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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6685428 No.6685428 [Reply] [Original]

What are the major UPSIDES to living in Japan?

>> No.6685438
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No niggers.

Oh, wait.

>> No.6685441

- it's not awkward to eat out alone, plenty of choices and it's mostly cheap
- konbini/supermarkets
- book off
- trains are fucking sweet

personally i don't think i'd want to live anywhere other than tokyo/surrounding prefectures

>> No.6685451

That feel when no one will ever love you as much as they do bob sapp?

>> No.6685459

- Animes on TV
- Eroge stores
- Anime figure conventions
- Pornography vending machines
- Anime pornography vending machines

>> No.6685460

JAV stores. That's all I can think of.

>> No.6685524

Hot springs

Good food

No tipping

Everybody is honest


Nice natural landscapes

Beautiful spring and autumn

excellent public transport

excellent postal and other delivery services

Fast internet

Vending machines everywhere

A fun language to learn

good prices on electronics

Talking, self-cleaning, warm-seat, auto-opening toilets

>> No.6685535

Exotic scenery
Maid Cafes
Gashapon that actually give out cool things
Cool things you'll see nowhere else like
Less femnazis
Outdated games are a lot easier to find
Better internet due to it being a smaller country
Hundreds of stores dedicated to your niche hobby

There's a ton of other reasons but these are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head. This will probably get me called a weeaboo but Japan has a lot of shit that NYC just can't offer. I love my city but Japan has us beat.

>> No.6685548

>Cool things you'll see nowhere else like giant Gundam statues and live action Kamen Rider performances.

>> No.6685550

I can't think of a reason NOT to live there.

>> No.6685555

> Everybody is honest

>> No.6685566
File: 51 KB, 600x402, japanese-arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thriving arcades.

>> No.6685569

* Kureem pan (thick custard-filled sweet buns available everywhere)
* yakisoba (tasty noodles)
* gyoza (crispy light chinese dumplings in food's most tasty sauce)
* yakinuki tabehodai (all you can it DIY BBQ - little grill at your table - with delicious BBQ sauces)
* Interesting ice-cream flavours like butternut pumpkin (inside mochi and wafers, sometimes)
* Katsu Kare (fried, crumbed chicken or pork strips drowned in a delicious curry sauce on rice)

... I could go on.

All of it is healthier and fresher than American (maybe any country's) food.

>> No.6685571

>All of it is healthier and fresher than American (maybe any country's) food.

That's Asian food in general for the most part.

>> No.6685581

No normal women acting like cheap whores...
They are all high end whores there.

>> No.6685585

Dog shit is healthier than American food.

>> No.6685589


Well the major reason is that if you're not Japanese you'll never truly fit in. People might treat you like shit from time to time and you'll have a tough time getting promoted at work because Japs hate the idea of one of their own working directly under a foreigner in their own country.

If you never cared about that kind of stuff to begin with, then I guess that doesn't matter, though.

>> No.6685590

>No normal women acting like cheap whores...

Sorry to burst your bubble but Japanese school girls fill that quota.

>> No.6685596

Safety. You still want to exercise care of course but you are at a far less risk of encountering random violence.

If you live in a big city, you don't need a car - depending on your POV this could be an upside or a downside. Either way public transportation is usually very reliable.

Japanese people mostly keep to themselves so you don't have to worry too much about people constantly pushing their agenda in your face. It's especially nice if you're not a very religious person, because here you don't have to deal with it much if at all.

>> No.6685598

You've obviously never been there.
Better odds there, though.

>> No.6685603

>Hundreds of stores dedicated to your niche hobby
fucking this

not even anime and stuff like that but every fucking thing. there's nothing you can't find in a big city like tokyo.

>> No.6685614

You can kill anyone you want as long as it is with a Katana

>> No.6685621

Korean food and Chinese food is not fresh and healthy.

>> No.6685646

There are so many I could list, so I'll settle for one obvious one: convenience stores.

What? You have to MAIL your bills in America? AHAHAHA! Hold on, let me buy a curry cutlet dinner and tickets to next month's concert. And pick up my Amazon shipment.

>> No.6685656

also buying that latest anime dvd and reading some hentai mags

although i noticed that they began binding the magazines so you can't open them. are they stil doing that?

>> No.6685661

Not sure if this could apply to anyone on this board but what's it like for people who are partake in motorsports?

>> No.6685662

thank you OP for this thread. it gives me reason to keep studying this insanely fucking difficult language.

>> No.6685665


I'm the this guy, I forgot to ask what's the cost of living and are there good driving roads out there? What's the car culture like out there?

>> No.6685668


I'm this guy again. Fuck I forgot to mention that I'm from California when I asked the cost of living there.

