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File: 581 KB, 730x1024, 1157294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6673214 No.6673214 [Reply] [Original]


Old Thread: >>6646358

World of Tanks is a Tank MMO in "Closed" Beta (500,000+ people playing can hardly make it closed). Battles are 15 vs 15.

The /jp/ channel in game is called "/jp/ (Mew)", 10-30 people are usually in it and will answer any questions.

PanzerMoe is all about tanking it easy, enjoying your tanks and having fun with other /jp/ers.

If you're impatient about Beta codes, check with Mmohut or ShatteredCrystal or Alienware for keys, they give them out.

Decals (by AllDay): http://www.mediafire.com/?9tdcd59qytftc1d
Touhou Tankmen (by AllDay): http://www.mediafire.com/?nq8ikbwv49vubd1
More decals here: http://danbooru.donmai.us/post?tags=transparent_png
Or there: http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/index?tags=transparent_png

Low FPS? Try this pack: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/10957-low-graphics-settings-pack/
You have to be logged on the forum to read the topic.

Tank Skins Editing:
1. Find your tank in C:\Games\World_of_Tanks_closed_Beta\res\vehicles
2. Have .dds supported image editing software such as GIMP or Photoshop with a dds plugin.
3. Backup, edit, save, restart WoT to take effect.

Crew Faces Editing:
1. Find your crew in C:\Games\World_of_Tanks_closed_Beta\res\gui\maps\icons\tankmen\icons (There are 3 files which all must be altered)
2. Do not forget to backup before.
3. For Barracks and Small images, Shrink your replacement image to 100x60 (Keep your image ratio by changing the image size for the larger variable, then changing the canvas size, or it'll look like shit)
4. For the large image, make it 158x118
5. Save as .tga IN ALL 3 FOLDERS and restart WoT

Nations and other Logos Editing:
1. Find the file in C:\Games\World_of_Tanks_closed_Beta\res\particles\Decals\graffiti_stickers.dds
2. Backup, edit, save, restart WoT to take effect.

>> No.6673237
File: 28 KB, 223x310, lolicannon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what

also Hitler thinks there's only one person on /d/ who complains about futa and I'm just like laughing_tankcommander.png

>> No.6673248

Oh god, that flavor text.

>> No.6673266

While I never played this game, seeing these threads inspired me to replay Metal Slug games.

>> No.6673891
File: 438 KB, 1440x900, shot_026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never noticed that you can go onto that spot on Himmelsdorf. Saw the S-51 sneaking around and was wondering where he went. Charged the T-14 and SU-5, only to see this fucker later charge at me like a TD. So if you ever go north on the castle hill, be sure to look out there just in case.

>> No.6673918

I can't wait till the devs implement surprise random landlines on April Fools!

>> No.6673924

Damn spell-checker!... It's Landmines not Landlines... I hate this netbook...

>> No.6673990
File: 583 KB, 1500x1119, shot027f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya Leopard, complete with AYA CHOCOLATE PUKE on the turret and HURK HURK across the barrel.
Text is only viewable in high texture detail mode.


>> No.6674005

Forgot to add, seriously this skin makes enemies not able to shoot you at all*. Its like i'm going too fast for the bullets.

* This comment not endorsed by Youkai Mountain Corp.

>> No.6674025

I fucking love Aya, don't get me wrong, but dear god my eyes.

>> No.6674027

that damn hill is a struggle for me, I ain't climbing there alone, especially the last time I got rape by 3 heavies there

>> No.6674032

well, I had to sell that though, but I'll be buying it back cuz I need the money for my first heavy tank in the game

>> No.6674039
File: 529 KB, 1440x900, shot_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always go up there in all of my heavies, even my KV-3. Like 90% of the time, I'm the only heavy up there with all lights or mediums. And the only mediums that can slug it out with me usually are Tier7 and Tier8 mediums. Even then, I have a better chance to win, especially against the Soviet mediums. Dat deliciously low-hp.

Also, more shotgunning SPG action.

>> No.6674050

If you'd like a slightly less animuweeabookawaiii skin tell me what you want on/off it and i'll make a special version.

I still have the raw .pdn of it so I can just disable certain layers.

