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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 710 KB, 1023x540, 1277493648023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6636579 No.6636579 [Reply] [Original]

With some glorious eroge coming out tomorrow, lets have an anticipation thread. Two of the big hitters will be Axanael, and Hello, world. I believe a few nukiges are coming out too.

>> No.6636584

*I meant, Hello, goodbye.

>> No.6636595

>Lump of Sugar
worst case of sameface after Nishimata

>> No.6636597

I was more excited at "Hello, world".

>> No.6636765

Yeah fuck me, I too was like "Oh you gotta be kidding did I somehow miss that they finally make a full voice version with even Kazuki voiced? HELL YEAH!" and then noticed OP was just pulling my leg. ;_;

>> No.6636777

Axanael looks pretty good. Can't afford it right now so I'll be lurking Hongfire for it for sure.

>> No.6636796

I can't read moon, but I'm definitely looking forward to more ero-cgs with Noko and that yankee girl.

>> No.6636984

Here's the serial for Hello, good-bye: 1153-1340-5071-8858. The game is already on Hongfire and Share.

Axanael needs to be posted soon.

>> No.6637010
File: 30 KB, 700x700, waaaaiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6637044

Hope there's fucking in the beginning. I'm not looking forward to just sitting in front of the PC clicking for hours on end.

Oh wait.

>> No.6637087

How does Axanael's system work, exactly? Can you just start reading from anyone's point of view?

>> No.6637130

I like the art style on the guy - as in, he looks like someone was actually trying to draw. He even has a nose!

>> No.6637345

Axanael looks really nice. I love Russian things, so I'm expecting a good game. Also, Nitro+.

>> No.6637385

brb, looking for doujinbo

>> No.6637753

Waiting warmly for Axanael.

>> No.6639082

Thanks for the serial anon. Glad it was right here because it was already enough of a pain converting my entire OS to Japanese to get the thing to run ;_;

>> No.6639508

Axanael torrent is up on Hongfire now.

Update 1.10: http://www.nitroplus.co.jp/pc/support/downloadfiles/AxlUpdate110.exe
Crack: http://www.mediafire.com/?na1p5u284gr1bbu

>> No.6640038

Mind hosting it somewhere else too? MF is bugging out for me. Seems like that's been happening a lot with their servers recently.

>> No.6640049

not him, but here.

>> No.6640060

Best day ever. Don't bother me /jp/. Playing Russian roulette.

>> No.6640062

Thanks, you are olev.

>> No.6640068

Can either of you tell me if it the crack works? I wasn't able to test it before posting because I only had he patch data to work with.

>> No.6640101

>Deep below Akihabara, a version of Russian roulette called the Kagome Game is being played on New Year’s Eve 2010. Six people take turns shooting a gun called Axanael, which has the ability to grant wishes. However, there is a price for equaling the hopes, and it is paid by one of the players' lives.

No offence but this sounds like a story that could be told in 10 seconds.

>> No.6640117
File: 11 KB, 199x260, 1362090920_c11c0d23f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean, summaries tell the story in one or two lines?

>> No.6640393


>> No.6640575
File: 86 KB, 447x336, 1251470251738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those eyes

>> No.6640608

Whose eyes?

>> No.6640628

Looks like Axanael is longer than people expected

>> No.6640714
File: 32 KB, 304x400, 379079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The supernatural isn't really my area of expertise, I'm afraid. I'm a man of science from beginning to end, and this spookery isn't something I studied in my many internships and postings. Nevertheless, I will tell you my impressions of this firearm... 'Axanael'? If that is what you wish.

Now... you said that it grants wishes, which are paid for by one of the people who are seeking to have this wish fulfilled? It sounds to me like some strong occult involvement, to use a soul as a catalyst. It makes me wonder just what kind of being would be behind such dark magics. So much so, in fact, that I am unsure if I would trust such a malicious being to hold up their end of the bargain. Who's to say that in a week, or perhaps a few months or years depending on the particular beast, that they don't come after the other players seeking additional recompense for services rendered...

These foolish children. Life is such a perunious jewel, and yet they insist on finding ever new ways to end it.

>> No.6641084

When is the full OP for Axanael out? I can't stop listening to the OP size version.

>> No.6641108
File: 193 KB, 1024x576, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli god, is that you?
She even has the same theme music

>> No.6641120
File: 80 KB, 300x225, 168491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6641124

She even has the same VA.

