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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6646070 No.6646070 [Reply] [Original]

Complete lewdness.

>> No.6646071

You better take responsibility, OP.

>> No.6646076

You kidding? he's be more then happy too, who wouldn't want two lolis to fuck.

>> No.6646083

Me with the penis.

>> No.6646086

Me being raped by a /jp/ anon's enormous penis for my size.

>> No.6646098



one of many. i would love to get a young girl to come into my car and allow me to fuck her.

the only difference between my fantasy and that picture is that my girl would be in her school uniform.

>> No.6646102

apart from actual child porn, theres nothing i love more than lolicon hentai.

actually lolicon hentai is better in the sense that the artist can create a perfect scenario as he (or she for that matter) see fits.

god i wish child sex was legal.

>> No.6646106

I have uncensored version of this somewhere on my PC.

>> No.6646112

I know you do investment banker. I know...

>> No.6646116

I'm a lolicon, but reading your posts makes a deep ingrained feeling of rage and wrath well up underneath me, as if I'm reading the words of Satan.

>> No.6646118

>I know you do investment banker. I know...

do you?

every time i go to the mall, i see young girls in short skirts or short shorts, dressed nicely, hair done nicely, and maybe even makeup.

young girls who cant be more than 11.

and every time, i get reminded that i live in a world where i can stick my penis in the vaginas of those girls i am looking at.

those young, firm and tight girls.

>> No.6646123

>I'm a lolicon, but reading your posts makes a deep ingrained feeling of rage and wrath well up underneath me, as if I'm reading the words of Satan.

rage and wrath at the fact that we live in a world where child sex is illegal?

or rage and wrath at the fact that lolicon and pedophilia are very highly linked, even if you try to prove otherwise?

>> No.6646126

Creepy thread, bro

>> No.6646134

How to ruin lolicon: draw blood and pain.
How to troll lolicons: prevent pedos and lolicons are exactly the same.

>> No.6646136

How long have you been in /jp/ - just pedo?

This is nothing extraordinaire, really. Just try and get used to it. You will stop minding comments like that soon enough.

>> No.6646143

You're an indoctrinated faggot.

>> No.6646151

>Creepy thread, bro

whats so creepy about it?

>> No.6646156

I guess the whole wanting to rape real world children part

>> No.6646158

come back to /new/ and /r9k/ investment banker

>> No.6646167

More importantly, get out of /jp/ already.

>> No.6646178

No one said anything about rape here.

>> No.6646182

>I guess the whole wanting to rape real world children part

i agree that rape is a bad thing but rape is hardly creepy. its one of the most common things in the world.

suppose you are saying sex with real world children is creepy then.

i disagree, sex with children is not creepy for the following reasons:

1) historically, since greek times, people have been fucking children. sex with children is now illegal of course but its certainly not creepy since pedophilia is common.

2) sex with young girls is exactly the same as sex with women. the only difference is that the person you're fucking is 18 years old. the person i'm fucking is 15. hardly a massive difference and hardly creepy.

>> No.6646183

Seh appears to have dropped some ichigo jam between her legs

>> No.6646195

People used to keep people in chains for being different colours and skin them for praying to a different sky wizard

Just because its "historical" doesn't make it right

>> No.6646202

You think you're a pedophile for having sex with a 15 year old?

the fucking age of consent is 14 in Canada. Pedophillia is 12 and under

>> No.6646205

That's the dumbest argument you could have ever conceived against him.

>> No.6646206

>Just because its "historical" doesn't make it right

stop parroting all the anti-pedo rhetoric and you are misrepresenting my argument, like all anti-pedos do.

i never said just because something is historical means it is right.

i said something (child fucking) is historical so it is not creepy.

>> No.6646214

>You think you're a pedophile for having sex with a 15 year old?

tell that to all the fucking pedo-in-denials who repeatedly parrot "durr the lowest i would go is 16"

how fucking convenient, 16 is exactly the age of consent!

whens the last time u heard someone on a public forum say 'the lowest i would go is 15"?

hypocrites, all of them.

>> No.6646227

>like all anti-pedos do

Sane people that don't want perverse weirdos raping their children? Yeah, they're mad for thinking it's creepy, eh

>> No.6646231

>You think you're a pedophile for having sex with a 15 year old?

