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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 58 KB, 500x333, da14ef35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6675519 No.6675519 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we talk about Rance 8?

>> No.6675525

Englisch patch where ?

>> No.6675539

sprechst du autistic?

>> No.6675540
File: 193 KB, 904x668, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's so better than Sengoku Rance.

>> No.6675543

Autistic ist eine Sprache ?

>> No.6675549


>> No.6675554

Deutschsprachiger Faden?

>> No.6675563

Ist ein englisch patch für ein neues Rance spiel in arbeit ?
Ich hab nur Sengoku Rance gespielt.

>> No.6675568

nein, Sengoku Rance ist the latest Spiel, Rance 8 ist nicht even out yet

>> No.6675576

Danke , wann kommt Rance 8 raus ?

>> No.6675580

Bitte höre damit auf die deutsche Sprache zu verunstalten.
Nenne es Thema, Diskussion oder meinetwegen Diskussionsstrang, aber NICHT Faden.

>> No.6675588

Das sieht großartig aus.
That looks great.

>> No.6675592

Nach derzeitiger Planung 2011.

>> No.6675595

Gute frage.

>> No.6675602

Hoffe es wird einen eng, patch bekommen , schade das niemand Interesse daran hatt ein älters Rance spiel zu Hacken / ubersetzen.

>> No.6675617

What game is that?

>> No.6675626

Warum das Spiel immer noch in Japan eingestellt? Auch ich dachte, jeder kümmert sich nur um Daiteikoku an dieser Stelle.

>> No.6675635

It is a Vicious Lie.

>> No.6675636

I chuckled heartily. Thank you.

I though we'll be getting Rance 2 remake before they even start on Rance 8.

Also seconding: what is >>6675540 ? I haven't played anything other than 7.

>> No.6675639
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>> No.6675651
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Suzume erscheint!

>> No.6675655
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I realized that after checking Alicesoft's website.
That interface looks awfully familiar though.
Is this from a KOEI game?

BTW, It seems that Daiteikoku's page got updated 2 days ago, I can't find a thread about it on the archive though.

>> No.6675661
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>> No.6675668
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chinese empress

>> No.6675670

Vikings in space? More likely than you think.

>> No.6675671

So they rolled every scandic country in one? Well, I'll welcome our new viking overlords.

Why I'm so much more interested in this than rance8?

>> No.6675672

where did you get these information?

>> No.6675679

>Scandinavia as one country
Fuck yes, I was saying they'd do it. Awesome.

>> No.6675683

Rance 8 will just be a shitty RPG like every Rance except Sengoku and Kichikuou, that's why

>> No.6675693
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That's the 4th princess of france btw.

>> No.6675698
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French king

>> No.6675710
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Native American shaman

>> No.6675713

v(b)enis, not penis.

>> No.6675720

When will Rance 8 be released? And even more important, is there someone willing to translate it?

>> No.6675729
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South Africa's governor general.
Apparently apartheid is in full force there.

I know. That can't be a coincidence.

>> No.6675731
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A south african girl.
Hates england.

>> No.6675737
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>Space Vikings


>> No.6675741
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Aborigine chief.
Austrialia's leader.
Successfully resisted England's invasion but decided to cooperate for the sake of peace.

>> No.6675746

Oh wow, awesome. Any Australian girls?

>> No.6675748
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I call the japs not putting proper australians in because they're still mad about how bad they got their arses beat by them.

>> No.6675750


i am too afraid to see what 2D abbo girls look like

>> No.6675752
File: 73 KB, 640x440, chr11dm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your standard aborigine girl.

Btw, the aborigines in this game can summon/control one of the space whales. They defeated england using it. They're probably an end-game enemy.

>> No.6675753

The Never played the Ranceshit Master Race is reporting in. All of you suck dicks.

>> No.6675758

I like Alicesoft-Aboriginals better than regular Aboriginals.

>> No.6675760

You must be a sad person.

>> No.6675761

>miss out on one of the most famous eroge ever
>master race
I don't even like the game and I still think you're stupid

>> No.6675763
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>> No.6675766


white abbos LOL

>> No.6675771

in the Rance8, japan is not nihon?

>> No.6675772

I wish I were able to play Ikusa Megami Zero ;_;

You know something with a plot and not just lol so rape

>> No.6675774

Hell yeah, now I'm actually interested in this game.

>> No.6675779

>not just lol so rape
it's still full of rape

>> No.6675786 [DELETED] 

Alice-Sof has made games other than Rance, you know. Like the recently translated Big Bang Age.

>> No.6675788

is there a translation on any of these new ones?

>> No.6675790

Alice-Soft has made games other than Rance, you know. Like the recently translated Big Bang Age.

