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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 89 KB, 800x600, flyabletrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6674672 No.6674672 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN editing for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Editing Collaboration!

How do I participate?

A. Edit Images.
Go to http://flyabletrans.pastebin.com/uVqngtMZ
Download any image, edit the text, and upload it when done. Upload the image here or post a list of links.


B. Edit Text.
If you haven't been granted access already, post your IP and role in this thread and wait to be granted access.
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be editing
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been edited yet
Write your edited lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics. Try to keep the more amusing lines.

Progress: Translation 100%. Alpha phase. Currently normalizing text. Editing continues afterwards.

晶, Crystal
結衣, Constipated Clothes
あきら, Getting Tired
天音, Sky Noise
くるり, Turning Around
すずの, Of Bell
茉百合, Jasmine Lily
桜子, Cherry Master
奏龍, Report Dragon
繚蘭会, Bound Orchid Meeting

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.6674692

Don't know japanese, but I'll be looking forward to the VN!

>> No.6674697

I just reported the last one less than two hours ago, do you have any idea how tedious this is? Stop this already, please.

>> No.6674699

It's a troll thread.

>> No.6674713
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>> No.6674717


>> No.6674720

How did this go from a legitimate tranlsation effort to outright trolling? What exactly did I miss, not having been here the past few months?

>> No.6674724


The OP translation effort has been the same as always. It's just the /jp/ userbase getting even more stupid whether it's an influx of users from /b/ from the Puddi incident or just simple 'newfags' from the Christmas holidays. Just ignore the bad attempt at trolling.

>> No.6674727
File: 27 KB, 358x450, Moogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6674729

I'm starting to wonder if this is somehow Cudder's grand plan to demoralize me from continuing to display his wonderful symphony of translating genius.

>I feel the body absolutely has a sufficient face.
>Oh, it's the atmosphere. Communicate and strengthen the intercourse with a best friend frankly, it's a fact!
>The motive is over an apology to have been tempted by a snack, and will throw it out to the depth of the heart without regret.
>Inaba suddenly gave a scream, me and Max were hardened in an instant.
>T-tata fish-shaped pancake stuffed with sweet red bean paste!?

I love how he kept the stuttering for "taiyaki," then abandoned the word itself for the convoluted overly literal definition pasted right out of JDICT.

>> No.6674740

the group of people that regularly visit novelnews.net are trolling this thread all day every day

and i really mean all day every day
every hours rather
check the archive, you can see theres like 2-3 people samefagging

>> No.6674741

Lazy translators.
People purposely trolling the project.
But probably most of all, publicizing the project continually on /jp/ is sort of like a death wish. Maturity levels here are way too low to support anything serious.

>> No.6674747

protip: completely misidentifying the translator is a sure way to get ignored as a troll.

>> No.6674749

Spamming it on /jp/ is particularly retarded right now since he's taken it down and there's nothing anybody can work on. But it hasn't stopped him yet!

>> No.6674754

Super protip: Just spend 5 minutes looking at the archives for this and Hatsukoi. It's obvious that Cudder and this yahoo are the same person since they post identical things over and over again. Hell, FH4 has even posted screenshots of Retrans's website showing that its on his server.

>> No.6674767

Let's not forget the purist traditionalists who think the only acceptable translation is one by the error-prone and inconsistent brain of a human.

>> No.6674781

Do you even read? That's what our LTP was working on. Leave Cudder alone.

>> No.6674791

Yes, sir, Cudder.

>> No.6674800

>Acceptable translation

>I feel the body absolutely has a sufficient face.


>> No.6674803

I do hope you're not implying machine translations are acceptable.

I haven't had an opportunity to look at the scripts yet, but it sounds like in essence I will have to go back and re-translate many of the lines because no one took the effort to make them make sense in English.

I mean, even TakaJun's raw TLs sound better than a lot of the stuff I've seen getting thrown around. Granted, it's always the worst of the lot that gets highlighted, but translators should take more pride in their work here. Those lines shouldn't have made it through the translation stage.

And if they were purposely being changed by some jerk I don't even want to go into it.

>> No.6674806

The machine translations are there to fuck with the numerous people that have been trolling since the beginning. The real translated script is somewhere else.

>> No.6674824

It's like something out of Umineko. Confirming the corpse's identity.

>> No.6674848


>> No.6674852

Read the translation threads a few months back; there was a duel between someone using ATLAS and a self-proclaimed human translator. The results were pretty close. Someone else also admitted to translating an entire VN with it, *after* they had released the translation.

