-level VNs I never got around to reading. I'm quite annoyed at the fact that Lisianthus and Nerine are practically forced on you in the beginning. I hope the story doesn't continue with this bullshit or I'll probably drop it.
After Shuffle, I'm probably gonna start on Da Capo.

>> No.6701085
File: 53 KB, 640x480, さよならを教えて.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol my personally masterpieces like さよならを教えて
and 腐り姫 are even above of top, this feeling fucking elite.
Someone also loved them warmly?

>> No.6701096

Someone at tasofro decided to draw her as a loli anyway though, sort of like how suwako also got loli-ized.

>> No.6701150


>> No.6701264

Sayonara wo Oshiete is pretty much the only eroge that managed to scare me.

>> No.6701283

16 are completely translated and several like Alt or Yu-No will be completed soon.
The western fandom is pretty lucky these days.

>> No.6701450

Which ones are moege?

>> No.6703051 [DELETED] 


>> No.6703091

Isn't there a program that auto translate the text in eroge games? I would love to play newer releases even if its broken english text

>> No.6703144


>> No.6703468

26/60 here, though there's a few where I haven't finished all of them due to various reasons.

>> No.6703468,1 [INTERNAL] 

http://www.piacci.co.jp/suigetsu2/ waha!

Also what the heck is with that hundreds of posts deleted in this thread

>> No.6703468,2 [INTERNAL] 

I can see this going well

>> No.6703695

Played a bit of the nekonade distortion trial, what the fuck did I just read?

Also I've been meaning to ask, what shop do you usually use when you want to buy physical copies?

>> No.6703712

I just finished G-Senjou no Maou, great novel, thank fuck that shit god translated, everyone who hasn't read it should, it's fucking filled with mindfuck, and the only shitty part of the novel in my eyes would probably be chapter 2, but if you trudge through that, it is oh so worth it.

By the way, am I right in saying that you can finish the game super early by just finishing a character's route. That's pretty stupid. If that IS the case, is there any routes which are actually good and worth doing?

>> No.6703737

From the side heroines, Kanon's is my favourite.
Tsubaki's was boring and mizuha's godawful to the point chapter 4 was better for her than her own route.

Also, can anyone give me opinions on hello, goodbye?

>> No.6703749

Thanks, I guess I'll ditch that shit seeing as Kanon is a shitty character in my opinion.

>> No.6703749,1 [INTERNAL] 

And no 画野朗 either.
The loli and her costume looks nice, but the designs for the other 3 characters look very generic.