>> No.6675794

Yeah, but Big Bang Age is waaaaaay worse than Sengoku Rance

>> No.6675801

But that doesn't have so much rape. Which seems to be what bothers >>6675772 about Rance.

>> No.6675806
File: 103 KB, 640x480, v19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The financial elite.
The real power behind america.
The president is their puppet.

>> No.6675819

only about half of the h-scenes of IM Zero are rape, and half of those are even avoidable, so it isn't really full of rape like you say.

And on the matter of gameplay eroges, Eushully > Alicesoft in my opinion. Both are good tough, as there really aren't any other big name gameplay eroge makers.

>> No.6675825

Oh wow, I didn't expect them to actually be somewhat accurate in their portrayal of the factions.

I wonder if the Zaibatsu will be in the game as well.

>> No.6675827 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 640x480, v24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muchirini-chan's hscene.
I think that's a penis.

>> No.6675830

Eh, My opinion is that while Alicesoft releases much more shovelware garbage, their best titles are much better than Eushuelly's titles.

But I respect your stance on the subject.

>> No.6675838
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>> No.6675841

That's Suzume, amirite?

What's the game interface even look like?

>> No.6675845
File: 157 KB, 800x600, 9966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-dating sim gameplay in vn can't go wrong.

>> No.6675849

Excuse me, what?

>> No.6675856
File: 20 KB, 102x180, chr095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- Your standard viking male.

Viking princess.

>> No.6675861

Any screenshot of Germany ?

>> No.6675863
File: 326 KB, 800x600, CG000017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, each one have their own opinions. Personaly have enjoyed storywise the BG-storyline of Eushully much more than any Alicesoft storybased games. And then gameplaywise I have enjoyed Eushullys gameplay focused titles more than anything from alicesoft, as I feel that they focus too much on abusing gameplay mechanics than gameplay itself which is found better in Eushullys games. But one side note Alicesoft games are more "fun"-focused and Eushullys games are more on serious side ones. It's just which ones you prefer more. Both good though companies tough and make some goodstuff.
And Eushully has Haisherra, who is one of my alltime favorite heroine.

I wish someone would translate stuff from Eushully so there could be more on this discussion.

>> No.6675868

I'm embarassed at myself for this, but I probably won't play the game if the player has only Japan to conquer and fuck everything.
So far nothing has been said about choosing a faction or free modes, right?

>> No.6675871
File: 49 KB, 640x351, chr102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America's colony: Canada

>> No.6675876

Are there any good games similar to Sengoku Rance , with a English patch ?

>> No.6675877

By the way, which Ikusa should I start with if I don't want to play any of the old ones? Ikusa Megami Zero and then move onto Verita?

>> No.6675882

the timeline is Zero -> Genrin no Kishogun 1 -> Genrin no Kishogun 2 -> Verita -> IM 1 -> etc
Kishogun 2 has a summary of the first game if you want to skip the first, and you can play Verita just fine without it, but you'd miss out on a lot of Verita characters' backstory

>> No.6675883
File: 301 KB, 1024x576, CG000030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What >>6675882 said. It's a good order. Also theres rumors going around that IM1&2 would be getting remakes, so if you want to play those too might want to wait some more time till Kamidori gets released.

>> No.6675885

Oh well, I think I'll start with Zero and then play Verita. Thanks.

>> No.6675898

>I wish someone would translate stuff from Eushully so there could be more on this discussion.
Why won't you? ;_;

>> No.6675904

Anymore news on Rance 8?

>> No.6675916

canadafags status?

>> No.6675919
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>> No.6675923


>> No.6675940
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because my moon skills are not yet on that level that I could translate well, and when it comes to Eushully games I don't want bad translations to them. Maybe when I get better I could try if no one has picked anything up.

Speaking of Eushully and gameplay eroges, who else is waiting for Kamidori? Personaly it's higher on my to playlist than Daitenkou (altough there was a boost on interest now that it has glorious vikings in it)

>> No.6675942
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Fascist pigs.

>> No.6675948 [DELETED] 

I think this is Bill Gates.

>> No.6675960
File: 82 KB, 640x440, chr03hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is supposed to be Bill Gates.

>> No.6676020

is the king of italy vitt. emanuele in this?

>> No.6676023

What happened to the third trailer (for Daiteikoku) Alicesoft is supposed to release?

>> No.6676088

So there is a first and a second... Where can I see them?

>> No.6676129

Can you choose which faction to play? If you are forced to play as Japan (which I'm obviously assuming you are) does it really matter how many other countries they put in it?

Someone asked this earlier but nobody answered.

>> No.6676162

No information about that yet.

I guess it would be more fun with more factions anyway?

