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File: 127 KB, 638x482, Thischair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6656314 No.6656314 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry /jp/ but i hate Ciel as much as this chair...
First irreversible dead end in all my VN history.
Her existence is created to ruin everything.

>> No.6656343

All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,All my hate,

>> No.6656351


Hey, I found her more bearable than Akiha.

No, just because you are sister DOES NOT mean you are automatically hotter.

That said, Kohaku is love.

>> No.6656362

Hisui arc is the best, simply because I felt like all the characters acted the most believably given their pasts and personalities.

Shiki, an anemic boy, is sick for most the arc. Hisui, a childhood friend, tries her best to help her. Akiha goes on a hunt to help his bro. Kohaku gets revenge but regrets killing her close friend.

Everything just seems to fit so well together, especially the surprise end.

>> No.6656365

because of Ciel,Acrueid dumped me even when i chose to stick with her.And now serpent is killing me no matter what i do.Useless bitch is useless.
Fuck this shit im gonna restart the whole fukken thing and im gonna rape those maid all day.

>> No.6656372



>> No.6656374

is this a game or graphic novel? I really want to get into more melty blood. I saw tsukihime years back, and didnt realize there was more......any infor on novels/games would be great!

>> No.6656383


This is Tsukihime, bro. Get it, it's fucking tiny.

>> No.6656388

then wtf do i do to fix this shit now?
i fucking regret helping with the fucking fence.

>> No.6656414


1) You can't have raped the maid.

2) You cannot murder.

3) You cannot show afection toward Arcueid, or it will cause a fracture in the story (after you get Ceil's true ending you can, but before this it means death).

4) Resist as much as you can

>> No.6656444

So has TypeMoon told us any news about the upcoming Tsukihime remake?

>> No.6656462
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>> No.6656469

2012. Or so the rumors say. But who knows, when it was first announced everyone thought it was coming this winter, for the 10th anniversary of the original release. nope.jpf

>> No.6656474

I'll never forget that having anal with Ciel is like pounding a wall.

>> No.6656485

for some reason even using the opening from the flowchart i seem to have raised a ciel flag somehow...
so i have to follow this shitty line now...
fucking hell i hope she dies a gruesome death in a bad end

>> No.6656497


In short, Arcueid and Ceil's routes are ucking close. You can't do one without tripping mines in the other. You just have to make like the Red Baron and angle her the way you want it on the way down and hope you don't get hit by ground fire.

>> No.6656506

yea.. the game went critical on me.
feels really bad.

>> No.6656510


To clarify:

You were trying for Arcueid's route, or Ceil's?

>> No.6656527

i wanted Arcueid's but i felt like friendzoning Ciel...
Now Arc told me to fuck myself and Ciel cant save me in the tea room

>> No.6656541


Pretty much, you have to play directly at the character you want. If there's an option to see them, you gotta see them (there may be one exception, I forget).

Tsukihime works pretty much on 'points'. Each action gets you a point, and at some choices in the game you need a specific number of 'points' for the good choice to be shown.

>> No.6656552

Since im already halfway there i might as well finish this route...
But i always hated the "hidden" point system some games have.

>> No.6656561


TypeMoon are notorious for this. Most of their titles don't give a whole lot of room for sightseeing.

Still, Godspeed piloting your flaming wreck into the ground. And if I may, when you start again do Hisui's route before Kohaku's route. Not even kidding, out of all of them that one is crucial.

>> No.6656580
File: 76 KB, 800x636, 100-Leynnwood_AlbatrossDIII&Nieuport17c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Were you in the flying circus in a previous life or something?

Anyway, you'll learn to like Ciel, just go with it

>> No.6656591
File: 111 KB, 500x375, 2868579149_ee52fb82d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That joke was Baron of humour.

And yeah, when you do her arc you do learn to like her. From the outside o her circle she's odd, but from the inside... she's something else. That said, take it easy and enjoy the game man.

>> No.6656596

i remember the first time i played Sagara.
I was going for tsundere chick and before i noticed i was dressed as power ranger running on the streets.

>> No.6657524
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Nasu made some comments about the Tsukihime remake in his blog that he never updates to celebrate the release of the last volume of the Tsukihime manga.


>> No.6657533

>graphic novel
Comics are graphic novels. This is visual novel.
