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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6676785 No.6676785 [Reply] [Original]

Autism? My brother's autistic. It works out like this:

Autistics stick to their guns, which is usually something very easy to learn and doesn't involve a whole lot of socializing. Cartoons, anime, videogames, writing, reading, Internet.

They hold virtually no interest in anything else at all. All conversations, if they had their choice, will boil down to these.

The natural flow of logic and reason usually evades them.

Say you came in from working two hours in the yard, trimming hedges or whatever. You're tired and sweaty because it's a million degrees outside, and as you go to get a glass of water the back door didn't quite close. Ask autistic to close the door. "Man, why do I always have to do EVERYTHING?" May include a pouty face or tantrum. In other words, they're always right and everyone else is wrong.

They love commercials and advertisements. If the advert says a product does something, it does it, and the autistic won't shut up about it.

>> No.6676802

I like when Chris-chan used to make videos advertising deodorants and crap.

>> No.6676800
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Hmm... That's interesting. Could you please tell me more?

>> No.6676812

I know what you mean about autism - my brother's autistic, and it's a huge pain at times. Like when he screamed for hours because I ate icecream with his spoon He still doesn't let me touch his cutlery at mealtimes :/

Still, as far as autism goes, you have to be patient, and accept that he's different. He might do things that seem weird or annoying, but that's just because his experience of the world is very different, and he's not trying to wind you up.

Can't help you with the rest, though. You seem like a strong person though, and I am confident that you can cope if you put your mind to it. My family have been pretty bad at times, and I can tell you that they look to the sane, strong ones like us when it all goes wrong. Don't worry about how messed up the situation is, or how messed up they are. Just concentrate on being a balanced, normal person, and that will help everyone in the long run.

>> No.6676816
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>> No.6676825

I liked him when he was just some retard making dumb comics and videos, before the trolls infiltrated every part of his life. Speaking of the trolls, a quick look at the cwcki shows that the trolls are pretty much just as pathetic as him

>> No.6676830

And what is your point exactly, OP?

>> No.6676848

I think it's funny how /jp/ hates alpha males, but hates autistics even more. Make up your minds, faggots.

>> No.6676851

Whatever, I've never had to live with one, thank fuck.
Those all sound like the attitude you see in anybody who has a get-out-of-jail-free card in terms of personal conduct, though.

They occasionally do shit like shoot up their class, which is primarily what I object to about them.


>> No.6676859

Autism does not follow the same pattern for everyone. The concept of autism is pretty plastic and not solid.

>> No.6676861

Hating one jackass type, then hating another. How weird?

>> No.6676864

Sounds a lot like /jp/, maybe this whole autism thing on /jp/ is real.

>> No.6676869
File: 118 KB, 800x500, RanoFieldBosses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i can't make eye contact, stopped around age 13 for some reason, am 18 now
am i autistic?

>> No.6676874

you think all the RAGE FACE / FUUUUUUUUUU stuff is out loud? in real life?

actually, what if it is? it might be.

now that's a scary thought.

>> No.6676877

No, just aspergers

>> No.6676878

/jp/ had better hate itself then too.

>> No.6676883
File: 18 KB, 251x251, URHGAAUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUUUUUUUUCK thats worst

>> No.6676891

It's probably acute social phobia. Asperger's would manifest itself way before then. But instead of asking the internet, go see a psychiatrist! There's a good chance it's something you can overcome.

>> No.6676889

no you just don't like picking fights and freaking people out

perfectly normal and healthy

now, if you walk around staring at the floor/sidewalk all the time, that'd be quite odd

>> No.6676898

Autism is a serious condition. It's not just "I'm afraid of communication because I've performed badly in social situations before."

>> No.6676899

is that the same thing as a therapist? cuz mine said i got social anxiety syndrome disorder

>> No.6676907

Years ago, an encounter with an autist:
"My brother says they'll be doing a new Lord of the Rings movie." (the last one had been released recently)
"Yeah and it'll be called Lord of the Rings: The Scraping of the Barrel."
I guess his brother enjoyed fucking with him. I would too, honestly, if I had to live with him.

>> No.6676919

so it's just emotional/perception, not some real problem with your conduct.
and in addition to that it's just chemical, so take a benadryl

get OVER yourselves

>> No.6676925

Someone remind me how this is /jp/-related.

>> No.6676930

I'm confused, who is the autist here: the guy that thought your brother's joke was idiotic, or your brother and his idiotic jokes?

>> No.6676937

That's pretty much a good definition of my own brother, yesterday I told him he should study for his final and he started to whine while shouting that it is impossible that he succeeed his exam and went to bed.
He is 20.
Fuck now, what do I do?

>> No.6676935

The one making the "joke" was the autistic guy. He was totally serious.

>> No.6676934

The implication is that anybody who enjoys "weeaboo" shit above and beyond anime/manga MUST be an aspie.

Now we're supposed to freak out in a fit about it and show them online that we did.

(Gambatte! Do your best, ragefags!)

>> No.6676944

pretty sure that's just being lazy

>> No.6676948
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Autistic Alpha males

>> No.6676949

OP's post just sounds like the average American kid.

>> No.6676967

I realize this is 4chan and that moot and SA and ED and sankaku, etc. are all the bottom of the same barrel Scott Pilgrim came from, but teasing retards is kinda pathetic.
In addition to being mean, it's not something you'd brag about.

>> No.6676974

'sup, Kimmo

you're an asshole

>> No.6676977

He was whimpering and responded as if I punched him while suggesting him to do it and he always react strongly when we are messing with him. Typical daily conversation: "Bro, you should lend HIS computer to your father, he want to use it from time to time."
See what I mean? I mean we never really took his pleads seriously but perhaps there is something that I should do...

>> No.6676985

Children everywhere.....

>> No.6677002
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It is more than just a lack of eye contact. They are lacking other non-verbal communication skills as well and they tend to have a poor concept of personal space. What are your hands doing? How is your posture?

I actually had to quit playing M:Tg because of the disproportionate amount of developmentally challenged players. Half the players were exactly like "Hands" from Boston legal and I just couldn't handle being around them.

One guy wouldn't talk to people unless the topic was magic cards, and then suddenly he came to life and got right in your face (while still avoiding eye contact). He did this to me once and he got so close his belly touched me. That was it.. I was done.

I could no longer deal with these people as equal human beings.