>> No.6674059
File: 197 KB, 1440x900, shot_028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What program would be needed to edit the skins for models? I've tried using CS5, but not luck.

>> No.6674062

I use Paint.net

Its basically Photoshop, without all the extra modules and rendering shit. You download each one separately that you want.. Its even more plugin-friendly than Photoshop but its less popular so there aren't really as many.

It also has .dds support which is required for these textures. Also its free.

>> No.6674294
File: 453 KB, 1280x960, shot_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was just trying to get my daily dubs before work, so I bum rush the center in my Hummel just to die and close the game. And I see a couple of really obvious artillery tracers fly by.
>kill two arties
>Tiger tries to come over the hill and get me
>hit him in his meaty unprotected underside

Im not sure why I took a screenshot of me about to pound this KV3, but whatever.
Never been happier to be late for work.

>> No.6674452

O so this is that tank game I heard about b4 Signed up for a code looks good hope 2 see you gals in the jp channel.

>> No.6674456
File: 311 KB, 640x360, 1292745029862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excited as fuck for the 15 vs 15 company battles.

>> No.6674662
File: 845 KB, 1280x960, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make a skin for a tank I dont own is kinda tough.

Anyway trying to make a better Yuka/Rumia skin for the Maus.

I really hate what .jpg does to the color red.

>> No.6674792

World of Tanks server is to be down for scheduled maintenance December 23.

Reason: patch 0.6.27

Estimated downtime: 09:00 - 18:00 GMT

Just started 10 mins ago.

>> No.6674877
File: 448 KB, 1920x1080, shot_125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for Lancer's weakpoint whatever thing. I figure I'll just randomly do this since I'm bored and I've had to slightly expand my knowledge since I'm in a VK4502 with only a 10,5cm. My knowledge on the IS-IS-4 series and the American heavies is limited as I can punch through their frontal armor no problem.

Maus: lower frontal hull is flat instead of sloped like the rest, can penetrate but I highly recommend not fighting a Maus from the front
IS-7: Drivers lug, I've heard the machine gun can damage the tank but that's unconfirmed.
VK4502: Machine gun, see picture.
IS-4: Drivers lug and the red star.
JagdTiger: Lower hull is 150mm King Tiger sloped instead of 250 all over, gun manlet is harder but can still be penetrated easier than 250mm armor.
King Tiger: Gun manlet, I assume machine gun is weak spot as well since it is with the VK4502.
Ferdi: Gun manlet
IS-3: Has "auto angling" so if he is facing you at a angle his frontal armor is actually lower than if he was facing you straight.
T29 and whatever other American heavy has them: I hear the ears on the turret are zero armor, but I usually just shoot the frontal hull so unconfirmed.

I confirmed the VK4502 weak point last battle, I could not penetrate the turret or frontal armor and someone suggested the machine gun, needless to say since it's on here it worked. Penetrated every shell but one from 100% to 0%.

>> No.6674912

They will have to climb a bit since this building has 2 floors and you live on the second floor. In panzer's gensokyo is impossible for humans to have children with youkai, so this person is free to be friendly with nitori anytime he wants to.

>> No.6674916

A lot of these are only viable for German tanks by the way because of the superior accuracy. You can try it with Russian or American but the results won't be near as good.

>> No.6674960

It's like this all the time. In panzer's gensokyo is impossible for humans to have children with youkai, so this person is free to be friendly with nitori anytime he wants to.

>> No.6674979

That requires a gun that actually shoots straight, and Simo Hayha on the controls...

>> No.6674980 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 479x511, 1278173960443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if any girls ever play this?

>> No.6674999

what time estimate will it be back online?

>> No.6675152

>A lot of these are only viable for German tanks by the way because of the superior accuracy.

I made the right choice

>> No.6675205

It's a trade off, the Russians have better armor, speed and higher damage but Germans have better accuracy, aim time, view range and penetration.

Though for the TD line Germans have better everything(for now) but damage and hiding and the King Tiger is superior to all other tier 8. I'd actually go so far as to say the King Tiger is superior to every tier 9 as well until they get their tier 10 gun.

>> No.6675218


Around 8 hours from now.

>> No.6675220

What good are the USA tanks? They seem to be underpowered in every way compared to the Soviet master race tanks.