>> No.6641192

It's toujinbo, you fucking DQN.

It's supposed to be out today, I'm surprise the game is not seeded with the single.

You actually have a valid point, and I won't be surprised that there is another catch we're not aware of, but Kagome Game seems to be an annual event, so surely there would be some kind of evidence left from the previous times it took place.

>> No.6641214

>It's toujinbo, you fucking DQN.
Well shit. Force of habit.

>> No.6641217

Oh perfect! Just a few years wait until Axanael's translated, as if it gets translated at all! Oh joy!

>> No.6641222

I'm sure Jast will someday release it.

In 2030.

>> No.6641224

More like after JAST goes bankrupt.

>> No.6641226

support JAST official localizations of Nitro+ games so you may have a chance at this

>> No.6641229

I heard that the pigtailed cosplayer is a delicious trap, and there are talking dogs.

>> No.6641233

They're not releasing Demonbane, how can you support JAST localization of Nitro+ games?

>> No.6641234

I will seriously buy Demonbane once it's released, but I refuse to pre-order it.

>> No.6641237

>I heard that the pigtailed cosplayer is a delicious trap
Yes, and he's not pleased by that fact.

>there are talking dogs.
He's not talking, he's just voiced.

>> No.6641243

> and there are talking dogs
He fucks innocent girls though.


>> No.6641275

the red head is mai waifu :3

Maybe madhouse will do an adaptation of this.

>> No.6641277

>he's just voiced.

And mind you, he's voiced by Ichigo Milk(same guy who dubbed Miyamoto).

>> No.6641293 [SPOILER] 
File: 675 KB, 1920x1200, wp_sp_1920x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you, /jp/?

>> No.6641323

He better have a h-scene.

>> No.6641502

where is the torrent, all i see are dlls..

>> No.6641621


>> No.6642380

Anyone finished the game yet?

>> No.6642388

the torrent just got out, it's not even possible having finished it in one day unless it's 5 hours long or something.

>> No.6642390

never underestimate japanese dedication
that and the fact they can buy it in stores

>> No.6642401

the release date for stores was the same, so they have had it for just one day like everyone else. Possibly less, depending on when they bought it.

>> No.6642424

Has the CG been extracted?

>> No.6643041
File: 906 KB, 1920x1080, kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kebab stalls, now in Japan

>> No.6643840

Just like how they 'adapted' Chaos;Head, right?

>> No.6643869
File: 45 KB, 645x352, folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axanael doesn't seem to be starting for me. The .exe I'm using is the crack posted here >>6639508.

Am going to install the 1.10 update and see if my problem gets resolved.

>> No.6643875
File: 26 KB, 509x549, 1484ci92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6643888

Good old Nitro+, you can always expect difficulties with installation.

/jp/ being Chaos;Head tech support is now a thing of the past.

It will soon become Axanael tech support.

>> No.6643897

well no wonder it isn't working because that crack is for 1.10 and not earlier versions.

>> No.6643987

Not until we get JAST localization I guess.

>> No.6644318
File: 552 KB, 1680x1050, アザナエル_wp_sp_1680x1050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Nitro+ wallpaper ever? I think so.

>> No.6644328

This is actually pretty awesome, so far.

Lol at random bad ends. Noko jumping off the top of a building? Her slicing open Nitori with a box cutter? I'm ok with this.

>> No.6644345

*click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

>> No.6644356

>Good old Nitro+, you can always expect difficulties with installation.
That only happened with translations before, though.

>> No.6644364

how the hell do you get the text to appear instantly like every other game. I'm pretty sure the text speed is set at the fastest but it's still slow as hell

>> No.6644383

Same problem here, I thought they'd fix it in the full version.

>> No.6644391

I can't even get the text to appear. Like, at all. I had the same problem in the trial, and now I'm just relying on voices.

>> No.6644395

Isn't this game one of those ones that doesn't let you roll through text really fast until after you've played it through once?

>> No.6644414

I think you have to 'click' it.

Not sure if trolling. Trial and games works for me fine.

>> No.6644416
File: 136 KB, 417x500, 14600614_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's hoping that Nitori doesn't have any h-scenes with anyone outside of his wonderful and devoting waifu.

