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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6684629 No.6684629 [Reply] [Original]

Aight, /jp/

Tell me some common words on /jp/ or phrases that make you pop blood veins and thus ought to be filtered.

>> No.6684638

I can give you a list that I bet we shall see....
Today, I

>> No.6684637

sage, reported, quality post, bro, umineko

>> No.6684639

Autist -> Alpha male
Reported -> 10/10
Hikkikomori -> The pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.6684642

I won't filter tripfags because I've nothing against them, but thanks for reminding of the IMPLYING bullshit

>> No.6684643


>> No.6684648


I feel this is an offensive word to non-Japanese.

>> No.6684649

Or to be more precise, >implying

>> No.6684651

I've seen you posting all of those things AND whining about them without reporting/ignoring them, at least avoid being a hypocrite newbie.

>> No.6684652

I put implying cause I finally snapped on /3/

My head hurts, and I'm now in a bad mood and my girlfriend feels bad cause she thought SHE was the cause.

>> No.6684657

true /jp/er
true NEET

If you know that you're a shitty poster, why don't you stop?

>> No.6684660

Now go blog about it on Facebook.

>> No.6684661


.. Well, general rule is, if you filter racial slurs and such you can pretty much avoid a lot of shitposts.

>> No.6684669

>girlfriend shit
I think you may be lost.

>> No.6684670

Kuroko, >Zun!bar, Saten, Suigin, kopipe, implying, mfw.

">Zub!bar" is the one i hated the most, i also hate that shitty tripfag.

>> No.6684671
File: 170 KB, 1280x960, Suika punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. an airing of grievances, like in Festivus?

you mad
sup /jp/, ____ here,
I'm new to /jp/
True NEETS only
Ronery threads

>> No.6684672


>> No.6684673

This is gonna turn into a list of tripfags people hate and then a The Rock.

In that case I'm reporting this shit.

>> No.6684676

I wouldn't want any filters.
/jp/ has it's share of shit, sure, but no particular phrases or words that irritate me.
Besides, the shitty posts are easily ignored, or are often gone quickly enough.
If you can't ignore posts you don't like I have no idea how you could still be on 4chan.

>> No.6684680

So who's the strongest Felipe or Mafalda?

>> No.6684682

Ar Tonelico, Panzermoe, Cosmic Break

>> No.6684684


My filter:

white ren; /jp/ Quality Control; ZUN; Kuroko spammer; Fellpyre; spacebar; Suigin; Scandaroon;

>> No.6684685

lol u mad?

they won't be banned, people need to be mad for anyone to be anyone.

it's when you take something too far it gets annoying. But this place will never be a perfect utopia, but that's what makes this bored so goddamn special it's people are so cynical and hardassed that it's almost a target for trolling

true oldfags either left, never post, became tripfags (then left), or are still here and know that this board still stands no matter how bad it gets

>> No.6684686


>> No.6684688

Quality post
true /jp/er
true NEET

>> No.6684690


/jp/ can be a lot better if you filter the right words and tripfags.

>> No.6684692

Anything with a -fag suffix. This is not /b/, if you feel the need to adopt their memes, then get the fuck out.

>> No.6684701

That means everyone leaves cause they use the word tripfag.

>> No.6684705

Yes, this. Though the stupid 4chan based ones like "tripfag" or whatever are *somewhat* tolerable, it bothers me when people are like "I like classical music I am a classicalfag."

>> No.6684702

Don't normally come to /jp/ but things that should be wordfiltered on EVERY BOARD:
You mad? / U mad? and other variants.
I'll post more when I remember them.

>> No.6684707


Your post is so retarded i almost vomited, it looks like you don't even know what you are talking about.

>> No.6684713

What should I use to filter (using firefox)?

>> No.6684716


Make sure you got Greasemonkey

>> No.6684717

The -fag suffix is a convenient gender neutral pronoun on an anonymous image board. And most people refuse to use something like 'friend' or 'anon' as it sounds way to nice.

>> No.6684721
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>people need to be mad for anyone to be anyone.


>> No.6684722

They still use femanon cause femfag sounds too fappable.

>> No.6684728

I think me means that emotion is what makes us human.

>> No.6684726

Delete your post faggot.

>> No.6684724

I love the word autist. I think it really defines us as a people.

>> No.6684727

If something annoys you that much, or if someone's being so much of a douche that it almost hurts a bit, you can hide their threads/posts, or they'll be banned when they take it too far (and then sometimes they come back).

Some words probably should be filtered, just don't count on it buddy. Some people just need to be ignored and they'll leave.

>> No.6684729 [DELETED] 

Tripfag is fine because it's universally accepted. Just adding -fag to the end of something is dumb shit.

Mind pointing out what exactly was retarded instead of spewing out random insults?

>> No.6684735

Why? Cause I got it before you?

>> No.6684742


My autism is strong tonight, i was talking to this guy, sorry.

>> No.6684746

>True NEET
Gets me every time. I'm a NEET and it pisses me off.

>> No.6684749

And as /jp/ers

Imagine a /jp/ where nobody is mad?