>> No.6675241

USA tank driver here. They have weapons that are slightly inaccurate, but when they hit they hurt.
Armor is paper thin in most cases, but the heavies turret armor is godly.
They have really fast tanks. I can chase a Leopard all day with a T20.
US heavies have a high profile. This is a curse and a blessing.

>> No.6675249

And with this last page you curse hotglue.

>> No.6675282

It's as >>6675241 said.

The American heavies are very weak in armor hull wise but have a ton of turret armor, a tier 7 frontal turret has more armor than a Maus. Also a lot of the guns have MASSIVE alpha strike damage, take the T30 for example, it can do about 48% damage to an IS-7 with one hit where as Hitler's Maus does about 23% in one hit.

>> No.6675289

>They have weapons that are slightly inaccurate, but when they hit they hurt

true, I'd rather be careful when engaging them at close range because their guns can really punch through armor and would be best not to expose your broadside on them cuz they can really mess up you tracks rendering you immobile

>> No.6675338

Hey guys should I just stick with the 8.8 for my Ferdinand? I tried using 10.5 but damn, its AP shell cost is killing me. I thought I should just stock up on HE but I've got a feeling that'll be a bad idea.


>Buy ferdinand
>get 4 kills on 1st match

Having fun with a stock tank? what is this I dont even

>> No.6675370

The reload time, however, is horrible for the 150mm gun. Three rounds a minute.
And IS-7 gets four, and I think the Maus gets more than that.

>> No.6675371

>Reduced visibility while moving
>Two New Maps
>Improved Matchmaking
I'm on Luchs with 100% crew all fully trained to repair equipped with toolbox...

Oh my... I am certainly looking forward to this update

>> No.6675454

I drive an IS-4 and I find the KT to be the least threatening out of all the Tier 8/9s. Hell, even a T29 is more of a threat. If an Ausf. B positions himself correctly, he is by far the hardest for me to take on, other than other IS-4s.

>> No.6675462

When's the downtime going to end? 18:00 GMT?

>> No.6675513

That's nothing

> Buy DB
> 3 kills on first match, first ever Steel Wall
>Next match, 1 kill and Sniper

The DB gets me into losses, though, since it's really soft and the repairs are expensive. So much that I prefer to let my team lose, just to save my DB than die heroically snatching the win/draw.

>> No.6675570
File: 61 KB, 600x600, wtf_am_i_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reads a good topic regarding people being banned for swearing in-game even though there is a profanity filter.
>Admins says 'deal with it because this is Russian logic'.
>People discuss rules and 3/4 of them got suspended for discussing rules and mods.

>> No.6675586
File: 9 KB, 100x114, uncle_icon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me... I got suspended for saying Nazi...

>> No.6675600

The King Tiger's you've been facing must not have been proud enough to take on a IS-4 head on before then.

I've taken many IS-4's head on, I punch right through their frontal armor eight times out of ten with the long 10,5cm. One even directly asked me after I killed him, "Gold shells Lancer?" I replied "No, AP" and he called bullshit. To give you a bit of context, I haven't once loaded a gold shell and I never load any HE because I know just how much it can penetrate. The only tier 9 I had trouble penetrating was an Ausf B, but now that I've found its weak spot I can penetrate the frontal armor in my Ausf B using the same gun from the King Tiger.

Do not underestimate the penetration power of the long 10,5cm in the right hands.

>> No.6675608
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x1024, 13585203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I took a IS7 head on there was no one near us so it was 1v1, I repeatedly shot it in the engine with my Tiger 2's 88mm. He bounced off me once. I set him on fire it took away 60% of his HP and he probably lost a loader or two and a crapload of other subsystem. Then I just killed him 1v1.

That feeling was. AWESOME.

>> No.6675616

As a DB, though, I find the IS series' mobility much more of a threat than the KT++'s obviously superior armor, since none of that matter when I attack from the side or rear. Also, I'm most afraid of the American tanks' firepower.

>> No.6675619
File: 36 KB, 527x472, 129185186043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh that picture, every time i see it i think patchy and yuka's arms are connected together

>> No.6675627

Should've used your time out to learn not all Germans who fought in WW2 were Nazis, bro.

