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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 193 KB, 1280x720, yoowee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6650822 No.6650822 [Reply] [Original]

what do YOU want for christmas?

for me, i want happiness for all the lonely NEETs in the world

>> No.6650846

some alchohol to EASE THE PAIN

>> No.6650853

Waifu thread about /jp/sies and their waifus at the table.

>> No.6650855
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I think I've received enough for a million Christmases

>> No.6650859
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But alcohol is your weak point

>> No.6650863

A new CRT monitor.

>> No.6650872
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Hey I recognize you! Have we met somewhere before?

>> No.6650876

A job.

>> No.6650883

this. Seeing these threads make me feel warm and fuzzy.

>> No.6650895

I want some stable source of income so I can be a NEET forever.

>> No.6650898
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don't make me guro you

>> No.6650913

Hi, nice otaku. For Christmas, I want my girlfriend's family to like me. In the unlikely event that you are Santa cCaus, please make them like me.

>> No.6650928
File: 34 KB, 285x281, Things like that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have mine, I want to go back to being a NEET again. I have enough money to last me a good few months. The outside world is too noisy to be worth it anymore.

>> No.6650938
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>Com here and die

>> No.6650949


>> No.6650956

I want my mom to stop drinking and sleeping all day and ruin Christmas for everyone in the process.


>> No.6650961

What a surprise. You and me both, man. You and me both.

>> No.6650966

make that three of us

hope the weed comes with a bong!

>> No.6650992

To be free of my encumbering laziness so I can finish classes instead of fail them cuz I don't give a shit. Or to be able to live as a NEET for the rest of my life without regret or sadness. And for mai waifu to be real but retain her flawlessness.

And Gouf Custom model. can't find that shit anywhere.

If you're all out of those things I've mentioned, >>6650853's suggestion is fine too.

>> No.6651007
File: 275 KB, 405x540, 1233841623725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can decorate our otaku Christmas tree together before we smoke it.
It will be glorious.

>> No.6651010

A job would be nice

I should have picked a different subset of my field.


>> No.6651013

I'd like it if my parents wouldn't ruin my Christmas this year by trying to get me to come downstairs and eat with my family. They should know plenty fine I want to be with my waifu.

>> No.6651014

More room on my computer, I only have 20 GB left. A new monitor too, mine is too old and it's only not even 1280.

>> No.6652200

I want a 100$ amazon giftcard. That's really it unless someone wants to get me some candy or something.

>> No.6652215

Didn't that guy turn out to be some kind of super mutant thing?

Also I don't really want anything

>> No.6652218

An immortal loli girlfriend.

>> No.6652233

I want to pass my statistics course. This prof isn't responding to my emails regarding possible mistake(s) on the exam. Ah well. Guess I can just roll over and cry or something.

>> No.6652243

I want PCP and weed.

>> No.6652249
File: 32 KB, 389x550, cute_not_pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little sister.

>> No.6652251

World domination.

>> No.6652250


My two front teeth.

>> No.6652274

Physical copy of the GGX Heavy Rock OST.
I have it downloaded, I just want a physical copy to enshrine next to my waifu.

>> No.6652281

There's a reason only people without sisters love them.

>> No.6652384

I want to be a pristine, eternally young maiden enrolled to a Catholic girls-only school and to fall in love with a respected, admirable onee-sama. Of course, I wouldn't have the courage to admit my crush, being content with merely watching her from afar. But one day, she'd invite me to her house, telling me to close my eyes for a surprise, and I'd do so as my onee-sama holds my hands and and suddenly kisses me. Shocked by the warm, wet feeling, I'd reflexively say that we can't do this since we're both girls (after seeing that line so many times, it comes naturally), but she'd silence me with another kiss and start undressing me, my heart stuttering as I feel her soft, delicate hands on my skin. Of course, at this point I'd be completely unable to resist and admit that I've been smitten with her too, and would only watch blushing and moaning as she'd makes me hers. We'd then live a blissful life as unaging young maidens; while our relationship as lovers would be secret, we'd openly form a sisterly bond, with me trying my best to be worthy of my perfect onee-sama. After we graduate, we'd change our identities, move and enroll to a different school, so that the fact that neither of us can age is also hidden.

This kind of fate is what I wish for Christmas.

>> No.6652398

This is what the afterlife will be like. Except instead of changing schools we'd all be unaging schoolgirls in one big /jp/ boarding school.
You just have to believe in it and it'll come true. So long as you stay pure and don't allow yourself to be corrupted by contact with the 3D world.

>> No.6652402

Remember, don't smoke PCP until after you've had dinner or you might eat someone's lungs.

>> No.6652412

A /jp/ female to go out with me. The more of a shut-in she is, the better!

>> No.6652421

Lots of money. I actually already live quite comfortably but you could always use more.

>> No.6652430

Thanks, Big Lurch!
How's the guy who ate his face doing?

>> No.6652443

And remember to use clean needles.

What I want for Christmas is a new magical whimsical Touhou game.

>> No.6652455

I want friends.

>> No.6652469

Is it strange that I'm a neet but not lonely?

>> No.6652472

who needs people, am i rite?

>> No.6652485

Do you mean that you have friends despite being neet or you do not need friends?

>> No.6652506

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Noooothing, cause she's twooo deeeee

>> No.6652520

As is mine, but that doesn't stop her from giving me the best present I could ever ask for.

>> No.6652534
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>> No.6652544

to die in my sleep

>> No.6652550

I want a brand new vagina for Christmas.

>> No.6652552

What is this best present?

>> No.6652558


>> No.6652585


Yeah, that sounds nice.

>> No.6652607

Being happy.

>> No.6652633
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a gun to kill myself

>> No.6652664
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