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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 400x300, shintaro-ishihara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6641289 No.6641289 [Reply] [Original]

Tokyo’s governor Shintaro Ishihara has accused manga fans of being “abnormal” and having “corrupt DNA,” whilst condemning sexually explicit manga as “causing harm without a single benefit.”

His comments were made at a recent press conference, in which he sought to justify his support of the ban by rambling about genetic defectives:

“There are indeed plenty of perverts in the world. The DNA of these pitiful people is corrupt. They are indeed abnormal.”

>> No.6641296
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>> No.6641301 [DELETED] 

First, I'm gonna have to ask for some citation there buddy. But seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this guy thinking genetics has something to do with it? I know it's politics and all but how the hell did this imbecile get his position? Holy shit.

>> No.6641308

Get out Sankaku devs.

>> No.6641307

I know that he has good intentions, but Japan is going to die in a few decades, deal w/ it.

>> No.6641311
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>> No.6641313

First, I'm gonna have to ask for some citation there buddy. But if this is actually what he said then what the fuck is wrong with this guy thinking genetics has something to do with it? I know it's politics and all but how the hell did this imbecile get his position? Holy shit.

And boy do I love fucking up my posts and having to redo them. Hurp.

>> No.6641310

Totally /jp/ related. We must see this, it's breaking news that'll affect our lives.

>> No.6641335

What the fuck.? And what's next?
Decapitate the otakus in the public square.

>> No.6641336

Its part of japanese "pop science", something in between their theory that Jesus was japanese and abuse of english words and beliving in positive/negative air.

>> No.6641529

is there anybody sane in japan? people aren't really agreeing with him right? this guy sounds like fucking Hitler, think if there was a guy going around in America saying playboy,star wars geeks,war hammer fans and video gamers have bad DNA people would fucking rip you a new asshole.

>> No.6641535

sup OP bumping his own shitty thread after no one cared

>> No.6641542

It reminds of the stream of Homosexual Republican Politicians in the states who make a living gay bashing and voting down equal rights votes year after year, yet in their private lives bang cocks left and right at gay parties and snort coke endlessly.

>> No.6641545


>> No.6641549

People in Japan just simply don't give a fuck about anything that's remotely important. They'd rather pretend that everything is fine rather than acknowledge the "scary" fact that something might be wrong with their country.
You should know this by now.

>> No.6641551

He's right, you know.

>> No.6641576

legitimate source on your bullshit story, OP?

Didn't think so.

Quit replying to yourself or I'll mc-speed-shank you in the neck with a sharpened spork over the internet WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT

>> No.6641581

I understand that, but inst this guy getting a little carried away, hes bashing producers,video game company's,otaku, big business men, artists, gay people, and who the fuck else knows whos next. sooner or later one of the groups that hes bashing are gonna fuck him up. hes like that bully who just said the wrong thing to a even bigger bully.

>> No.6641585

Oh, and most of the otaku themselves won't speak out either - because in Japan, unlike in the west, they've been hammered with "being otaku is shameful" and most of them agree with that deep inside. While someone in the west with hobbies that aren't bad but aren't socially acceptable might argue that there's nothing to be ashamed of, someone in Japan will instead pretend that he has no shame himself, while acknowledging his hobbies as shameful.
Even through the otaku-targeted entertainment the image of otakudom as something bad is persistent.
I hate having to use the word "otaku" so much.
You are aware that this dude's batshit insane, and has proven it many times over the years? I don't think this kind of statement is something he wouldn't say, nor I think it really matters.

>> No.6641591

Posible his ideascof from that autism-asperger is comon among nerds or otakus. But this people can be a valuable asset for a country if they got a chance to develop their talents.

>> No.6641613

He really does not have good intentions. Setting up this anime bureau is designed only to increase his political empire. In all likelihood most content will be allowed past, but he'll use it to blackmail anime producers into supporting him.

>> No.6641616 [SPOILER] 
File: 425 KB, 800x600, spoiler 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought about not responding but then I realized that wouldn't change anything no matter how much I did not respond. So, here's what I think Op.

>> No.6641622


There you go.

>> No.6641624

At least someone has the balls to stand up to this autistic bullshit.

>> No.6641641

Who do people feel the need to repost Sankaku's alarmist bullshit every single time?

>> No.6641647

wow this guy is pretty fucked up, he writes the most "abnormal" and unjust thing, rape yet he has the balls to hate on normal fucking manga.