I love underaged girls for many reasons and my age range is anything from 8 to 30 years old. The perfect loli age for me is around 10-12 years old. She still has no pubic hair or breasts but her overall body already has some sexy form.

Flat chests: I love their smooth bare chests with 2 cute little nipples. I like to gently squeeze their breast area so that it looks they do have breasts, then I suck their nipples, pretend breasts and all.

Bald hairless pre-pubescent vagina: God's gift to mankind. Unlike women's vaginas, little girls vaginas are completely hairless and look like beautiful flowers, not fish. My penis would usually be too big to insert into their vagina so I just place the head of my penis onto her vagina and make short and gentle thrusting motions. Alternatively, I like to just use her vagina hole to caress my penis up and down, from the base to the tip. The friction alone is enough to make me cum.

Her little mouth and little fingers: Like her vagina, a little girl's mouth is not enough to take the whole of my penis but they can take enough. The combination of her inexperienced mouth around the tip of my penis and her hands clutched around my shaft is heavenly.

Her carefree and innocent personality: Unlike a woman, a little girl is not bitter, jaded or cynical. Her desire for money hasn't come around yet so she only has one thing that motivates her: curiosity for the unknown. The look of a girl's face when she sees an erect penis for the first time is a mastercard moment.

And that's why I love little girl lolis. What about you?

>> No.6646235

>Sane people that don't want perverse weirdos raping their children? Yeah, they're mad for thinking it's creepy, eh


i see a lot of ad hominems but no proof or justification why you think sex with 15 year old girls is creepy.

>> No.6646234

if your ganna do it right at least post uncensored
how the HELL can i fap to black bars

>> No.6646242

It's 13~15 in most civilized countries in the world.

>> No.6646250

It's growing. Now it's more like 16 or 18.
If you like something below that age you're a pedophile.
You've looked at a 15 year old? Congratulations, how does it feel to rape babies?

>> No.6646254

Is this a copypasta? It seems to be too correctly capitalized and punctuated to have come from you.

>> No.6646275

Gotta make it less obvious if you want to troll pedos or borderline ones.

>> No.6646281

Disregarding my own stance on pedophilia, I wish to ask one thing.
Have you ever actually done anything with a child, or is this all wish-fulfillment and fantasies?

>> No.6646310

If it was wish-fulfillment he would have had sex with a little girl, right?

>> No.6646373

One particular thing which I find bothersome in current society is how it tries to make of sexuality something more than it is.
Yes, it's for reproduction as that was its evolutionary function, and yes, humans can experience great pleasure from engaging in sexual acts.
Yet, at the same time, you have groups which will glorify it or even devalue it to great extents as soon as some arbitrary age of consent is reached.
It is known to many, from either personal experiences, or even scientific studies that sexuality is inherent and children tend to discover it at earlier ages, sometimes before or near puberty.
If you want a non-scientific sample, you could always ask /b/, or even /jp/, here's a recent thread that /jp/ had on this topic: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/6634543
It shows that on average, kids discover it rather early, on average at 11 years old, but varying from individual to individual. To most it's a perfectly natural thing.
Now, you have laws which try to legislate all kinds of things such as before which age people shouldn't have sex, or even if someone was consenting, the consent should not be taken as valid if the age is too young.
I really find it quite strange that they're willing to turn both their kids' life and other adults' lifes into hell, or at least an externally induced guilt trip (by rest of society) over things which are rather natural, and not all that "special".
Sexual experience becomes traumatizing if you tell people that it's "bad", or what they did was "bad", and they should feel "bad" about their entirely pleasant experience.
In some religions, like christianity, kids (and adults) are having major guilt-trips about their "sins" because they fapped or thaught about some women in another way, since that is "sin" ("bad"). It's the same thing really.

>> No.6646378

What's even worse is when they extend this unjustified and unproven "think of the kids" mentality, and try to use it to ban fictional adult items such as 2D porn.
I know it wasn't such a scare in the past 20 years, but why exactly has it turned to this today? Why does society view sexual experience in such a warped way? The worst that could happen from someone having sex is either getting a child they didn't want or getting an STD - both of which can be avoided by proper eduction and a trusting relationship between 2 constenting partners.