>> No.6676216
File: 384 KB, 1280x1827, scan4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides Daiteikoku and Rance 8.
What's this vanilla game Alicesoft is releasing?

>> No.6676230

Brown elf with limbs and spats. Looks hot.

>> No.6676246

>Aborigines have fair skin, bushy hair, and horns.
So that's what Australia would look like if the sheepfuckers could procreate.

>> No.6676282


>> No.6676316

their version of jews?

>> No.6676321

Who's the guy making the music for Alicesoft games? I just played through Daibanchou and, man, the soundtrack is really awesome. Probably even better than Rance's soundtracks.

>> No.6676330
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My body will never be ready

>> No.6676362

Any news about the minimum reqs for Rance 8?

My computer is shit, I know, I know

>> No.6676423

Try running Toushin Toshi 3.
If you can run that game, chances are you can run Rance 8.

>> No.6676429

What's this? I thought Rance didn't like lolis.

>> No.6676435


He got used to Japan

>> No.6676453

I haven't played a Rance game yet because the idea of the hero seemingly being a glorified rapist turns me off. Is it really as bad as it sounds?

>> No.6676472

Start with Daibanchou. The gameplay is just as addictive as Rance, but the MC isn't a rapist.

>> No.6676474

Uhh,no,it's actually an awesome game.Try it,and you can always ignore the main character if he bothers you too much.

>> No.6676478


Isn't Daibanchou the devilishly difficult game of Alicesoft?I wouldn't really recommend that to newcomers...

>> No.6676487

>devilishly difficult
No way.

It isn't more difficult than Sengoku Rance. Same kind of difficulty. I guess if you really are bad at video games and management, and if you don't know how to use a wiki, it will be hard, indeed. But otherwise, no.

>> No.6676500

If it's on the same level of difficulty as Rance,then I probably got the wrong game...Maybe Big Bang Age?I dunno,so many Alice games I still haven't played.

>> No.6676507

Daibanchou isn't really THAT difficult imo, the only parts of that game that gave me even a bit of trouble were the Nightmare Eyes and the Holy Flame.

>> No.6676509

Big Bang Age is Daibanchou.

>> No.6676531

That's bullshit. The first time I played I got raped in the ass, repeatedly.

>> No.6676548

Maybe it's Daiakuji?Damn,I've got all those games mixed up,I should actually play them to clear my mind.

>> No.6676562
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Looks like the LoGH universe map to me.

>> No.6676599

Hell, no, Rance is a rapist, but rape in this game is something funny (believe me, they MAKE IT funny), unless it is not Rance who does it... There are some serious rape scenes that are... terrible.

>> No.6676624

He kinda grows on you.
I used to hate Rance too.

Now, I think he's the best protagonist for an eroge.

>> No.6676657

Isn't there a scene where Rance just rapes a random girl he finds in a dungeon? I think it was in Rance 6.

>> No.6676682

Nope. You don't find random girls in the dungeon on Sengoku Rance.

>> No.6676709

>I think it was in Rance 6.
Sengoku is a sequel to Rance 6, so it's the "same guy".

>> No.6676733

There's a Rance 8?

Is it out? English patch?

>> No.6676750

there's still people who haven't yet learned how to use vndb?

>> No.6677278

Late to respond, surprised at first by how crass he is, but then he's actually pretty awesome and cool. Also, having read shoujo manga before, his character type wasn't that fucked up.

>> No.6677302

yes, and you just missed it

>> No.6677521

Man, Rance 8 is so great. Why haven't you people started playing it yet?

>> No.6677839

there is other shit that will make you rage though. like it randomly giving you a girls ending with out you knowing why. I could get the first route choice but I randomly got the class prez ending and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why she had way lower love points then kungai at the end. oh and the whole if a character dies its killed and never comes back. you run out of time at the end very easily and don't get the last button so you get the shit end idk it just seemed like a much worse game than rance to me.

>> No.6677846

/a/ has the same exact thread. Hope they'll get to play Rance 8 too!

>> No.6677971

same here, bro

>> No.6677986

why is it that rance or bba threads always lead to rance v rouga battles?

there will never be a ranouga.
-awesome sword and gantlet
-fucks lolis
-tohnou gland girls, but rapes them anyways. <--girls say fuck me! but he still rapes them.

>> No.6678004

What Rance vs Rouga battle?

Most people here are going Eushully vs Alicesoft and how BBA just is worse than SR.

And that Rance is pretty cool bro that makes me wet.

>> No.6678020

BBA was so much better than SR.
You also don't have to a cowardly rapist.

>> No.6678023

Never heard of BBA before, therefore it is inferior.

>> No.6678040

As a game, no.

