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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6644643 No.6644643 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6644657

autism xd

>> No.6644663

The majortiy of suicides occur on Mondays.

>> No.6644669


I must count them...

>> No.6644665

Scientists aren't sure what color dinosaurs were.

>> No.6644674

On average, there's 300 billion neurons in the octopus brain compared to the 100 billion neurons in the human brain.

>> No.6644678

A cat's jaw cannot move sideways.

>> No.6644681

You blink approximately 4,200,000 times a year.

>> No.6644687


More neurons do not equal better neurons.

Furthermore, an octopus has to juggle eight limbs and a water jet.

>> No.6644688

America's first speeder was arrested in 1899 by a New York policeman riding a bicycle. The speeder was whizzing along at an amazing 12 miles per hour!

>> No.6644695

K-ON is in fact the best anime ever created.

>> No.6644697


>> No.6644707

An octopus can open a jar, I bet you can't.

>> No.6644711

Canada has more full sized lakes than the rest of the world combined.

>> No.6644715

No matter how cold it gets, gasoline will not freeze.

>> No.6644727

The earth is approx. 6,588,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

>> No.6644730
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>> No.6644732


There are many ways to open a jar.

I imagine an octopus could apply more twisting force with its prehensile limbs, however, so it could open certain tighter jars than I.

>> No.6644734

Bullshit. Everything has a freezing point. It's just so cold as to be rather inefficient to attempt it.

Since gasoline isn't really one homogeneous mix, it's kind of a spectrum of temperatures rather than one, though.

>> No.6644736

/jp/ will always be shitty

>> No.6644747


Goddammit, you're stupid.

>> No.6644750

The flash point of gasoline is about -97F, meaning that it will still burn at 97 degrees below zero. Most labs won't even have the ability to chill a sample down that far to find out. Even the -97F mark is going to vary, based on the additives in the sample. The thicker, heavier hydrocarbons, like paraffin will become solid at atmospheric temperatures. Some of the aromatics won't turn solid until -200F to -300F.

>> No.6644756

Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.

>> No.6644760

They really do have sophisticated nervous systems, and are rather intelligent. At least that of dogs.

>> No.6644764

According to one report, it would take 800 marijuana joints to kill a person - but the cause of death would be carbon monoxide poisoning.

>> No.6644766

I miss meido ;_;

Never forget.

>> No.6644767


However, if you try to infer a sensible meaning from dumbass's statement, however, he could mean that no natural temperature on Earth would freeze gasoline, even in Antarctica.

>> No.6644768

Absolute zero cannot be attained

>> No.6644770

Please don't use Fahrenheits when talking about sciency stuff.

But his point still stands, I don't know the freezing point of gasoline off the top of my head, but you can be pretty damn sure that at 0K it's going to freeze.

>> No.6644783
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>> No.6644789
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>> No.6644790


Actually the force would travel like a wave down the length of the stick at the speed of light.

If you were an omniscient observer looking from very far away, it would look like a very long inchworm.

But keep the troll logic nonsense to their own threads, this is quirky trivia.

>> No.6644796
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>> No.6644797
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Prove me wrong

>> No.6644800
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>> No.6644801

The stick would experience time dilation, and the kinetic energy would reach at the exact same time as the light. Relatively speaking, the stick would shorten.

>> No.6644810
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Nice thread.

>> No.6644812
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>> No.6644817

Keep this shit in /sci/ please, besides OP which is just useless info.

>> No.6644822

The technical term for the shape of a football is "Oblate spheroid"

>> No.6644826

In Japan, this kind of trivial knowledge is called "bean knowledge".

>> No.6644828

Obama was known as "O'Bomber" at high school for his skill at basketball

>> No.6644833

You know, there is a reason why rooting gives a + and a - answer.

Basically, it is 0.5^2=(-0.5)^2

>> No.6644834

Baking soda does not actually absorb odor. It's jsut a marketing ploy by Arm & Hammer.

>> No.6644837
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pi = 4

>> No.6644845

>Bean knowledge

>> No.6644846

Where the hell did the 36 and 45 go? You can't just take them out.

>> No.6644853

Continuing to infinity gives you something LIKE a circle, but will never be a true circle.

>> No.6644849


My mom has been buying that since forever.

>> No.6644854

One Light Year is approximately equal too 63,240 Astronomical Units.
One Astronomical Units is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun.

>> No.6644857

As a teenager, Obama took drugs including marijuana and cocaine.

>> No.6644859

I liked this thread until the troll science stuff.

Fun facts are cool. This, not so much.

>> No.6644863


It went the opposite way, from the full expanded form to the collapsed form.

Still, the mistake is at rooting without adding +/-

>> No.6644866

...making one AU approximately 8 light-minutes.

>> No.6644870

80% of all pictures on the internet are of naked women

>> No.6644879
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>> No.6644882

Dogs are colorblind and rabbits do not see in binocular 3 dimensions.

>> No.6644886

Anybody want to let me know what a "Shoko-san" is?
People keep asking me that on niconico

>> No.6644887

The Japanese lack of independent L and R sounds results in brain development that causes them to not be able to hear the difference without great difficulty

>> No.6644885

>Dogs are colorblind
What! Bullshit.

>> No.6644890

Boxes of aluminum foil commonly include lock tabs to help hold the rolls in place.

>> No.6644894

If you want to get technical, they CAN perceive color, but are more attuned to brightness/contrast than color difference.

>> No.6644900

>Guy that hangs out on /sci/ all day thinks hes intelligent
>He just knows a bunch of odd facts
Fuckign gamestop

>> No.6644904

All the gold mined in the world would fit into a cube 88 feet per side.

>> No.6644909

Actually, my knowledge of odd facts has very little to do with my intelligence and my perception of it.

There's an odd fact for you.

>> No.6644917

I'm beginning to suspect that you are physically incapable of leaving off-topic threads alone.

>> No.6644927

Yes, we all know that you are autistic.

>> No.6644929

I really can't, once something about them piques my interest.
I find Thread # 89647470062 regarding the same VNs and Ad Infinitum Touhou topics to be a little on the dull side.

At least I don't bump them.

>> No.6644932

Koara appendixu izzu tsu meitah rongu.

>> No.6644938

That doesn't help when the people who respond to you bump the thread anyway. We have other boards for this sort of stuff, you know.

>> No.6644943

Snails and slugs are hermaphroditic and chew off their partner's penises after reproduction, using not jaws, but a tongue with hard ridges on it.

>> No.6644949

Man that fucking roriaki guy needs to fucking kill himself, I filtered just him and now in any thread with 60+ posts it seems atleast 10 of them are him doing pointless shit, ruining it. Please ban him so he can get a life, keep /jp/ less bad. Thanks.

>> No.6644954

Filters are for newfags who don't know how to surf 4chan all-original.

>> No.6644968
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>Someone that is on /jp/ all day thinks that he is intelligent
>My face when