>> No.6675645

they're just average gamers who don't know shit about machines, they just don't know about the serious firepower and penetration of long barreled, high caliber guns mean

>> No.6675705
File: 21 KB, 384x286, ShockedDonald2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>3rd place: mugenjohncel and his “The ventilation problem” – probably, everyone is afraid of that.

>> No.6675714

Congrats Mugen, just make sure you send address information to prizes@worldoftanks.com with "Best Comics Contest" remark.

>> No.6675733

The 1k credits shell are totally worth it, you'll get twice more credits per battle.
Don't forget that the more damages you deal, the more money you get.

>> No.6675738
File: 44 KB, 562x437, Ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6675754
File: 16 KB, 500x364, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russian logic
Why am I not surprised.

>> No.6675756
File: 24 KB, 318x44, firemouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The WoT team made a sweet Christmas greeting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x48LiVDK5SA

Picture unrelated.

>> No.6675768

Full Patch Note for the upcoming update:

>> No.6675820


Thanks Mayhem, I didn't even know about that damage thing. I guess I'll go with the 10.5. Also what exactly does the each number on the weapon penetration stat mean? (200/244/60) It can't mean front/sides/back right?

>> No.6675831

They are the average damage or penetration for the first shell type/second ones/third ones.

>> No.6675854

>Maus: hull hit points increased by 440, suspension and ammor rack hit points increased by 25%.
someone's gonna be happy.

>- Added new battle mode: the "Tank Company Battle". A company of tanks with sum of tiers from 60 to 90 gets into a company waiting queue where it is randomly assigned an opposing company.
PanzerMoe shall dominate.

>general nerfing of SPGs

>> No.6675892


You wont notice it, because you already dont notice all the time arty does not hit you. You will still be just as mad when arty manages to hit.

>> No.6675909

>please update your client application
Is this happening to anyone else? It wants me to download, but of course I already have that

>> No.6675911

I'm pretty sure that the drop in the number of times I get hit by artillery will be quite noticeable. Of course, the nerfing is probably going get offset by the higher tier arty.

>> No.6675933



>> No.6675939
File: 37 KB, 600x325, Hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6675968

unless you are a total oblivious klutz you should already only get hit about 1/10 the time arty shoots at you due to proper positioning and speed changes.

You are going to be sitting there in snipzor mode in a bush and a shell is going to drop on you and you are going to complain about satalite guided laser strikes all the same.

>> No.6675988

I don't mind them firing TOW missiles.
The annoying part is where they land a hundred feet away and

>> No.6676031

The patch is already changing how module damage works.

Now splash damage can not damage modules at all.

Direct hits to modules increase damage chance to that module from 33% to 50%

So basically people aiming at your modules will break them more often, people just aiming at you with HE will damage much less.

>> No.6676039

>from 33% to 50%
Changed to 45% in a later revision.

Also, splash damage can still knock crewmembers out.

>> No.6676052

>50 to 45

why do these devs think little changes like that will even matter? They are lowering spg splash radius by 6%


>> No.6676086
File: 18 KB, 200x300, True Mastermind.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-Doubled experience for the first battle per day on each tank now is given not for the first battle, but for the first victory on the tank.

The Mastermind is most pleased with this change.

>> No.6676099
File: 538 KB, 1680x1039, shot_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the heaviest artillery can manage that. I worked my way up to the 203mm B-4 "Finger of God" and even that only has a 7m explosion radius (10m with gold shells, lol). But keep in mind the scaling involved: a heavy tank is ~6m long. Further, with the damage drop off, in order to still hurt it I have to land the shell within ~2m. Couple that with the RNG's tendency to make the shell go long (firing clear over the target and landing 10-15m away) and it does take both luck and a bit of skill to hit the target.

But I agree it's damn annoying to have an artillery shell land on you and take out the whole tank. Get a Maus, I can only hit that for ~25% of it's HP with a direct hit.

Also: 1 exp
I win.

>> No.6676111

Not overnerfing or overbuffing? What's the point in trying to fix things if you're just going to take the most underpowered things and make them the most overpowered things? I'll take slow, methodical adjustments over wild shifts in mechanics any day.