>> No.6641646

...a shitkaka story via a 3rd-party link?

McSpeedyFucking Shankity Shank

stabbity stabbity stabbity woohoo

when you least expect it!

>> No.6641651 [DELETED] 



Shouldn't you be at school Timmy

>> No.6641653

In Japan they do not have lots of foreigners or Jews that populist rightwing politicians can blame for misery. But they have the otakus.

>> No.6641654

>Sankaku Complex

>> No.6641659



>> No.6641672

Leave this place, Sankaku dev(s)

>> No.6641789


More complete translation of the relevant interview here.

>> No.6641867

>snort coke endlessly
insert "I shall enjoy this cocaine" bear image here

>> No.6641875

oh excellent

oh well, no better than sankaku then

fucking bloggers

>> No.6641886

The PM of Japan already told him to stop this shit

>> No.6641887
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This is me giving a fuck.

Someone post that graph with declining sexual crime rates.

>> No.6641893

Why would they let such an obviously insane man stay in power for so long

>> No.6641900

Why is this an issue? He's a translator. The translation is what's useful to us. If you can read moon, go look at the links to articles.

>> No.6641901

Because the average jap don't give two shits about poitics.

>> No.6641908

wow, this guy is fucking retarded

I can argue a point better than that
I know mental-cripple schizo old people who can argue a point better than that

is this for real?

what the fuck

>> No.6641909

Neither does the government, which is why this law isn't worrying to me at all. They won't enforce it

>> No.6641916

because he could be making it all up

if you follow the link, though, he does at link to some real media

>> No.6641922

( >>6641916 )
at least*

>> No.6641923
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Does your blood-type determine whether you're an otaku? I'm not sure about it, all this advanced Japanese science is very confusing to me.

>> No.6641928

Japanese politicians are fucking retarded when it come to public pronouncements. Makes me wonder how the hell they get elected.

>> No.6641930

The best thing about this is how we're getting more and more bullshit that's spewed from his mouth. God, he's hilariously retarded.

I hope he doesn't stop giving interviews anytime soon.

>> No.6641931

>More than 90% of Japanese know their own blood type
See, this is just being medically responsible. I don't see how someone could NOT know their blood type.

>> No.6641940
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I honestly support what this man is doing. Manga is shit, and people who like it are definitely subhuman.

Look at fucking /a/.

>> No.6641945

It's because the Japanese in general are retarded. I'm not kidding, they make America look like a nation of supremely educated intellectuals with loads of common sense.

>> No.6641951

Me cumming is a benefit.

>> No.6641953
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>> No.6641968

>I've never been outside of my country

>> No.6641973

Get out, /n/iggers. We don't want your kind here.

>> No.6641983

>American politics
>Fox News


>> No.6642062


I'm type-O wich seems to be the most normalfag type but i'm here being a loser like almost everyone here.

>> No.6642094

>used blood typing to customize each player's training
Yeah, maintaining truly ubiquitous bullshittery would become easier when people take spreading bullshit lightly enough to say they're basing shit on bullshit when they aren't

Fascism 101: repeat total B.S. until nobody cares if anything's correct or not as long as they fit in.

>> No.6642128







>> No.6642131
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Oh, and
>Beijing Olympics

>> No.6642139

He's an idiot, but Otakus are pretty much scum in Japan. If anyone in /jp/ is like the otakus over there then you need to stop being an otaku.

>> No.6642143

Why are they scum?

>> No.6642144

>>>/r9k/ ----------------------------------------------------->

>> No.6642145

...or I'll stick a sharpened spork in your neck and move it in and out.

>> No.6642151

He might be referring to autism when he talks about their garbage inferior dna

>> No.6642154

>Those bastards sit inside all day and find things attractive that I wouldn't
>They only go outside to buy merchandise and support the economy!
>What a bunch of scum!

From a more objective viewpoint, they don't do any harm. They're weird, but they spend money on things, and that's good.

>> No.6642156


>> No.6642160

bad economy, high unemployment, no military and no weapons coupled with ever more aggressive neighbors, unmotivated youth, manga, anime, and video game industry in steady decline, falling birthrates, sharp decline in marriage, aging population, inability and unwillingness to integrate rapidly growing immigrant population

I'd still go there

>> No.6642197
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Your butt sounds quite mad, do you need me to gently caress it.

>> No.6642215
File: 40 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA,_OH_WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Stories with young children being raped serve no purpose. They cause nothing but harm with no benefit.”