Before anyone asks, I find the act of rape quite wrong, similar to any other acts of restricting people's freedom's or torturing them, however it's not nearly as bad as murder. Rape is sex in the absence of consent. I don't think of other definitions valid, however I do admit that while a specific age of consent cannot be set, it should instead be guided by each individual's cognitive functions.
A 12 year old who correctly understands the world around him can give consent, while a mentally disabled person, or a 4 year old child who doesn't even know language or the world around him cannot give consent. It should not be fixed to rigid things like age, but at fuzzier things like cognitive function and understanding of the world around them.

While I would find it preferable that someone explore around with someone their own age, I'm not going to say that such a thing when done across larger age differences is "evil" in any way, just a little bit strange.

>> No.6646379

I like 2D loli porn, too, but if they made it illegal I would just use my imagination, anyway. It's not the end of the world.

>> No.6646392 [DELETED] 

No, having something described to you in fiction counts that you want to do counts as wish fulfillment. Kind of like fan fiction having their self-insert having sex with their favorite character.

>> No.6646396

No, having something described to you in fiction that you want to do counts as wish fulfillment. Kind of like fan fiction having their self-insert having sex with their favorite character.

>> No.6646398
File: 85 KB, 392x500, tldr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646400

inb4 Investment Sky Magician makes an anti-Chinese thread.

>> No.6646404

It is. He posted it before.

In fact, as soon as I saw this thread, I began browsing it to see if someone had posted it so, if not, I could do the honors.

>> No.6646484

>used to keep people in chains for being different colours and skin them for praying to a different sky wizard
We still do.

>> No.6646881

Remember when we had a janitor to delete the abjectly creepy stuff? Good times.

>> No.6646892

Remember when threads like this were completely on topic? Thats before the Janitor left and /jp/ got real shitty.

>> No.6646893

Brainwashed much?

>> No.6646911


It's hardly brainwashing to think that taking advantage of children is a horrible thing. It's a concrete social injustice, and people who do such things should be sent to an island full of poisonous snakes.

>> No.6646916

>taking advantage of children
You are a full retard. Even the completely honest pedophile in this thread admitted that doing as such was a bad and terrible thing. Why dont you educate yourself on the topic before you come in shitposting?

>> No.6646927

>people who do such things should be sent to an island full of poisonous snakes.

I don't think Australians will enjoy that.

>> No.6646957

>island full of poisonous snakes.
That made me laugh. Why not something like just shooting them in the head or burning them alive if you want them to suffer with your morality bullshit?
And then this made me laugh even louder.

>> No.6646968


It would give them a fighting chance. They could live out their days in Tom Hanks in Cast Away hermitage, watching as their lessers are eaten by snakes if they're made of stout enough stuff.

Of course, they'd be stuck on the islands. Because of the sharks.

>> No.6647066

I don't.
Remember when Investment Banker hadn't been arrested and we didn't have to put it with the shitty ISM imitation with a similar tripcode?
Good times.

>> No.6647085

>people who do such things should be sent to an island full of poisonous snakes

But everyone on this board is a virgin.

>> No.6647088
File: 16 KB, 296x307, kylehyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6647095

Wow, is that what happened? Wondered where he got off to.

>> No.6647159

So somoene said back when he stopped posting, no idea whether it's true or not, chances are someone just made it up and it stuck because it sounded likely. If you really were arrested for the kind of charges you'd have expected him arrested on, you're going to have more pressing concerns than letting THE INTERNET know what happened to you.
In any case, I wouldn't mind if he was.
Those Investment Bankers make me sick.

>> No.6647700

It depends on what is your definition of children. 5 year olds? Sure, any case with someone of that age is abuse. 13 year olds? Hardly. It's just your normal/moralfaggotry transforming /jp/ into something even worse than it used to be.

Also, attraction =/= action. Being a pedo/hebe/ephebo does not make you a molester.
And action =/= not consensual. Having consensual sex with someone biologically prepared to do it (12+) -- but still underage -- doesn't mean it's wrong and/or rape just because that's what you are fed to believe.

>> No.6647752

Take it easy, /jp/.
