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6642516 No.6642516 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, would you consider having a relationship with an lonely older woman if one tries to hit on you?

>> No.6642520

Only if she's 2D

>> No.6642522

Why would I cheat on my love? No, I wouldn't, unless she wanted a relationship that wasn't sexual, though I don't think that's what you're getting at.

>> No.6642525

only if its rosa

>> No.6642523

Since I never go outside this will never happen.
And no 3D creature would ever be as cute as anything 2D.
So no.

>> No.6642536

Only if I can romance Maria too.

>> No.6642541

Depends on if she's rich or not

>> No.6642547


>> No.6642551

I fell in love twice in my life.
Once with a girl my age, once with a woman eight years my senior, and married.
And she wasn't even that good looking.
So, yeah, I wouldn't have anything against it in principle, but it still depends on the woman in question, of course.

>> No.6642556

>and married

How did that start? Must have felt pretty kinky to fuck someone else's wife?

>> No.6642565

Depends on how old.
Someone like Rosa, sure.

I mean, she's attractive, wealthy enough that she doesn't want me for my money, and mainly wants someone to be love by and to be a father figure to Maria.

She's pretty much the perfect older woman. But other than that probably not (unless it's like 2 - 5 years older).

>> No.6642568

I don't care about unimportant things like age. I only care about her personality.

No, seriously.

>> No.6642580

I do like 'em a little bit older. If we're talking a difference of 5+ years I might have an issue, but other than that I probably wouldn't mind.

>> No.6642589

Unless you're like 40, I don't think you understood the point of OP.

>> No.6642613

The sex must be really good though, in all the TVs shows and so on older ladies are always depicted as very aggressive and skilled in bed.

I guess it's because they have more experience in that area and they don't mind employing that experience to win a younger guys heart/dick

>> No.6642620

I hate sexually aggressive women. I appreciate women making the first move, but fuck, too aggressive is just too masculine.

>> No.6642628

Are you kidding me? Fuck yes, I would! A woman hitting on me would be the most flattering thing ever, since most girls just ignore me. Also, I'm pretty lonely myself.

>> No.6642633

You're forgetting the board you're on.
I didn't imply it actually came to anything, did I?
She was quite happily married, and I think that her attitude towards her husband was one of the things that made me like her. We got along quite well, but she never treated me as anything else than a friend, and I'm definitely not the kind of person to try to make a move in a situation like that.

>> No.6642640

How much older?
I guess about 15 years older than me would be my limit.

>> No.6642643

I'd consider it if she was decent looking and doesn't look like she's melting.

>> No.6642649

Only if I felt attracted to her. Since a woman's beauty tends to fade with age, there will of course be a limit to how old she could be, however if she's just middle aged (let's say up to 40, however I would have a hard time placing that as an absolute maximum limit), that's fine.

>> No.6642686

I had a woman like, 25 years my elder running game on me. It was strange.

I was interning at this company, and she wasn't directly my boss, but someone more senior than me who I had to work with on a daily basis. She was 45 or so, I was 20.

As I'm about to have my internship expire, she called me into her office and basically laid out that she wants to fuck, that she'd take me to fancy dinners and... well... you get the idea.

Someone even called her out and said "you have a thing for the intern, don't you?" and she was like HAHAHAHA OH U, and tried to play it off, but she turned bright red and was incredibly embarrassed.

>I stood her up
>forever alone

>> No.6642702


Now why would you associate something like sexual aggression with masculinity? /jp/ is proof enough that being male has nothing to do with being sexually aggressive

To answer the OP, it depends on the woman, but I certainly wouldn't be adverse to it just because of an age difference

In fact, cougars are one of my major fetishes, so I might be all over that shit

>> No.6642709

If she's interesting enough (and not only in looks), sure, why not.

>> No.6642743
File: 289 KB, 800x800, dac7ef0a237c2549deb2b5e81eacdd95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a long day of doing housework, you tuck Maria into bed. As you leave the room you hear the front door slam shut.