>> No.6676139

Is the new patch out yet? I tried to log in, it tells me to upgrade, but when I go to the patch page, it doesn't have any new patches, only the old 6.1.5 ones.

>> No.6676150

It's being patched right now. The servers will be down for another 3 hours.

>> No.6676164

Same here. I'm going to try reinstalling the game, because I think the texture changes I did annoyed it.

>> No.6676192

I actually feel like playing arty now just to show solidarity with community ;_;

Was planning on going for panther 2.

>> No.6676217

well, I hope its not as bad as what they say about the Panther 1 being such a burden to them especially the repair bill and ammunition price

>> No.6676227

eh? most of the community hates arty. The shit I get from armchair tank commanders when I'm not getting 6 kills a game is absurd sometimes.

>HURR Counter their Arty
5 minutes later:
>HURR Why you have no kills?
Because it's already a pain in the ass to hit a moving target. An invisible moving target is nigh-impossible
>HURR You just suck
Then he dies to their arty because he was sitting still in the open.

>> No.6676242

i have about 2.7k games played.

Maybe ~200 games total as spgs, and at least 50 of those were assault hummeling.

my most played tank is a heavy tank.

And i loev arty ^_^

>> No.6676244

i meant the arty community by the way, not the general game community. i already know they are a bunch of morons.

>> No.6676271

Why were the American 76mm and 75mm nerfed? The easy 8 was shitty enough before. But at least I have my t20 now

>> No.6676303


Aren't the T1 and easy 8 getting the 105mm in this patch?

>> No.6676309
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, sun shangxiang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 105's kinda shitty in higher tier games, and now it's probably nearly useless with the HE nerfs

>> No.6676344


But it can't be any worse than the 76mm on high tier matches... That thing was useless.

>> No.6676442

The updater just got updated for me.
The game's update is pretty soon.

>> No.6676457


one more hour anon
one more hour


>> No.6676513

>Торрент файл обновления
>Update to is 558 MB

Gonna download that.
Let's see if I can play with the client half-English half-Russian.

>> No.6676560

>World of Tanks administration launches the first stage of the official registration of the clans which were previously registered and proved there viability. The application deadline for the first phase of registration - 11.00 am (GMT) January 10, 2010. Applications submitted later than the specified date and time will not take part in the first stage of the official registration.

>> No.6676591
File: 36 KB, 520x408, stalin_on_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I heard you want patch?

>> No.6676595

>stalin on you

>> No.6676605
File: 319 KB, 1600x900, shot_156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game says to update.
>Redirects me to the English update page.
All of my hate.

>> No.6676707

It's updating now guys.

565.88 mb.

>> No.6676745

My body is ready for some 15v15 company battle alongside the fuhrer and the frenchman.

>> No.6676755


>> No.6676969

The server's up and running, is anyone going to make a PanzerMoe company?

>> No.6676990

Well, Rumia's asleep, so...

>> No.6676996
File: 223 KB, 1280x768, ml5zJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow.

>> No.6677006

Anyone can make one.

I would but I am still updating.

>> No.6677009

Go make one right now then.

>> No.6677025

Site's down.

I'll do it later.

>> No.6677035

63%, fuck their updater is slow as shit.
No links to torrents?

>> No.6677069

565 MB update in 4-5 minutes is hardly slow as shit.

>> No.6677163

do you have enable torrents unchecked in your updater?

>> No.6677195

Me again: 96%
Are you a wizard?

>> No.6677306
File: 283 KB, 600x1200, jp_recruiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note for next company: At least one Maus, at least one scout and at least 3 artys.

>> No.6677311

but that's Mokou

>> No.6677316


>Gun 76mm_Gun_M1A1: reload (in seconds) 3.2->2.85, dispersion 0.37->0.38.
Gun 76mm_Gun_M1A2: dispersion 0.34->0.35.

Fuck, .01 less accurate? I'm going to have to change my whole playstyle!

>> No.6677392

>Are you a wizard?
Nope, still 8 years to go.
But see:
if you have torrents allowed, and an open port, than I have no idea what could cause it to be so slow.
And I dunno why wouldn't you have torrents allowed, as I'm pretty sure it's the default setting.

>> No.6677926
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>> No.6677931
File: 358 KB, 1600x900, shot_158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The matchmaking sure is better now.
Except for those JagdPzIV.