>> No.6644458

Config menu, use it. Specifically there's a setting that can make text with voices play slower to match the the talking speed (though it ends up being way slower). Why they would have this on by default is beyond me, the setting itself is a piece of shit.

Are you running on a mainstream OS or something largely unsupported like a Linux build?

>> No.6644485

There is no problem, just change it in the options. In the voice configurations disable 音声同期 and then crank up the text speed.

>> No.6644536
File: 1.03 MB, 1018x567, no text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sure if trolling.

Oh, how I wish I were.

>Are you running on a mainstream OS or something largely unsupported like a Linux build?

I have Windows XP. I've never had this problem before. It's somewhat bizarre.

>> No.6644555


Thanks that's what it was. I didn't think to look at the voices menu

>> No.6644985



I haven't downloaded any of it myself though.

>> No.6645205

Damn, I've just noticed that Sakura wears the same T-shirt as Sonico does on some of her art. Now all I can see on her is that damn shirt.

>> No.6645237
File: 119 KB, 600x448, chronicles02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is the new eroge general, reposting the news for those who missed it.

>> No.6645261

Downloading both as I type this.

A good agth code has already been found for 'Hello, Goodbye' (/hac@425770).

Looking for one for Axanael. If anyone has one that works do me a solid and post it.

>> No.6645266

New artist? Not cool.

>> No.6645273
File: 70 KB, 360x254, 1286687866494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm really diggin the music. OST when~?

Dat wallpaper~

>> No.6645289

>Looking for one for Axanael. If anyone has one that works do me a solid and post it.
You can read it just fine without one. It has the same problem as Muramasa (hooking too much text), but the text bulks are much smaller, probably because they load when the in-game time passes.

Speaking of the OST, it's not by ZIZZ this time, right? Sumaga OST wasn't done by them either, right?

>> No.6645295

Where can I get the patch for the Muv-Luv releases?

>> No.6645299
File: 10 KB, 331x289, 1286395648851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BGM Artist: Rubber Soul Recordings
>Music Artist: ゲンツキ、第一宇宙速度
Copy paste.

>> No.6645311

So, is Axanael full of memes, netspeak, technobabble and pseudo philosophical bullshit, or is it readable?

>> No.6645319

Is S;G the only 5pb VN you've read?

It's fine so far, although I still haven't finished the demo part. It's slightly reminiscent of Durarara, but set in Akihabara, so some otaku stuff is there, of course.

>> No.6645331

It has 4chan so it will be full of meme.

>> No.6645339

There's no one to spew the memes, though. Only Nitori may care about them, and he's already the most pathetic character in the VN.

>> No.6645457

It's like a darker version of Sumaga basically. Big surprise there, I know. >>6645319 is pretty much right on about it being kinda like Durarara, particularly because of how the story is told. This is all only based on play up to the ~8:00 mark for each character though.

Reading his scenes almost makes me feel like I'm playing Chaos;Head all over againespecially with the whole Nouko(Noko? Nohko?) deal, which is annoying as hell. I just can't get into characters like that, their stupidity/patheticness is near-terminal.

Also I'm just curious if anyone reading this is far enough to know, but when if ever do you ever get to re-pick your main character? It seems like that's the only way to get their first dialogues and I think the top right icon changes based on it too (it's a tiger for Sakura if anyone cares).

>> No.6645630
File: 981 KB, 1024x575, runnersgonnarun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I think the top right icon changes based on it too (it's a tiger for Sakura if anyone cares).
Just tried moving my save files to another folder (as I've picked Sakura, too) and tried to pick another character at random. I got Chiaki, and here's how his interface looks like. Guess I'll try the rest, too.

I also extracted the ED video to listen to the song, and honestly, I'm not impressed by it. I'll upload it if anyone wants it, but you may extract it with Crass, yourself.

>> No.6645664
File: 1.01 MB, 1024x576, slashwrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Noko's. And hey, her prologue actually has a Gekkou no Carnevale reference. I almost thought they've completely forgotten about it.

>> No.6645667

.ngs files are just renamed .mpg files, no need to use crass.

>> No.6645720
File: 757 KB, 1024x576, wauwauwau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, I see. Well, my point that it's pretty easy to do by yourself still stands.

Here's Yuujiro's fabulous interface.

>> No.6645740
File: 883 KB, 1024x576, neetori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Neetori's. Bracing for a tanuki for Fuuri.

