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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 161 KB, 675x693, xmas_miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6681314 No.6681314 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6681323

This guy's songs sound a lot like Kodomo no Jikan's Hanamaru Sensation(yes, I know that was ripped from something else as well).

But I love them.

>> No.6681710

i love miku.

>> No.6681806
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>> No.6681877


>> No.6681881
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>> No.6681889
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>> No.6681908
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>> No.6682334
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>> No.6684460
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>> No.6685111
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>> No.6685741
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>> No.6686732
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>> No.6686792
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>> No.6686925
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Soon, I will become one with Miku.

>> No.6686942

just came out for christmas

>> No.6686953
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Merry Christmas, from your friends over at Xbox 360®!

>> No.6686970


>> No.6687065

Nicovideo is such a horrific site. I wish the Japanese would switch over to Youtube already.

I suspect they only use Nico because
1. Japanese
3. Rankings; if they move to Youtube the Nico users(who are generally something close to otaku) have to compete with all the normal people and videos from other countries. A song making it onto the Vocaloid rankings is a big thing to most producers.
4. History of things already uploaded which they don't want to lose

But economy mode, the utterly pointless reminders, the advertisements, and the awful, awful surveys which last for 5ish minutes if you don't refresh the page make it one of my most hated sites. I know most of them don't register for premium, and I have no idea how they stand it or if there's even an actual logical reason to support the site given all the garbage they throw at you.

>> No.6687075 [DELETED] 

Also, I'm aware there are methods of evading most of the invasive stuff Nicovideo does, but it's the principle of the matter that they even do it at all.

Also, half the time Nicovideo doesn't even seem to load videos. And I'm going to have to mention economy mode twice; half the day you get awful quality? Seriously?

>> No.6687079

To say nothing of the 37 LSO cookies Nico deposits on your system everytime you visit.

>> No.6687082

Also, I'm aware there are methods of evading most of the invasive stuff Nicovideo does, but it's the principle of the matter that they even do it at all.

Half the time Nicovideo doesn't even seem to load videos. And I'm going to have to mention economy mode twice; half the day you get awful quality? Seriously?

Sage because this whining isn't worth bumping a thread

>> No.6687112

Agreed. Nico was a great idea when it started, but it turned to shit as soon as it became registration only and turned into the gigantic circle jerk that it has become today.

Fucking nico fags are the cancer that's killing the otaku subculture in Japan. They think they're so cool, getting together in public and spewing their retarded memes. They think they're the center of the subculture, but most of them are normalfags with girlfriends and very fulfilling offline lives who only exist to suck the dicks of the few decent creators actually on Nicodou. And they creators, even the good ones, are mostly fucking attention whores.

I hate what Nicodou has done to the otaku subculture and the doujin scene in general. Not that that many people on /jp/ have probably been deeply into this stuff for long enough to remember what it was like before Nicodou, but still...

And that's not even getting into the fact that the fucking design changes every few months so it's hard as fuck to use, the stupid pay accounts, and a bunch of other shit features that only clutter the site and that nobody gives a damn about. The Web 2.0 shittiness of Nicodou makes me want to vomit. Back when 2ch was still top dog I thought Japan was immune to the web 2.0 cancer sweeping the internet, but apparently not.

By the way, this is coming from someone who's taken 1st place in the Nicodou ranking in every category before.

God I hate Nicodou...

>> No.6687130
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I can't quite tell if this is a copypaste or not, as it came fairly quickly, but I've suffered enough rage from the site in the past that I find its name to be pretty ironic.

It would be great if Youtube or some other actually decent site could kill it somehow, but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. At least some of the Nico uploaders upload to both Youtube and Nico so economy mode(and the other terrible aspects of the site) can be avoided.

I suppose the surprising thing is that Pixiv hasn't developed the same way(or has it and I haven't noticed?). They're like light and day in terms of site quality, you'd think they'd have an idea of the fact that Nico takes advantage of its position based on that alone(and do something about it).