>> No.6678088

Did the devs change something on the SPG-specs? I suddenly feel like almost every shot is missing the target, even though it stays in 1 spot and the circle is very narrow?

mind telling me, how you can add those little icons, mayhem?

>> No.6678095 [DELETED] 

My tank icons are mirrored. What should I do? ;_;

>> No.6678110

Which icons?

>> No.6678128

the anime icons

>> No.6678136 [DELETED] 

The ones replacing the tank silhouettes with the tank name and tier.

>> No.6678151 [DELETED] 

How to change the crewmens is explained in the OP.
There's a package on the WoT, no idea where I never used it.

>> No.6678162 [DELETED] 

Disregard this post, solved it by replacing them again.

>> No.6678191
File: 54 KB, 215x485, 1293145769549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean those icons, not the single icons for gunner, driver etc.

>> No.6678213

That's the avatars from people on mumble.

>> No.6678568
File: 196 KB, 1024x768, shot_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GTX570s comes in mail
>notice I have a 250watt power supply

Please enjoy a look at WoT with a 8mb integrated video chip.

>> No.6678575
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, shot_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPG's are the only thing playable.

No ground, no map = driving completely blind.

I only survived because I memorized the map.

>> No.6678582

Poor boof. Hope your new PSU comes soon!

>> No.6678666

>a 250watt power supply

Hey, I'd give it a try, anyway. Especially if it's a decent brand-name one (that's probably under-specced). It's more than enough for light load on just about any desktop, and might be just enough for full load.

Just keep an eye on the exhaust air temp.

>> No.6678692

Fuck off.

No seriously. Get out.

I hope BOOF isn't stupid enough to listen to you.

>> No.6678712


>> No.6678716

You dumb fuck. If I wasn't too lazy to download a filter you'd be on my list.

>> No.6678786


Quick google search for 570 power consumption:
Typical (system total, too lazy to check what people use), idle (W) - 120ish
Full load - 320ish.

PSU market is largely a scam designed to take advantage of people with zero knowledge of what "current", "voltage", or "power" is, anyway.

That said, it's possible it's not providing enough current where it's needed, even if there's enough power that can be supplied overall. But even then, the difference is probably small enough to just cause it to run a little hotter than designed.

Good idea to do it all the time? Obviously not, unless you've tested it thoroughly. Are you going to instantly fry anything by trying it? I highly doubt it, unless the PSU was designed by an undergrad EE overnight. On your own risk, of course.

in b4 "take it to /g/"

>> No.6678808

>250W supply
>top end DX11 GPU
>recommended 500W+
>PSU also covers peripherals and mobo/CPU
Yeah no.
>'Use at your own risk'
Duh, obviously.

>> No.6678810


>> No.6678831

It's unnecessary, even more-so for the 75mms which got no RoF buff to compensate, poor poor t-14

>> No.6678846 [SPOILER] 
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Nothing, I was being sarcastic.

I have a second computer with a better GPU that is working fine. I just don't think WoT will work on it.

>> No.6678873

>recommended 500W+
Don't feel like arguing, I'll just say that you should do your own research - estimating power consumption from known specs isn't that hard. In terms of overall consumption, 500W is pure BS (posted above). The current needed on specific +12V or +5V rails (full-load value with an insane safety margin, probably) may mean you'll need a 500W one, but I'm 90% certain it's stretched WAY out of proportion.

>> No.6678929 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 496x496, pixels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never play WoT with a native Linux client, either ;_;

>> No.6678984
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i wish ZUN !bar would camwhore his stuff as willingly as you ;___;

>> No.6679061
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Apparently one can get 772 experience for shooting a Panther and dying as an arty

>> No.6679100

I'm curious how can you estimate the power consumption of a GPU. I checked my 9800GT box and it doesn't say how many watts or amps does it consume.

>> No.6679128

105mm armed Medium tank? Forsooth!
I was already giving KTs headaches with the 90mm armed T20.

>> No.6679417

I certainly wish they included it in the box...

If you can't find detailed specs or tests, the manufacturer will publish the TDP, at the very least (105W for regular 9800GT), which is a good estimate of the max power it will draw (not exactly, but close enough).