>> No.6645755
File: 879 KB, 1024x576, putyourpantson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hum, I was actually wrong.

>> No.6645777
File: 663 KB, 1024x576, toujinbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, here's Sakura for those poor people who didn't choose her as the main character.

>> No.6645783

Just noticed that you could already see these on the other screenshots. Well, at least I've read all the prologues now.

>> No.6645789
File: 363 KB, 646x532, guts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody played The Guts! series?

>> No.6645805


I shudder to ask... but is there a path between the trap and the dude?

>> No.6645830


>I shudder to ask

It's like you don't like traps. Don't you like traps?
What a faggot, I bet you dislike loli as well.

>> No.6645831

Nah, don't think so. Nitori has Noko, and Chiaki has Ena. Their routes will probably be pretty straightforward in that aspect.

>> No.6645832

I hope it has consensual games instead of rape

Nitro+ games always have too much rape

>> No.6645834


Oh yeah? What about Saya no Uta? That ha- oh, right. Her.

>> No.6645859
File: 255 KB, 1024x576, 1292012287149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro, it's bestiality rape this time.

>> No.6645869

Is it me, or is Axanael a bit shite? Sure, I might have been spoiled with N+'s last offering, but somehow I expected a bit more than this.

>> No.6645873


Been out of the loop due to a car accident, what was their last offering?

>> No.6645874

I'm enjoying it.
It's basically Sumaga flavored Durarara.
Well I didn't expect it to amaze me like Muramasa so you probably went with too much expectation

>> No.6646428

Any news on the single?

>> No.6647100
File: 106 KB, 1024x576, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game is longer than I thought it would be

>> No.6647109
File: 22 KB, 576x432, 1214460113714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...That's a shoop, right.

>> No.6647113

that shit is in Axanael too? Well, looks like I won't be reading this.

>> No.6647121

Sumaga references, Sumaga references everywhere.

>> No.6647217

This not a news, sicne there was the trailer for this with the first, volume along with the short stories to be had in it. Only interesting stuff ( in my opinion) is the sequel to The Day After and the european front thing

>> No.6647256
File: 34 KB, 545x98, contents..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, sure, but so far there's wasn't the slightest information about it, I'd say the opening of the site counts as "news". Also, going by the official site, there's going to be a lot more content than Chronicles 01 (let's hope not on the level of "Beta-tan's adventures in rapeland").

>> No.6647280

I for one welcome the return of our Loli Godでち.

>> No.6647288



She turns into a futa titty monster
Fuck she's ruined.

>> No.6647294

Blonde-haired girl sounds like a manly version of Manabe Rika. HHNNGGHH.

>> No.6647303

>more content
You didn't need the site to open to know that.
In the first volume you had :
>The Day After
>Rain Divers
>Chicken Divers
>Raping Beta 101
>the turn based thing volume 2

Announced in the trailer given in over 100 versions you had :
>MLA Operation Zero
>MLA Euro Front
>MLU The Day After sequel
>MLA Total Eclipse sequel

And you can probably think ahead and add in a third turned based strategy game, wallpapers, some short porn story (because they need to put that somewhere, transparent suits doesn't cut it)
So yeah. No news. And from your caption, it's giving less information than the trailer from 4 months ago.

>> No.6647307
File: 46 KB, 640x480, s_eventcg_sample_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that i need for the Christmas.

>> No.6647315

I wonder if this can even be considered a spoiler. I mean, she's even on the game cover.

>> No.6647329

what, what? that looks like the same thing as the last two games

>> No.6647332

did someone piss in your morning cornflakes? jesus christ, so sorry about posting about an official announcement

>> No.6647335

You don't need to change what is already perfect.

>> No.6647340

well, id have prefered more natural boning than having a dildo shoved in his ass. could have been much better

>> No.6647374
File: 56 KB, 640x480, s_eventcg_sample_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, at least you can show your dick to your sister while tutoring her this time.

>> No.6647379
File: 43 KB, 640x480, s_eventcg_sample_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that face.

>> No.6647380
File: 34 KB, 550x550, Intuos2_Ice_Blue_Grip_Pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pen looks like a pink Intuos pen.

>> No.6647390

Except last 2 games were shit compared to Musume Shimai

>> No.6647402

I for one like my loli games to be leaning towards romantic love instead of "let's jam as many fetishes as we can into this game", so I can't say I dislike the direction they're taking.