>> No.6687141

another nerve wracking thing about the site is that it causes firefox to freeze up and crash... i'm no technical expert, but if one of you has an idea about how to stop this from happening it would make my day. probably even my week or month.

what i mean is that firefox appears to have a memory leak or something, and if(nicovideo in particular) too many tabs are left open for too long the browser will freeze and crash. it's just a matter of restarting it, but sometimes it happens very quickly, and nicovideo appears to be the biggest culprit in causing it.

>> No.6687145

Yes, Pixv is much better.

And no that's not pasta I just typed it all up.

I hate Nicodou, it's shit, and people who are "proud" of themselves for being part of the Nicodou "community" are shit.

I really love Vocaloid, but I wish there was some way to separate it from the shittiness of Nicodou. I hate it how the majority of the Vocaloid fandom now revolves around the Nicodou rankings and community.

It's like if your favorite VN all of a sudden got super popular on Gaia and the two became almost synonymous.

>> No.6687167

And yet it's still better than jewtube.

>> No.6687187


>> No.6687202
File: 391 KB, 1600x1200, 7823220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. It really sucks, because virtually everything related to otaku culture is tied to Nico. Fighting game videos from arcades are almost exclusively uploaded to Nico, you've already mentioned Vocaloid, if an artist makes a demonstration or explanation it's uploaded to Nico, it goes on and on.

Well, there's really no use in complaining about it here, but I had to vent after a song I was listening to got interrupted by a blaringly loud Nico broadcast(I am currently testing out other browsers because of the problem stated in >>6687141, and I have yet to locate Nico-invasion blocking addons for any other decent browser) for the third time today.

>> No.6687209
File: 732 KB, 1067x800, 7782014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I like to live in a fantasy world and pretend there's actually a hope for something like that.

>> No.6687254 [DELETED] 


make sure you've run through all of those. if you have, then try removing mods in your arcs folder by half repeatedly until you figure out exactly which mod(s) are the problem.

i have found a couple of mods which cause the game to crash before, but so far only two and i've been using this for almost a year now(on windows 7).

either way, make sure none of the thing on the troubleshooting section are the problem. especially when doing something like copying a large amount of mods from one computer to another, you may need to erase system.tdcgsav.png.

>> No.6687294
File: 688 KB, 959x1320, 809978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would much rather the 37 billion cookies, the occasional questionnaires and my firefox crashing than having to hurl every time I look at the related videos from a decent song and finding it's half filled with shitty MMD videos, made with the comedic level of a 12 year old from /b/.

Don't even get me started with the community or the comments.

>> No.6687316
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To each his own, I suppose. I don't really believe you're doing anything but trying to troll, but I don't like how Nico treats its userbase however it pleases. It's foolish to support that kind of behavior from a website, but if you don't care, I suppose that's your prerogative.

I consider the site's invasive material to be borderline criminal, but I imagine not everyone shares my interpretation. Unfortunately, I have to go there to fulfill my hobby, or else I would take the obvious suggestion of "just don't go there, then."

>> No.6687373
File: 41 KB, 431x1089, 15187979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I signed up in nico to view videos, no more no less.

As long as I get to watch videos I like, I'm fine with it.

And by videos I like, I mean of course searching with 重音テト tag.

>> No.6687402

>finding it's half filled with shitty MMD videos
mmd is the only reason i go to nico. most of them are retarded, though, although i am pretty lighthearted so maybe that's something i like. i'd say the motion copypasta videos are mostly wastes of space, though.

polite sage

>> No.6687522
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>> No.6687602
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Don't get me wrong, I love MMD PVs. It's stumbling into stuff like
that sends me running.

>> No.6687819
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>> No.6690222
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>> No.6690738
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>> No.6691723
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Not that I have anything against sex whatsoever(the opposite), but even though I try as hard as possible not to be sexually attracted to Miku(feels like a daughter? Fine too, I guess), sometimes it's just impossible.

>> No.6691732 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6691735 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.31 MB, 1074x1517, 0720d3f316cbe436e8580fb4a3f62b32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas is ending soon for me, so merry Christmas for the last time.

>> No.6691738
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>> No.6691747
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