>> No.6674883

Machine ASSISTED by someone with a solid grasp of the fundamentals isn't too bad, especially for a vapid moege like this. This isn't machine assisted though. This is just sticking things into Google Translate and then pasting in what it spits out as has been shown by the numerous errors in the comprehension of the simplest words as well as the dictionary definitions bullheadedly repeated without regard to context.

>> No.6674921

You mean "bloody murder"? That was just put there as a joke, same as the alpha names.

>> No.6674924

Making decent translations out of anything ATLAS spits out (I've used it before, I know what it's like) still requires there to be some human translator with knowledge of English and presumably Japanese there.

It's questionable where to draw the line between machine translation and human translation. For instance, I look up every fourth kanji I run across in WaKan. I did that for the SWR Wikia. Does that make my translations machine translations? I don't think so, because I still put the effort to make stuff make sense and have a semblance of English nuance and flow.

Maybe you were talking about a different quality of translation than what I was thinking about, but I was saying I don't approve of stuff like
>I feel the body absolutely has a sufficient face.

>> No.6674941

Found it:

>> No.6674948

So basically you kept a fake "open project" thread that was hated the shit out of by a lot of unrelated people due to the manifest stupidity of its posters, bumped for months just to cover your "real" project?
This has got to be the peak of useless shitposting and paranoia.

>> No.6674956

Bull. Shit.

Every other obvious machine translation was just a fluke, but that... no, not that one. That single one was intentional and a joke. Do you seriously think that anybody is buying your bullshit?

>> No.6674967

Keine's ability is bullshit, she ';hid the history'; of the human village so ';no humans would have ever settled there'; but Reimu and Marisa clearly remembered the place and Sakuya even proves it's existance by telling about the mansion's furniture.

>> No.6674987


>> No.6674988

I am. You'd be an idiot to not use Mecab or an electronic dictionary instead of manually looking things up. This is literally machine spew.

Snip of the original: http://pastebin.com/CrYi6hKA
Snip of the 'translation': http://pastebin.com/SPS63QeK

>> No.6675029

Okay if you're the same guy I've been replying to, I don't even follow what you're trying to get at anymore.

I think we can all agree that stuff like that "translation" shouldn't be used, even as a joke. Immaturity is sure to turn people away from projects. If you've already got a good team assembled like NNL you can afford to be assholes because you don't rely on total strangers to complete your work.

Anyways, back to Yukie route. See you all in tomorrow's thread.

>> No.6675037

Stop trying to turn people gay.

>> No.6675042

The first several thousands lines or so are terrible. It's like they tried to make it sound English, but comparing with the original, the "translation" --- and I use the term VERY loosely, it's quite different.

>> No.6675046

Akira's doing a pretty good job of that without help.

>> No.6675052

The baka spam didn't help, but I still think Ueda did a good job.

>> No.6675065

>I feel the body absolutely has a sufficient face.
It makes a lot more sense if you put it in context:
>Generally, I feel that sudent[sic] council needs no special aid.
>I feel the body absolutely has a sufficient face.

Body refering to the sudent[sic] council and face being its outward appearance.

>> No.6675149

I meant that the tools are only as good as their user. With skill and understanding, I imagine you could produce a translation at least on Mangagamer's level, and a sufficiently skilled localizer will be able to add or remove things appropriately in order to communicate mannerisms and character traits that cannot be translated, making a translation very well done and accurate, but perhaps not directly recognizable to the source.
The problem is that this guy understands none of that and shows a fundamental ignorance of the basics of grammar or even the ability to understand that things such as speech patterns like で、でも are not two separate words.

>> No.6675233
File: 16 KB, 1021x281, but.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.6675244

>>T-tata fish-shaped pancake stuffed with sweet red bean paste!?

You were saying?

>> No.6675348

>F-Fi-Fish-shaped pancake stuffed with sweet red bean paste!?

>> No.6675392


see >>6674806
it's basically all been drama whoring for nothing besides them wanting to get back at "Tlwiki shills"

>> No.6675405

Yeah, and they're just begging people multiple times a day to edit the fake script because they're REALLY committed to the lie.

>> No.6675446

Normalization is almost complete.

Afterwards. it'll be open editing, then another normalization before release.

>> No.6675520

So would you mind explaining what exactly normalization means?

>> No.6675557

Ensuring that original lines which are identical have the same translation.

>> No.6675612

Posting again.
Somebody translate the images and put them in a single Zip file. Then I'll edit them.

>> No.6676269

This looks like machine translation to me. Lazy translators who don't know moon at all.
