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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6658528 No.6658528 [Reply] [Original]

so what happened to the /jp/ mine craft sever?

>> No.6658538

BOOF is too busy sucking hotglue's dick

>> No.6658540

Beta update broke everything.

>> No.6658564

how do you make a sever?

>> No.6658585

It's all working, just use this client instead of official: http://kaen-paradise.co.cc/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=119

I won't update server to beta until beta client is cracked.

>> No.6658588

Fucking /jp/.

Why do you like this?

>> No.6658600
File: 5 KB, 251x167, 1291368531260s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a classic server:


It's free to play.

>> No.6658612
File: 17 KB, 100x100, 387-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, if you come and shout "OH DESIRE!", I will make you builder.

>> No.6658622

somebody make a beta sever, i know most of you payed for the game.

>> No.6658643

insert obligatory autism response

>> No.6658675

It's just fun to mess around in when I'm not here. I just like to build little caves and houses. My username there is squezey.

>> No.6658691

I don't know myself, I've seen a lot of people like this game, but just looking at a few 2minute youtube videos or screenshots doesn't seem like anything too interesting. I would probably change my mind if I tried playing it, after all, MUDs and roguelikes don't look like much, yet they can be fun too.

>> No.6658698

You should atleast try. The people here are very friendly and you can build pretty much anything you want.

>> No.6658796

the other day I was melting ALL of my gold ore in the furnace and I "destroyed" it so I could move it elsewhere... but I did it without taking out the products nor the ore inside.

woop doop fuckity fucking fuck shit sixty niggers flying into the asshole of satan on a spaceship made of lizard piss fuck.


>> No.6658803

World of Minecraft client is being a dick, I'll get back on later.

>> No.6658917
File: 501 KB, 852x454, screenshot_20101225124500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this


It's like an updated version of WoM or something.

>> No.6658924

Someone build Tiger Schwert.

>> No.6658947

But gold's useless unless you a baller, a little bit taller, and have a girl who looks good and you call her and use FancyCraft. So you didn't lose much.
My Golden Throne of Autism is the pride of my life.

>> No.6658976

is that for making severs?

>> No.6658996

No, that is a client to use hacks on my server. Hacks such as incredible speed, giantic jumps and fly.

>> No.6659090
File: 200 KB, 854x480, 2010-12-20_13.03.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though no one asked for it.

>> No.6660400

It says "unknown host" to me. Is the server offline?

>> No.6660418

Just buy the damn thing already. it's not expensive

>> No.6660419

I can resurrect it if needed.

I still have ~20 maps full of shit people built.

>> No.6660423

I have a minecraft server, but it's mine.

>> No.6660522

Don't be silly.

>> No.6660604
File: 19 KB, 450x532, 1290049798506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You big tease.

>> No.6660625

Don't feel like you're missing out on much right now. It's down until the server mod I use updates to Beta because vanilla SMP is lame.

>> No.6660634

Sorry for asking this here, but I don't feel it would be appropriate to make an entire thread for it when I could just borrow this one, but:

Does anyone know what happened to /jp/'s DFO guild? Thanks.

Also feel free to ignore this if you would like.

>> No.6660678

>playing near lava
>too stupid to store my diamond tools, compass, and watch
>fall in and die
>spend the next two hours building sky-high dirt towers to find where I put my base

>> No.6660710

Load the beta, 5fps. OH YEAH

>> No.6660784

I'm sure this has crossed everyone's mind at some point,
creating gensokyo

>> No.6660826

I wouldn't mind playing this with /jp/ again.
I still need to finish that giant Luka on BOOF's server, though this >>6658917 kind of overshadows any sense of accomplishment I'd get from completing it.

>> No.6660838

It's been done. It should be on the list of in browser servers on minecraft.net

>> No.6660845
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i´m going to greif your server again today. last time was kinda funny until a few butthurt faggots ganged up on me and tried to kill me on sight. guess i have to invite more greifers from /v/ to raid their shit this time.

>> No.6660889
File: 207 KB, 872x507, isthatsoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