If you want to be *really* thorough, you'd go like:

I don't follow all the latest developments closely, but apparently, in case of video cards, almost all of it comes from the 12V rail (makes sense). Only 75W (5.5A on +12V pins total) can be drawn from the PCIe x16 connector (maybe less - PCIe spec), the rest will have to come from a separate connector (somehow balanced? not sure). So if you want to be safe, you can assume those 5.5-6A to come from the +12V pin on the ATX connector going to the MB (plus a bit on the +5V). Add up the other estimates, then check against the max rating for each rail listed on your PSU sticker (or manual).

Sounds somewhat complicated, but really, this is just high-school level electronics with a bit of googling to find the specs.

Pardon for the offtopic. 2 kW "gaming" PSUs powering 300W systems at 50% efficiency is a pet peeve of mine.

>> No.6679559
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>> No.6680323
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>> No.6680340
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>Enemy team is fuck powerful
>Shittons of powerful artillery and heavy tanks
>Entire except like 3 tanks head for the enemy cap
>Hit 100 several times
>Finally cap


>> No.6680352

we had some pro skill there.

>> No.6680666

I'm starting to love this patch. The sudden framerate dips, as deadly as the enemy's shells, are apparently gone. Really awesome.
And the new maps are spectacular too.
Ruinberg looks like an Ensk or Himmelsdorf that actually loads.
El Halluf, though, is campier than Malinovka...

But enough talk. /r/ the Mumble server info.

This is one of the things that make Komarin horrible and awesome at the same time.
Under the right circumstances, you can win without even firing a shot.

>> No.6680741

I just realized that I'm the only one in the team that got a kill.

>> No.6680744


Adress: la.midnightgaming.net

port: 5012

We most of the /jp/ WOT players in this mumble now. if you haven't joined yet, we would all greatly appreciate it if you joined in.

In fact, this is basically the only way to organize company battles and such. So if you plan on doing company battles, you must get on the server.

You don't even have to have a mic.

Also, the server is not only for WOT. It's a /jp/ general server. Good for PoFL, 12.3 and other things. If you are from /jp/, we welcome you with open arms.

Another thing:

Since I have purchased the server myself, you need not to worry about shitty admins, getting kicked off the server, or banned and whatnot. We own the place.

>> No.6680933

I'm getting framerate dips like crazy now when I wasn't before

>> No.6680972
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>since I own the server
>you don't need to worry about shitty admins
>Hitler is an Admin

>> No.6681285

If nothing else, he is fun to troll.

>> No.6681449

Still holding out for all day double exp.

Maybe as a Christmas day thing or new years. ;_;

>> No.6681471
File: 75 KB, 604x453, 75378-TrollFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hmm, all these gold, what do?
>notice VK3601's conical gun has this gold ammo that have average 225 penetration and triple damage
>get rid of short 88, put on conical with stock turret and gold ammo
>raped IS-3 in straight up slugging match, every shot penetrate straight through the front hull
>my face

>> No.6681523

>my face
So, why are WoT threads on /jp/ again?

>> No.6681575
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>Mouse Trap Achievement

You mad Hitler?

>> No.6682071
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Afrika is a whore.

>> No.6682109


>Destroy 10 Maus

I think I only killed 2 or 3 mice so far with my M41. I need to bring down more but I rarely meet them since I am using tier V arty.

>> No.6682341

Nice. Too bad the top armor theory didn't work out too well. It DID indicate that the armor was weak there and that the shell would penetrate (green highlight), but the damage was still significantly reduced as an AP shell to the side armor did ~50% more damage, which would indicate that the HE shell was doing less than half damage. I'm curious if it's an engine or modeling problem, but that would take more testing (and cost Afrika quite a bit in repairs).

>> No.6682348

ive heard that the indicator does not take armor slope into consideration.

>> No.6682871

It doesn't cost anything in repairs in training battles, but you have to pay for the shells.