>> No.6647666

Judging by some of the sample CG's under TDA01, I think there's a chance of that covering the porn part. I mean all 3 look like stereotypical eroge scenes.

>> No.6647693

The blond girl had a scene like that in Chronicles 01 as well, but it didn't turn into porn. They're just fanservice.

>> No.6647697

OK, so Hello, goodbye is a pain in the ass to get working. A hacked .exe has yet to be released and the only way to play it is installing a program called Vistalizor that changes the display language of your entire computer and requires a fresh restart every time you switch back and forth.

If anyone has the ability to hack the game so that it can be played on an English OS, I have no doubt that the entirety of the eroge community will be forever in your debt.

>> No.6647705

I don't think I've ever seen patches for games requiring your OS to be in japanese, I fear you're going to have to deal with it, though I hope I'm going to be proven wrong.

>> No.6647734 [DELETED] 

You are correct in that patching it is nigh-impossible. There are programs that can fool the .exe into thinking it's on a different language OS, but they're all pretty old and they were always shoddy to begin with.

Honestly though a system restart isn't that big of a deal, takes like 2 minutes max.

>> No.6647773

Put this in your pk2 folder (look in your Program Files folder): http://www.mediafire.com/?s2s165n4liiwdbe

>> No.6647808

Worked like a charm. Thanks for posting it (and making it if that was you too).

>> No.6647929


Thank you so much, Anonymous. I was looking for the pk2 folder in the game folder before. Stupid oversight. You rock!

>> No.6647952


Any idea why it would crash Atlas + agth when I launch it?

>> No.6647968

All of the game's data, including the real EXE, are located in the pk2.vdi archive. You'll want to use the attach parameter for AGTH instead of letting it load the EXE. If you are using Translation Aggregator you can easily do that by setting it to auto inject by EXE name or by selecting the process. You'll need to have the game running before you can use either of those options.

>> No.6647972

So, does the otaku fucks all these girls?

>> No.6648036


The pk2.vdi is an archive? It just looks like a VDI file. I've set up the shortcut target as per usual:

(C:\AGTH\agth.exe /C /HAC@425770 C:\Lump of Sugar\Hello good-bye\HGB.exe)

It just refuses to open the game with agth attached. Am I supposed to direct it to a different location?

Sorry to be a pain in the ass but this one looks good.

>> No.6648062

You can't use a normal AGTH shortcut for this like I said in my previous post. You need to attach AGTH after the game is running. Read the help information from AGTH to figure out how to attach to a process.

>> No.6648105

Anyone finished Axanael?
I just finished it for the first time, got the ending with Kanta becoming huge and Sakura using the gun to revive Fuuri.
Seemed to be a pretty good ending for everyone for the most part, I wonder if there is a true ending though.

>> No.6649253


How long did it take to get to your ending and how long did it take until something interesting starts happening?

>> No.6649356 [DELETED] 


>> No.6649922


Thanks for everything, Anon. It was the first time I had to attach to an already running process so I was a bit confused at first. Everything's up and running and I must say, this game is pretty.

>> No.6650435
File: 17 KB, 288x296, 1277294722677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6650507

I'm disappointed this is the most femdom-ish eroscene of the entire game.
But those are pretty much the best parts this guy has made. The rest are quite boring.

>> No.6650622
File: 849 KB, 1614x950, fuノーコa_幽霊_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.6650653

pretty much everyone who played the game and is not a diehard nitro+ fanboy agrees, don't bother them about it.

>> No.6650695

So you just repeat other people's opinions? Good grief.

>> No.6650722


So the game is apparently terrible?

>> No.6650726

Landmine =/= Terrible game. It just means that it doesn't meet people's expectations, and, frankly speaking, the expectations for it were probably way too high after Muramasa and Sumaga. It's decent, about average Nitroplus quality, but it's not masterpiece.

>> No.6650730
File: 341 KB, 594x840, 47cbc8ada1e689cc227cdd2f6658b8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is spineless dork seeking precious hivemind advice in there.

>> No.6650733

It's good.
People that expected it to be at the level of Muramasa are just stupid.

>> No.6650745

did you read "repeat" in my post? funny, I thought I wrote "agreed" which implies that I have firsthand experience about it

>> No.6650760

Axanael feel more like watching an anime than playing an eroge.
There is very little narration, everything is mostly dialogues.