>> No.6684750

I guess saying "I am a ___fag" is easier than saying "I am a fan of ___" or "I am a user of ___".
If it's easier to use and it's generally understood, then until something "better" comes along it's probably not going away.

I'm not saying it's a good thing, some people find chat speak easier to type and I can't stand it.

>> No.6684751

OP, since /a/ newfriends are slowly invading this board, I'd suggest you to filter the word "moeshit"

>> No.6684753

Newfaggotry doesn't deserve help. If you were to simply type in '4chan filter' into Google he'd have found the same page. He doesn't deserve yours or anyone's help.

>> No.6684759

Everyone's autistic here, son.

You do realize that this autism meme here on /jp/ is cancerous in a way too?

We need cancer to survive.

>> No.6684761


Felipe, ya de deja de decir puras pendejadas y te lo digo en español a ver si asi entiendes un poco mejor, porque ya me tienes harto de que siempre dices puras estupideces, quitate tu tripcode y solo lee como posteamos por los menos unos 6 meses, luego ya puedes postear sin verte como un vil idiota cada vez que hablas.

>> No.6684762
File: 379 KB, 2178x1380, japanesefiltercookingpennerigate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6684763

reported, quality thread, >Zun!bar, and we should have forced anon.

>> No.6684766


No, wait. I-I'm not reporting this thread... I'm saying the use of the word "reported" for douche-y one line aggro replies should be filtered...

Maybe to "Enthusiastically Endorsed".

>> No.6684776

/jp/ meetup

>> No.6684777

This isn't a Spanish/German board. But it isn't like we're going to ban their language.

Personally I think that guy who posts German Koishi is hilarious.

People who think /jp/ is or turning into shit will leave. What they don't realize is that it was always shit, every board is (though when things get popular you find a lot more newfags pretending to be oldfags, not that that's a bad thing)

>> No.6684786

I wish Penne Rigate came back ;_;

/jp/ isn't the same without seeing that thread once a day.

>> No.6684793

There's really just a few shitheads that see /jp/ as their personal playground and need to be rangebanned.

>> No.6684796

Nothing makes me "pop blood veins" to be honest. I remain calm when I browse /jp/, even when it's horrible. There are things which annoy me, because I have to report them (offtopic threads, daily doses, Quality Control's spam, among others), but they don't make me angry. /jp/ would just be a bit more enjoyable if they werent there.

>> No.6684798

And if you help newfags then they don't be so newfaggy and stupid, and then they learn, and want to stay, and become better posters.

already to it stops saying pure pendejadas and I tell it you in Spanish to see if asi you understand a little better, because already have me enough that always say pure stupidities, remove you your tripcode and alone reads as posteamos by the less some 6 months, then already are able postear without seeing you like a despicable idiot each time that speak

>> No.6684805


>> No.6684806

also I can edit and change my code with one character to those filtering me.

>> No.6684808

Best thread on /jp/ right now.

>> No.6684807 [DELETED] 

>People who think /jp/ is or turning into shit will leave.
The point is we think it is shittier then it used to be. I like it better when it was mainly elitists and trolls and that being it besides tripfags.

>(though when things get popular you find a lot more newfags pretending to be oldfags, not that that's a bad thing)
No, you see what made old /jp/ so interesting is that there were people who PRETENDED to have played untranslated VN's (because they were so elitist) when they've only read spoilers and read reviews. So it became a game for the people who actually read the shit to root the guys out. Meanwhile, they developed their monstrous Googlefu.

>> No.6684814

Or they stick around and stay shitty posters forever.

>> No.6684812 [DELETED] 

also there is ONE words that does get me but I'm keeping it to myself.

>> No.6684817

Then they are trolls and will be kicked soon enough.

>> No.6684819

Yeah, I fucking wish.

>> No.6684826

Eh...me too..

>> No.6684831

>People who think /jp/ is or turning into shit will leave.
The point is we think it is shittier then it used to be. I liked it better when it was mainly elitists and trolls besides tripfags.

>(though when things get popular you find a lot more newfags pretending to be oldfags, not that that's a bad thing)
No, you see what made old /jp/ so interesting is that there were people who PRETENDED to have played untranslated VN's (either because they were majorly elitist who were trying to be superior in some way or they were just plain idiots) when they've only read spoilers and read reviews. So it became a game for the people who actually read the shit to root the guys out. Meanwhile, they developed their monstrous Googlefu.

They wouldn't ask for source they would find it on their own. Threads were saged when someone used a meme as that was a sign of lower intelligence. As with reaction images (unless you were a tripfag).

>> No.6684849

>people who PRETENDED to have played untranslated VN's (either because they were majorly elitist who were trying to be superior in some way or they were just plain idiots) when they've only read spoilers and read reviews. So it became a game for the people who actually read the shit to root the guys out. Meanwhile, they developed their monstrous Googlefu.
Seriously? This shit is too hilarous.

>> No.6684861

i am a faggot please rape my face

>> No.6684875

Can't rape the willing.

>> No.6686342

