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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6681029 No.6681029 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we describe our ex-grilfriends.

>> No.6681034


>> No.6681038

Why are you curious? I don't like to reminisce her, she was annoying and not very pretty.

>> No.6681042

Unfortunately, I don't have my own BBQ grill so yeah.

>> No.6681040

Go away OP.

>> No.6681041

She looked like Marisa. I met her on convention

>> No.6681045

That would be Mystia
That would be Keine

>> No.6681047

Well my last girlfriend was quite normalfaggy and didn't like anime. But she was beautiful so it wasn't a problem.

>> No.6681050

I thought I told you to get out.

>> No.6681051


>> No.6681057

Don't be afraid to contribute to thread, it's fine. We accept people with girlfriends here.

>> No.6681063

At around 5AM I used to be able to take it easy without seeing threads like these.

>> No.6681065

This is now the third time I'm telling you to get out.

Nobody likes you. Go away.

>> No.6681066

She lived in another city, could it get more crappy? I'm still heartbroken.

>> No.6681073

She was asian weaboo... I will post pictures later.

>> No.6681071



>> No.6681074

I'm willing to bet two star coins that this faggot just left the waifu thread.
It's not funny, OP

>> No.6681075

If I tell you to get the fuck out four times, will you do it?

Probably not.

>> No.6681076
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these were my last grilfriends

>> No.6681079

It was quite long ago when I had girlfriend. It was in high school, I met her on a party. She was avarage, had shitty hobbies and I had to hide my mangos from her.

>> No.6681085

You had five girlfriends?

What a player!

>> No.6681086

Call a mod. Oh wait, 4chan is unmoderated except for spam and CP.

>> No.6681088
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1) an incredibly emotionally unstable child of rednecks who lived in a trailer and thought she was a vampire. gave really good handjobs. finally fucked her six years after the initial dating.

2) a chubby nerdy girl who seemed really together at first but then lost her shit and wouldn't stop crying all the time. lost my virginity to this one, and probably the most successful relationship I've had to this day.

3) a psycho weeaboo who enjoyed cutting herself and being incredibly irresponsible when it came to drugs. a complete tease and probably the reason I've been single for the last three years.

pic related, number 3's vagina.

>> No.6681091
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I know you hate convention whores, but my girl was very nice. It's her on the photo.

>> No.6681093

An ugly tall blonde. In the hindsight, she had really nice breasts, I just couldn't tell. The manface would break it for me anyday though. Sorry.

>> No.6681098

One was my classmate, second anime fan from forums. Nothing interesting to talk about, I stopped dreaming about hot girls.

>> No.6681104

She was 12 and I was 18, she was Blonde, blue eyes had really long, skinny legs and always wore short shorts. We'd go swimming together a lot and she'd call me over when she was home alone. Eventually her mom found out she'd been sneaking and things got difficult. One day she stopped calling and I sunk into a depression and pretty much didn't leave the house for a year.

It makes me feel terrible that she probably hates me now and thinks I'm some disgusting pedophile. She looks disgusting now anyway.

>> No.6681109

i'm with my girlfriend this christmas
we are cuddling and watching anime
he's even cosplaying yuki for me
shit is soo cash

>> No.6681111


>> No.6681116

Don't worry, anon.

All the normalfags will be gone after christmas.

Just wait... Have patience...

>> No.6681118

/jp/ - Normalfags and VNs

>> No.6681123

Why do you think that?
And I want to ask those who defended normalfags in other thread so fiercely - I've shown you the future of /jp/, do you like it?

>> No.6681131

>18 year old pedophile for liking 12 year olds

This would be normal in almost any age or culture except ours. Girls like older guys, specially ones around your age.

Now, if you were a 40 year old molesting an 8 year old... Then you would be a real pedo.

>> No.6681132


>> No.6681135

You know after 10 years on the internet I lost my "The Internet is serious business" mentality. I don't give a fuck, I'll be enjoying myself. You little boys just whine to your hearts contenct.