Nope, it doesn't. ;_;

>> No.6682913
File: 1.96 MB, 1600x900, worldoftanks 2010-12-24 04-34-36-80.avi_snapshot_01.16_[2010.12.24_21.19.09].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted two battles of yesterday's Companies with /jp/

/jp/ Company - 1

>> No.6682922
File: 2.00 MB, 1600x900, worldoftanks 2010-12-24 04-48-31-13.avi_snapshot_00.06_[2010.12.24_21.20.35].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ Company - 2

>> No.6682944

I was under the impression that slope only mattered for bouncing shots. Or if not, that it didn't affect HE rounds. If I'm incorrect on the matter I'd like to be corrected on that.

>> No.6683021

angle is factored in with thickness just like real life, and HE damage depends on how far it penetrates into the armor, only doing full if it actually penetrates all the way

>> No.6683049
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>/jp/ playing western videogames.

When it's another game like Minecraft or any other game "Hey, I'm reporting this shit!". When it's WoT, let's play it!

And you don't even provide a download link for the game (And it's NOT google).

I am sorry, reported.

>> No.6683070
File: 49 KB, 500x451, 1287247426254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WoT is a Russian game.
>Implying Russia is a western country.

>> No.6683071

Russia is in the east, ok.

>> No.6683078

>Populated part of the country and two most important cities are in europe
>call it east
Europe, confirmed for dirty asian monkeys.

>> No.6683101

Russia is considered Eastern by anyone with a brain. Just because they were Gallophiles for a bit, doesn't make them European.

>> No.6683110


>Russian game
>On /jp/

Did you know that Russia was part of the allies on the 2nd war? Did you know that Japan was part of the axis? How can you put a Russian game on /jp/? FUCKING REPORTED!

>> No.6683120

>by anyone with a brain.
Well, this definitely isn't the case with you, White Ren.
Jesus Christ, this thread just got autistic.

>> No.6683123

Trolling on /jp/ never was so shitty.

>> No.6683128

I love you too, stalker-kun.

>> No.6683135

Oh boy, your ego is ridiculous.

I only ever stalk Suigin.

>> No.6683163

someone post that flowchart about how to get better at this game

>> No.6683201

T-54 is retarded, why does it feel like I'm trying to shoot a T9 heavy that's going at 58km/h?

>> No.6683226


Because Russian game lol

>> No.6683292

I liked how he said send him out while we were all passing the halfway point on the map like he expected us to camp.
The balancing for T-54 is too ridiculous to make it useful. "Oh they have Three IS-4's? What do we have..Me, a Object 704, and....a T-54?" Because apparently a T-54 equals an IS-4 on the other team.

>> No.6683320

I wouldn't be so quick to call the T-54 shitty. It eats shots from my 105mm like no other.

>> No.6683448

Change your computer timezone to outside of the US to be able to invite and accept invites.

I changed it from central to bangkok and can accept invites from Mayhem(EU)

>> No.6683474

I know you guys are all fresh off the boat from /v/, but maybe you could all consider sageing your posts more so as not to bump on-topic threads off page 0.


>> No.6683483


>> No.6683503

>And you don't even provide a download link for the game (And it's NOT google).
Really? You show interest in the game but because we dont give you a direct download link you suddenly decide to hate everything?
You can't type in "World of Tanks" in google and find your way there?
Is it that difficult? I mean surely it wouldn't reference you to worldoftanks.com
Lets find out.
Oh how wrong you are.
Please refrain from posting that which you do not know about.

>> No.6683508

You expect these guys know what sage discipline means? Note that the great majority are tripfags, aka attention whores. Why pass a chance to hog page 0 and make yourself more (in)famous?

>> No.6683526 [SPOILER] 
File: 367 KB, 1272x789, shot_043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my grille guys

>> No.6683535

>Oh how wrong you are.
Except he is right, and you have no cred

>> No.6683612


>> No.6683628

Did you get here yesterday?

>> No.6683671

Check the archive for post times, you're wrong as fuck.

>> No.6683759 [DELETED] 

>Using archived post times.
I just decided to trip for Hisoutensoku threads when I got interested in it, and I trip here in Tank threads and in Comiket/Reitasai threads.

Usually just too lazy to take it off for normal posting, anyway this is not the place for trip discussion, if our tank threads offend you I apologize but you should go complain to the Cosmic Break and Aika threads if you have a problem with MMOs. Or perhaps email moot/bitch about it on IRC and see how they feel.