>> No.6685873

Nomihoudai - all you can drink at bars, if you are lucky you can find one without a time limit and booze it up all night for cheap!

Awesome beaches - related Pro-tip: go in late spring or late summer, before/after the "official beach season" and will barely be crowded..
This also applies to "official camping season", if you go before/after there will likely not be a person working in the campground and you can go for free.

Daikou - a taxi with two people, one of whom drives your car home when you are drunk.
I am aware there is a similar service back in my home state of Oregon, but in the town in Japan where I live, it's cheaper than getting a taxi (yes, even one-way)...

Awesome McDonald's food that we don't get in the US.
Related: Mos Burger, Lotteria, Freshness Burger.
Basically Japan > America when it comes to fast food, although I DO miss Carl's Jr.

>> No.6685890

Japan and motorsports go together like bees and honey. You'd better like twisties, because they are notoriously low on straight roads.
Bikes are most popular from what I remember, but getting a license can be a bitch.

>> No.6685909

But Japan sucks. Even America's slums are better than those chinkified lands goddamn weaboos.

>> No.6685920

Japan just like every other country has its UPS and DOWNS. We know this. Why don't you buzz off you lousy troll?

>> No.6686316

this thread makes me sad

>> No.6686328

You've obviously never risked your life visiting an American slum, or you're of a color that fits in.

>> No.6686334

>hot springs
>everybody honest
>fun language

You must read the J-list side blog

>> No.6686378



>> No.6686383

do you mean link?

>> No.6686407
File: 241 KB, 630x315, CMweb_5.98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a bigger penis than the average japanese man and you'll turn into CHARISMA MAN.

>> No.6686420


yes please

>> No.6686434

I'd only go to Japan as a visitor. Working in Japan SUCKS for various reasons probably already mentioned in this thread.

Also, japs work up to twice the hours Americans do

>> No.6686460

Merry Christmas. You can also get it e-mailed to you which was what I did for years before I found the site. But lately they haven't been coming for some reason.

>> No.6686475

Jap here.

Most of the stuff that are listed in this thread only apply to cities. The only thing the rest of Japan probably shares is food and safety.

>> No.6686481

I live in Japan ( about 2 years ) , and I would say Korea is much cheaper and mostly the same stuff. If your looking to teach English it is a much better gig in Korea they pay more and everything is more cheap. Its so damn expensive here and unless you got money your not gonna meet the ladies or be able to go out with your friends , because no one just hangs out at their apartment like in America your always meeting somewhere.

>> No.6686502

>not gonna meet the ladies or be able to go out with your friends
No problem there.

>> No.6686590

Baka gaijin....

>> No.6686604

Stupid weeaboo

>> No.6686621

>Nice natural landscapes
I doubt that there is any nature left in Japan, it's industrialized to the limits.

>> No.6686631

Tokyo != all of Japan.

There are many places still quite rural/undeveloped

>> No.6686638


what does your name mean?

>> No.6686648

Doesn't raelly have a meaning per se.
Just a /jp/-relevant play on としあき

>> No.6686692

Mos Burger

The fucking best fast food burger I have ever had in my life.

>> No.6686699

japan has the worst kinectimals

>> No.6686788


>it's not awkward to eat out alone, plenty of choices and it's mostly cheap


>> No.6686799

I lived in Matsuyama for a while. It's pretty much the same as Tokyo. Most large cities are the same, though Tokyo is the best.

>> No.6686811

What's so good about it, exactly? Better than in 'n out and stuff?

>> No.6686846

seriously guise,
I took a trip to japan,
i left Tokyo till last, so many expectations.

>arrive in tokyo
what is this i don't even.

I liked Osaka sooo much more ;_;

Maid cafe was awesome though :D

>> No.6686906

They have a lot more than just beef. They have shrimp, seafood, some weird shaved beef thing, rice, and other burgers. There's just a huge variety. My personal favorite though is the seafood.

>> No.6686919
File: 99 KB, 500x500, kinectimals4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan invented kinectimals

>> No.6686947



I'd feel a little exposed going for a jog on the city streets at 2 a.m. here in the States.

Tokyo... not so much.

Probably wouldn't do it around Ueno Park, though. Too many homeless people.

>> No.6686954

>Ueno Park
Also a metric FUCKTON of feral/stray cats there.

>> No.6687284


>> No.6687303

Stray feral cats?
Defeat a bunch of them for easy exp. points

>> No.6688197

For those of you who live there, what is your experience with the locals like? How exactly do they respond to you baka gaijin? How about the native otaku?

>> No.6690053

The locals treat you just like anyone else. Occasionally they would try to talk to me in English before I would speak in Japanese. In fact, an old women tried to apologize for WWII to me.

As for otakus, if you tell them, they laugh and then get on with their lives.