>> No.6681139

I never had a deep relationship WITH sex.
I had a few girls-friends I talked with which wanted to have relationships with me in the end but i rejected them since their lifestyle is way too different from mine (social freaks cared about appearance and so on).
I also had sex once and still regret it.
I wouldn't mind to have a girlfriend, but my unreasonably high standards and laziness in social relationships doubtfully will let me to find somebody to satisfy my heart.

>> No.6681140

OK, this was troll thread, shut your whore mouth normalfags, we don't want to hear about your ugly bitches.

>> No.6681144 [DELETED] 
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Posting 2D to counter 3D.

>> No.6681160

My first one this year was a 17 year old, hentai drawing, tiny, kinky, slender, indian nymphomaniac. I don't mind if you don't believe this. I lived it for 3 months and it was wonderful for my cock until it ended so fuck you haters.
After all she was way too young, hasty and desperate for what I believed is a good relationship.

The other one was a mere placeholder. she was small and hade rude tits. Sadly she stopped cosplaying 3 years before I met her. I ended it at some point because she was so plain stupid that I facepalmed 3 times a day.

>> No.6681163

Congratulations on your incredible backfire.

>> No.6681164

I think it's fucking awesome because it will make whiny faggots who feel the need to make dedicated troll threads to prove a stupid point, like you, leave.

>> No.6681174

        ( ´∀`) get thef fuck out
       /    | 
   __∠_ \_ 、\__
         \_)\_) \
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | ̄

>> No.6681179

∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴/ ̄∵∴∵∴∵∴∴∴∵ヽ
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     \\ \    \  /∴∵ノ

>> No.6681187

>My first one this year was a 17 year old, hentai drawing
That's nice.

>> No.6681330

It have to be said again, if you are okay with normalfags then go to animesuki, raging cancer.

>> No.6681332

Soon there will be option on /jp/ "Share this thread on Facebook"

>> No.6681340

It isn't backfire, it was supposed to show how shitty this board and your attitude is.

>> No.6681368

First one

I was 17 turning 18, I recently moved out of "WoW is awesome, I will play it 20 hours a day!" and into "My life is brooding, screw the rules I will smoke weed and skateboard (and watch magical girl shows on the side)" My best friend at the time got me into that life style, and his little brother was dating some pretty hot girl. Well I stole her from him and funnily enough his brother (my best friend) took my side. After getting addicted to weed and sex and such I became even worse of a person then the shut in who played MMOs all day, almost getting arrested several times. Eventually that life style began to peter out and came to a complete stop the day before valentines day where my girlfriend told me she was cheating on me. With our drug dealer (4 years later I learned he died of drug overdose on their front yard)

Second one

I didn't get attached at all, just some girl who I went over to her house and smoked more and used her pool, I was out of the emo stage and was put into a preppy stage, I went into a hollister and bought a bathing suit for senior week of high school. I broke it off after my senior week because I felt bad about messing around with other girls.

Third one

...I met on an anoymous dating website. She liked anime, surprisingly good taste. She made me lots of cakes and stuff because she liked baking. She was kinda fat though so I had to break it off eventually.

>> No.6681371
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I've been with 3 or 4 other girls for small periods of time < 2 or 3 months. I wouldn't say I dated any of them. I also had an AMAZINGLY hot "bro" (plays games like halo 3, was my wingwoman a few times when we hung out) tomboy girl that I stayed at her house for a week and did things. She also bought me concert tickets as a gift and was embarrassed when she said I didn't have to pay, she just wanted to go with me. She liked to sleep only in a thong.

Anyway, been single for over a year and a half, slept with ex 2 about 7 months ago for no real reason, I guess she was bored or something.

Now I collect figures and play VNs (I can play simple games in japanese), but still go to bars and hang out with people sometimes. I just don't try anymore because it really is much more trouble then it is worth. It does kind of suck sometimes though. Especially on holidays.

>> No.6681495

Just because you're a normalfag who likes Japanese things it doesn't mean you were ever welcome or belonged in here.

>> No.6681978

>mfw no tripfags in this thread