>> No.6650781

I think there's nothing wrong with an eroge composed mostly of dialogues.

>> No.6650802

I never said there was anything wrong with it.
Just that it make it more of a charage than anything, if you don't like the characters and their interactions then you won't like it.

>> No.6650829

>which implies that I have firsthand experience about it
No it doesn't. Saying that it's true because people say so doesn't make you look like someone who's actually read the thing. Else you could just think of better arguments.

>if you don't like the characters and their interactions then you won't like it.
Can't the same be said about pretty much every VN out there?

>> No.6650837
File: 414 KB, 560x800, 14721511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pixiv loves Noko.

>> No.6650858

4chan loves Noko, if you believe Nitori

>> No.6650882
File: 55 KB, 551x274, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6650901

The best thing about Axanael is how easy to read it is.
Considering how little narration there is and the dialogues are all mostly just average anime stuff, anyone who can understand raw anime could go through it easily.

>> No.6650930

I finished Axanael for the first time and the only ero I saw was Noko's.

>> No.6650943

>Can't the same be said about pretty much every VN out there?
Well I can't say for everyone, but I do have a few of my favorite games where I didn't care much for the majority of the characters and their interactions.

>> No.6651122 [SPOILER] 
File: 172 KB, 1024x578, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They ruined my loli god

>> No.6651137

That's what ice cream and kebab do to loli gods.

>> No.6651869

Damn Axanael is getting some bad reviews in egs, I liked it though.

Anyways time to start Sangoku Hime, anyone here tried it?

>> No.6652024

Then she grows a cock and proceed to fuck her miko.

>> No.6652080

Stopped the torrent
Fired it up again


>> No.6652095
File: 258 KB, 1366x768, Trap_time_Chiaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, feels bad man, I should learn japanese anyways...

>> No.6652300

Can you elaborate on the game's downsides mentioned in those reviews? Don't want to spoil myself, so I'm not reading them for now.

>> No.6652333

and then people called me a hiveminding spineless dork when I said other people besides me were let down by this

>> No.6652367
File: 859 KB, 1805x1003, fuノーコa_通常_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then people called me a hiveminding spineless dork when I said other people besides me were let down by this
Hey, at least I'm not trying to base my opinion on what other people say. It's just that I'm enjoying it so far, and don't quite understand the reason for all this disappointment yet. Now I will be able to keep those reasons in mind while reading and see if they matter to me or not.

>> No.6652409
File: 976 KB, 1024x576, godfuckingdammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying it well enough.

I can understand why it would be hit-or-miss with people though. A lot of it feels fillery (fucking eating contest) since the way the timeline thing is set up requires every character to be doing something at all times. Plus it's all about the character interactions so if you don't like the characters there's not much to get out of it.


>> No.6652470

Didn't expect much from this game so I kinda like what I've read so far. Granted, I'm still at 8PM for the most part or so. Does the game end at 12PM? Like some people pointed out earlier, it feels like Durarara but goddamn Nitori is annoying.

>> No.6652518

It end at 12pm yeah.
But there are different routes based on whether the Kagome game succeed or not.
First time you go through it's completely random.

>> No.6652557

You know, there's a question about Axanael that's been bugging me for quite some time. I'll ask it in case the answer is revealed later in the game.
Where the hell are Fuuri's pants?

>> No.6652578

A tanuki has no need for pants!

>> No.6652590

You mean she has those famous tanuki scrotum moves? Oh God, I surely didn't need to know that.

>> No.6653106

Finished Axanael.
8/10 I guess, it's more like an anime than an eroge.

>> No.6653628

So basically he went into a game created by the Sumaga team expecting a profound story/scenario? I can see why people wouldn't like Sumaga's style of writing and overall direction, but then why would you play a game made by that very same team? Seems kinda stupid to me.

>> No.6654101

True end was pretty great.
Got 5 endings but I'm too lazy to get the rest, well the true end was satisfying enough

>> No.6654159

So, any other good titles are getting released by the end of year?

>> No.6656832

Those were all different people, I guess.
Sekai seifuku kanojo, Noble*works, Hatsukoi sacramento are the biggest names, add nukige to your liking (there's that knights of the round one people were talking about coming out)