Also, I find Rance much better than shonen protagonist #218638126490351 because he's not exactly shonen protagonist #5890456809703210 either.

>> No.6678047

In all honesty, BBA's game setup is clunky and fucked up. The parameters with how it progresses through the routes are also fucked up. Game becomes too cumbersome and hence not fun anymore.

>> No.6678053

Oh it's this troll again. Daibanchou must suck real hard that this guy keeps doing this in every Rance thread.

>> No.6678061

There must be balance for the guy who trolls every BBA thread by bitching about how it's not Rance.

>> No.6678077


>> No.6678081
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Might as well post this here

I was wondering if there are any other good translated RPG-styled eroge out there.
I've played Sengoku Rance and BBA, I've also been warned about Tears to Tiara (some say it's shit).
All suggestions are appreciated

>> No.6678094
File: 143 KB, 800x600, - (73).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story troll
yes, and...?

>> No.6678098

Isnt rape the Last Resort if the girl keeps denying him?

other wise he prefers consensual sex

>> No.6678107

Prefers it, but only puts in about as much effort for it as it would take for rape them in the first place.

>> No.6678108

>there will never be a ranouga


>> No.6678114

I guess you already played Eien no Aselia and Utawarerumono, but in case you haven't you should.

>> No.6678120

haven't taken a look at Eien no Aselia yet, it's been on my list for the longest time, but I've sort of ignored it.
Thanks, will do

>> No.6678123

Rance 8? Hope the requirements aren't more than necessary for it to play on any regular rig.

>> No.6678133
File: 12 KB, 257x196, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't played the rance bash card in like a month! but i guess if there is another guy bashing rance too then it's obvious that he's not great of a protagonist.

>> No.6678139

homosexuals mad tat bashing their waifu (rance).

>> No.6678145

Combining Rance and Rouga would just dilute Rance and make him a pansy fuck with no balls. The eternal glory of the hero cannot be separated from rape. Wonder why you needed so many generics in BBA? It's because Rouga is a weak faggot who can't manage Japan through force of will. A true hero can recruit only the finest bitches through rape and still manage a nation.

>> No.6678153
File: 68 KB, 686x572, THEGAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your troll-fu is weak.

>> No.6678159

I always wanted to try Sangoku Rance, can someone provide a link?

>> No.6678168

dl links will take you forever, look for torrents on google and hongfire.

>> No.6678181

I think BBA getting translated only made Rance fanboys who think they know shit because they played Sengoku even more annoying. I can't wait for Daiteikoku to bomb from all its production problems so they can start furiously fingering their sandy cunts to Rance 8 even harder.

>> No.6678226

Wow, the anti-rance trolls are on full power tonight. Also, as a game BBA IS inferior to SR. I have no idea why people will say a game years older than a new one will be better than the older game. I never became addicted to playing Daibancho when it first came out, but when I got Sengoku in 07, it made me lose several weeks of productive university time.

Most of the anti Sengoku trolls mostly came out after BBA was being translated as well which is why I consider those guys trolls rather than true Alicesoft fans.

>> No.6678240

>than the newer game

>> No.6678242

I don't play any of those games, but I can tell that the BBA fanboys are too desperate to have their VN become popular.

>reason, corshe

>> No.6678260

rance 30 captains
rouga 80+

>> No.6678275

So... Rance manages more with fewer,,, and?

>> No.6678288

>I can tell that the BBA fanboys are too desperate to have their VN become popular.
>desire anything to become popular

You've been here what, 20 minutes?

>> No.6678315
File: 17 KB, 270x187, SUCCESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rance fanboys are the easiest to troll.

rance coward uses a demon sword to fight demons.
rouga kills them with his fucking hands.
rouga > rance

>> No.6678329

>True Alicesoft fans
>Must be a fan single game ripping off the engine of another game, which they must hate

Sure is derp tonight.

>> No.6678374

Ranceverse demons are the epitome of hax in Alicesoft games apart from Alice herself. And Rance is the protagonist of that world, so I don't really think Rouga stands a chance at all against Rance. Just saiyan.

>> No.6678385

I prefer Type Moon power level threads to people who have played one single mostly OOC game thinking they know everything about the whole series.

>> No.6678396

But BBA doesn't have a series. And anyone who says SR is an out of character series never played the other Rance games.

>> No.6678401

He probably meant that 7 was not an RPG like the other games of Rance. But then again, we did get something like Kichikuoh way back in 96.

>> No.6678419

Well I took it as the characters don't act like they did in the past games when they more or less do, but I can get that explanation, I guess.

>> No.6678487

>Guys I post a picture that claims that we won
>Right, guys? ;_;

Tsk, tsk
