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6654848 No.6654848 [Reply] [Original]

I am the bone of my sword.

>> No.6654857
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>> No.6654863
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>> No.6654865

what a slut

>> No.6654866


>> No.6654900

FSN appreciation?

Rin/Saber is best route.

Sakura is a slut.

>> No.6654907

Wrong. HF is best route because it has the best Shirou. You are completely right when saying Sakura is a slut, though.

>> No.6654918

I rather liked the Fate route. UBW was too alpha male and began to stink of typical action crap that I would expect out of /a/. Heaven's Feel was just....Well I suppose it was ok, but I'm not a fan of Sakura and it just wasn't right without Saber there.

>> No.6654986

When I re.installed fate, first thing I did was to deactivate Sakura's voice
I like HF because final battle Shirou vs Priest

>> No.6654987


I liked UBW, because Shirou got Rin and it made the most sense, as well as gave Shirou an actual useful skill.

>> No.6655009

UBW's action wasn't too bad. It stuck to its themes and that's what counted.

>> No.6655014

I hate all 3 routes because the girl I liked didn't get a route

>> No.6655038



>> No.6655039

Fate had some REALLY good action though. Especially when Saber fought rider on top of the sky scraper.

>> No.6655066

no, illya

>> No.6655072

>tohsaka sisters
>not BOTH sluts.

>> No.6655080


She HAD a route. But it was cut because it was too Loli.

Also, Ilya route is the route where Archer comes from.


True. I didn't like Archer dying though. The threesome was a nice touch.

>> No.6655109


I just like to pretend that the ending where you give your soul to ilya is the real ending.

>> No.6655132
File: 411 KB, 844x1200, illya02_062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternate Universe where the Holy Grail War was cancelled and Ilya becomes a magical girl is the best route.

>> No.6655151

Was about to finish heaven's feel and I switched over to a new computer and wiped my old hard drive without copying anything over
Feels bad man

>> No.6655165

It was cut because Sakura's route was too long. Same thing with the Caster Route.

>> No.6655177

Can't wait for that Heaven's Feel OVA by ufotable.

>> No.6655178

Why would they make something that shitty?

>> No.6655191

inb4 it's better than UTW movie by miles.

>> No.6655200

Everything ufotable releases is awesome. Everything DEEN releases is shit (I can think of one exception, the Kenshin OVAs).

Of course it's going to be a lot better.

>> No.6655223

>Also, Ilya route is the route where Archer comes from.

>> No.6655335



Ilya died a year after the 5th war, making Shirou angry and spiteful, then sometime later, on his deathbed, makes a contract with the world and becomes a counter hero. He keeps being summoned to kill over and over and eventually breaks and believes humans are irredeemable and vows to stop himself from becoming a hero by rationalizing he must kill his past self.

>> No.6655344

>Everything DEEN releases is shit
Not really.
I can think of at least 15 awesome DEEN releases just off the top of my head
You probably just have a tiny power level

>> No.6655349

But that's nearly all wrong. Archer didn't become angry and spiteful until after he had already become a CG. In life he willingly made the contract because he believed by doing so he would be able to help more people even after death. He makes the contract in order to save a handful of people, not on his deathbed. And he wants to kill Shirou not to prevent himself from becoming a hero, but to erase his own existence from the throne.
Christ, they say half of these things in the game itself.

>> No.6655347

that does make sense, but how did she die AFTER the war?

Does that mean sakura became the holy grail and absorbed all the spirits like matou intended? who destroyed her before avenger could hatch, if neither shirou or illya sacrificed themselves?

>> No.6655357

She expires just like she will in Fate's end.

>> No.6655362
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If it was nothing but scenes featuring Kotomine and/or Archer's arm, I'd watch it.
Oh, and Rin beating the shit out of Sakura with the gem sword.

>> No.6655383

I don't feel like getting into a my opinion>your opinion kind of argument but you're wrong. Enjoy your shit taste.

>> No.6655384

Archer doesn't come from any routes shown in the game because things directly contradict his existence.
Off the top of my head:

Fate: Archer was already present in that timeline.
UBW: See Fate, but Archer tries to kill Shirou in this one.
HF: See Fate, but Saber's connection with him is changed.

>> No.6655392

Nope, you have a low power level if you can't name at least 10 good DEEN anime.

Enjoy having a low power level.

>> No.6655393

Archer's very existence pretty much prevents any of the Shirous from becoming him.

>> No.6655402

Sort of agree, but only because Nasu didn't think about entropy and chaos theory while making timeline bullshit up. Technically, he came from another route (EXTRA confirms this) though.

>> No.6655411
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What exactly did EXTRA reveal about him?

>> No.6655424

is wrong.

>> No.6655425

I mean, because Archer's such a nice guy and can't leave Shirou alone and due to lolSoulResonance or whatever, Shirou will never end up fucking his circuits up so badly trying to project as Archer did. I mean, Shirou could still become a CG, but he'd never be part of CG EMIYA.

>> No.6655453

Multiverses. Archer doesn't pursue Shirou in all of them.

>> No.6655475

I am the boner of my own sword

>> No.6655788
File: 69 KB, 300x300, archerilyaonichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this image pisses me off sooo much. It had the potential to be awesome, but he looks like a fucking pretty boy. Neither Archer or Shirou are pretty boys.


And what was revealed was Archer/Shirou actually had a friend/partner in his life time. Just his partner who he thought shared his ideas was just a fucking sociopath and killed a boat of 300 people to keep a virus from spreading. Then when Archer couldn't pull the metaphorical trigger, said Bro ratted Archer out and blamed a bunch of shit on him.

Isn't it sad, Archer?

There should be a route where Archer fucking stays, goddamn it.

>> No.6655802
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Eh, Archer images for the hell of it.

>> No.6655812
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>> No.6655822

There should be a route where Archer solos the HGW in one night due to meta-knowledge.

>> No.6655823
File: 161 KB, 649x904, archerfemaleprotag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, there had better be one doujin that gets uploaded that's Archer popping the female protag from Extra's cherry.

>> No.6655840
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That was sort of his story line in Fate/Unlimited Codes. He was going to kill Shirou, they had the fight, he wins and he couldn't kill him. So instead he's like, "Well, shit. I'm an idiot so I'm going to go clean up my own mess."

Then he kills Gil to get to stay with Rin.

>> No.6655846
File: 224 KB, 669x1000, 0b9f3d5519a6bd032b4445ca1b28dbc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it that time again?

>> No.6655848
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>> No.6655856
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>> No.6655866
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>> No.6655870
File: 97 KB, 500x757, rinarcherhug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6655879
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>> No.6655883
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>> No.6655888
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>> No.6655912
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>> No.6656192