>All this from the man who has been writing rape novels for the past 50 years.

>> No.6642222

Sure is /a/ in here. Normals disapprove of loli rape doujinishi, always have, and probably always will, so there's no need to get your panties in a twist because some guy somewhere echoed the party line. It would be difference if some of us were Tokyo voters but as far as I know none of us are, so just calm the fuck down.

>> No.6642246
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>Those bastards sit inside all day and find things attractive that I wouldn't

>My opinion>your opinion

>> No.6642287

doesn't work without the area code, little duder

>> No.6642304

I'm type-blue wich seems to be the most angelfag type but i'm here being a loser like almost everyone here.

>> No.6642334

Type-Blue = Type AO

>> No.6642338

oh yeah

oh lol

>> No.6642343

Never heard of AO bloodtype. A, AB, B, and O with RH factor positive or negative are the only ones I know.

Learn something new every day. Didn't know A and O could be codominant.

>> No.6642349
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Can you believe this guy?

>> No.6642351

It's not.

Type 青
No clue if it's intentional or not.

>> No.6642394
File: 116 KB, 320x240, nge2_ps2_seele-end_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Type 青
PATTERN BLUE! It's an Angel!

>> No.6642439

well if i ran a country i wouldnt want a bunch of us autistics in it, i guess

>> No.6642483
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>> No.6642529

writing rape fiction? Apparently he likes that fine.

>> No.6642607
File: 93 KB, 606x886, DOPE_FISH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the expression on the guy's face in that pic

>> No.6643122
File: 6 KB, 98x173, DavidClarkson-DroppedJaw3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero to Godwin in 13 posts.

>> No.6643143

Leave it to one of the WWII villain nations to attempt legislation against perceived genetic inferiority.

>> No.6643151
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71% of doujin circle members are young women.
This whole show is actually a plot to take the income source of reproductive age women and throw them back to the kitchen to make some babies.

>> No.6643158
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Joelle Metcalfe

>> No.6643201
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Are otaku the type of people you'd let your kids hang around with?

Masturbating over black and white 2D cartoon porn of paedophilia, rape and all other types of faggotry while sitting in their basement of filth collecting dolls and shitposting about Touhou power levels.

Yeah, no.

Otaku culture is frowned upon because it isn't healthy. The people who enjoy being NEET shouldn't be treated as if it's OK.

Even if he's a cunt that writes rape fiction and is a hypocrite it doesn't invalidate his arguments in general.

>> No.6643217
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NEETs just want to enjoy their freedom, deal with it. Can't believe this shit has supporters.

>> No.6643224
File: 50 KB, 540x720, Joelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fuckin shit human
i met japanese pop star. You are just jealous
Joelle Metcalfe

>> No.6643228

How many NEETs can afford freedom? Unemployment doesn't leave much free cash to spend on enjoyable things.

>> No.6643248
File: 23 KB, 360x270, Joelle Met Otaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm neat. I live in parents house. I'm 23 years old
I dont watch those stupid animes!
But i have to admit.
I often masturbate with Yu-Gi-Oh!.
2D is better than real life. I would like to write Yu-Gi-Oh script for my life. but i'm hiding my hobby because of people like you guys. Otaku has soul!

>> No.6643255

Freedom = freedom to buy.
Lolno, break the chain of materialism bro.

>> No.6643261
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Otaku for life
Joelle Metcalfe

>> No.6643280 [DELETED] 

Liz and Jamie?

>> No.6643306

My name is Joelle Metcalfe.
I have studied Japanese for about 6-7 years. I studied Japanese at Community College of Allegheny County because University of pittsburg didnt accept me first.Japan is very important to me. I am a big advocate of the culture and language. During my college program semester at Walt Disney World, I passed the Walt Disney Company's language assessment test, and received a language pin under my nametag to indicate that I was responsible and could assist Japanese guests should they have any inquiries. I study hard every day in order to gain some insight on the language and culture. I have dreams to become either a Japanese language interpreter for business conferences (the person with the headphones and microphone that sits in the little glass booth and simultaneously translates what the person is saying), or a freelance translator (translating various texts in written language). Currently, my skills lean more towards translating and the written word. I also plan to take the JETRO, and the JLPT 3 this coming year. I have interests in the other areas of Asia, particularly China, India, Korea, and Thailand, but for the time being, I am focusing on Japan for my studies. In the future, I would like to study these other cultures and languages as well.