An exhausted looking Rosa drags herself into the house. You offer her the dinner you made earlier, but she does not respond. Instead, she forcefully pushes you onto the floor and tears off your pants...

A situation like that would certainly be something, wouldn't it, /jp/?

>> No.6642772

I'm a cougar-hunter, so yes, of course. Middle-aged women are horny as fuck and ride harder than any other college girl around. FACT.

>> No.6642788

>ITT: we are normalfags

People who are into this kind of pig shit instead of loli need to get out of my NEET board.

>> No.6642795

I'd just tuck myself into bed with maria and ignore rosa completely.

>> No.6642798

>implying she's older than me

>> No.6642803

I believe it.

>> No.6642820

High school girls with rampant hormones are hornier. Cougars are only horny because they aren't getting enough.
They are more skilled, but damn if their de-elasticising, sagging flesh and wrinkles aren't a huge turn off.

>> No.6642838

How old is Rosa anyway?

>> No.6642851


>> No.6642858

>They are more skilled, but damn if their de-elasticising, sagging flesh and wrinkles aren't a huge turn off.

Well, that applies to anyone who isn't a preteen, anyway.

>> No.6642872

Negative. flesh retains its elasticity for a good while post-puberty. It's usually about mid 20's that it starts to go bad, unless they were suntanning faggots. At that point they're lucky to make it to drinking age.

>> No.6642991

For Rosa, I'd kill everyone on Rokkenjima.

>> No.6643022

She's lonely, she wouldn't want a relationship with anyone.

>> No.6643048

sex only? as long as they are hot.
relation? o hell no...
rosa? not sure if want relation wise.

>> No.6643073

my fujoshi-friend is 2 years older than me and hitting on me i think
i'm ok with that

>> No.6643075

yes, yes I would. Women stay in pretty good condition until 40s or so if they actually take care of themselves at all.

>> No.6643102

Nope. I'm not a shota anymore so it wouldn't be hot.

10 years ago though,...

>> No.6643125

>As I'm about to have my internship expire, she called me into her office and basically laid out that she wants to fuck, that she'd take me to fancy dinners and... well... you get the idea.

What the fuck, you should've went along even if it was just for sex. Think about it, how hot would it be to look down and see a women whom during the day bosses you around sucking your dick and gagging on your semen?

>> No.6643155

10 years is my relationship cutoff age difference.

After that its cougar one night stand, which is delicious but has a horrible guilt aftertaste.

>> No.6643183

You could've had the job and been promoted and stuff...
I hope this sort of thing happens to me.

>> No.6643195

Just because some beta males like to be dominated doesn't mean sexual aggression isn't a masculine trait.
I don't want to feel like I'm being raped by a woman. Well, actually maybe I do but in a different kind of way.

>> No.6643214

If she's below 30, I guess.
I'm 23.

Ideally she'd be super rich and tired of her job, then we could go on vacation to Japan or something.

>> No.6643263

But anon, if you are like the /jp/ stereotype you probably look like a shota if you shave yourself completely clean.

>> No.6643365

>>10 years

I feel guilty. Twenty-five years difference is my limit.

And I'm twenty-one.

Mind you, I've known some DAMN GOOD looking forty-six-year-olds.

>> No.6643370

>>6643365 again.

Actually, for a RELATIONSHIP it'd probably be fifteen. Sex is different.

>> No.6643467

My current girlfriend is +7 years, the one before that was +16. They are very very interesting women, tons of fun in the sack too. The problem with a long term relationship is the difference in personal approaches to life and such. No matter what, a person 10 years or more older than you is going to come to the table with an entirely different generational way of being. Sometimes this just doesn't work well. You also dont wan't treat your siginificant other in a different manner than any other girl because she's "Old". Same for older women, the relationship goes to shit once they start emphasizing there age over yours ala mothering instinct. It gets creepy quick when you forget your both adults.
